15195148? ago


15174842? ago

Good post patriot. Love hearing accounts like these. Keep the faith, trust the plan, and enjoy the show. WWG1WGA!

15174209? ago

Love to hear this! Gives me even more hope! Thanks for sharing! Keep us posted if you have anymore contact with that group. You should arrange a weekly swim and then start going for coffee or drinks afterwards. Nothing like a “support” group in a sea of idiots!

15173010? ago

That is good.

15172469? ago

Damn I hope you’re right! I’d love to see a little Q love here on the East Coast! Thanks! 🐵

15171343? ago

Man that's an uplifting story! When my faith is lacking it sure is helpful to get a sign. Thank you for sharing. WWG1WGA.

15171055? ago

I am in SoCal and we’re all Q here fellow dudes and dudets!!! WWG1WGA

15169365? ago

I live in a small town, I saw my first car with a Q sticker on the back of it. I felt so happy! I look for it every time I drive. Not sure what their reaction would be if I pull up next to them honking and giving them a thumbs up - but I bet they'll know!

15168785? ago

Remember that Cali used to be Regan country. Way more conservatives than you would imagine. WWG1WGA

15168121? ago

Easy when no nogs in pool.

15167468? ago

I'm in Australia and this is my experience now finally too. I'm also red pilling family and friends 15000km away back in Ireland.

Awareness is the key. People only need that initial spark of curiosity and then they start digesting red pills like junkies on heroin

15168520? ago

Everything is a Rich Man's Trick

All Wars are Bankers Wars

https://deepstatemappingproject.com - Cult of Baal map, specifically


These two documentaries, the map and the agenda spelled out have all helped me explain wtf is really going on. Maybe you'll agree!

15169190? ago

All Wars are Bankers Wars

Definitely agree with this. Jews and bankers are like frogs and toads. All bankers are Jews but not all Jews are bankers.... Ok I know the first part isn't exactly true but almost. They are certainly the top of the banker pyramid.

So all wars are Jew wars. Also not true but certainly not far from true.

15170061? ago

Given that the few people at the top of the DS pyramid have as much in common with the typical Jew as rice and oranges; and given that some of the same voices that call out the banker thing also note that those Rothchild and Soros type people may not actually have real Jewish heritage (and absolutely are on the opposite side of the Lord) I'm going to posit that even calling those would-be-controllers Jews is slander. I wish I could say they're not human, but they are, despite every attempt on their own part to separate themselves from the human race. They need a (new) label to their own, since accurate labels such as anti-Christ and Baal worshippers don't seem to pull many people's heartstrings.

15166869? ago

The Plan goes forward. This is way bigger than you think. Gen Mike Flynn's BD is DEC 5. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. Think Sealed Indictments. 75 Judges are waiting to be confirmed. Voter Fraud = Voter ID. Huber is ready to testify. Think Logically. Social Media blackouts. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2018/11/21/white-house-approves-use-of-force-some-law-enforcement-roles-for-border-troops/

15166760? ago

My husband and I are boomers and we are woke been so since the Gulf War. Our children who are millennials are woke we all read the boards. My mother who is in her 80s is woke. I think you are right we are hitting critical mass.

15168531? ago

Oh my goodness, this is pleasing to read!

Have you all seen the following?:

Everything is a Rich Man's Trick

All Wars are Bankers Wars

https://deepstatemappingproject.com - Cult of Baal map, specifically


15166650? ago

I live on west coast. As yet still afraid to wear Q shirt in public. F'ing liberals. But I guess someones got to start the conversation.

15166605? ago

I hope 100th monkey is soon A Great Big World Wide AWAKENING! 8+ BILLON vs. DS (maybe 10k WW) They lose! BOOM! Dammit I need more popcorn!

15166537? ago

This submission was linked from this v/science comment by @fuspezza.

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15165489? ago

Do you see and feel the heavy changes too ?

Do you see the Shining Light too, my Friend ! getting Proud of you ! Thank you, my Friend !

Praying for US in oldest words i know ! stay save ! you are needet !

Godspeed Patriots. edie

15165354? ago

I'd guess we're at about the 79th monkey

15165189? ago

Hope for humanity...Christ first to be sure. Tough to know when sharing that won't take the person further away. But the whole story...wow...wish I had more moments like this...usually I'm on the other side of the liberals all saying, "well Trump is a racist so...or...what's the deal with Trump and Putin?"

15164871? ago

Just keep flooding Twitter and FB with hash tags like #wwg1wga and it is amazing to see the responses and clicks that it receives. That is what I am doing to help.

15164650? ago

I heard music while reading this. The cannabis perhaps helped. But it rose in tempo and fever towards the end, cresendoing at "Be of good cheer!" and denouementing after. Really neat, first time this has happened to me.

The prayer aspect helps a great deal as well. Each one is just a small nudge, but with enough nudges, we can change the course.

15164619? ago

Thank you!!!! Now this is the stuff that I love to hear!!!!

15164205? ago

I LOVE this thread! Very uplifting to hear that people are waking up.

We are on track to get our own real "I'm mad as hell" moment out there in Q land.


15168473? ago


15163826? ago

I think (just me for what it's worth) , that the most important thing happening right now is, no matter one's ideas about Q, or what side of the political fence one is on, more and more people now agree -- have awakened to the fact -- that the world does not work the way we thought; that the people who dare to presume to rule over us are NOT who we thought, and they most certainly do NOT have our best interests at heart; and we are drowning in a sea of manipulative lies. Once we all realize these truths, their power over us can be broken, and we can swim to the safety of the shore, where we can intelligently discuss and debate where to go next, as we towel all those lies off.

15163628? ago

Yes, a tipping point, just as families and friends come together across the nation IRL to break bread and talk politics :-)

15163613? ago

Wow, in Pasadena... that is very good news.

Not sure about people spouting Alphabits... but young to old WQKE in that area is soo bonerific!!!

