TrueGoy ago

Well, seeing how things operate and how this whole deal blew out of proportions and people are protesting for ridiculous shit, with that guy having been a criminal and all and probably not even dead, this makes me think of their way to make this whole shit take off. My point is they had this crap shared till it'd take off somewhere, but it took off in the usa and spread. That or it's just that after 25th they became restless that they had to be held down more than usual lol.

WickedVocalist ago

Every election

batesvillbilly ago

It's almost like our government has been killing it's own citizens without a trial.

They ain't just gonna choke niggers. These fucked up israeli trained cops kill more white people than blacks.

karkov ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

I've seen EXACTLY that over and over again on News, on TV shows and movies I think. Figured it was the new STYLE for law enforcement!

BalfourYourFace ago

wow how come it's all niggers

xDaleksz ago

Search: what's the most painful way to commit the big sad and then do it 😂

xDaleksz ago

Yes, the effect of all of you being brain dead 😂

YamaMaya ago

what oddly similar angles as well, car to the left, most of the scrnw out of view, kikey looking cops.

Ashtraykenazi ago

Don't forget the one in Toronto, Canada where they put their knee on that native kid's head.

Heathcliff ago

OK. I admit it. I was wrong. That officer did nothing wrong. Pass the crow.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Oh, boy does Paris really have that many niggers? Last I heard that the city center of the metropolitan area was mostly white, and the rest of the city was refugee/foreigner town. Also sad to see Madrid on that list.

Bjam27 ago

East Paris has been called "Afrikatown" for decades and that was BEFORE the big induces of refugees.

karkov ago

hell no the last like 5 years they let nigger flood their nation

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Should start a, "No cops in black neighborhoods" campaign. Give them the zoos they're asking for

joecamoe ago

Please link me to the not-minneapolis stories

slwsnowman40 ago

I think it could be a hit. There was a train with $900 thousand in counterfeit bills on it and it is speculated that Floyd had the $100 grand. That could explain why the EMTs were dressed as they were and acted as they did.

There's tons of bullshit around this one compared to others, and all the leftists want to focus on is the cop kneeling on the nigger. I've been told I've got blinders on as a result. No dash or body cams, no phone recordings, no radio chatter and this is clearly a manipulation psyop but I'm the one with the blinders on?

SearchVoatBot ago

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xDaleksz ago

Jesus Christ, is everyone on this site brain dead? Kill yourself please

poopdawg15 ago

Zero submissions ever from this account.

xDaleksz ago

Wah wah wah cry moar, you fucking brain dead moron.

poopdawg15 ago

This is what an interaction with a glownigger or jew looks like.

xDaleksz ago

Wah wah cry moar you pussy little bitch. You mad that you have a dead end job and you're a white failure??? Hahaha

poopdawg15 ago

Did you just take a two day hiatus from the internet?

terminator7 ago

This is the worst troll ever lol. Nothing really that clever has been said yet, its just attempting to be as vile and outrageous as possible to evoke a reaction.

xDaleksz ago

Hahaha I'm not a fucking loser like you so I don't spend my time in this shithole Nazi site 🤮😂 I'm sure you are and you do because you're a failure at life 🤮😂

BentAxel ago

This was brought up to me yesterday but it was a coordinated effort across the globe. Whoever was behind this they wanted this reaction in America to happen all over.

GeneralDisposition ago

One world government in action! Create the problem then offer the solution. Global comminism. Mark my words.

Panic-Now1 ago

Exactly correct. Many layers deep. Level two is to destroy Trump.

FellowMan ago

Wait, did people get murdered by cops with a knee to the neck in Paris and Madrid with in the past week too? If so what were their names so I can find more information?

Too much of a fucking coincidence to be random if true.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago


you kikesucker don't belong here

FellowMan ago

Dehumanizing those who are different from us is exactly what the globalist jew bastards want us to do, shit-for-brains.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

sure what ever you say wignat

Panic-Now1 ago

They didn't die over there. Nor over here for that matter.

batesvillbilly ago

I guess your blind so hit the tts and let my comment ring out loud to your stupid ears. There is a video of them doing this. At the start the man is on the ground handcuffed with an israeli trained cop kneeling on his neck. In just a couple of minutes he is dead. No trial or nothing.

FellowMan ago

Probably true.

Still, is the mainstream narrative that they died in this same manner in all three cities in the same week? Because that in and of itself would be interesting.

MarauderShields ago

No, the point is it is a non lethal restraint, widely used.

Moln0014 ago

I'll entitle this movement : "take a knee for jail."

kishind ago

Please. Faking a death is a pain in the ass and expensive, they'd just fucking kill a nigger.

