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SrBearLordofOldCastl ago

The dude: cool pic of the black hole. The woman: gotta look surprised, now Im going to be popular tee hee

Crashmarik ago

Just going to put this out there

Below is the link to the latest attempt to redpill reddit on this vote it up so the mods there will do what they do so much of and reveal the game to the marks there.

prairie ago

It's okay, the man does the work to get the work done, not to get his name in lights.

curiouserdude ago

One way to gently red pill normies on political correctness is to say "political correctness is about pretending the world is a way that we'd like it to be in hopes that it will actually become that way and that the only thing stopping it from becoming that way is somebody pointing out empirical reality."

generate ago

Thank you for this!! kudos

BlackManOnVoat ago

I knew there was something fishy about this story. Thanks for the investigation.

Numnum_ ago


GoyimNose ago

i don't even know the context but its retarded if you think a man wrote 850,000 lines of code lmao

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

I assumed this was the case after every post on flebbit was about the woman behind the "algorithm"

buffalo_fart ago

She chooses the page borders to be pink, wins the nobel prize. He gets an attaboy and a team pin. Lol he knows whats up.

RedditOMeter ago

what did I say?

A_M_Swallow ago

This is why you should always put your name at the start of every subroutine.

PatrioticAmerican ago

In any organization women rank at the bottom of competence. I routinely do skills assessments on staff and find the women are ALWAYS the bottom of the survey. They, of course, see themselves at the top.

JonReed ago

Even men get away with shit like this. Granted, this is a diversity thing, but still, people try stealing credit for others' work all the time.

Ever met a professor? Or been to university?

TestForScience ago

Look at everything that requires programming - if it is nothing but diversity hires, it’s usually worse, demonstrably so.

SearchVoatBot ago

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quakerbaker ago

this is really infurating

Crackrocknigga ago

Jews never tell the truth, I thought your Rabbai beat that into your head (or anus) already

Niggertown ago

Andrew looks like he might have formally been a woman.

Cold_Guinea_Pig ago

Not keen to read any women hating posts. However I have to add that as a woman [who is also a scientist], I am not keen on this pushing of women before men when they have done most of the work. Does anyone realise that this is detrimental to women? Being falsely put on a pedestal is embarrassing, it makes me feel that we want this because we are so fucking stupid. Which is not the case. There are plenty of successful women in sciences, art etc, if there are less than men, so be it. I can live with that. Why shouldn't I, I don't hate all men, like some here hate all women without often even knowing any [otherwise they'd be on our side]. Lets not get divided, that's what they want. Women against men, men against women. Don't fall for it. I hate injustice and this is injustice, to not credit the guy more than the girl.

jthun2 ago

Happens in industry too. I worked with a woman who had a 'PhD' in STEM. Trick is that she had no Masters or Bachelors in a STEM field. She basically wormed her way into an engineering field after studying English Lit. She wrote a 'PhD Thesis' that was an atrocity, lacking even the most basic knowledge of the field, yet magically it passed. She interviewed at our rather prominent company and couldn't answer a single question in a tech interview. They hired her as a project manager instead.

This is the pussy pass. Totally incompetent, yet she gets a pass for being female.

I've worked with actual female scientists with proper skills sets, so I'm not in any way slamming women or their ability to compete in STEM. I'm slamming the incentive structure that promotes skillless charlatans like that one

jimibulgin ago

FYI- here is his personal page.

7e62ce85 ago

Who hurt you?

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

lol now they are saying he just added lots of data. He started the project. Everyone else that joins afterwards (months even) are just hitching their wagon to his train.

Themooninthesky ago

Her email is on there.

dishevel ago

It is not her fault. She just worked on the team and did her part.

The villain here is the media. Treat her with the same respect you would anyone on the team. Attack the real bad guys here.

lordvain2 ago

I took a pay cut so I wouldn't have to work with women. I really am starting to despise them.

allahead ago

My jew-dar is screaming at this woman.

skynet666 ago


TekJax ago

Don't forget about Dr. Matt Taylor

TekJax ago

Yes, Einstein worked in a patent office in Switzerland where they are famous for watches and timing instruments to get trains to sink up and run on time and a book about relativity was published a year earlier to his and relativity relies heavily on time and even uses trains as an example of explaining it.

His work was based on the patents that came across his desk, talks with friends/work colleges and books written by others.

"The secret to creativity is hiding your sources." (possibly Einstein).

Family Guy even made a joke about him knocking out a guy in a patent office and stealing his work.

Regardless, relativity is the most important thing ever to happen to mankind and Quantum theory is just people trying to justify their useless degrees.

AlfredMcGuffin ago

"possibly Einstein". Family Guy made a joke about it.

Ok. These are solid proofs! Wow! LOL!

Next undeniable evidence? Beavis & Butthead? Pepe the frog?

Get out, Bubba. You nailed so many bullshit in so few bytes that I had to make a screenshot and send it to my friends to have a good laugh tomorrow evening!


TekJax ago

Yeah, "possibly Einstein".

Wow, you can read, you fucking retard.

Yes, Family Guy made a joke about it.

Any other things you want to repeat and then use to make fun of what an idiot you are?

AlfredMcGuffin ago

Aww! Little snowflake got butthurted and cannot answer but with insults because it's tiny whiny brainy got short circuited?

How trivial. If you bring a cartoon and mere suppositions as examples (and you actually did), your culture is really really low, poor and embarrassing. I can understand why you can only flex your muscles and insult like a hysterical preadolescent.

Woof woof! 😁

ChosenUndead ago

Quantum theory is just people trying to justify their useless degrees

So you don't believe that the observer matters at the quantum level? Do you discredit the double slit experiment?

TekJax ago

Please, explain how particles traveling back through time or "spooky action at a distance" is used in modern technology.

Or quantum computers, or anything else.

Why would the observer matter at the "QUANTUM!" level?

How would you know if there's a difference if you don't observe it?

Go ahead and explain.

ChosenUndead ago

Why would the observer matter at the "QUANTUM!" level?

Because matter behaves differently when being observed. Therefore the observer matters.

How would you know if there's a difference if you don't observe it?

By doing an experiment. Specifically the double slit experiment.

TekJax ago

"Because matter behaves differently when being observed." = "Just because"

ChosenUndead ago

You are fucking retarded. Just kill yourself you goddamned tard.

TekJax ago

But am I retarded though?

I missed the part where you said whether I was or not.

CarthOSassy ago

Scientific theories aren't patented, so he wouldn't have seen any in his job...

TekJax ago

In other words, you want to argue despite not knowing what you're talking about?

You don't think people making watches/clocks are going to have anything related to space time in their paperwork?!

They were literally making these things to get trains to run on time and used trains as an example in his explanation of relativity.

Did you even read what I wrote or do the smallest bit of research?

CarthOSassy ago

This is ricccccch. Do you know anything about relativity? It's not apparent from mundane experiments. It was initially discovered in the context of electrodynamics.

What you are describing wouldn't even be plagiarism. That would be honest inspiration. A thousand generation of clock makers weren't going to write relativity.

TekJax ago

Was it discovered in the context of electrodynamics?

If you say so.

Did you read that on wikipedia?

CarthOSassy ago

I read the theory. Wikipedia is a pile of convincing lies buried in facts helpfully curated by well-meaning idiots.

TekJax ago

lol, downvoted me?

Fuck off, moron.

CarthOSassy ago

Somebody sure did. But now that you mention it...

TekJax ago

What part of "fuck off" don't you understand?

Revelations2_9 ago

Sync* up ;)

TekJax ago

InSink is my favorite boy band/plumping company

prairie ago

Punchable face, no?

Sitnikoff ago

If the dude is not saying in response something like, "fuck it I'm going to a place where people don't take credit for my work, or I'm going to start one!" and following through,

Then he's part of the problem.

platyplat ago

I created an account just to clear up some confusion around this.

Lines of code is not generally a good metric for who has done more work, nor are number of commits. They show activity, which is important, but different.

So a lot of those lines come from modeling data, like here. These two files make up 500k lines, and there are some others like it.

If you look at his commits, a lot are merge commits, which means he's just merging in changes. Now, a lot of those are still his own changes, but it's generating extra commits for him.