RBAC/RsBwl is full of all kinds of people from all bloodlines (I see it as a reverse Babal.. many languages linking to one Question... are they WQKE?)

15163458? ago

And yet California went more blue than ever - not buying your fan fiction.

15163018? ago

Something is definitely up. About a year ago Trump issued an executive order to stop the contrails. I live in the Chicago area. They pretty much stopped after that executive order. I have seen them about a dozen times since and it was just a couple planes. Yesterday 11/20/18 there was at least a dozen planes and you could see it was designed to go over the city. Does anybody out there have any information?

15162981? ago

Every person I talk to is behind Trump. I’ve seen Q signs in my small town. Most of my family is following Q, some in my bible study follows Q, and it’s amazing how many people are waking up. They just make it seem like we’re in a vacuum since they control the media/ internet. Watch Quite Frankly podcast on YouTube or ITunes. He’s a New Yorker who constantly has guests on with Q knowledge. Fascinating stuff. But you need to dig for it. Spread it- far and wide. This isnour revolution, patriots. We have been born for such a time as this. Thinking of wearing a Q shirt at my hakf marathon- in the back of my shirt because most will be behind me;)

15162831? ago

Very cool story!

15162751? ago

I love stories like this. Thanks for posting.

15162733? ago

how did the old guy pronounce WQKE?

15162229? ago

Great share. Thanks from down under brother in Christ

15162211? ago

And then there's Maude.

15162171? ago

We are pealing what can best be thought of as an onion of evil. Each layer covers a deeper and more sinister layer.

The Q-team only wants to reveal truth/evil down to a certain level because it is believed that we can't handle what's underneath. (If that's even 'their' true motivation.)

Our entire existence is changing, however, and there is no turning back. Evil and Truth will be revealed along with whatever consequences that follow such revelations. The Q-team will play whatever part is necessary and eventually be superseded by the next round of revelations.

We are in for a great deal of pain and suffering as humankind is birthed into a new reality. Some will adapt and survive/thrive while many others will perish. The very foundations of what we think is reality are changing.

Prepare yourselves and hang on....

15162025? ago

I'm in Portland, Oregon. WE HATE ANTIFA! Can't stand the libtard way... Unfortunately we have no way to legitimately vote them out because we have mail in only voting. NO OVERSIGHT whatsoever, no way to track our votes, no ID required to register. Totally corrupt government but the people here are not like what you see on the news. Those are our homeless/drugged out people.

15168483? ago

mail in only voting

Same here in WA

15162002? ago

Quick question... Is this the same link Q has posted a handful of times before? As well as a lot of people on Twitter? There’s no way it’s still only 1.3m views if it’s the same URL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ

15164564? ago

It's been proven Youtube removes likes and views.

Joe The Storm Upon Us video, he mentioned this on one of his tweet to one of his videos.

Twitter removed his Pinned tweet on one of his video, so he mentioned it. Then pinned another tweet to his video. Then one day he noticed his views was less than the previous day.

15164657? ago

Yes I realize that’s why I’m curious if Q posts the same exact video for trumps famous speech, if it is the same video then they are obviously downgrading a huge amount of views for it. Maybe I can search function the url.

15164872? ago

It's a great video.

Youtube does a lot of dirty tricks. Don't believe all their 'views' or 'likes'. Just see it with a grain of salt.

15161972? ago

I too live in a deep blue coastal city and am consistently having the same experiences. The Dems only remaining constituents are illegals, dead folks and mentally ill people under mass hypnosis. 10% at most.

15161874? ago

Saved your story patriot. Gonna use it with my friends and family. I'm in a very red part of a very red state. The problem we have around here is many people are ready to start the next civil w_r! They think the north and the west coast is completely lost and the only thing left for us to do is fight it out and take back the country by force. I keep trying to tell folks that we are not seeing the truth about the numbers we have. Msm wants us fighting amongst ourselves, they sure don't want us getting along and encouraging each other! When I share stories like this it lifts people's spirit.

15161808? ago

clowns do not talk or they end up deaded....

15161715? ago

Thanks for sharing!!

15161617? ago

It is going Global man. people from all over are waking >> the Greatawakening!

15161428? ago

How do you pronounce WQKE?

15161289? ago

Similar thing happened to me on a cruise ship.

Word is spreading FAST.

15161210? ago

So here's my question. How did the Dems get so many votes in the midterms? It doesn't pass the smell test.

15161980? ago

How did they win so many races AFTER the election? Statistically impossible that not one Republican ended up winning after the election.

15161117? ago

So what your saying is you spent a lot of quality time in a hot tub with a lot of dudes. This is an important post. Sticky this shit. No pun intended. Fag.

15161090? ago

Your absolutely right, I'm in MO and even people that still call themselves Democrats all agree that the news is full of shit, Hellary is a crook, Cortez the littlest communist is an idiot, and that the leadership of the whole dem party is a bunch of crooked sociopaths. This common ground opens up conversations and makes red pills easy to hand out like candy. All you really gotta do is tell them about the podesta brothers and their "art" and about their connections to the Clintons. Then a few convos later introduce them to Q and mission complete.

Keep spreading the word patriots. These cabal bastards have their PR with fake news, but we have the truth.

15160806? ago

Here in Commiefornia in South Orange County I just went to Costco and Trader Joe's with my Trump T shirt and got 5 couples of all walks of life who walked up to me all through out the store and praised my TRUMP shirt. Even an employee at US Bank gave ma a thumbs up when wearing my Q T shirt!.

15160631? ago


Scroll down to Vacancies and pending nominations. There are 6 seats available, POTUS has already nominated 5 judges. Q said watch CA. The Ninth Circuit Court is based in San Francisco. Also, I have a Republican friend, all three of her children are Dems. In this last election all 3 kids said No Way to Gavin Newsom and Dianne Feinstein. California is changing. Thank You God.

