SaneandAware ago

Cops were being pretty gentle from what i can tell. The shaved head cop was sort of loosely holding his arm, not an arm bar hold or anything. So obviously something happened, that they won''t show, that got them from there to feeling he needed to be held down forcefully for their safety.

GreenSlug ago

Thats what i see when i look at all the videos

nwguy ago

Cops need to bash there heads in. i call for more power to the cops. they have to deal with this kind of shit everyday. Dont listen to the cops you deserve a bullet to the brain. we need robocop!

GreenSlug ago

My fascist libertarian utopia would be like that. Be decent person and its hard to break the law because you will have more freedoms. But if you do break the law, expect the hammer of justice to fall heavily and swiftly

hytreap ago

pigs serve the kikes, not the Whites.

remember Charlottesville. remember the targeting of white nationalists simply for believing that "it's okay to be white"

the pigs have not earned European support.

He WAS trained to use that maneuver.

by kikes so they can oppress goyim.

American pigs have been trained by kikes to protect kike property and kike lives.

Blue lives do not matter until White lives do.

GreenSlug ago

Its like i said in my ranting, generally speaking i agree fuck the police.

But in this situation, they didnt do anything wrong that they werent trained and instructed to do, and i dont much care for all the people that give leeway and credibility to the nigger complainers. Fuck the police when they do stuff wrong, that wasnt this time, and my principals wont just let me accept them as a sacrifice to the nig lords

hytreap ago

they didnt do anything wrong that they werent trained and instructed to do,

That's actually what the problem is. They were trained in Israel to be the biggest pieces of shit.

It isn't that All Cops are Bastards because they're shit people, it's that cops are bastards because the system trains them to be this.

So long as the system is set up to ensure our occupation by the ZOG, all cops are bastards that ensure the existence of the colonial power that rules over us.

the niggers are doing what Whites should have done to the FED long ago, but have been so used to republicucking they forgot how to fight for themselves.

It isn't the niggers that are shutting us down. It's the kikes with their pig enforcers.

So long as the niggers are targeting the systems of oppression that make it impossible for whites to have rights as a people, I support those niggers.

GreenSlug ago

Then the issue is with thr department and the training, and the individual cops in this case should not be punished for following their training. Change the training, punish the people who decided that that was the method to train all the officers in. But don't punish the guy just doing his job. In this particular instance.

The niggers are not doing jack shit productive for anyone. They target the wrong targets. They cause chaos without goals. They are simply looting and destroying, as niggers do. They are not impacting the jews or the jews system, they are actually actively at this very moment with these riots doing exactly as the jew wants them to.

So if you support these niggers, then you unquestionably support the ZOG and their agenda...

hytreap ago

The niggers are not doing jack shit productive for anyone. They target the wrong targets. They cause chaos without goals. They are simply looting and destroying, as niggers do

Given that the job of the police is to protect property, and the niggers and wrecking that property, I think they're doing a great job in showing how ineffective the police are.

They're showing us the only reason our property doesn't get wrecked is because they haven't come for it yet. Bubba Donut and the neck-kneeling crew can't save you from Tyrell raping your wife, and will just let it happen if they're feeling like it. Much like these pigs have let the rioters destroy the city.

Then the issue is with thr department and the training, and the individual cops in this case should not be punished for following their training. Change the training, punish the people who decided that that was the method to train all the officers in. But don't punish the guy just doing his job. In this particular instance.

Useless. The whole system is corrupt from the top down.

Abolish the police. End America, End ZOG, and give whites their own piece of land they can live on in peace.

You really think the multi-culti National Guard troops are gonna protect you from the chimpout?

GreenSlug ago

I think its been obvious for a long time neither cops nor nat guard are going to do shit.

Nigs destroying everything isnt pointing that out anymore than anyother day does.

Its just destruction and chaos, just like the jews want. We cant organize because half the whites are too retarded to see it and are out protesting against racism. And the niggers are keeping everyone busy protecting their own shit like we always do. Too busy on defense for any offense against the ZOG.

hytreap ago

Nigs destroying everything isnt pointing that out anymore than anyother day does.

To you.

But to the countless white zoomers out there, they're getting a real quick education in how powerless they really are. It only takes a brick coming through the window for a brainwashed white to start questioning the narrative.

The niggers and kikes are targeting, doxing, and exposing whites that go against the narrative and calling them out as white racists.

Which honestly is great. Whites need to realize that just by existing as a white person, you are a white racist. There's no escaping it. There's nowhere to run to.

Except to other whites who've already accepted their existence for what it is. That's how our movement gets more people.

Do you really thing autistic spergs on YT gonna get through to NPC whites? Only a nigger fucking their shit up will have any chance of changing them.

GreenSlug ago

I guess i just believe those people will never be reached even after Tyrone muh dicks them. So the destruction, in my opinion, doesnt wake anyone who wasnt already aware, it just destroys everything and gets in my way of going on with life.

If people actually start waking up from this, that would be swell

hytreap ago

We were being destroyed already.

Look at your fellow European-Americans and see where they're at.

If things kept going the way they were going, our race would not have even lasted another 100 years.

If we don't make a change to this system now, we're never going to get it.

I get that you're comfy with the bread and circus the kikes are providing, but this is for our children's and grandchildren's futures. So that we can create a future in which they can exist and thrive.

So either you wake up now and make that a possibility, or just keep on cooming into your hand and consuming like a good goy.

GreenSlug ago

You probably shouldnt assume the position of those you are talking to, like are some sort of nigger.

There is no bread and circus for me, and i fully support taking actions now. Infact i would say not a single person on this site has argued more strongly than myself to fix the fuckin problems right now and stop putting it off for your kids to fix.