However, the idea of this is still correct, it absolutely is a politically correct media machine that is pushing this, you just have to look elsewhere.

Firstly the title is a bit sensationalist. It appears that she didn't come up with the algorithm, Mareki Honma designed it, she just decided to use it. I've seen lots of people claiming this, however I actually haven't found any proof that this is true. The best I can find is that Honma has been involved with VLBI in the past, but not before this project started.

Secondly, Chael owns the repo and was contributing to it over a year before Bouman was. If you look at her first commits, they're her first commits anywhere on github, so it's clear she didn't start this effort.

Further on the above, the repo README says Chael et al should be cited for the use of the program, not Bouman et al, which clearly shows who's primarily responsible for it.

Bouman obviously contributed a lot. She is the lead author on the paper and definitely appears to have had a lot of involvement with the math behind the coding. But the Reddit post is most definitely so highly upvoted because she's a woman and they think she did everything by herself. (The phraseology "developed the algorithm" really leads you to believe that means designed and implemented from scratch) The reality is that she realized it would be good to use an existing algorithm and guided a team to actually implement it. If that was what was posted, including other important players, Reddit would not have reacted as it did.

The reason I feel this is worth posting is because if you're going to call something out, you have to do it right, otherwise people will poke holes in your critique and write the entire premise off when the premise is actually correct.

HIME5cents ago

Very good post, I agree with all of it. Some people just don't realize that lines of code aren't a good measurement of importance.

polygeek ago

Certainly looks bad, but not all code is created equal. If she has a core idea in there and he was writing the filler (simply based on the fact she's the Dr. whose name is on the project) then this is like what grad students have been going through forever.

If I was in a tech hiring position, I'd be knocking on that dude's door. He's probably going to do some interesting stuff.

dagal ago

To be fair, it doesn't look like the girl was the one looking for attention. I figure the thought process of some journalist was like: 1. Oh look, a big science accomplishment

  1. Was there any woman involved?

  2. Oh, several of them...

  3. Let's pick the prettiest one then

  4. Make a story

  5. Other journalists notice and join the hype

  6. Profit

fluhthreeex ago

Funny thing was, if you watched the videos posted here there was a glimpse of a wamyn 10x hotter than her.

TheSeer ago

Pic of the girl with the big nose. Honk honk

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Guess who gets the credit?

Guess that'll teach the fag to stop contributing to projects that have women on board.

Man who contributed


"Contributing" to what you dont own is faggy.


iitpanun ago

Andrew Chael - "I am a proud member of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Outlist of LGBTQIA+ members of the astronomical community." He is gay and still gets outplayed by the Wahman card. If only he was black....and trans. He probably knew he was doomed to lose when he looked at his skin tone while standing at the urinal...

patrice_0neal88 ago

Glory and fame are for moviestars and bitches. You think the senior engineer of his next job will look beside his efforts?

BigGay69 ago

honk honk

ScoDux ago

So they used to data to create an image.

So it's not really a picture of a black hole at all is it?

Antiracist10 ago

It is a pictorial representation of data, not a photograph.

ScoDux ago

So it's artwork

Antiracist10 ago

To the extent that the frontiers of science are art, yes.

ScoDux ago

What is a frontier of science?

bruce1337 ago

No. A black hole is called a black hole because it captures light. It can only be visualized through context, such as visible clouds of gas around it. They did just that through interferometry, which essentially means using various spread out telescopes as one virtual giant telescope.

ScoDux ago

I don't believe space exists so....

Gorillion ago

And NASA just announced they're going for the moon in 2024.

All credit will go to the annoying mulatto tranny twink who was in charge of the recycling around the office where they finally figured out how to cross the Van Allen belt without instantly frying the astronauts.

Whiteflourguy ago

You can't give a White male any credit for anything he does if you do you are a racist and a bigot. The world is against the White man, unless he used to be a woman or is Gay then they love you

Chiefpacman ago

Blind liberals:

'Code commits mean nothing, she came up with the theory.' Fake news is news if you want it to be

Durm ago

It way worse than that:


566 commits 850,275 ++ 131,044 --

981,319 lines added and removed


90 commits 2,410 ++ 1,265 --

3675 lines added and removed

achael percentage of achael + klbouman

3675 + 981,319 = 984,994

981,319 of 984,994

achael's contribution relative to klbouman


PeacefulAssassin ago

I see more about her on local news sources, but she was from my state, so that is expected.
But the fact that she is the only one being talked about from other news sources is frustrating, yeah she helped so credit where it is due and good for her, not going to blame her for this at all, but he did most of the work.

VotingGoat ago

He wrote 850000 lines? That's a huge amount. How long has he been working on the project?

EarthIsFlat ago

His name was Andrew Chael HONK

His name was Andrew Chael HONK

His name was Andrew Chael HONK

admin2 ago

Einstein was a genius, but he was turned into a jewish saint, and overly glorified.

1400 pages of proof of Einstein cult hoax fraud :

Hand_of_Node ago

Can you do a short summary?

iLuvJews ago

Yeah, that PDF is 2400 pages?!

Maybe I'll read it in 30 years from now after I get done with all those other famously long books like War and Peace or whatever.

RoundWheel ago

The bulk of what is attributed to Einstein is the work of three other scientists. While Einstein did credit them with attribution the Jewish community largely discharged them to create the cult of Einstein celebrity. Which in turn had been used to hoist and prop up the notion of superior Jewish IQ.

The sum of Einstein's scientific contribution is actually very small. Almost nothing attributed to him is his own work. Almost everything is attributable to the works of many other non-Jews.

Itsdone63 ago

Knew it. Fags on social media are tripping over themselves trying to give that bitch credit. I figured this was a large part of why this has been spread so prominently even though it's not that fucking interesting.

Cowery ago

A majority of those "lines of code" are computer generated data things.

bourbonexpert ago

Even Fox News had an article about that pic going viral.


infyrno ago

Sorry, I'll let the girl have this one, read the guy's profile here

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I think the coming civil war is going to have more of a gender component than racial :/

EarthIsFlat ago

I can't even find the damn reddit post with Andrew so I can shit post. WTF they scrubbed his accomplishments already?

whambamthankyouham ago

Hmm. It says she developed he algorithm. If we accept that as true, then it's possible that he was the grunt responsible for turning her idea into workable software.

However it's likely that this is one of those 'diverse' accomplishments.

HighEnergyLife ago

I think you're right. It seems she feed satelite data into an existing algo to recreate the 'gaps'

SpreeFeech ago

Honk honk motherfucker.

smokratez ago

This goyem knows. lol.

OvenBakedGem ago

One goy, multiple goyim.

smokratez ago

I don't care about using hebrew properly.

ooberlu ago

Thanks for posting this. Soon as I read that it was discovered by a woman, I knew it was total bullshit.

slowcrash101 ago

Liberals pander to women.

hopeless_sinner ago

This is why I got out of computer science. Doesn't matter how good you are or how much you put in. It only matters if you have a gash.

dlion ago

Also CS in corportations is 95% pandering to assholes, 5% actual work. If you know the right people, and say the right words, you can get away with doing nothing for years before anyone catches on. And by the time, the directors rotate(3 year rotation is considered normal), so it would take even longer to fire you. This is how deadwoods stay in these places so long

hopeless_sinner ago

I know. I know. The one white guy in the thousand-member company does all of the heavy lifting while everyone else posts virtue signal bullshit on social media. I know.

Intrixina ago

Same shit happens in most workplaces - one (or a few) people doing the work, and the rest being lazy shits.

The only correct response is to call that shit out, and if the bosses won't do anything (or worse, try to blame you) - then leave.

You need enough leverage at a job to do this - if you're a hard working person at said job, they'd be fucking stupid not to listen to you. If they are retarded SJWs of course they aren't going to listen to you - but that is all the grounds you need to get the fuck out of the place, lest you end up with some frivolous reason as to why you have been fired.

hopeless_sinner ago

Been there and done that. I worked as a student in my university's administration for a couple years. I did all the work that my diversity hire superior should have been doing. Quit without notice after getting fed up and she's been burning ever since. Too bad they never get fired.