15162003? ago

There is absolutely no way Gavin Newsome won CA.

15162244? ago

Absolutely no way!

15162281? ago

But it was great to see him with President Trump during a presser in a stand of living trees talking about the destructive "forest fires"

15160618? ago

Well it ain't happening here in New England fast enough. I love my New England very much but we're too friggin stubborn here. Something needs to happen here to snap them out of it.

15162015? ago

You're still so close to where they're doing the rituals, lots of people under mass hypnosis.

15160598? ago

I was able to red pill my friend. He’s a very smart guy and very good at out of the box thinking so I decided it was time. We had an 8 hour drive from Edmonton, AB to Regina, SK (Canada) for work so I decided to hook up my phone to the radio and show him all 3 Zeitgeist movies. They are extremely effective at helping to red pill people because they are based entirely on fact and do a very good job of making it seem less like a conspiracy and more of “you’re still asleep if you don’t know this stuff.”

I highly recommend buying these movies on iTunes or a similar platform and showing your friends and family!


15168440? ago

All Wars are Bankers Wars

Everything is a Rich Man's Trick

https://deepstatemappingproject.com -cult of baal map, specifically

These are even more effective than Zeitgeist, IMHO.

15172943? ago

Thank you Patriot! I know of this information but I had not discovered the Deep State Mapping Project, very informative.

15175189? ago

You are so welcome. It helped me see the 40,000 (or higher) ft. view of what is going on.

Here's an interview the author did explaining the map, if that interests you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe4pMSRubkE

God bless you!

15182691? ago

I will definitely watch that once I’m back on wifi. I was watching David Wilcock on Gaia before I was 100% red pilled, I had mixed feelings about it all at first but then I watched the Zeitgeist movies and I’ve been exploring everything since then. Thank you again! The Qweb and Qkey is brilliant.

15160579? ago

how did he pronounce WQKE people?

15160569? ago

Wow, this is actually really good to hear. I remember you could swing a dead dragon in LA and never hit a conservative.

15160553? ago

This is great news, thanks for sharing. I have been unable to communicate how important it is to get out of California to my husband. We have a business there and several properties. He is literally clueless. They could burn down our properties in front of us and he wouldn't get it. So sadly I am on the other side of the Country in the corn fields. I feel horrible that we are apart but for my own mental health I had to get out of there. Praying that one day very soon he gets it before it's too late.

15160441? ago

I've only recently became aware of this but haven't had time to research, but the little I've read about the 100th monkey effect was enough for me to know it's worth some serious digging. This shit is actually happening folks so better learn as much as we can now!


15160384? ago

So did you guys give each other reacharounds or what?

Sounds like you want us to know about your fantasy of meeting strange men in at public pools.

We all know LA is a shithole. Thanks for your made up story though.

15160368? ago

And then they gave me $100 and applauded.

15160318? ago

Great story, thanks for sharing. THIS is something to be thankful for on this great holiday.

15160232? ago

I'm in the heart of Los Angeles; and they are still brainwashed commies from where I sit. But glad you are spreading the word and hearing others do such. I still think Orange County voted RED all the way; just waiting for all the CA voter fraud to be EXPOSED....waiting...waiting...waiting...

15160214? ago


15160096? ago

Careful. "Retired Clowns In America." I doubt that even if you were a clown and you wanted to retire that the circus ever lets you truly retire.

15169284? ago

"Why did you resign?" No.2, to No.6

15163884? ago

Freedom can be a beautiful thing. If you exit properly, you just fade into the background

15159727? ago

I have seen Q signs around town in Los Angeles , a couple in particular that said “LQVE” really cool

15159718? ago

Encouraging! WWG1WGA WAWY -GrammAA

15159626? ago


15159545? ago

Great story

15158965? ago

ThanQ! Your story gives me hope.

15158916? ago

Fabulous story, but how do I know it is not just a story? Fake News is everywhere...

15158907? ago

Wow I know that probably shocked you, but what a great story, and thank you for sharing. Having that many people with you all red-pilled is amazing to hear that normally is not the case, so happy you got to meet them!!

15158538? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#10809) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15158331? ago

I came across "#qanon" written with sharpie on some $100 bills.. at a bank... in Canada... in a town of less than 100,000... in the middle of NOWHERE.


15158799? ago

what exactly is happening? did they arrest hillary or obummer yet

15161232? ago

Well, YOU'RE here.. so obviously something is happening

15158237? ago

Hey if Q's getting people to think for themself instead of blindly believing everything the media etc tells them - it can only be A VERY GOOD THING for this world

15158227? ago

This makes me feel better about California.

15158197? ago

How the fuck did he say "wqke"?!

Are we sure everyone in the nearby cafés and restaurants didn't stand up and clap afterwards?

15163960? ago

Given the context, it doesn't really matter. Nobody on 8chan gives much of a shit if it's woke or wqke

15159057? ago

Yeah, I'm trying to imagine it. OP, please explain. Did he say "whoa- queue - ke"?

15168517? ago

I took OP as saying the lifeguard said it like a radio station does. Only saying each letter W Q K E. I could be wrong but I didn't try to read it, just automatically dj'd it my head. Maybe all the years listening to KCAL FM affected my brain.

15158760? ago

I'm curious as well. That part makes no sense.

15158148? ago

I question those who denigrate all in a group by the actions of a few -- whether Jew, Black, Women, or Men. Are these "haters," shills? Or just bigoted/biased?

The Jews historically are "God's Chosen People" to represent/safekeep God's Word to the rest of us. They're descended from Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob by genetics, & associated with THE True God by FAITH (when they seek to know/obey God). Just like us, only SOME seek God alone & obey. Those are the true Jews/God's people. We're to support the true Jews, the true Israel. God is not done with them yet.The Old Testament & Jewish life is a "shadow" of the New Testament "reality." For example, Jesus is the "Lamb of God" who shed his blood for the forgiveness of many [through FAITH]. It is so offensive to hear Jew-haters who paint all Jews [or Blacks, Men, Women, etc] as evil. Yes, some Jews are deep state, as are some of each color, race, or gender. Be reasonable. We're not stupid enough to buy your hatred.

