boekanier ago

The climate has always been "strange" over the centuries. I've just read a book about it. Everything that happens today has also taken place in earlier times. Nothing new under the sun.

highvoltage13 ago

While i think its important to reduce our collective footprint reasonably, liberals are acting like the worlds gonna blow up in two years. I mean Jesus, calm down and work with this "huge problem" you guys have instead of beating people over the head with it.

ardvarcus ago

The Medieval Warm Period, by itself, contradicts the entire man-made global warming scenario. Which is why the warmists were so eager to discredit it and bury it. If it was warmer during Viking times than it is today, long before there was any industrial activity, why should we assume that any slight increase in temperature is caused by human activity? When we know for a fact that the world got warmer without human activity; and that this warming not only did no harm, but did an immense amount of good?

If you want to know why the entire man-made global warming hypothesis is a complete fraud, just study the Medieval Warm Period.

GapingAnus ago

The Medieval Warm Period, by itself, contradicts the entire man-made global warming scenario

I wouldn't say so by itself. Cause A having effect C does not mean cause B can't also cause C under different circumstances. Further, it's not a stretch to suggest that a massive outpouring of greenhouse gases will affect the climate. We know this happens after large volcanic events, for example.

The argument is one of quantity, not quality.

Tasgall ago

Yeah, the denialist argument is dumb because it hinges on the idea that climate changes naturally.

Like, no shit it changes over time, but that’s not literally the only cause.

It also doesn’t help their case that the current warming is off-cycle.

HyperbolicGasChamber ago

But do you think that man-made activities that is attributed as responsible for "global warming" by them, to not be harmful for the environment and humans (even if they are not responsible for global warming) ?


It was because of all the exhaust comng from their horses!

Humansized ago

The end argument for global warming is stop polluting. And there are people against this lol.

ardvarcus ago

Pollution and global warming have no connection.

Humansized ago

Stop littering nigger.

Broc_Lia ago

The end argument for global warming is stop polluting

CO2 is not pollution.

MisterDad ago

CO2 is absolutely pollution and the increasing ocean acidification resulting from CO2 emissions is a serious ecological and economic concern.

Trueseeker_90 ago

We exhale co2 and plants need it.It's not pollution.

MisterDad ago

Pollution Noun the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.

Try breathing in pure carbon dioxide and tell me what happens.

More importantly, ocean acidification is directly cause by anthropogenic CO2 emissions and is wreaking havoc on global ocean ecology. Kill yourself you cock sucking, Fossil Fuel Shilling Jew.

You are worthless human garbage. I hope the black men your wife fucks give you AIDS you spineless faggot.

Trueseeker_90 ago

You're are obviously incapable of having a discussion.It's okay it's not your fault you have a high enough IQ.

MisterDad ago

You're are

Looks like the programmer messed up your dialog when coding your responses.

HorseIsDead ago

It's too late for these dumbshits, they drank the /pol/town koolaid. No going back for them.

Butterbread ago

Again, so convincing...

TheSeer ago

No its not, it is for corporations to continue polluting, but for more restrictions on average citizens, and more taxes for the little guy. Carbon tax, carbon credits, are not to stop industrial polluters, just to take money out of your pocket.

Humansized ago

Why not both?

HorseIsDead ago

These people actually think trickle down economics is a thing that exists and helps people.

chuckletrousers ago

You forgot the '/s'

Humansized ago

You dont think both the average citizen and the megacorps should both cut back on pollution?

chuckletrousers ago

I got the impression from your post that you were in favor of the carbon taxes.

Humansized ago

Im not in favor of any tax. I just think its disgusting whats happening to the enviroment while people argue about the politics of it.

HorseIsDead ago

Don't even bother. Voat is a cesspool of fucktards with IQs generally around borderline retarded. They're incapable of understanding climate change, pollution, economics, etc so they just scream really loud, hoping that makes the shit they spew correct.

TheSeer ago

The end argument for global warming, is for leftists to use it as a means to CONTROL YOU. At best, they will use it as an excuse for why the elites should be allowed to geo-engineer the weather/climate itself. Best to reject the leftists arguments entirely, leave the climate alone, and discuss ending pollution because of its more immediate and provable harmful effects. And by that I mean industrial pollution, not 'carbon dioxide emissions'.

HorseIsDead ago

Just because your dumb ass doesn't understand it doesn't mean it's not been proved lmao

TheSeer ago

You convinced me.

e-socrates ago

The usual "not peer reviewed" attack the messenger dosen't hold this time.

Quaternary International is peer reviewed. Gaslight climate alarmist will just employ the "ignore the messenger" gambit this time.

Rakosman ago

Feminist drivel is peer reviewed

v888 ago


Gravspeed ago

Global warming is very hard to prove, regional warming is kinda a no brainer. Cut down a bunch of trees and build stone buildings and burn a bunch of stoves and the area isn't as cold.

Climate change needs to be fought locally, all this global initiative shit is just making money for the corporations that are behind them.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Climate change needs to be fought

Climate change isn't man-made and therefore can not be man-fought.