Intrixina ago

If they get fired, they move on to another company and destroy that one as well. You ideally want them all in the same place so that their fuckery only extends to certain businesses, which you can then avoid.

hopeless_sinner ago

That must be what is happening to Google and Facebook. They hire for diversity and demonize the white man. No surprise FB has lost over a billion user accounts this year.

dlion ago

It's ironic, in my previous company, me doing 30 minutes of work a week, overshadowed 50 indians in offshore working 8 hours a day. That's how pathetic the so called "skilled" workers are

hopeless_sinner ago

I wish that what you are saying upset me, but I've accepted it as reality a long time ago. It's just disgust now.

Iornukrum ago

Acceptance - the honk stage.

hopeless_sinner ago

Honk honk!

dlion ago

It's frustrating. What i hate is the idea that coding is a get rich quick scheme, and anyone can become a super millionaire by having a shit app on mobile or something. Whatever prestige was left in CS, is gone by now. Even if you can build an app or build a product line out, you have to have connections, stop your app from being banned on app stores, have it approved by VC, pay back said VC who usually end up robbing all the company assets in the process. Then there's the additional issues that companies don't pay cash anymore, it's all deferred stock, so you just made millions, and guess who gets to pay all the taxes and liabilities? You do, since it costs a big company nothing to give someone stock. The entire field needs to crash and burn

hopeless_sinner ago

The best is all of the "startups" that sit around and do nothing until some corp like Google buys them for way over their actual value, because they just want to expand their monopoly.

raisinade ago

Scientific papers aren't submitted to the patent office, so that wouldn't have been possible.

PatentGoat ago

Actually, patent applications are commonly filed before scientific papers (white papers) are submitted for conferences. In many patent applications, there are also at least a few relevant scientific papers submitted to the Examiner that are not the subject of the patent application (patent applicants have a duty to disclose any relevant published documents, including scientific papers, in something called an information disclosure statement) in addition to any related patents. So not only are scientific papers submitted as the subject matter of many patent applications, they are also commonly submitted as potentially relevant information for determining patentability of the application in information disclosure statements. So, yes, patent Examiners are routinely provided access to scientific papers that may not have been yet published.

jthun2 ago

except scientific laws are not patentable subject matter.

jerry ago

Hit him on Facebook and say thanks

albatrosv15 ago

Fucking kikes, stealing everything. What will happen after no white europeans exist?

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

They will rule the world

jthun2 ago

I think the Chinese and Indians might have something to say about that.

albatrosv15 ago

How many kikes do you know live in Sudan? Or Bolivia?

fluhthreeex ago

...not enough. MSGA?

My10thaccount ago

They probably specifically let her write those few lines of code so they could say a woman was responsible.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Sounds extremely jewish

475677 ago

What a fucking cuck. If I were him I would have instantly shit all over her being as fucking vile as possible to force leftists to kvetch against me and in their attempt to doxx me force them to come to terms that I'd written 90%+ of the code. I might have ended up like that dna fag that called out niggers but better that than ignored or worse being forgotten while someone else gets all the glory.

BlueDrache ago

She's jewish, of course she takes the credit. Look at that snot locker.

SerialChiller ago

You can see the actual project contributions in github at this link:

If you click on the "commits" under each developer's name (achael 566 commits, klbouman 90 commits), you can see the details of the changes that developer made. Ignore the ones that are titled "merge commits" because those are just side effects of other activity.

heroinwinsagain ago

its not a picture of anything. there is no black hole. you people are so fucking stupid. you claim to be voats but you believe in stupid shit like moon landings, rovers and fucking pictures of shit farther away than you can imagine. still cant get a fucking picture of the landing sites on the moon.

docile fucking retards.

ridleychozo ago

Wow. Yours is the only comment with any sense of reality. All the way at the bottom. So, Voat is mosly Qtards, boomers, and stockholm-syndrome cucks now.

Butterbread ago

That's very convincing.

theysayso ago

She was probably the lead on the project - a manager not a coder. Hence, she talks to the media and she gets the credit. I have coders on my team, but I get the credit - although when we publish, I make sure their names are on any articles/reports.

Oh - and I can still code.

Butterbread ago

She was not lead on the project. I don't know why you think that was probably the case when the most probably scenario is that these people are cunts.

theysayso ago

Well, I don't assume people are cunts so there's that. I'll do better.

HugoFord ago

Yeah, but she’s cute as a button.

herbert_west ago

I'm not defending the woman but it's common practice that people with PhD's employ students to do the dirty work with little credit.

Anomalia ago

This is how science work. You let students, interns and technicians do the work, just shit out a Peer reviewed Paper with your name as corresponding author on it and boom... And don't get me started on politics, financing, publishing, and career in research ... this whole system is fake, crooked and inept.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Thats the only really insightful and true commend in the whole thread.

Furthermore, it is the fault of hard-working retards like this guy because they keep the faggy system alive because they desperately want to be a part of it.

Crashmarik ago

Academia is a lot like a drug cartel. A few people do really well and most get nothing and jail.

polygeek ago

Nobody can take his work away from him, though. If you know where to look you can find some kick ass people...and they're not usually the ones with their name at the top.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Nobody can take his work away from him, though.

You dont work for works sake, you work to reap benefits from the work. In academic circles, you work for fame, which they did take away from him.

they're not usually the ones with their name at the top.

If all he wanted was to be the nameless, faceless hard-worker he wouldnt work in academia. If fame isnt important, why is this post trying to give it back to him by publishing his name and picture?

polygeek ago

Nobody wants to bust ass to be nameless, but he's not nameless. You found him, and his commits are still in GitHub for all to see. He did a fuckin' yeoman's job on a "famous" project...and he'll be seen.

Her name is disproportionately emphasized because political bullshit, but she's also the project lead. It's also just the way the academic publishing process works and nothing new. Why waste energy over it? This kind of fame (for both of them) can only help, but where the rubber meets the road, he'd be an earlier hire in my book.

cursedcrusader ago

This goy should subscribe to PewDiePie.

bezzy ago

Can anyone clarify - was she the team lead? Was the bulk of his 850K lines DATA and not code?

noz ago

Quote from /pol/:

The second co-leader of the EHT imaging group is Kazunori Akiyama with the first being, Andrew Chael.

Looks like MIT's social media twitter account didn't collaborate with MIT's own news office since in reality, Katie Bouman did not lead any team at all or was a leader at all.

The actual leaders were Kazunori Akiyama and Andrew Chael.

Notice how before this social media shilling on twitter, the MIT article only mentioned Katie Bouman once at the very end of the article.

The Haystack EHT team includes John Barrett, Roger Cappallo, Joseph Crowley, Mark Derome, Kevin Dudevoir, Michael Hecht, Lynn Matthews, Kotaro Moriyama, Michael Poirier, Alan Rogers, Chester Ruszczyk, Jason SooHoo, Don Sousa, Michael Titus, and Alan Whitney. Additional contributors were MIT alumni Daniel Palumbo, Katie Bouman, Lindy Blackburn, Sera Markoff, and Bill Freeman, a professor in MIT’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

How long before this MIT article written by MIT themselves gets taken down and rewritten to give Katie Bouman a whole paragraph to herself?

When will the mainstream media take responsibility for inaccurate reporting? Why is there such a glaring difference between one of MIT's twitter accounts versus their own press release?

Why were the 2 leaders: Kazunori Akiyama and Andrew Chael completely ignored by everybody else?

4 teams around the world.

American team was ked by Kazunori Akiyama and Andrew Chael.

Nowhere it is mentioned that Katie Bouman led the American team, just only these 2 males who were co leaders.

Where did this Katie Bouman was leader originate from? Even MIT's own news article doesn't mention this.

MadWorld ago

Always nice to see Goats willing to take the extra step and dig to the end...

bezzy ago


AphexTim ago

I copied the headline and posted this on hackers news ( as most comments were praising her to death. I had about 40 upvotes in a few minutes and triggered a few people before some mods deleted it. The most common response was some bullshit about how the majority of the 850,000 lines of code were machine generated or some bullshit.

When I point out all articles use her first name of Katie Bouman vs Dr. Bouman and that seems to make a point of it being about her gender the triggering was glorious.

