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anticlutch ago

Note the only one giving aid is a WHITE WOMAN - this is why the jew posts negativity about White women on voat...

This is why I call it out. This is why the downvotes by many of you that are hopefully now realizing just how right I am in my incessant behavior which is intentionally annoying am right.

A wise anon that is not me said;

Some of the monkeys appear to understand that trying to murder a white man might not be in their best interests.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Don-Keyhote ago

LMFAO how would this one pic prove anything anyway you desperate kike


olinneserpona ago

Keep up the good fight calling it out. Criticizing women is one thing, but anyone saying white women are worthless, disgusting, traitor etc is nothing but a kike or a fed sowing division.

anticlutch ago

Thank you for being one of the few that can distinguish between criticizing A White woman who does something stupid versus using ONE White woman's folly as reason to hate on them all.

olinneserpona ago

Likewise brother.

Shotinthedark ago

The down votes are kind of telling.

anticlutch ago

Of course there are downvotes.

Voat is mostly jewish accounts.

My submission of the documentary "The Lobby" about (((AIPIC))) got like -1 vote.

VoatsNewfag ago

Voat is mostly jewish accounts.

Karen, not everyone who disagrees with your schizophrenic worldview is a jew.

RockmanRaiden ago

He needs to get over himself. 2 downvotes and all of a sudden everyone is a kike.

Shotinthedark ago

Exactly what a kike would say!

SumerBreeze ago

jews are by blood predisposed to having schizophrenia

spaceman84 ago

That purple haired bimbo, despite being white, likely showed up with the niggers and most likely has taken miles of nigger dick.

Not that I care that retarded faggot showed up with a sword and no close quarters combat experience and got stomped by a mob like the stupid larping retard he is.

steven_feelsperg ago

this is why the jew posts negativity about White women on voat

Can't resist, can you?

spaceman84 ago

Ok cuck jeep wimoktnu

cantaloupe6 ago

That was so foolish.

VoatsNewfag ago

If I show you an image of a black family father and businessman, will you then be willing to believe that all the people who complain about niggers are paid shills?

Isn't that exactly the kind of emotional manipulation the media pulls?

anticlutch ago

Exceptions prove the rule cuck.

VoatsNewfag ago

If I show you of a moslem providing first aid, will you the love Islam?

Are you actually that retarded?

Mind_Games ago

You're simply fooling yourself. Grandstanding and appealing to an instance is pathetic.

Niggers as a whole are what's the message when someone says the word niggers on here.

Nigger refers to an individual.

It's almost like you're trying to project stupidity in hopes that someone buys your bullshit.

Get back to the temple Rabbi, its Saturday.

VoatsNewfag ago

If you're trying to argue that we should discuss statistics instead of extrapolating from cherry picked images, then we are in full agreement.

Also the people who complain about women usually don't complain about them not being helpful (after all most nurses are women), but about them supporting political correctness, voting for hillary because she is a woman etc.

This is just another form of manipulation.

Mind_Games ago

"Cherry picked images" ?

The statistics clearly show that black males 14-30 commit 60% of ALL VIOLENT crimes in the nation.

Extrapolate that out globally and the stats don't look much different..

I've not read much on here that complains about women. Most are simply expressing the facts that

the traditional women were much happier. Most deny themselves this right of happiness and that the

scum of the earth jews subvert these women's views as girls and confuse them into chasing false happiness.

I've been here 3 years and that's the resonating belief. Also, 3rd wave "feminism" is simply partisan politics with a gender attached to it and it absoltuely DID cause girls 18-35 to vote overwhelmingly for that slimy turd (clinton)

Yes, your bullshit is absolutely a bad attempt at manipulation.

You claim to want to extrapolate data yet bring none to the conversation, only whines and cries about how

unfair guys treat women. Save your fucking white knighting stupid. No one is fucking you for that.

Women see pussies and appeasers as pathetic and you'll never get one if you continue your current course.

VoatsNewfag ago

Have you ever looket at voting patterns in europe?

And aren't we in agreement that arguments should be based on statistics, not individual stories?