ANYTHING could have been used to incite riots. Cops have to deal with violent as hell blacks everyday, often on drugs. You don't have to set something up. Just have to be paying attention to the right subset of daily activity. Akmed Arbery was the first one they found in the search for an outrage story, but they knew it wasn't good enough so they kept looking. They just needed a fresh excuse, everything for the riots was already set up to coincide with ObamaGate testimony.

If this happened last year we wouldn't have ever had a national conversation about it.

kishind ago

You're telling me they had this footage for years and were just waiting to drop it? Or like, there's a new fake video that they're superimposing?

I want your assertions more than your questions.

Panic-Now1 ago

If you knew how very common this faking deaths is and has been, you'd not sleep at night for a week.

derstoyvsky ago

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take a Q-tard's word for it.

Soyboy69 ago

I'd imagine faking faked deaths is more common though.

karkov ago

very plausible

IsaacJan ago

It does seem like they’ve started getting orders to pose for this kind of shit doesn’t it.

Carpools ago

The first two mugging for the camera.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Octocopter ago

It is almost like it is standard non lethal restraint

buckhorn ago

That's the conservative interpretation. Devil's advocate: "See--black men are oppressed by whites all over the west." know, because it's easier to believe that Europeans are predisposed to violent racist imperialism than it is to believe that niggers are predisposed to choosing crime.

BlowjaySimpson ago


Like, who do they think is the probable reactionary?

White cops innately discriminate so blacks decide to commit more violent crime across the board against everyone?


Blacks innately commit crimes at disproportionate rates across the board, so white cops wisely turn to targeted discrimination?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

implying zogbots patrol black neighborhoods anymore

buckhorn ago

Well put. I don't know if it's possible to make it any more pithy/succint but we should turn this into the nervous/sweating button choices meme.

FridayJones ago

Taught to police forces around the world by JIDF "expert consultants."

ketoll ago

Almost like this exact same scenario also happened to a white guy with zero outrage.

HarrisonBergeron2 ago

True, instead to riot against police "procedure" stupid americanos de shit an' wut not. Violent, shithead cop can kill or heavily wounded everyone, race do not matter. Everyone who are arrested couple times can understand this.

El_Syd ago

I don't see anything to be outraged about. The guy was acting nuts and they were talking to him and trying to calm him down and find out what drugs he took so they could act accordingly.

Chimaira92 ago

The guy was acting nuts

Not really, he actually predicted his outcome when he says "Your going to kill me" as if one of the officers had whispered it to him or something.

they were talking to him and trying to calm him down

They were making fun of him while holding him down with his face planted into the ground, his nose was in the dirt. You can even see the back of his head and his ears turn blue. The police failed to check his condition after he was unresponsive and administered him a sedative whilst he was passed out. The entire thing is a coordinated assassination and you come of as a glownigger by trying to dismiss this in the way that you have.

SIayfire122 ago

The key things I could see being changed is easing up on him after he passed out, ensuring that he was okay, and not giving him medication after he passed out. At that point, simply strap him to a gurney and you're good to go.

Also, the knee was in the back pressing on his lung instead of on the neck pressing on his throat.

ketoll ago

Yep, but you have to wait for the toxicology reports and evidence brought to the jury trial to really know the full story. That's why courtrooms should be deciding these cases, not mobs of emotional knee-jerk reaction morons.

MFin_Looter_Kangs ago

Blacks complain about historical lynchings, yet have a lynch mob mentality. See ‘necklacing’ in Africa.

midnightblue1335 ago

They think "lynching" means "hanging".

Hell, most White people and most even goats probably believe that.

Lynching has nothing to do with hanging. It is the act of snatching an accused individual out of police custody by vigilantes. What they do to him doesn't matter. Lynching is still very common.... in non-White countries. Except they don't hang their targets very often. They usually set them on fucking fire and watch them burn alive or cut their genitals off or beat them to death with rocks.

And it's mostly blacks and spics doing this shit around the world.

Wahaha ago

I always thought lynching was if a group went after an individual and killed him.

alele-opathic ago

Lynching has nothing to do with hanging. It is the act of snatching an accused individual out of police custody by vigilantes.

Have an upgoat for the lesson; it was much appreciated. Here's one for you: when NAACP was first launched, it was staffed entirely by jews to abolish lynching. Once it did, they allowed it to fill up with nogs. I would guess that they are responsible for the modern twisted colloquial definition of 'lynch'.

El_Syd ago

The rule of law only works if you have a high enough IQ and impulse control.

prairie ago

The rule of law is just a formality of civilized people; it can't magically transform the uncivilized into civilization.

jack-in-the-crack ago

Also, his knee was in his back