CowWithBeef ago

β€œMeasuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.”        β€•      Bill Gates  

Doesn't mean this is not nonsense gender high five propaganda, but it's true that lines of code aren't a good measurement of contribution.

Broc_Lia ago

Yeees, while that's definitely true, and M$ screwed IBM over big time that way, I don't think this is a case of her being hyper efficient and all the other contributors producing spaghetti code.

Butterbread ago

She added 1000 lines and some of that wasn't even her code. It's obvious.

Wobblegong ago

Pissing off the guy who is smart enough and dedicated enough to code the ability to see a black hole probably isn’t the best move.

edgydude69 ago

Never ever work on an important project with a woman.

Gargilius ago

Never ever work on an important project with a woman.

...even on an unimportant project. For one thing, you don't know whether a project is going to be important or not when you start, and either way, nobody needs the aggravation anyway.

Small digression about not knowing whether a project is going to become important on its onset, and this is something you want to always keep in mind when your project unsuspectedly gain momentum and becomes important (it happens quite a bit actually): the late comers, the people who get themselves assigned to / join projects when they know it is going to pay off (financially, career advancement wise, whatever). They are the ones most likely going to screw you over one way or another.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

It wasnt the woman who caused this, but the faggy leftist academic environment. If there was a nigger on the team, nobody would care whether there were women around, because niggers beat women on the leftist diversity ladder.

edgydude69 ago

Oh ok. So all the men on the project took 800 photos of themselves in the office and sent them to the media. Wake up. AWALT

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Dr. "Paid the Asian to Take My Tests and write my Dissertation " Bouman

eronburr ago

He'll get credit and the right to pull all 850k lines if he so chooses. She'll get notoriety

GreyGears ago

The source of info is publicly available, btw :

totes_magotes ago

Goes to show that these feminists do NOT live in the real world.

MockingDead ago

Goddamn knew it.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

And still cucked computer fags continue to volunteer to give away their rewards in hopes of scoring some pussy. Which they never do.


Keep it up 'guys', shit will get better.

TheFool ago

You cant really tell who did the main work from this. Theory has to be worked out first, auto created code through the IDE (GUI etc.) takes little effort but lots of lines of code. However 850k Lines out of 900k, there is some credit due anyway.

Herkules97 ago

But he's a man :)

If he worked on all the code, sexism.

If he worked on most of the code, you can ignore because a woman worked on some and that's what matters..

hans_wormhat ago

Yeah? There's Andrea del Verrochio paintings that are mostly painted by Leonardo de Vinci, too. That's what being an assistant is about. That's called "paying your dues"; very few start at the top.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

I've always dislike the phrase "paying dues". Literal dues payment has nothing to do with skill progression.

fluhthreeex ago

just start wherever you're qualified to start

hans_wormhat ago

It's a long way to the top if you wan'na rock n' roll.

Should I have said "bond of surety" instead of dues, lol?

Alhambra ago

(((Bouman))). This is what jews do.

LarryBagelstein ago

She's gonna have to get a rhinoplasty after this.

zak_the_mac ago

The left wing are sexists.

Battlefat ago

I have said before that those going into the academic scientific fields are essentially indentured to the principle investigators for whom they slave. That they receive credit for anything discovered is entirely up to the principle.

I advocate for industry science where your skills are needed and you will be rewarded handsomely for your effort in cash as opposed to accolades meant to string you along for any number of your most productive years

KayDHeaton ago

I am making a good MONEY (500$ to 700$ / hr )online on my Ipad .Last month my pay check of nearly 30 k$.This online work is like draw straight-arrow and earn money.Do not go to office.I do not claim to be others,I just work.You will call yourself after doing this JOB,It's a REAL job.Will be very lucky to refer to this WEBSITE.I hope,you can find something,Simply go to the below SITE.GOOD LUCK◐◐ β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…COPY THIS WEBSITEβ˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… HEREβ˜›

BeingUseful ago

No way! 500$ to 700$ / hr? Fuck me! I just came in my own mouth! Bend me over and sign me up! I want it deep inside me!

oligarchsalamander ago

Everyone is doing everything they can to make her life comfortable, sweet little honeypot she's got.

Whiteflighter ago

Soyboy cucks deserve this treatment.

fluhthreeex ago

You must know him well. How much of a faggot is he?

LarryBagelstein ago

Keep posting stuff like this. This is higher quality journalism than 99% of what the (((MSM))) produces these days.

HonksRUs ago

Not surprising that they somehow shoehorn a scientific discovery as being about Womyn. His name was Andrew Chael.

LarryBagelstein ago

Stop kvetching goy. Everyone knows that Katie Bou(((man))) is the real expert here.

Rodjers04 ago

He won't speak up because he wants her black hole.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

He wont speak up for the same reason he worked on somebody elses project instead of his own in the first place.

Crackrocknigga ago

I'm going to victim blame. He needs to speak out and stand up for himself and tell the world the truth. May hurt his reputation in the ((academic circles)), but u gauruntee someone in the private sector would love to have him.

The time is over for whites to simply coast along and allow ourselves to be trampled. If he wants to be a little bitch and allow his life's work to be stolen, that's his fault.

Crashmarik ago

He actually tweeted out about this. But if you read it you can hear him saying "For God's sake let this drop, I don't want to wind up like James Watson or Matt Taylor , and have my life destroyed"

Hand_of_Node ago

The term 'victim blaming' needs to die, along with the people who refuse to take responsibility for the consequences for their behavior.

drhitler ago

Are the red commits where they had to roll back cause it fucked up?

white_male30 ago

Green stands for additions, red is deletions counted in lines. If you add 3 lines and modify 5 that would be +8, -5.

neogag ago

Look at the commit messages. Bouman's contributions in these commits are either trivial things like color changes, or simply adding someone else's work.

Maybe she contributed something more substantial elsewhere, but all the commits on the screenshot, even the ones not highlighted in red, are tiny changes.

drhitler ago

wow she did fuck all but some bug fixes and code cleanup, basically only wrote 1000+ lines.

Acerphoon ago

So she got all the credit, because she added someone else's code and added the ability to change the fontsize of the color bar, but not the guy, who actually wrote the fucking code?

Also the redditor had no shame, blatantly lying about HER developing the algorithm. The absolute STATE.

EDIT: The guy who posted the pic basically said that he just posted the woman shit, because reddit eats up the "WAHMEN POWER" shit, so he just wanted some quick karma.

rIckHAMIn ago

Well what's annoying is that people see it and pretend that "see! Had men just stepped aside long ago women would have been able to unleash their massive potential"

Gravspeed ago

I was fairly happy to read that she stated that she was only part of the team... but this Andrew kid is the fricking star player.

TekJax ago


All over twitter they are comparing her to the women standing next to a stack of papers with code that she didn't write most of either!

With everybody going, "Girl power!"

School favors her for being a women, so she gets a PhD while the people doing all the work, (mostly men) are out of the picture and don't get the credit they deserve.

She mentions them briefly in a Ted talk, but doesn't share the stage with any of them or object to being called the person who wrote the code/etc.

Even Steve Jobs got a hard time for not creating everything himself by Bill Burr, but the company is failing without his leadership, vision, and inspiration.

The same way Star Trek went to hell without G.R.

Secularfraud ago

Hey man, if you can't change the fontsize of the color bar, you might as well not publish. She did it all!

slaver469 ago

Without White Men, there is no civilization. It’ll be hilarious if your lights didn’t turn on, there was no running water and your car just sat there because there are no ways of making it run again.

99% of women will get on thei knees and start blowing cock to get just a can of beans to eat.

ChiComs ago

The bell curve shape of females and males is dramatically different. The chance of finding skilled genetic female programmers is very very low.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

My IQ is a little higher than my rocket scientist boyfriend's IQ though.... (Fwiw, I've tried learning to code but it is SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING I can't stick with it long enough to get competent lol)

Hand_of_Node ago

How are you with recipes?

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Good enough to earn my keep I guess

Hand_of_Node ago

That's something.

gerberlyfe ago

This is why women shouldn’t be allowed to think.

celestial-skylord ago

Lol. Her humble brag backfired.