Sock_1 ago

prove it. low IQ niggermonkey

Gravspeed ago

I'm not referring to the global warming bullshit, I'm referring to chemical companies fucking up or rivers. If you don't believe it's happening go outside.

Rakosman ago

40% of carbon offset comes from trees, and deforestation happens all over the world - particularly the Amazon. People think releasing carbon is a problem then ignore the destruction of carbon capturers. We spend all this fuel to fly over to Paris and promise we'll release less CO2, yet sit back and do nothing while the third world annihilates things that can reverse CO2 in the atmosphere.

Gravspeed ago

This is true, however we are learning that as co2 levels increase, the amount of oxygen created per tree goes up so the global levels may actually even out. Also, i care a lot more about the forest in my own state than i do about the Amazon. It doesn't matter how many trees you plant there if our own country is fucked.

Rakosman ago

Yes of course caring about your local environment comes first, but just like river waste, most of that isn't coming from the first world. I care a lot about the forests here in Oregon but you could cut down every tree in the state and it'd be nothing compared to what's happening in South America

Gravspeed ago

I'm not saying those trees shouldn't be saved, I'm saying the executives at greenpeace are making half million dollar salaries (and they're one of the better ones) while actually spending very little on doing things.

If they cut down every tree in Oregon in wouldn't matter if they planted 1000 times more in the Amazon. You'd still be fucked.

VapidGopher ago

Dems are suddenly like "wait we hate science because it's so fake"

Tasgall ago

Ah yes, the science of, “if A causes B, literally nothing else can ever cause B”. You don’t need to disprove the medieval warming period to show that it doesn’t disprove manmade global warming.

VapidGopher ago

I'm not arguing or agreeing with that, just pointing out that dems love science until it interferes with their agenda, then to them emotions become more powerful than logic and science. Don't get me going on the gender "debate" and complete abscence of science in their "gender consensus".

Also, what's up with all these 3+ year old accounts that are suddenly posting again? This is the 8th one this weekend that I've seen start posting within the past 2 days. Desperate last ditch effort from share blue? Budget cutbacks allow them to only start posting 2 days before midterms on here?

Tasgall ago

just pointing out that dems love science until it interferes with their agenda

This isn't an example of that though - it's following the pattern I described, which patently isn't science.

In fairness though, everyone does like science until it disagrees with them (well, except the actual scientific community, because "science disagrees" is literally the foundation of science).

The emotion argument is interesting though, obviously every side has emotive people, but I honestly see it a lot more on the right - fear is an emotion, and almost everything is fear based: fear of Jews, fear of invading Mexicans (oH nOeS, tEh CaRaVaN), fear of trannies, fear of "PC culture", etc. Every damn thing is fear based, and if you don't believe me turn on Alex Jones or that banshee on Fox.

I'm not saying it's not present on both sides, but boy does the right ever embrace it (while also complaining about it).

As for old account (you fucking newfag), I had some posts back before I realized this site was cancer, but they've disappeared for some reason. I'm out posting now because I was in China for a while where basically no other social media site is available. Either they didn't realize this existed, or recognized its amazing potential as self-curating anti-western propaganda.

TheSeer ago

Stop denying climate change, guys! Oh whats that, no one is denying the climate changes, but rather the theory of Anthromorphic Global Warming? My bad! Tougher to debunk someone's argument when you can't use a strawman... Hmmm... Back to the drawing board!

HorseIsDead ago

Are you drunk or does the raw sewage spewing forth from your speech hole actually make sense to you despite not being on drugs?

TheSeer ago

What are you having trouble with? My point is that no one (!) denies 'climate change', i.e. that the climate changes. Just rational people think it changes due to natural cycles, primarily. The THEORY that is denied is the anthropogenic global warming theory (sorry, called it anthromorphic).

HorseIsDead ago

You mean inbred dip-using hicks who don't understand science have to come up with some retarded excuse for their lack of intelligence so they spew bullshit until they find something that sticks.

Butterbread ago

That sure is convincing...

Trueseeker_90 ago

Nice strawman.

HorseIsDead ago

Nice complete inability to understand science.

Trueseeker_90 ago


TheSeer ago

Are you denying that the climate changes for natural reasons, now?

MashedTaters ago

Who gives a nigger's ass?

Maroonsaint ago

I like this cause it’ll just keeep getting worse and worse and worse and worse. Like a tv show that only improves. How bad can we make the weather? Stay tuned to find out

fuspezza ago

That is because we are all connected on an unconscious level. Have you heard of the 100 monkey experiment?

Gravspeed ago

What is the hundred monkey experiment?

fuspezza ago this is why we are going trough a great awakening and we are reaching critical mass (100 monkey per say) so we are looking past all the BS that was fed to us

Gravspeed ago

That pretty interesting. Im curious if there have been any other observable examples

fuspezza ago

Reply yes there is I'll send you more

Gravspeed ago

Keep em coming.

Er, yes there is.

fuspezza ago there is this link that came up today on my front page it is called 100th monkey coming soon

Gravspeed ago

I saw that and wondered if it was you. Maybe inspired by you?

fuspezza ago

Lol it wasn't me

fuspezza ago

I will look it up for you