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They were arresting him because he had passed a fake bill at the store. He was clearly high on drugs and appeared to be likely to drive while intoxicated and endanger public safety if the police had not responded and arrested him. He resisted the arrest.

Given those facts, how could you claim that this had anything to do with the rights of the people?

Bobtheviolent ago

Just breaking laws does not mean all your rights are no longer valid.


Explain how his rights were violated.

Bobtheviolent ago

Did you edit to his or do I just read shitty?

His right to life being the main one here. He is accused until found guilty. Even though we know he is quilty. As far as I can tell the cop was on his neck to prove how badass he was. Car is next to him. No other valid reason to keep on grd with knee on neck. As far as the I can't breath or my leg or my arm, shitheads always cry about something so eh. Still have to get them checked out though.

We don't have law enforcement we have a police FORCE. As in military force. There are still good cops but our system is corrupt. No knock raids on wrong houses were cops legally murder innocents (Mostly white).


As far as I can tell the cop was on his neck to prove how badass he was

Why would you assume about something so important how you perceive it? The knee on the neck is a way to restrain a suspect who's fighting you. It's a common technique. The press keeps saying "it isn't one that is taught or recommended by minneapolis police" but it is one that they allow which it says in this link. This thread shows others using the technique and discusses the technique in the comments.

He was being legally arrested. He was resisting arrest. The officer used a permitted and common non-lethal restraint technique to subdue the suspect so that he could be arrested. His death was unforeseeable, and not an expected outcome of the technique that was used. They use this technique because it's less dangerous than the sleeper hold or smacking the guy over the head with a blackjack. At worst, the officer should be charged with involuntary manslaughter for taking too long to check on the well-being of the suspect after he went unconscious.

Bobtheviolent ago

Cuffed 2 or more cops 9 minutes. If he is resisting that much why not toss him in the car right next to them.

I make that assumption based on the statistics of cops and abuse of power and how often their system protects the bad ones while ousting good cops