Pwning4Ever ago

Yeah, if she wrote the algorithm, that'd be something but she just change the fonts and pushed other people's code lol

BentAxel ago

Yaknow. This is the first I have heard of either of them. So, if Reddit never existed, would we have known?

No reddit, no post. No Voat sharing the post.

Mylon ago

Sadly, you're right. Outrage culture is degenerate and voat loves to repeat this nonsense for the sake of being outraged about it.

Hand_of_Node ago

It's lowest common denominator stuff, and voat has those demographics too.

satisfyinghump ago

Be careful. No reddit doesnt mean necessarily that we wouldnt hear of them... what if no reddit means those types of people found themselves gravitating towards voat?

BentAxel ago

Natural selection exists here. That's what I think would happen. Would you agree? I'd love to hear your POV.

MrPim ago

What if? Then the immune system goes active and I get to tell dozens of people a day to fuck off you're a niggerfaggot. And better.

smokratez ago

It worked for Einstain. Just take the credit while doing nothing.

SrBearLordofOldCastl ago

Hate where hate is due, but Einstein was a genius. He worked on the manhattan project with Feinmann and also taught in Princeton if Im not mistaken

smokratez ago

He wasn't. Stop being a dumb goy.

1F4A9 ago

You could argue that special relativity wan't really anything new and ground breaking, but general relativity was. Do you have any evidence that he stole those ideas?

smokratez ago

Relativity doesn't even exist.

slowcrash101 ago

That's how kikes roll, he was a patent clerk, stole all his ideas through the patent office, and took credit for them like a kike does.

admin2 ago

Amusingly, or sadly, much of what you said is actually true :

smokratez ago

Damn, lots of goys in the know today. lol.

jimibulgin ago


smokratez ago

Einstain was a jew faggot fraud.

jimibulgin ago

Well, I was able to infer that. Can you elaborate?

smokratez ago

The oldguy is my gay stalker. So don't pay attention to him. Nobody does.

smokratez ago

The answer is already in this thread. He was a patent clerk who stole white people ideas.

CarthOSassy ago

Scientific papers aren't patented. They don't contain non-inventions like basic facts. Even facts of biology can be difficult to patent as drugs are medical treatments.

smokratez ago

Regardless. Einstain is a jew faggot who made up shit, that gullible atheist morons believe like it was their religion to do so.

CarthOSassy ago

On the contrary. General & Special Relativity cannot both be correct along with Quantum Field Theory. Literally no one believes that. They just can't say exactly how it is wrong. Only that, somewhere & somehow, it must be.

This is the single most sought-after disproof in all of science. Everyone knows there is a mistake or omissions somewhere. Everyone wants to know what it is.

smokratez ago

Thanks for agreeing then.

theoldguy ago

Can you elaborate?

No, no he can't. Stop pestering him with his two brain cells.

GreyGears ago

Really sad how the cult of Einstein managed to worm it's way even among the actual physicists.

admin2 ago

1400 pages of proof of Einstein cult hoax fraud :

ThirteenthZodiac ago

I've read Relativity. It's not impressive - reads like a guy stoned out of his gourd wrote it.

1F4A9 ago

Him not being eloquent doesn't make his scientific theories any less. They have been proved by observation and math. The problem is that nowadays there is too much emphasis on verbal ability and political astuteness.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Him not being eloquent doesn't make his scientific theories any less.

I'm sorry, apparently I gave the wrong impression. The problem isn't his writing style, the problem is the theory and his argument for the underlying explanation beneath our perceptions.

If you actually read the thing, his arguments are based on a rather childish interpretation of reality. I won't argue against his perceptions, because yes, the world really does look like how he describes, but his conclusions from those perceptions are what I'm calling idiotic.

They have been proved by observation and math.

Yeah I'm not sure that's actually true. Remember that Einstein brought in the cosmological constant to try to make the case for a static universe.

At what point is what's going on in physics these days no longer science, but instead dogma? Look at climate science. Don't tell me the same can't happen to other fields.

"The speed of light is constant" is much like Euclid's fifth postulate. You're assuming it's true, and science assumes it's true, because it's mighty hard to prove otherwise. But it is an assumption.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

The problem is that most of his theories were already written years before he published anything.

Like I understand that science is built on previous accomplishments but he's done far less than he is credited for. People think Einstein basically invented physics while he really just did a tiny contribution and then claimed the entire thing as his own.

1F4A9 ago

It it my understanding that that's the case for special relativity, but general relativity did contain some entirely new and ground breaking concepts.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

His work isn't entirely plagiarized, but a good chunk is.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

We told them not to go full retard but obviously nobody listened

C_Corax ago

Well he aint got tits..


Everything is becoming about diversity hires and the quality of products has been suffering for a long time. It’s only going to get worse as the credit increasingly goes to those who contribute nothing and the actually productive people (read white men) are not compensated appropriately or given any recognition.

The best thing anyone like this can do is to create their own business to surpass this bull shit. Just like the post the other day about the sheboons winning the debate competition by stuttering and blabbering, there is absolutely no point in working within the established system anymore. Do your own thing and make money in your own way with whatever your expertise or interests are in.

The collapse is coming, only a few years or decades away.

rIckHAMIn ago

The best thing anyone like this can do is to create their own business to surpass this bull shit.

This can't happen because of the way the system Is set up. Especially the economic sanction you just mentioned where the proper people aren't compensated properly.

In fact, on the flip side of this, I know a guy who was operating a business massively suboptimally for 10+ years but he survived by having a huge pile of cash (capital) and they've now stolen software from talented people. He will continue to economically fuck people and collect his massive paychecks for a long time to come.

readysetgo ago

i work for a big tech company in you know where and its exactly like that. over time most get promoted to management or higher positions.

white dudes do code and get named responsible for the product but without decision powers. they all end up deciding without telling their bosses (which frankly just care about feeling important and show up 3-4h a day anyway) and this keeps the product just barely afloat.

generate ago

Imo someone is directing this nonsense so that the society gets divided and becomes easier to control. Is this someone kikes? Or some other forces?

Blunt_Echo ago increasingly goes to those who contribute nothing and the actually productive people (read white men) are not compensated appropriately or given any recognition.

I experienced this shit a number of times with employers. Now I am self-employed. (Atlas Shrugged)

The collapse is coming, only a few years or decades away.

Very few years.

GassyMcGasface ago

It's (((their))) replacement strategy.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Everyone can see how easy it is to steal credit for another persons work, how the media will intentionally mislead the public. Now imagine all those Jewish Nobel Prize Winners, I can guarantee almost every one of them stole the work of an actual white scientist.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

diversity is just about taking everything away from white men. You can't support a family if you have no money, if you have no money you have no kids and there you are. Every job taken by a woman is one less family.

Apexbreed ago

Time to one up them and go on welfare. I've become a gigantic supporter of white going on every welfare program imaginable. Basically if you are white and don't make 100k, it's welfare time. You can grow food and raise animals too. And hunt. Bleed the nigger bank account (government) dry.

82328874A66E ago

This is why these people despise capitalism and freedom - because when people are free to spend their own money, they will choose to buy things that work. That means they're going to buy shit made by people who know what they're doing over shit made by people who were hired to fill a quota.

NotALawyer ago

Actually, your average consumer is easily confused and can be sold shit they dont need or they cannot distinguish quality products at all.

There is a reason why is Apple in business - selling idiotproof items with very low and straightforward customizability, while presenting as a fashion brand.

82328874A66E ago

I didn't say they'll buy the most technically capable or customizable product, but it has to work. An iPod DOES play music for long enough that people judge it to be a good value.

Pointyball ago

737 Max8 stall code forced 2 planes into the ground with pilots fighting it all the way in. Killing all on board both planes. How many H1bs and diversity hires worked on the code at Boeing?


Create your own business and eventually get ousted for not being diverse enough

bourbonexpert ago

Totally agree

DontBeRacist ago

It'd be nice if you could start your own business and avoid this but our totalitarian government demands that you run your business with a diversity over quality policy. I would suggest getting white people to pretend they are third world monkeys on the record, but you'd have to make sure they're all full 1488 and won't go reporting you because of their faggy fee fees telling them not hiring third world monkeys and less qualified women is wacist and sexist. Of course you never know when some fool will turn on you, maybe because they're not happy about something, didn't get that promotion or whatever.

