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offender ago

The main problem is getting people to participate.

RiverWind ago

A distributed meshnet is a nice idea, with hopefully distributed appliactions running on it. A software distributed net platform alternative to Voat is Aether:

There is a thread on Aether here:

Goats are already arriving and the fun has just begun!

toggafreggin ago

I think that if people saw an open wifi connection, connected, and got a splash page with easy instructions on how to join, it would take off pretty quick, for the people that matter at least. I know I'd put down $10 to get access to a decentralized network. The internet going down or getting worse will encourage curiosity about alternatives too.

A big part of the idea was to eventually link it with a crypto$, with demurrage, reputation based transaction limits, and other speculation abuse prevention measures, that people can only earn by putting goods or services into the network, and can only use within the network, so it would also provide an alternate currency, market, and means of "income".