Diggernicks ago

Colorado is gay

You should off yourself if you live there or believe in imaginary friends

King_Leopold_II ago

Colorado is gay

You'd fit in. Or are you the catcher?

andrew_jackson ago

May I consider this your official promise that you will not attend?

CaucasianSlavery ago

Sanction non Christian products. God bless

AnmanIndustries ago

Events like this are important. I pray you get a decent enough group to make your effort worth it.

friendshipistragic ago

Hey! I haven’t seen you in a while. I thought a drop bear had eaten you

AnmanIndustries ago

I'm always here. Unfortunately there is just less and less incentive these days to participate.

I cover my house in cat piss to scare off the drop bears. Sometimes the piss is still inside the cat though. That's what they get for pissing off my animals.

friendshipistragic ago

Lel. I’ve been wanting to tell you I followed your example and bought 36 acres and am building a functioning homestead. Your homestead project was something that helped inspire me.

AnmanIndustries ago

Heh, that is good. 36 acres is a good size for a small herd of grazing animals too. The more people who move out of the city and build a useful home, the better. Better for you, your family and society as a whole. In Europe, where my blood is, every one does some sort of things like that. Even in the suburbs, you will find every second house with a pig in the back yard. Buy a piglet cheap and you get a waste disposal unit, free fertilizer and eventually meat, with very little effort.

friendshipistragic ago

It’s mostly woods right now. I’ve got a house being built then I’ll develop a field.

AnmanIndustries ago

Wood is a good resource to have. No power at night? wood fire. Save money cooking food? wood fire (sort of. Look up wood gas). No fuel for tractor? wood fire. Don't like your neighbors? wood fire.

friendshipistragic ago

Thankfully I can’t see any neighbors. Part of what I like about 36 acres

andrew_jackson ago

Thanks! But I think that the odds are in our favor! Small groups can be very effective.

vivalad ago

no chicks? CO businesses only?

andrew_jackson ago

It's not Colorado only, it's open to any Christian nationalist.

andrew_jackson ago

It will be a men's business meeting. We can have a co-ed mixer afterwards, I suppose. Plenty of men will want to bring their wives. I doubt this would work well as a dating event...

...but it's so easy to meet people in Denver, if that's what you like. Lots of nice Christians.

MrBoutros ago

i am salivating for context

andrew_jackson ago

This will be a pro-Jesus business meeting. If you are a business man, or a professional or tradesman or student who aspires to enter the business world, you are invited. People of good conduct and reputation only.

We will network and have a nice breakfast. Group prayer. And then a couple of lectures on ethics and strategies for being a successful business man and facing the challenges of a secular world. Patriots only.

After the meeting is up, we'll split up into groups. I'm sure some guys will want to go see a rock concert or something. others will want to shoot guns, or whatever. Please expect a small gathering, this is a private group.