Hand_of_Node ago

You don't necessarily have to tell them about your business.

Schlomos-Did-9-11 ago

It's all a part of the war against White males, the only ones who can destroy the Kikes

slaver469 ago

Also, take your dollars and buy other currencies. Honestly, I’d buy Japanese yen.

ShutItDownGoyim ago

Time for a legion of John Galts.

rektumsempra ago

I saw Atlas Shrugged a few months ago and I'm seriously in love with her concept of Atlantis. I keep trying to figure out if there is a real place like it, but I can't figure it out. A blatant physical community would get shut down pretty quick if it was conspicuous. A network of dissidents might not, but it's something I haven't finished thinking about yet because it's just one of the many thoughts on my mental to-do list.

Blunt_Echo ago

I did a Galt 18 years ago/

kikeniggerfaggot ago

John Galts don't fight. We just need to say fuck all to the world and retreat to Galt's Gulch. It's already happening, has been happening for at least 10-15 years now. Everyone that is in my line of work and has a brain is already set up to work remotely from a nice little mountain village or the likes.

rektumsempra ago

What line of work? Coding? I like the sound of being able to put my feet up at the top of a mountain, but that’s because I just really love having my headspace. Having a remote coding job doesn’t sound ideal to me because of the mindspace one needs to sacrifice for it.

Passive income past like 5% interest seems like a fantasy these days, too :/ maybe I’m just not trying hard enough to figure it out.

RealBiggly ago

I moved to Borneo. Fuck the West.

rektumsempra ago

I admire the proactivity, but doesn’t Borneo suck, too?

RealBiggly ago

Nah I love it :) There ARE some sucky elements, including mozzies at dusk but the freedoms and nature are awesome. I love 4x4 and off-road motorcycling, fishing and such, enjoy jungle-trekking and hiking, so perfect for that. The people are lovely and friendly, in fact when I go back to the UK my first thought is "Why is everyone so fucking miserable?"

rektumsempra ago

Yeah I have read that people in poorer countries are often much happier than us. Weird.

RealBiggly ago

Well they have much stronger family values, which makes a huge difference. If I were still in the UK I wouldn't even consider getting married or even dating. MGTOW.

albatrosv15 ago

The collapse is coming, only a few years or decades away.

Slow collapse is already happening. Less and less people can maintain the already built system. Plus the deliberate sabotage. I say max 10 years.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Clown world

edgydude69 ago

β€œJust like the post the other day about the sheboons winning the debate competition by stuttering and blabbering” huh huh CANT huh huh BELEIVE huh huh YOU huh huh SO huh huh RAYSIS huh huh

BentAxel ago

The collapse is coming, only a few years or decades away.

Shorter than that. And it won't happen to us. It will happen to the diversity people that can't perform. This shit is cyclicial. I saw this in the 80's I see it some 25 years later. They fail. It just will be quietly.

dundundunnnnn ago

What happened in the 80's?

iLuvJews ago

Lots of break dancing.

BentAxel ago

The exact same shit. Diversity. Fire Departments hired women, black women and it all ended the same. Rules were relaxed so the women could pass, then in the real world, people died.

Today in No different.

dundundunnnnn ago

How did it come to an end though?

BentAxel ago

People literally died. Firefighters need to be strong. It was realized that men and women are different. It wasn't as loud, in fact it was stealthy. Hiring practice just changed.

Other area it fell out of favor. Just wasn't important to them. The last year, it's just ramping up.

Do you remember TV shows: Good times, Facts of Life, Different Strokes, With Happening? Hey, look at TV today. It's the same propaganda machine.

Ken_bingo2 ago

No cycle happened. Just the relentless push of the jews to undermine our civilization. If there is a cycle occurring, it is on a much bigger scale than the 80s.

dundundunnnnn ago

I was born in the late 80's, so I have zero idea what was going on then or how its playing out again now. I'm relying on the keen observations of people who were adults in the late 80's and before. Thanks for explaining!

oioiiooi ago

Your own business doesn't exist in a vacuum. You still need to consider finance, zoning, the EPA, reporting requirements, administrative law, etc. And you're going to be dealing with even more diversity in these offices.

America_Reforged ago

For those who still want to do actual, useful work, I imagine it will come to a point where much of it is black market, paid for in cash/precious metals/barter (crypto was a nice idea, but too traceable).

oioiiooi ago

Yes. I've been thinking this too. The price of a median home will be $240k financed + n BTC or cash or whatever, with n reflecting the actual value and the $240k as paying the goverment to recognize the sale. Illegals already run a pretty good underground economy holding cash in one hand and taking goverment benefits in the other.

RedditHasDied ago

Nothing’s illegal if you don’t get caught.

Find a way to look borderline homeless on paper and work Cash Only jobs. This is easier if you create your own occupation and run under the radar, living with roommates without having your name on leases or car notes.

Sitnikoff ago

Fuck the unreasonable regulations; make money anyway. The only people who treat those regulations seriously are those who need to stop taking the bluepill.

rejectedfromreddit ago

It worked for Uber, Lyft, AirBnB, and Las Vegas. Fuck the law, earn a shit ton of money, then buy off enough politicians to legalize your particular operation while increasing regulations for those who come behind you.

Broc_Lia ago

Just to point out, none of those were actually breaking the law. Uber and Lyft were using a niche regulatory category (livery hire) in ways no one had predicted. AirBnB... I don't think there were any laws against that to begin with, but there sure are now. And Las Vegas simply wrote their own laws.

rejectedfromreddit ago

You've got a good point there. Loopholes are never there by accident, and there's no shame in taking advantage of the rules the "lawmakers" intended to be used for their campaign donors

oioiiooi ago

Or people who own land. You can always ignore the regulations and get slapped with a fine that's 2% of your property value per day until you no longer own the property.

slaver469 ago

You can get around this shit in some ways. For example, grow veggies and sell them. Need help to do get more work done? Automate it as much as you can.

That is just one example.

oioiiooi ago

Grow veggies where? I guy I know had a portion of field wash into a stream in a storm. He got local permits and repaired the field. Everything was above board and legal, and he had photos documenting the condition of his land before and after the storm. The EPA still charged him with a felony and a $50k fine. He couldn't let the felony charge slide because he'd most likely lose his ATP certificate, which he needed to work as a pilot. Meanwhile the IRS caught wind of it and wouldn't let him deduct the expense. After two years and $25k in legal fees he's cleared of the felony and able to deduct the expense to fix his field. So yea, you can grow veggies and sell them. But that's not going to free you from diversity IQs. If anything you're going to have a lot more of it.

Blunt_Echo ago

I've profitably grew vegetables for years. The only reason I no longer do it is because so many other people started vegetable gardening that whenever something comes into season there is so much excess that people give stuff away for free. Now I only garden for myself and family.

slaver469 ago

Others have done it and did well for themselves.

waringi ago

This is the time to decide if its worth it to you to try to stay in the system and get something out of it, or to move to another country and build something there. Collapse is coming, but at this point its a personal risk assessment for your and your families future. i.e. South Africa - get the fuck out, USA - maybe hang on a bit longer.

readysetgo ago

u plan to go where exactly? looks like to me all places are fucked

waringi ago

This is in reply to your and others reply. I see a lot of good suggestions in this thread. Try to make a semi independent state in China or Japan, eastern Europe is good, an enclave in South America like Chile, or move to Russia like the South African farmers are doing.

At the rate things are going, white people will be outnumbered, but will also become a valuable commodity. Do you stay in a country where you are taxed heavily to pay for the do nothings? Or do you try to take a better offer in another country? I guarantee that even in the USA, first will come heavy taxes and biased laws (like now) for whites, then it will eventually be illegal to stop working like slaves for the shitskin/kike gov. Like South Africa. Modern slavery.

It will be neo feudalism. There is already technology (((governments))) want to use that will make all money digital and you can be banned from shopping or using public or private services if you speak out against them. Its used in China.