But having a bunch of niggers rampage, joined by the soyfags and coal burners, through areas that will never change their minds about their precious niggers, is doing absolutely nothing towards making the change. These riots are just more of the same bullshit thats always going on. It never changes anything.

Supporting the rioting niggers, is not making a change or supporting change or fixing things or waking people up. Its supporting the jews footsoldiers continued destruction of everything we build, so we can be set back yet again, waste our time building back up again, so they can riot and break it all again. Its a pattern that keeps us busy. It isnt change

ciaozuzu ago

I dont care whether it was justified or not, it took a nigger off the street.

GreenSlug ago

Beneath it all that is my attitude as well. But also at the same time, i wouldn't mind bad cops being taken off the street at the same time. I just dont see it in this case as being bad cops.

Aceishigh ago

I find it hard to believe Minneapolis didn't have body cams on every cop in their department if the community says their so racist. Will there be money in the budget to get them now that there's virtually nothing to provide tax revenue? Thanks officer Chauvin for making a worldwide famous nigger.

GreenSlug ago

And lets remember what happened when bodycams first came around, look at that, all the "police brutality " nigs supposedly faced was overwhelming caused by the nigs themselves being violent criminals and attacking the cops.

If that isnt the case here, i feel like they would have plastered the footage all over to prove these were bad cops.

So not doing that makes me believe the opposite, and like the statistics explain, the nig was probably belligerent and resisting

we_kill_creativity ago

So this is the first time I've watched any video from the incident. Is that picture we've all seen with the knee on the neck not...from a video? I assumed it was?

Good post. Unfortunately you helped the first commenters forum slide this discussion onto "Is Voat defending Floyd or not" instead of what you actually posted about.

GreenSlug ago

Its from a cell video of a passerby, that also conveniently never shows how they got into that situation. It shows him fightinf against the knee at first in one clip i saw, and another clip shows him unresponsive and being loaded up by more cops into a not ambulance without any medical attention

IsaacJan ago

Forum sliding isn’t posting a comment you have to scroll down two inches more to read you absolute fucking kike.

we_kill_creativity ago

Calm down kid...

Forum sliding isn’t posting a comment you have to scroll down two inches more to read

I didn't say what you just said. Why are you so touchy about it though?

you absolute fucking kike.

Stop trying to make everyone you interact with upset and emotional. It's an overused tactic and it doesn't work well anymore. I don't really care what you respond with, I won't respond to you. Thanks for legitimizing what I said though!

Aceishigh ago

Hasn't met gabara yet.

IsaacJan ago

I haven’t seen anyone here defending Floyd the groid. Who are you talking about? If you link to QRV or some shit I’m gonna call you a faggot.

we_kill_creativity ago

Wow...way to make the comment section not about the content of the post. Hope you're proud of yourself.

IsaacJan ago

We have a polite conversation right after, related to his concerns. Who’s making the comment section about themselves again?

GreenSlug ago

So this one is more so condemning the cops in this situation that defending floyd, but it does go on about how he had rights and it shouldnt have happened to him, defense of him enough in my book.

IsaacJan ago

That’s one kike, and all the comments disagreeing are upvoted. You know they both make new accounts and buy them to seem credible here, yeah? They do that on tons of forums. I see 2-3 year accounts with no activity popping up to defend Jews and niggers here all the time lately.

GreenSlug ago

I see what your saying. I thought i saw more people in support in that thread originally, and i think another thread i saw but cant find now was on QRV, so no shocker there i guess. But like i said in my last reply on your other comment. Its largely the "good" white country folk i have previously thought could be trusted, acting like complete niggers in this situation.

GreenSlug ago

Ill go find the threads real quick.

IsaacJan ago

Well look dude, your perception of “other people” is likely heavily skewed by the media. The best you can hope to do is teach your own family and surround yourself with likeminded whites. You can’t fix the brainwashing on society right now, but the time may come when we will. Don’t get black pilled and don’t lose heart. Always darkest before dawn, they say.

GreenSlug ago

I am so exceptionally un-skewed by the media i find myself stunned by the average persons lack of awareness.

Im largely making this post BECAUSE of my family and neighborhood folks. The people who i feel comfortable around because we are all pretty much equally "racist" trump supporting gun owning country folk. They RABIDLY have been attacking the police and standing in support of floyd. So much so that they are reaching levels of intellectual dishonesty that i previously only saw from actual niggers.

SaneandAware ago

This was on the heels of cops storming bars and churches to enforce lockdowns, so support for police was at an all time low even among conservatives.

Hang in there man...

GreenSlug ago

I suppose i just see a right time and wrong time, a right thing to be pissed about, and a wrong thing to be pissed about. The cops certainly deserve hate for shutting us down due to corona. But they certainly dont for wrangling a nigger. I guess most people just are too simple to separate the two or something

IsaacJan ago

I can’t help there, my family is no better. Start a new one and raise them better is all I’ve got.

GreenSlug ago

Ive even got a navy seal in the family, he has called people in the family and convinced them that those cops definitely intentionally murderd floyd and should be hung. Im at the point of, fuck him, hes probably a child raping baby eating deep state tool, a snake that spreads poison even into his family because he sold out and lost his soul a loooong time ago.

IsaacJan ago

Most military you’ll find actually think Israel is our ally. That’s because they’re trained and remade to think that. Being military is letting the state remake you, and our state is a Jewish slave state. It’s dark and I have no good answers to make you feel better.

If anything helps is this; you and I aren’t alone in feeling like this. And there are a lot more of us than they want you to think.

GreenSlug ago

A disappointing truth. Most people don't think the military would side with the deepstate to attack or subjugate us. But its another plain to see truth, to me, that the military is clear full of people who make bad decisions with their lives, don't think things through at all, and are willing to kill for the jews for money.