15159968? ago

I’ve given that question much thought over the past year. I do believe that He is not done with them yet. A couple of months ago I realized that the principles in the parable of the Prodigal Son would apply here very well. There are good Jews and bad Jews, just like every other group of people. Zionists, however, are another story.

15164957? ago

Please define 'Zionist'.

15159230? ago

The Jews are as diverse as anyone and fight among themselves often, so you are correct that they are not a cohesive group. Some are cohesive in subsets but like any group there are good and bad. I think that the fear and hatred come when people see them as controlling and wealthy which some really are. Some are true libertarians, some are very conservative and many love this country. The one thing that angers me and others, I presume, is when some attack whites. Aren't they white too??? One day those will regret their racism.

15157984? ago

actually, the families, friends, and relatives of the victims of the intentional fires are ready for redpilling, too.... if they survived the event.

15157825? ago

Glad you started this thread. This is uplifting. I've often wondered if California was as liberal as it looks or if it was the result of a LOT of cheating.

15162587? ago

I will tell you a simple fact. We used to be conservative, (Cali) then everyone that was mental in another state decided they need to be in Cali where we were supposed to laid back. Only that was a pipe dream... until enough of the freaks from the other 49 plus the minority we had here became a block and influenced the warping of minds...the rest is expected history. That’s how it happened, fucking locust used Cale for a rallying point in the late 60s.

15160057? ago

In my neck of the woods in CA, Southern is a bastion of liberalism. That is where you get attacked. But in the north, more people in my sphere are apathetic about politics, a sprinkle of both R and D, and Sacramento (Capital of CA) is in the North. It is perplexing.

15168468? ago

I was born and raised in Sacramento. Antelope, specifically. The public k-12 system and college systems are very liberal. Marxist training centers.

15158155? ago

California is probably not the liberal hellhole you assume it is. Trump received 4.5 million votes in 2016, it has the 17th lowest property taxes in the nation (Texas is 46th), the 8th highest GDP per capita, it's 3rd in entrepreneurship (by SBA loans per 100,000 population) and has been running a budget surplus for the last 4 years.

15161359? ago

You had me until the budget surplus statement....

15159854? ago

15160243? ago

Maybe you should look up the definitions for debt and deficit, they are not the same. Most of that 'debt' you speak of isn't actually debt anyway, is pension liabilities. Not to say pensions aren't a problem that needs to be addressed, but it is factually correct that California doesn't have trillions in debt. This site puts is at $476 Billion link, and the GDP is $2.9 trillion for reference. As a ratio of debt to GDP, California is doing better than Texas link. And none of what you claim refutes the fact that California has been running a budget surplus for a few years now (Though this is largely due to higher than expected capital gains revenue, so it's not gonna last forever. Thankfully, the state has been stashing much of this surplus money into a 'rainy day fund' for when the economy inevitably turns south).

15162717? ago

That “liabilities” IS FUCKING DEBT YOU MORON! Suck my nigger dick, the fucking socialist pieces of shit keep upping the price on every fucking thing here to pay for their brown nigger illegal voters. My fucking 20yo 250 truck is going to be $400 to register, my fucking State Contractor license up $60 to $400, my fucking motorcycle up $60 to $160, now they’re going to let PGE FUCK OUR ASSES TO PAY FOR THE STATES mismanagement of the fucking forest. A state running a “surplus” does not RAPE its tax payers.

15159082? ago

Its the election fraud over there and elsewhere that worries us.

15157817? ago

I started sharing Christ individually with another guy in the spa

So is "Christ" the name of your penis?

15159992? ago


15157747? ago

Great 'on the ground' intel anon! <3

15157565? ago

Great share! Thank you!

15157294? ago

The Tipping point is near

15157263? ago

you faggots think you are woke talking about the left and the right. fuck off.

15158084? ago

Instead of telling them to fuck off why not point them in the direction of the next rabbit hole to explore?

15157744? ago

And you think you're woke by being an immature little ass-hat, what's your point?

15157533? ago

Are they not saying ORANGE MAN BAD enough for you comrade fuckwit?

15157686? ago

I think he's trying to point out that it's easy to get wrapped up in a movie, when you're invested in the characters enough.

I hope we survive this.

15157262? ago

I've mentioned Q in passing to several people in the last week. To my astonishment, almost everyone has AT LEAST heard of Q! Very different than even a few months ago.

Good post, thanks for sharing!

15157159? ago

Dude, you're so right. My Mom wanted me to talk to some of her friends in the city she lives in in Illinois. Just a casual lunch with 2 of her friends to talk about "the deep state stuff". I'm good with that. I get there and there are 9 people there who "want the skinny". We're at a Denny's, talking about whether Rod Rosenstein is black hat or white hat and the little asian waiter chimes in "Black hat." I said, "You're following along out there?" And he nodded and smiled.

You're right, compatriot, we are approaching the top of this rollercoaster's first hill. Hang on, everybody! WWG1WGA!

15159952? ago

I've been trying to red pill some people at work. One person is notable in that the first time I talked to him, you could tell he was not buying it. Then the fires started in CA. I told him that it was intentional. After 3 times on three different days, I mentioned other things, including I told him about 13 blood lines including Rothschild. He immediately looked it up and saw that what I was telling him was indeed open source. I feel good about him that he is close. Does anyone have a link to a YT vid I saw about a person turning his camera on the sky and you see lights that fire and 4 smaller lights disperse? It was a compelling video about DEWs. I could not find it again. If you know, please post it so I could show it to this guy. Thanks anons. I feel good about our movement. NOTHING will shake my faith that there are a lot of things happening behind the scenes. I'm going to wait as long as necessary for Q and Q+ to accomplish their goals and The Plan. WWG1WGA!