My thesis is we will be renegotiating our rights either behind the scope of a rifle or in front of one in the future. Rights our ancestors fought and died for.

readysetgo ago

I moved to the usa because even in CA you get more work, money even after tax, opportunities and even fucking freedom than you do in europe. im talking magnitudes more. my bring home money went up 5x instantly. sure i can see things going downhill and in the years ive been here it got noticeably worse, but its still something to keep in mind.

what would be great is if ine of these states was a US state. because any outside state will be erased by us, russian or chinese military in a days time

waringi ago

I was recently in Poland, and you are right, you can earn way more in the US. But its a trade off between money and family life. You may not realize yet that ALL of the food you are eating in the US has been fucked with, to fuck with your biology. Entertainment is propoganda designed to corrupt your children. Plus, they cant go outside to play to get away from it, safely. Eastern Europe is more homogoneous and safer spiritually

readysetgo ago

that's for sure. but western eu is pretty scary and poland is germanys favorite war ground when they need to fiddle with the russians

waringi ago

True. Thats why its a personal choice as to where to move your family to now. No one knows where real safety will be in the future. I think we need to really look at modern isolated societies that are thriving without (((corruption))). Amish? Mormons?

Blunt_Echo ago

The collapse that's coming will affect the entire world. The effects will vary by country and location within each country.

TXRepublicMovement ago

Move to a White area

iunno ago

People have been trying that for a while, doesn't really work.

TXRepublicMovement ago

Works for me. Get out more.

GapingAnus ago

The way things are going, your best bet in this regard is the South pole.

majb ago

Be careful. Might have diversity hires there too.

Blunt_Echo ago

Snow-niggers and Ice-niggers get preferential treatment.

GapingAnus ago

Fucking (((penguins))) owning all the fish.

TXRepublicMovement ago

Everything is fine where I go

andrew_jackson ago

You're a black pilled Nigger.


Those are definitely problems but dealing with that bull shit or getting around it as you can on your own terms is preferable to thinking you’re going to make it in any traditional sense while your just propping up the clown world from within.

fuckingmockies ago

finance, zoning, the EPA, reporting requirements, administrative law, etc.

All of these things exist to ensure completive, innovative businesses don't exist.

BentAxel ago

No. I own a business. What you are looking for is called Social Economic Set-aside. EVERYONE has to follow the same rules. That is finite.

fuckingmockies ago


Wtf auto predict?

Anyway, a good example of what I mean are microbreweries. Huge companies like Anheuser-Busch will lobby the FDA and get legislation passed requiring an extremely expensive annual inspection and nutrition facts thingy - which for a monster company is an inconsequential expense, but for a small microbrewery it's the difference between being able to stay in business or not.

BentAxel ago

Small business use unions, chamber of commerce, guilds and talk to US Representatives to get thinks changed. It's not just big money, kid.

Since you bring brewing into it, something I know about. San Diego currently has over 300 microbreweries, five years ago it was 175 and five years before that it was two.

What's that tell you? Besides saturation.

Broc_Lia ago

Small business use unions, chamber of commerce, guilds and talk to US Representatives to get thinks changed.

Implying that all those things aren't easier for megacorps to influence. Any large centralised organisation will prefer to deal with large centralised organisations.

BentAxel ago

Your statement really makes no sense. Some things are pushed through by corporations, other by small business. Large business needs small and vice versa. Fir starter's you have to understand the definition of what is each. It's not just Mom an Pop vs the world.

Do you follow what I'm getting at?

Helbrecht ago

San Diego is full of hipster millenials?

BentAxel ago

Well, it's Home to Stone Brewing, were they over hop the most basic recipe, so I would say Yes. Yes it is overfilled with hipster Millennials.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

What really happens is competent men stop working for these orgs. You are years behind.

BlackManOnVoat ago

Or worse, work for China. Remember when they gave Trump the Royal Treatment? Imagine what would happen if they decided "Hey, let's recruit the best of the best and people like this guy and the guy who landed a robot on an asteroid, make them national heroes, provide them with all the money and poon they can handle, reap the benefits and use the tech they create to take over the planet."

Hope you like eating fried dog.

(Harrumphs in Mandarin)

Crashmarik ago

Poon is in short supply in China. M/F ratio 1.2/1 overall in some places 1.4/1. It's effing amazing they aren't killing each other or at war with someone already.

BlackManOnVoat ago

That IS true however, Prostitution is RANPANT AF Go into a Shanghai or Beijing hotel and after the first night you'll get tons of hoe cards slid under your door. it's hilarious.

And while they aren't killing each other, they ARE fighting each other. . .a LOT. small village vs small village kind of thing. That obviously doesn't get shown.

satisfyinghump ago

And she has a doctorate and the guy looks like hes in highschool or college hahaha. Less time to have spent learning to program and he still did more and better work. I'd love a comparison of each of theirs code. Both the quality of code and what functions they chose to create. Why do I have a feeling much of the girls code lines are really comments??? Lol

klobos ago

"Look everyone, I added code so we can change the font size and color."

"That was already built into the program there was no need to do that."

"But now it has emojis!"

drozzxd ago

Can't tell you how many stupid woman have asked me to add emojis to programs.

celestial-skylord ago

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

RebelJohnny ago

Bouman is a Jewish surname. Anybody know if this fraud is a kike?

AbjectSubstance ago

Nose and undereyelids say slav, my friend. Just because they got overcreditted doesn't mean they're the race you hate.

Did this woman even do anything wrong?

subscribetopewdiepie ago

Did you not see her nose?

Shekelsteinblatt ago

She is, there are other photos of her, shes VERY genetically "Jewish". Jewish press promoting their own - more of the same.

iownyou ago

A Jew taking credit for the white mans work, very typical

Cuttwood ago

Look at its nose. of course this thing is jewish.

LarryBagelstein ago

Have you seen her nose? She could smoke a cigar in the shower with that thing.

22trilionAsecond ago

The team have said for them self's that there was so much data that they could have made this look how every they wanted. Like looking at clouds and seeing animals. The same sort of starting in to noise apply to the LIGO teams.

The current model of black boles plays in to the big bang theory.

The Big gang theory stats that we came from nothing and will return to nothing. It promotes Nihilism

One of the main dogmas of modem science is that, they assume the universe is made up of tiny bits of dead matter. That consciousness comes after you bring those bits of dead matter together. Some scientists like max planck have said that consciousness is fundamental.

What if we are more important that a collection of dead matter. What if our actions have eternally long lasting effects. What if the sun is alive.

( jew way of thinking ) Nihilistic Materialism vs Existentialistic Panpsychism ( awakened way of thinking )

fluhthreeex ago

The Big gang theory stats that we came from nothing and will return to nothing. It promotes Nihilism

Wow. What an elephant in the room. Who gives a shit? B does not necessarily follow A. "Promoting" something is not the same as Proving it, or even giving reasonable cause to believe it.

The way they want you to think

Well I'm sold, Sensei. Please tell me how to think.

Gravspeed ago

Sorry for the eddit link....

BeingUseful ago

The team have said for them self's that there was so much data that they could have made this look how every they wanted

This is why they had four separate imaging teams working in isolation on the same data. This way, four separate teams could come their own conclusions without undue influence.

And guess what? When they compared their results, the images produced by the four teams were almost identical.

Antiracist10 ago

Voat hates science because kikes exist. As long as kikes exist, science is an impossibility, according to Voat. There is the hidden kike in every test tube steering the results toward degeneracy. Voat's reaction when confronted with science is to kill all the Jews.


Give it a few years til this sad state is reverted back to some form of balance again, then suddenly everyone will know and find it obvious conciousness is underlying. I mean we are practically there already with information theory etc. I follow the topic very closely and I gave you a +1

Redpilleveryone ago

The only time I agree with you. Have an upvoat you almost absolute piece of shit.

Antiracist10 ago

What's to agree with? All he said was "what if what if" and gave no support. You agree with questions, not claims?

22trilionAsecond ago

What did I do ?

Was it the Vegan posts from a few months ago. I have change a lot since then

Hand_of_Node ago

a few months ago. I have change a lot since then

Your life is in turmoil?

22trilionAsecond ago

stronger than ever and getting stronger.

hong on to your hats. Big suprise. You need to eat lots of animal flesh.

Redpilleveryone ago

And yes it was the relentless vegan low T posting that did it.

