AlphaWookie ago

I dislike censoreship.

CIV_Quickcash ago

I completely agree, though free speech may sound all nice and dandy, allowing this will kill whoaverse before it even begins.

no1113 ago

Correct and agreed.

hands ago

If I say something has a zionist/jewish/israeli agenda(mind you an a coherent way). Will I be censored and be labeled an anti-semite ?

12702? ago

Zionism is an idea, Jews are an ethnic group, and Israel is a state. Pick which one you criticize carefully because they are not synonyms. There may not be censorship on an administrative level at all depending on Atko's probe into the viability of it, but you should certainly expect resistance on a subverse scope if you are propagating fear or hatred based on ethnicity.

Peglius ago

i hope not

fenixrisin ago

As a matter of free speech, I don't think it should be prevented.

Besides, this place is in its infancy. We cannot judge the site by a subverse created by a single individual.

niggerfag96 ago

whelp I'm never coming here again, and this is my first time here

with a shit admin this will just become another reddit even if it does get popular, and I don't think anyone is interested in that

first you say you won't make major changes unless you ask the userbase, then you clearly go and undermine that position by shutting things down that hurt YOUR (did you take a vote? no) feelings

so lel. Bye

EbonyDelight ago

I agree we need to pass more laws against hate speech! And rape stares! As a trans woman I hate the piggy eyed rape stare of a white man.

TellyTubby ago

Well now that /v/niggers has suspiciously disappeared, you can now successfully circlejerk amongst yourselves, the 10 active people on this website. Please spread your euphoric message to others. tips fedora

Atko ago

That's odd. Are you sure there ever was /v/niggers? :p

blackAntlers ago

Attack? Nah. Honestly I'm glad 4chan created /v/niggers. It pushed an important issue straight to the front of the queue. Now we know how he responds to speech he doesn't like. Now we know not to waste our time building communities here.

I'm from reddit. My username is the same. Feel free to look it up. I was genuinely interested in building out alternative subs for people who don't like reddit's corporate/political/censorious nature. I don't participate in any racist subreddits there, and I wouldn't have done so here.

One thing I WOULD have done here, is support the open platform for free speech that it could have been. Seeking to sanitize/purge 'bad' elements from a site for open discussion is a lousy way to get the ball rolling.

This decision told me everything I needed to know about how this site will play out. I won't stick around to see it.

redstrela ago

One thing I WOULD have done here, is support the open platform for free speech that it could have been. Seeking to sanitize/purge 'bad' elements from a site for open discussion is a lousy way to get the ball rolling.

Ironic, considering you own /v/shitwhoaversesays to censor any criticism similar to what /r/shitredditsays provides on reddit. Eg, you support free speech, but only when the people talking agree with you.

Atko ago

You're from reddit? You do know that is banned right? Same goes here. No, I will not provide you the tools and resources to help spread racism and hatred :)

AlphaWookie ago

censorship is not a good idea it will turn into a game of whack-a-mole. You ban one sub it just comes back under a differant name. As more and more hate subs populate you need more admins to police the site, then one admin starts banning thigs that should not be banned. Then discourse grows in the wider community. Just a thought.

no1113 ago

Again, I SUPER applaud this. Keep up that stance, regardless of what anyone else tries to say.

blackAntlers ago

I'm aware of that. Why do you think I, and others, were trying out another site? It's because of decisions exactly like this.

One of the subverses that has the most posts here is /v/conspiracy, who are abandoning reddit for their censorious behavior. If you think this is just about upvotes/downvotes, you're sorely mistaken.

It's your right to host whatever content you wish on your site, so do as you please. Just know that it sets a precedent, and young sites like this live or die on these early decisions.

Think of anonymous discussion sites as a platform for discussion similar to email or usenet. They're just a tool for the users to use as they please. They're not unified forums with a single topic, political stance, or subject matter. That's WHY they're appealing. Interfering with that is a mistake because it contradicts the very purpose of such sites.

Again, I'll ask you - what other legal speech will you be censoring on this site?

EbonyDelight ago

Racist white hate speech is not legal speech! When will you crackers learn!!

TellyTubby ago

/r/GreatApes isn't banned

Atko ago

So.. go there and use that resource? :)

Canova ago

"We're just the same as reddit :)"

wow, what a selling point!

TellyTubby ago

Haha buddy

TellyTubby ago're kidding, right?

TellyTubby ago

The ironic thing about liberals is that they claim to be the most tolerant people yet they have no tolerance for anyone who doesn't agree with their own political stance. Liberals are the ultimate narcicists who resort to name calling instead of an actual argument.

TellyTubby ago

What's it like being in 8th grade?

TellyTubby ago


spasticbadger ago

It was a brilliant video though.

Atko ago

Yup :)

CIV_Quickcash ago

Maybe we could add a NSFW tag and require 'racist' or controversial subreddits to use that, along with the growing porn-verse?

