ViperCarbz ago

They have turned this into a racial issue in order to misdirect you from the REAL problem, which is a GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY versus PEOPLE'S RIGHTS issue.

Well, it worked.

SearchVoatBot ago

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stealthninjataliban ago

The police did nothing wrong and their body cam footage will prove it.

Whitening ago


All the Red Witch Hunters in the '40s and '50s WERE RIGHT!!!!


jamesed ago

I suspect that the death of George Floyed was meant to send a message. CONSPIRACY THEORY HERE, I think the 4 coups were running a protection racket. When Gorgie Boy wasn't forking over his payment the 4 cops were going to make an example of him. Except they got caught.

veteran88 ago

It was neither.

Fuck that nigger, he should have been killed after he beat up a pregnant lady.

This is compleatly manufactured by the Jewish lying press.

GreenSlug ago

Except in this case there doesnt appear to be any police misconduct or abuse.

This case is a high criminigger committed crimes, resisted arrest, and gave himself a heart attack. No police misconduct. Yes police misconduct is a serious issue, and i say fuck the police the majority of the time. In this case? Nope. Nig played the stupid game right up til he got the stupid prize.

And all the rioting, looting, protesting, ALL OF IT, is absolutely racially motivated. It is 100% black v white. I went to my local big city and saw the "protests" with my own eyes. BLM signs everyone, everyone shouting black lives matter, ABSOLUTELY ZERO FUCKIN MENTION OF GEORGE FLOYD. The protests are ABSOLUTELY not about this recent police involvement with yet another criminal nigger, they are ABSOLUTELY just another excuse for more niggers to go commit crimes, and more retarded liberal soyfags to try and ingratiate themselves with the nigs.

Derpfroot ago

Most definitely. Niggers, legally, have a leg up on whites, are shot slower, and at lesser rate than whites, and they still bitch and moan. It's about militarized police, not dumb nogs.

anoncastillo ago

No. George Floyd was a methhead who abandoned his kids and threatened to shoot a pregnant black woman's unborn baby over drug money. This is a race issue, Floyd is a perfect example of why black people are scum who deserve to be treated more harshly by police.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

It should be black against white, or white against non-white - that is if there is to be any adversary at all or one is interested in preserving the white race. Rapid racial death is discernable and the racial aggressors are visible. An amorphous 'they' or going down the blind alley of j00z just makes this all incoherent with real purpose or objective behind it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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They were arresting him because he had passed a fake bill at the store. He was clearly high on drugs and appeared to be likely to drive while intoxicated and endanger public safety if the police had not responded and arrested him. He resisted the arrest.

Given those facts, how could you claim that this had anything to do with the rights of the people?

Groff ago

The FED produces 10's of thousands of fake bills every day yet Jerome Powell never had a cop's knee on his neck (but if anyone deserves it . . .)


That doesn't even make sense.

Groff ago


It is common knowledge that the dollars that the FED produces are not worth the paper that they are printed on - and the "crime" of George Foremen that precipitated this fiasco has to do with passing and alleged counterfeit 20 . . . Eric Garner's "I can't breath" "crime" was allegedly selling some loose cigarettes. . . PMI still legally sells thousands of them.


Sounds like you're one of those self-educated gold-bug forum economists

Bobtheviolent ago

Just breaking laws does not mean all your rights are no longer valid.


Explain how his rights were violated.

Bobtheviolent ago

Did you edit to his or do I just read shitty?

His right to life being the main one here. He is accused until found guilty. Even though we know he is quilty. As far as I can tell the cop was on his neck to prove how badass he was. Car is next to him. No other valid reason to keep on grd with knee on neck. As far as the I can't breath or my leg or my arm, shitheads always cry about something so eh. Still have to get them checked out though.

We don't have law enforcement we have a police FORCE. As in military force. There are still good cops but our system is corrupt. No knock raids on wrong houses were cops legally murder innocents (Mostly white).


As far as I can tell the cop was on his neck to prove how badass he was

Why would you assume about something so important how you perceive it? The knee on the neck is a way to restrain a suspect who's fighting you. It's a common technique. The press keeps saying "it isn't one that is taught or recommended by minneapolis police" but it is one that they allow which it says in this link. This thread shows others using the technique and discusses the technique in the comments.

He was being legally arrested. He was resisting arrest. The officer used a permitted and common non-lethal restraint technique to subdue the suspect so that he could be arrested. His death was unforeseeable, and not an expected outcome of the technique that was used. They use this technique because it's less dangerous than the sleeper hold or smacking the guy over the head with a blackjack. At worst, the officer should be charged with involuntary manslaughter for taking too long to check on the well-being of the suspect after he went unconscious.

Bobtheviolent ago

Cuffed 2 or more cops 9 minutes. If he is resisting that much why not toss him in the car right next to them.

I make that assumption based on the statistics of cops and abuse of power and how often their system protects the bad ones while ousting good cops

Bobtheviolent ago

You as a general term. Not a specific individual

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Classic pilpul.

Bobtheviolent ago

Sorry don't know you term pilpul

moosethenoose ago

I like the cut of your jib.