22trilionAsecond ago

Well I am glad I gave it a good go. Turns out if you stay, vegan you will die. Big supirse.

Redpilleveryone ago

If you're not a shill I'm legit fucking shocked. Welcome back to reality. Well part of it anyways. Meat is great.

22trilionAsecond ago

Its been an interesting jury.

Redpilleveryone ago

If you have changed since then, you must be a bought and paid for account run by an organization.

22trilionAsecond ago

Yep shilling the carnivore diet now.

BeingUseful ago

Science is just a tool.

It's a self-correcting methodology for teasing out reality. Black hole physics, relativity, and quantum mechanics are not intuitive. But they are real.

The beauty of science is that you, I, or anyone is free to take teh existing data and publish our own findings. The problem is that your ascribing morally prescriptive language to a topic that is fundamentally materialistic and mathematical.

You are free to draw your own conclusions about morality. But don't say that the Big Bang theory promotes Nihilism. That's just stupid. Science just sciences. Moral judgements cannot be placed in an ethics accelerator and decomposed. They're highly subjective.

Max Planck was a brilliant scientist. Who cares what his thoughts were on consciousness if there's no data to back it up?

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

The Big Bang Theory has huge flaws and is almost certainly wrong. The universe has superclusters that would take hundreds of billions of years to come into existence, but the big bang was suposedly less than twenty billion years ago. Science as a method is great, but "science" like anything can be used to manipulate people.

BeingUseful ago

The Big Bang theory is the best possible interpretation of the evidence that we can observe. Does it have gaps? Absolutely. And astronomers are incredibly open and honest about those gaps.

But to say it's being used to manipulate people isn't a serious statement. In fact, to say such a thing says way more about you and your position than it does about the theory.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

The Big Bang theory is the best possible interpretation of the evidence that we can observe.

Plasma cosmology has fewer holes.

But to say it's being used to manipulate people isn't a serious statement.

There are countless examples of industries manipulating scientific journals in an effort to manipulate people, hiding the dangers of trans fats for many years being one of the most blatant and undeniable examples. I don't think anyone's claiming all the scientists, especially the current ones who've been taught lies from day one, support BBT to promote nihilism, but that BBT has been promoted despite its blatant flaws because it can be used to manipulate people.

TheSeer ago

Also, what is 'data on consciousness'? It exists in the non-physical realm, that by definition cannot be touched, seen or measured.

slowcrash101 ago

The standard model is as far removed from science as the education system is removed from teaching valuable life skills.

BeingUseful ago

Are we thinking of the same standard model? Because when you say Standard Model I think of one of the most wildly successful theories in the history of science that has, time and again, been shown to be correct and has even made profound predictions that keep coming true.

I get it. It's hard to understand. But that doesn't mean it's wrong.

slowcrash101 ago

Because when you say Standard Model I think of one of the most wildly successful theories in the history of science that has, time and again, been shown to be correct and has even made profound predictions that keep coming true.

Sike nigga, you thought!

Time to re-evaluate your life, standard model has predicted jack shit about reality. Don't give me that kike bullshit about GPS.

BeingUseful ago


LightestHour ago

My current theory of cosmology (which I've been wanting someone knowledgeable to fact-check, so feel free to criticize me) is as follows:

The current scientific dogma asserts that all matter must eventually fall into black holes in what is known as the heat death of the universe. Eventually, these black holes must merge into one hypermassive black hole containing all the matter in the universe.

But this black hole must decay, and it will do so, over a period of time so mind-boggingly long that humanity may never invent words good enough to describe it.

During the last moments of this black hole's life, its temperature will skyrocket into the quintillions of degrees (scale is irrelevant) and release all of the remaining mass in the singularity, providing a new Big Bang-like event from which a new universe forms.

Does the universe form from nothing? No. Is there any period of inexplicable faster-than-light expansion in the first seconds of the universe? (I remember hearing about this somewhere) No, just residual radiation from earlier in the hypermassive black hole's lifespan.

ShinyVoater ago

The idea you're groping for is called the Big Bounce and there's not much evidence for it: it would require the expansion of the universe to reverse itself when all observations indicate it's accelerating.

More accepted is the heat death of the universe, which is akin to a clock winding down in that, once even black holes have decayed, there isn't enough energy differential to do the work even basic reactions require and what you're left with is a glorified block of ice. There are some hypertheoretical effects that suggest that the universe might resurrect in some fashion, but the time scales involved are orders of magnitude greater than the universe will ever live for.

Another thing that's a common idea is the Big Rip, which suggests that even the most basic subparticles will eventually be unable to hold together under the force of accelerating expansion. This is obviously the most depressing, as there's no coming back from this even in the maddest of fever dreams.

Anam ago

This is obviously the most depressing, as there's no coming back from this even in the maddest of fever dreams.

Roger Penrose has proposed a hypothesis that the heat-death of one universe is identical with the singularity that releases another. Both are cases of maximum entropy where time, space and mass have no meaning. In terms of physics, there is no means of distinguishing between them. He also suggests that gross features from the previous universe can influence the succeeding one which implies that entropy is never infinite.

GoyimNose ago

Imagine actually believing in jew space science lol

fastregister ago

if black holes correspond to heat death, then the end of the black holes life will be a gradual temperature increase, then the black hole gradually disappears, there will be no explosion, unless the surrounding matters remaining velocity is high enough to compress a bunch of matter into a nuclear fusion reaction where the hole used to be, but the hole should gradually become weaker as it approached its own end of life. also if the black hole was saturated very abruptly, maybe by swallowing a highly radioactive meteor, or big tank of volatile chemicals, additionally to the possible compression of matter, then the approaching matter would experience an abrupt decrease in velocity, subjected to strong g-forces and could send a shockwave outwards through rebounding of the matter, which would potentially be pulverized to turn into plasma and detonate.

but in reality black holes are shit and dont exist, but in theory, what you should be concerned about is the high velocity of the matter that is approaching the hole.

LightestHour ago

there will be no explosion

I know. The heating up I refer to (from what I understand) stems from the size of the black hole decreasing to zero while the rate of electromagnetic radiation remains positive, causing the effective temperature to skyrocket.

If the black hole was saturated very abruptly...

There's nothing outside the black hole in this hypothetical scenario.

fastregister ago

in this hypothetical scenario, there is no relative black hole, there is only empty space, or at least no electric potential. nothing will happen for all of eternity. because in your theory of the black hole of heat death, there is no relative charge, there is only cold dead space, the hole would be indistinguishable from the surrounding space and simply would not exist. for a hole can only be a (relative) localized void inside of a field of energy.

my belief is that black holes, in case they have actually ever been observed, which i seriously doubt- are mere optical illusions, we are not looking through light years of empty space, but through clouds of distant matter. the nature of wave propagation creates the illusion, an optical lens effect, we're not observing the light in a straight line, the black hole and bodies in distant space are somewhere completely different than where they appear. all the directions, distances, dimensions and the whole picture are false.

fellowwhiteperson ago

The heat death is not necessarily the only future. The big rip is also one possible outcome, as the expansion of space continues to accelerate until even quarks are ripped from each other.

I personally don't believe in black holes, even despite this image. The Schwarzschild radius relies on the assumption of gravity working on flat space: Taking the Newtonian gravity equation, setting escape velocity to c, and solving for R. Under curved space, the volume of a "singularity" is zero, and thus nothing can actually enter it and there's no way for a black hole to form. When a neutron star gains additional mass, time dilation reduces its luminosity, making it appear darker like a black hole, but there's no event horizon.

There likely is some upper limit on the size of a black hole, after which it explodes or bleeds matter (like in astrophysical jets).


Pic is a giveaway

jimibulgin ago

It's practically hand-wringing.

Omnidempotent ago

How so? I'm not seeing it.


Look at the thumbnails for the articles further down where she doesn't have her hands covering her face.

I should have said her pic is an indicator to check for other signs, such as her name.

Crackrocknigga ago

If it talks like a duck, and walks like a duck, you should probably gas it anyways.

InediblePear ago

cursedcrusader ago

That is a good life motto.

totes_magotes ago

Oh, good thing you said that. I thought you were gonna say something like "fuck it like a duck."

Guy_Justsome ago

Fukkin saved.