EDIT: I know others have warned you this mild censorship could damage this site, but by being so open to it in this site's infancy you are pretty much announcing to all neo-nazis, holocaust deniers, conspiracy theorists and white supremacists that they are permitted to do as they please here? This can easily result in Whoaverse turning into stormfront with a pleasant looking theme.

fetusovaries ago

typical SJW

TellyTubby ago

No, I understand completely. You live in a world where you think everyone gets along, that everyone is equal, and that race is only skin deep.

Which is fine for you, some people live their whole lives in delusion.

CIV_Quickcash ago

How about you guys go off to Snapzu and us sane people can have this pleasant little site?

Canova ago

Wow I thought this site was going to be an alternative to reddit. Looks like it's just another censorious, free speech hating liberal hubox zone. Oh well.

fetusovaries ago

Good job banning free speech.

Falcon ago

The other subverse that is questionable is /v/whiteRights. The title is "???" and the sidebar is "lol" so you know the person made it out of jest, but this would be another one that would need a ruling on whether it should be allowed to exist. (Also, down with /v/niggers.)

fetusovaries ago

why? do you not support the rights of whites?


We should be for the rights of humans. It's not about white/black/men/women's rights. It's about human rights.

casualwhoaversereade ago

And, if everyone would just stop fighting, we'd have world peace!

no1113 ago

Whites have destroyed non-whites for so long that they don't need some sort of extra or added assertion of what has already been known and assumed throughout all of history: That whites have asserted (wrongly and immorally, but have asserted anyway) more rights for themselves over all other races for as long as time has recorded it.

This is not to say that whites should be hated against or that non whites should be racists against whites. No. Everyone should be equal. It is to say, however, that whites simply HAVE done a sufficient amount of damage to non whites as to make one question what possible rights could a place like /v/whiterights assert that whites don't already have in droves over everyone else? This renders the subreddit moot.

casualwhoaversereade ago

What you just said is: "confirmation bias". You start with your personal opinion and then work backwards. If you truly want "free" speech you have to allow the good and the bad. You're pushing for censorship and trying to justify it. If you want censorship, just come out and say it: "What I believe is the correct (and only) interpretation. Everyone else is wrong and should be censored."

EbonyDelight ago

Whites have the most rights out of anyone. You can't be racist against white people. Racism needs power.

God_Bless_Adolf_Hitl ago

Exactly, and blacks can not rape white people because rape needs power.

TellyTubby ago

Saying the word nigger is not hate speech

Go back to tumblr

Atko ago

I have absolutely no tolerance for racism. This one will be banned and all others like it. I see people are coming from 4chan so this is just a prank.

Edit: after giving this some more thought, I will be looking into legalities of allowing full, uncensored speech on whoaverse. I don't want to be personally liable for the consequences of free speech (lets face it, there will be racism).

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Interesting how this turned out.

Glad to see you back off that 2.4 years later you've turned Voat as a bastion for free speech, not just speech that you personally like, that takes integrity.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol what a load of shit. you couldn't be more wrong.

see admin-removed mod log o wait there isn't one. atko silently removed a mod simply for notifying users of a change to how voat offers it's service. 200% spez level was achieved by atko recenly. pyro lurk maor

kcamstar ago

He was being a trouble maker... mods, including you, need to take the high ground.

ot00s1cko ago

subreddits such as that need to be banned because it is clearly made just to incite anger and troll.

But, i don't think that racism outright should be banned. I don't support them, but if they want a place where they can go to talk about being racist, and that is it, fine.

If the place is ACTUALLY meant for like-minded folk to hang out together then i don't think there is an issue...if it is there for actual discussion and participation, it should be allowed.

So long as it is legal and for the "right" reasons, it should stay.

blackAntlers ago

Well at least you're honest about your censorship. I'd just gotten started adding alternatives to the reddit subs I frequent. Looks like I'll be leaving and not returning.

It has nothing to do with whether or not I want subs like /v/niggers. It has to do with me wanting a site that doesn't censor legal discussion of any sort. You had an opportunity to run that site, but squandered it within the first day of high-traffic. Too bad.

What other things do you find too abhorrent for your site? It'd be nice if you laid that out up front. Are you going to ban political speech that offends you? Are you going to ban nudity? Do you favor certain sports teams, and will be banning their arch rivals from having their own sub?

Or will we just have to sit here and find out as you make these decisions one by one?

ot00s1cko ago

There is a difference between being offended because you disagree and being offended because the person is out to offend you.

/v/niggers is the latter. It was only made to garner a reaction and spew malice for the sake of offending.

if someone wanted to create a white right's subverse for the sole purpose of discussing that with like minded folk, I hope it would stay.

But being vile for the sake of being vile, like with /v/niggers, should not be allowed.

Canova ago

This. There is nothing I despise more than a person who does not believe in free speech and the first amendment rights of America. So sad.

EbonyDelight ago

Such bigotry! Hate speech should never be protected or allowed.