15164186? ago

But what I don't understand is, when it comes to chemtrails, and the plane/drone-based DEW lasers -- don't the military white hats have control over US airspace?! How can those SOBs fly drones or airplanes around with seemingly no worries whatsoever about being stopped? Do you think you could get away with it?! I'm just wondering what's going on with that whole scenario, that's all. I'm tired of looking up and seeing chemtrails, and I'm beyond tired of seeing them turning CA to ash, and seeing the death and destruction of my fellow Americans with (apparently) no consequences for the genocidal maniacs.

I live in rural Montana. The little town I live in is surrounded by mountains and forests. Almost every year, if we don't have a nearby series of fires, we at least have to breath in the woodsmoke of more distant ones. Montana is a pretty dry state, after all. That being said, the forest around us is NOT in town. The towns nearby also are not IN the forest. NO mountain towns are IN the forest. The forest is cleared and THEN the towns are built. I'm pretty darn sure -- and please, Paradise, CA residents correct me if I'm wrong -- Paradise is not IN the nearby forest. I say all that to ask, HOW DOES A WHOLE DAMN TOWN BURN DOWN IF ITS NOT IN THE FOREST?!!! Some fire damage to outlying homes and businesses from windblown sparks? Sure! But the whole town burned to the foundations and then some? NO. We can debate what's going on here, but we can no longer debate that something is going on, something evil, unnatural, and malicious. I'm done now.

15180900? ago

Soooo TRUE Patriot! Thank you!!

15177188? ago

You're preaching to the choir friend. Im hoping POTUS and Q will change all this.

15165988? ago

These are private companies carrying out these initiatives. Open war on US soil against these entities is what the military is trying to avoid through Trump.

15165468? ago

I know! :( The chemtrails have been heavy in Texas this last week. There was one day when I was having trouble breathing without coughing, and I am not sick.

15174397? ago

SE Flowerduh (NY kike pronunciation, loads of 'em now as the big beaked ones flock South) has been mad-chemmed for weeks now, nothing unusual here in the Dirty South. I'm along the coast due East of Lake Okeechobee (aka Choke-a-Cubby) -- went outside last night @ 2am to "mark my territory" (piss) and the full moon was brilliant, so much so that chemtrails were easily exposed. Counted a half-dozen within view, which below sea level is limited compared to my ol' Big Sky-ish view in Colora-doh!

15164465? ago

To me, the best site to get all the info on chemtrailing and weather modificaion is Dane Wigington's Youtube, Geoenginering> I learned everything on that channel. He is the expert, IMO

15165896? ago

These CA fires are waking A LOT of people up, and making others much easier to red pill. It seems a lot of public that lives in and aroudn the area are quickly growing suspicious of these "fires."

People are starting to collectively wake up. The media's hit pieces are only going full blow Streisand Effect at this point. They'd be much better off not even covering it. lol

15158382? ago

Awww that's so awesome!! and it's accounts like these that show that it's really happening, contrary to what MSM tries to tell us! WWG1WGA!😇

15157104? ago

Agree, 100%. Yesterday, I called to order internet, and girl helping me started redpilling ME. Holy shit. We were on a recorded line, and she was not worried about repercussions... When I refused tv combo with internet, she flat out said the media is only brainwashing us to be robots. She said she graduated college 2 years ago, then went on redpilling. I was shocked, but extremely happy. The world is WQKE. WWG1WGA

15171412? ago

Another great story! Thanks for sharing.

15164427? ago

I think she likes you

15157097? ago

You should've checked to see if they know the jewish question. That is all that matters now.

15158318? ago

We should maintain a modicum of respect for [Legacy] voat as they adjust to the new power dynamic and transition to minority status. We want you to feel welcome still, but abject hatred for our Jewish brothers in this movement is unwelcome.

15158467? ago

Hatred?? I'm just telling the truth wtf

15158525? ago

You are not welcome here.

15158534? ago

Dont forget where you are and that you came HERE!

15159079? ago

Be gone racist

15162749? ago

Eat a dick brain dead boomer jewcuck. If this 'war' you're all set on comes, rest assured that those of us that had to inherit the world you created will treat you with exactly the same dignity and respect you treated us with.

Since you christians are so dead set on anihillating tthe world for your jew masters, you will be judged as collaborators and dealt with accordingly.

15162160? ago

I am a REALIST. I learned from experience.

15157725? ago

That's why this movement doesn't matter yet. Until every jew is removed from any office and banned from owning property in the US none of this matters.

Even if you win, it's just more of the same in a different hat.

15160030? ago

I would agree with you on one point: dual citizens have NO place in our government, regardless of the second country.

15157083? ago

Is it fair to say that anyone still asleep at this point in time is low IQ? Borderline retarded? I mean critical thinking is very easy. It's literally discerning facts from feelings. Very basic stuff.

15171414? ago

Brainwashing is powerful stuff.

15166389? ago

Imo, it's like the dance floor. There's always the one person or couple that gets out there with no fear. Then everyone else follows suit. Or at a buffet at a party. Same thing. Even after permission from the host, people will wait until that one person says, "fuck it, I'm hungry!"

A very large part of the population are like sheep. The good news as it relates to this cause is if "enough" are awoken, I believe the rest will...follow. And that's what the evil doers are afraid of.

15165814? ago

There are many people who live in their own bubble, they dont follow politics and unfortunately vote for peoples names they have heard and don’t even know what their values are! Heads buried in the sand!

15164150? ago

It's not so much IQ as it is 1) awareness and 2) WILLINGNESS TO CONFRONT!

I've run into quite a few VERY bright guys who just totally were still stuck in the matrix and using all their talent there. Refusing to look elsewhere. The kind of guys who would then "intelligently" give you all the reasons one should stay in the matrix and all the ways there can't possibly be anything else than the matrix.

