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fuspezza ago

That is because we are all connected on an unconscious level. Have you heard of the 100 monkey experiment?

Gravspeed ago

What is the hundred monkey experiment?

fuspezza ago this is why we are going trough a great awakening and we are reaching critical mass (100 monkey per say) so we are looking past all the BS that was fed to us

Gravspeed ago

That pretty interesting. Im curious if there have been any other observable examples

fuspezza ago

Reply yes there is I'll send you more

Gravspeed ago

Keep em coming.

Er, yes there is.

fuspezza ago there is this link that came up today on my front page it is called 100th monkey coming soon

Gravspeed ago

I saw that and wondered if it was you. Maybe inspired by you?

fuspezza ago

Lol it wasn't me