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Atko ago

I have absolutely no tolerance for racism. This one will be banned and all others like it. I see people are coming from 4chan so this is just a prank.

Edit: after giving this some more thought, I will be looking into legalities of allowing full, uncensored speech on whoaverse. I don't want to be personally liable for the consequences of free speech (lets face it, there will be racism).

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Interesting how this turned out.

Glad to see you back off that 2.4 years later you've turned Voat as a bastion for free speech, not just speech that you personally like, that takes integrity.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol what a load of shit. you couldn't be more wrong.

see admin-removed mod log o wait there isn't one. atko silently removed a mod simply for notifying users of a change to how voat offers it's service. 200% spez level was achieved by atko recenly. pyro lurk maor

kcamstar ago

He was being a trouble maker... mods, including you, need to take the high ground.

ot00s1cko ago

subreddits such as that need to be banned because it is clearly made just to incite anger and troll.

But, i don't think that racism outright should be banned. I don't support them, but if they want a place where they can go to talk about being racist, and that is it, fine.

If the place is ACTUALLY meant for like-minded folk to hang out together then i don't think there is an issue...if it is there for actual discussion and participation, it should be allowed.

So long as it is legal and for the "right" reasons, it should stay.

blackAntlers ago

Well at least you're honest about your censorship. I'd just gotten started adding alternatives to the reddit subs I frequent. Looks like I'll be leaving and not returning.

It has nothing to do with whether or not I want subs like /v/niggers. It has to do with me wanting a site that doesn't censor legal discussion of any sort. You had an opportunity to run that site, but squandered it within the first day of high-traffic. Too bad.

What other things do you find too abhorrent for your site? It'd be nice if you laid that out up front. Are you going to ban political speech that offends you? Are you going to ban nudity? Do you favor certain sports teams, and will be banning their arch rivals from having their own sub?

Or will we just have to sit here and find out as you make these decisions one by one?

ot00s1cko ago

There is a difference between being offended because you disagree and being offended because the person is out to offend you.

/v/niggers is the latter. It was only made to garner a reaction and spew malice for the sake of offending.

if someone wanted to create a white right's subverse for the sole purpose of discussing that with like minded folk, I hope it would stay.

But being vile for the sake of being vile, like with /v/niggers, should not be allowed.

Canova ago

This. There is nothing I despise more than a person who does not believe in free speech and the first amendment rights of America. So sad.

EbonyDelight ago

Such bigotry! Hate speech should never be protected or allowed.