IQ is not stopping them. The courage to look and confront is.

15163734? ago

Low IQ.

FTFY; Muslim. Or nigger.

15159683? ago

There are others that flat out don’t care. As long as their little world isn’t affected, they don’t care if Q is legit or not.

15159159? ago

The brainwashing that "we are the good people and they are the bad people" on the liberal side of things is strong. The vast majority of people believe themselves to be good and want to be recognized as good. That's why it's so powerful when D leaders make a big deal about how they care about marginalized groups, and the environment, and inequality, and blah blah blah. That's why they virtue signal so damn aggressively. It's the brainwashing that all of these things make you a good person, and anybody who doesn't agree is a bad person. It's effective. And it takes some real effort, thinking, and focus to break free from.

We are moral herd animals. Breaking from the flock -- and being ruthlessly shamed for it, having your morality attacked brutally -- is hard. A lot harder than critical thinking. And unfortunately, if you started out in liberal circles, you need to master both before you can be fully woke. So don't be so harsh on them. Help them understand true morality and they'll be able to let go of fake virtue signalling morality. Then they'll come around.

15164067? ago

Like Mexico paying to build the wall. MX said no. Now Mexican (TJ) is up in arms over migrants in "their" country. Clever POTUS have the Mexican people scream for their nation, and MX citizen protection. The wall will deture migrants parking their butts on (TJ's)citizens front lawns causing chaos in mx. I look forward to President elect in mx to step up and build a southern wall as well. Mx nationalists fighting for Mexico, wanting migration through Mx to stop. The price to build a permanent wall is small compared to cost having military guarding mx/us border. I'm for one am with POTUS and MI cleaning house of bs socialism WWG1WGA.

15163799? ago

They virtue signal for ego kibbles and attention whoring to make themselves look good, rather than for making an actual positive impact on humanity.

15159380? ago

Good points. I agree, they virtue signal. They want everyone to know that they are a nice person that cares about others. What they don't realize is that they're actually hurting others and holding humanity back!

15157881? ago

I think it has more to do with being weak and more inclined to follow the group. Most people aren’t looking for truth, but rather confirmation of their already held ideas.

15160424? ago

Issues they are surrounded by other liberals as well which makes it harder for them to think differently

15158671? ago

but isn't that exactly what you are doing? Q movement, trust the plan.

15162380? ago

I was awake long before there was a Q. So no. There have been many plans over the years. This one just happens to be the best one I've heard of so I'm in. Lots of people here are in the same position I'm in.

15166816? ago

Yep, I'm one of those in same position. I think it's been phenomenal whats been going on and the info that's out there now.

15167420? ago

Oh yeah. And all the people waking up. It was real tuff being a woke kid. Trying to talk to people and being treated like you were out of your mind. Nobody wanted to believe me. They were all happily asleep. Huh! In a few more years I might be a normie! Hahaha!

15182412? ago

A normie, lol. I never thought about that but you're right! I can see that happening.

15159990? ago

If you blindly believe, I guess it's your own fault if you wind up on the wrong side. If you research yourself, then it is up to you to decide. The choice is yours to know. Personally, after researching myself, I can't sleep at night. I am confident in my research, and I trust myself, AND the plan. Don't take it from me, check for yourself. WWG1WGA

15161388? ago

I'm certain there's some that are blindly following. Or not doing the same level of research that you or I have put in. But it's up to each individual to come to grips with it. Some don't need as many Q proofs as we've had. Others can't be convinced even after reviewing it all. I'm in the boat that is finished researching. I've seen enough shit that makes me sick. I am ready for the hammer to drop, and I hope it is sooner rather than later.

15161827? ago

Amen. I've seen enough to make a Billy goat puke. Makes me sick, but focused on the task at hand. On the sooner than later, me too, however I want this done once and for all, so if it takes time, so be it. We just need to finish this for good. Ready and willing to do whatever it takes. POTUS, Q and ALL Patriots, God bless you! WWG1WGA

15159414? ago

No. I was a skeptic to begin with. It took a couple months before I could see Q was working with Trump. Many of us have watched it play out from the start. I don’t follow anyone but myself. Think for yourself and question everything. But don’t hurt the group. People calling people shills are shills themself. We are here for the truth. We are not here to divide. It’s simple.

15162102? ago

Well said, thank you.

15159447? ago

I can appreciate that. You are right about the constant throwing around of the term "shill". Gets old quick. To seek out truth, one has to realize that your gov is NOT your friend. Best of luck to you.

15159557? ago

You as well 🙏🏻 #WWG1WGA

15156924? ago

We are in the midst of a worldwide awakening. Everyone who has started the process did so at a different time and is at a different level, but the common ground is the recognition that it is time for change - even at the risk that that change will be difficult.

15159024? ago

I want to explain OP's passing reference to the 100th monkey effect, because it's quite important.

The hundredth monkey effect is a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behaviour or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behaviour or acknowledge the new idea.

The original Koshima research was undertaken by a team of scientists as a secondary consequence of 1948 research on semiwild horses in Japan. The Koshima troupe was identified as segregated from other monkeys and, from 1950, used as a closed study group to observe wild Japanese monkey behaviour. While studying the group the team would drop sweet potatoes and wheat on the beach and observe the troupe's behaviour. In 1954 a paper was published indicating the first observances of one monkey, Imo, washing her sweet potatoes in the water. Her changed behaviour led to several feeding behaviour changes over the course of the next few years, all of which was of great benefit in understanding the process of teaching and learning in animal behaviour.

Separate papers make mention that, from 1960 onward, similar sweet potato washing behaviours were noticed in other parts of the world, however this is not directly attributed to Koshima. Claims are made that a monkey swam from one island to another where he taught the resident monkeys how to wash sweet potatoes. No mention of the other behavioural improvements are made. No indication of how the monkey swam is made either - it must be noted that the Koshima monkeys cannot swim. Therefore, although the question must be asked how the swimming monkey learned the sweet potato washing behaviour if not from Koshima, no indication is made as to where the monkey learned the behaviour.

When an idea, or behavior gains sufficient traction within an animal community, it can "jump" to communities of the same species across the world with no contact with the original group. The same phenomena can be observed in humans:

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference is the debut book by Malcolm Gladwell, first published by Little, Brown in 2000. Gladwell defines a tipping point as "the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point".[1] The book seeks to explain and describe the "mysterious" sociological changes that mark everyday life. As Gladwell states: "Ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread like viruses do"

Ideas take a long time to slowly grow, and then suddenly take off and spread like wildfire. This is where the idea of meme magic comes from. Simply get many people to understand and accept an idea, and suddenly it becomes "common knowledge."

We are the dreamers of dreams, the makers of memes.

15165551? ago

EXCELLENT WORK, PATRIOT! I believe that there are a select group of people/brains/souls that seem to "spread" or are like a "server" (for lack of a better analogy) that assist to spread new ideas. Your scientific research is a better explanation of this phenomenon!

15165693? ago

You can look at this from the perspective of spreading memes, as I described above. You can also consider it from the perspective of undermining the memes of your enemy. You might call it counter-spelling meme magic. Or spiritual warfare. The Bible talks about this:

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

We don't wage war as the Satanists do, by lies, domination, and assassination. We demolish the evil memes that the wicked spread in order to free the sheeple from mind control, so that they can become good shepherds and help others.

15166099? ago

Absolutely! From a Sociobiological perspective, I call it "Planting Seeds". Just as, "once you see something, you cannot un-see it", once you are presented with a thought/an idea, you cannot Un-Learn it! Once it goes into your brain, no matter if you agree with it or not, a new FILTER has been created (along a neural pathway). From that moment on, you cannot avoid running information thru that Filter (no matter if you come to accept the idea or fight furiously against it, it's always there). For instance, have you ever thought really highly of a friend, then had someone express their dislike/distrust of them? It throws you "for a loop"! From that moment on, you cannot avoid causiously observing their actions and behaviors, Looking thru the New Filter, to determine if that negative person was correct in their evaluation of this friend. Even if you don't find any evidence that they are correct, your original perspective of this friend is forever shattered and you will always filter your observations thru that person's alternate perspective...no choice, the seed is planted. Memes are Very Valuable bc they plant those seeds, with minimal effort, and you have shattered their Pure/Blind perspective. So, YAY, PATRIOTS! WE REALLY DID MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN THE ELECTION AND IN HELPING TI SAVE US ALL!!

15159776? ago


15158389? ago

We are in the midst of a worldwide awakening

You can say that again, my friend. Here I am, living in Portugal, and EVERYONE I talk to supports Trump. They still don't like his brash style, but everyone says he's doing what needs to be done.

Everyone is ready for this. The pieces just need to fall in place. And if Trump ever comes to Portugal, I'm going to be there holding a Q sign myself.


15163466? ago

Well, learn to love his brashness; nothing less can take on the enemy -- to our enemies, gentility screams "Walk on me! I'm a rug!"

15214494? ago

Brashness is the only way to get change done, we need someone with balls. Slick politician types are just swamp lemmings that make false promises.

15161298? ago

Brashness is part of Trump's magic. He doesn't take crap from anyone and he is fearless in confronting his enemies.

Besides, you are not really brash if you can back it up with results.

Trump exaggerates and uses hyperboles, but on the serious statements, he's never been wrong yet and he often signals his intentions like taunting his enemies--daring them to try to stop him.

Remember one of his first serious statements was that Obama was wire tapping Trump Tower right after the election. The MSM and Obama ridiculed him as being paranoid, but it turned out to be true. Trump says there is massive voter fraud and the liberals and MSM scream "LIES!", but it turning out to be true.

My prediction? The midterm elections may have been a sting operation to allow the Democrats to use voter fraud to retake the House of Representatives. But DHS has been monitoring the elections where voter fraud has been known for years and has been collecting evidence. I believe that once all of the elections have been decided, Trump is going to expose massive voter fraud and those elected through fraud will have to step down and new special elections will have to be held where fraud will be impossible. Republicans take control of the House again sometime after January with the new elections. At least, that's what I think is happening. Exposing the voter fraud in Florida was just the tip of the iceberg.

15171395? ago

I tend to agree with you. We all know that we need to secure our elections like with a voter ID card. Anytime it is brought up the left fights it tooth and nail and always falls back to the "there's no evidence of voter fraud". Securing our elections would be greater than nominating a supreme court justice imo.

15164568? ago

Those are good points...and you are right, Trump is just our voice--the things we have been wanting to say, but we were nobodies until he gave us a voice. Since the EO about Trafficking and Intellectual Property, etc. doesn't go nto effect until January 2019, I think we have to just sit tight, but it's definitely a time to prepare. Cuz things may go south in a hurry until they get righted again.

15172589? ago

Things are already going south with the House Democrats promising massive investigations to cause Trump to spend more time defending himself than governing.

However, before the Democrats get too far, I think the tide will turn on them if what Q has been telling us is correct.

Remember Q 2475: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.449 📁 Nov 10 2018 15:36:04 (EST) DbMgsrGU8AEibfe.jpg ⬇ Q embeds an image of an Apr 19 exchange between and Anon and Q's reply. Anon question to Q on Apr 19, 2018: "Will election fraud be revealed soon???" Q's response: "Yes, midterms are safe. Watch CA."

And then on Nov 10, 2018 Q refers back to the April Q & A with: "News unlocks. Q"

This is a clear sign for me that after the House losses on November 6, Q posts 2475 out of the blue confirming that election fraud would be exposed and midterms are still safe. This can only mean that enough elected Democrat House Representatives will be exposed as having cheated to win and forced to out and that new special elections to replace them will return control of the House to Republicans.

If I'm correct, then this is like a classic double envelopment of an enemy attacking on both flanks simultaneously. First expose and prove massive vote fraud to force Democrats to resign. And simultaneously force FAIR special elections to replace them with Republicans. If that happens, the Democrat party will be in shambles and a voter ID law will be unstoppable.

And then there is the Q posts that tells us that once the Haiti scandal is revealed, the Democrats will lose the black vote. I believe this is directly connected to the Clinton Foundation investigation that the investigating committees want Huber to testify about. Once the extent of the CF investigation is revealed, it's possible that the sealed CF indictments will begin to be unsealed which will expose what happened in Haiti.

Then U1 will be exposed.

And I recall Q saying a long time ago that "when we get through with Obama, he'll be claiming Kenyan citizenship to avoid prosecution."

It sure sounds like to me that the death of the Democrat Party will unfold over the next two years. It will be a long process because the court cases take years to resolve and there courts are likely to be choked with pending cases as the indictments are unsealed.

I'm still wondering who will end up at GITMO as Q once said that it will be filled to capacity and a second facility was being prepared.

Time will tell.

15163974? ago

Praying you are right. I’m in CT and we are buried in blue. We’re going to be Illinois soon. Know no one who is blue though.... Hmmmm! MAGA

15159778? ago

I am biding my time and not coming clean with a lot of people I know who are still brainwashed into believing the MSM and are vehemently anti Trump. My logic is that right now, there is little pointing trying to shift their perception as they are so heavily invested in the belief he is some kind of 'antichrist'.

By keeping my powder dry I know that once the hammer starts to fall I can lead them to see that they have been lied to without them thinking I am in some kind of battle with them.

I think there are a host of others who are keeping quiet about their true feelings and yes, while Trumpy might be brash, my goodness how refreshing it is to have a human working in politics for once!

15171375? ago

I don't look at brashness or any other personality trait. I look at the heart and for results. I like what I see in President Trump.

15165696? ago

To the Luciferian's Trump Is Their Anti-Christ! When Our Anti-Christ appears, they Will herald him as Their Christ-Understand?

15164511? ago

My whole family had stopped speaking to me after the election, but even before they hated me for being a Christian. I have been shamed in so many ways, nothing phases me. I try to talk to people I meet but most people are still consumed with their worldly things and think nothing's gonna happen to them. It is hard not to have family at the holidays.

15159757? ago

“Brash style”...I’ve heard that comment many times. What these folks do not get is that FINALLY have a public servant who tells the truth, puts America first and is making life better for everyone. Brash....smh.

15164579? ago

Yes, we need Brash and Brass Cajones....namby pamby wusses will never win.

15180747? ago

As history has shown......

15162044? ago

They've gotten too used to politicians who speak pretty, empty words. There are a lot of people who like useless traitors like 0bama, just because he tells them what they want to hear.

And, truth be told, Mr. Trump IS brash. For me, that's not an insult, it's a compliment, but it is what it is.

15162364? ago

Well, to be rash includes being rude, arrogant.....my ears do not find those descriptive of POTUS. To each his own, though. I guess I am weary beyond words of the attacks on the one man who has stones and integrity. :-)

15160675? ago

People always tell me I have to soften up. I just tell the truth and folks do not like it. Its incredible.

15162416? ago

It's funny how so many want to be coddled, placated, and babied. I highly value the truth; it can be surprising, unsettling or hard to hear BUT it must be told. You're right, many shy away from anything close to the truth.

15156914? ago

That's awesome!!!

15156902? ago

What a wonderful story to share on Thanksgiving... So much to be thankful for!

15156844? ago

Great post! Thanks for sharing,

15156802? ago

I started sharing Christ individually with another guy in the spa

That sounds pretty fucking gay. Did you at least give him a reach around?

15157579? ago

No, they gave him your Mom's number, she's always obliged in the past.

15156939? ago

Don't belittle the work of the Holy Spirit. It is the unforgivable sin.

15157894? ago

You have no idea what you are talking about!

How can all these Christians be so ignorant to what spiritual warfare is!?

This is what happens if you destroy your conscience! https://scienceleadership.org/thumbnail/38918/1920x1920

This is the unforgivable sin. This is how the satanists sell their souls and become monsters.

Your words don't help anyone but the psychopaths. You are just obfuscating the truth with your superstitious garbage.

The bible was written by these predators to mind control fools like you. To make you powerless to resist this evil.

Take this belief system out of this conversation. We need logic and action. Not ignorance, thoughts and prayers.

This shit just empowers the satanist pedos.

15159959? ago


15157087? ago

So is not arresting criminals when you have the ability to. Q and POTUS are going to have to answer for a lot of sins.

15157687? ago

Freeing the world? Those selfish bastards! BTW, who says they're not doing God's work in the first place? Think of that one mr mental-giant?

15157445? ago

This is not a game. Everything has timing. Don't be a shill.

15157417? ago

You're retarded. When a rat springs a trap, the other rats scatter. POTUS has a new and improved trap involving redpills and the Justice Department. Jesus is fake and gay.

15157573? ago

Jesus is God the Father's red pill to end all red pills. Jesus life and death fulfilled over 250 OT prophecies, many written 300 or 400 years before his birth. Mathematically speaking, this is a statistical impossibility. Sorry, but your ignorance is no excuse before His judgement seat.

15157607? ago

Lol more ignorant wordpuke. The final red pill is a black pill. None of this matters. Humans won't survive the next century. Your god created pedophilia.

15158162? ago

Shill spewing won't solve your problems nor ignoring what is plainly before you.

15157741? ago

Yep. Until every jew is gone from our borders, it's just bullshit.

15157876? ago

Your god created Jews too. And he let them infect the Earth for thousands of years. Your god seems pretty bad at his job.

15156697? ago

Sounds like a very good thing.

Thanks for sharing your experience anon.