suckcoke ago

Damn, he's lucky.

kammmmak ago

You can hear the sound of DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... with them fucking stupid pavement apes that don't have a fucking clue about anything let alone helping just standing around.

edgydude69 ago

Pretty rude about the basketballs not wanting to help. Not wanting to and not having the basic intelligence required to study first aid are not the same thing.

zarthos1 ago

Niggers should die.

Truthsayer9000 ago

Lynching of a white man in plain sight.. and media doesnt give a shit.. what a surprise

Don-Keyhote ago

Omfg the cope of this post, as if we all didn't see THOUSANDS OF WHITE NIGGERLOVING WOMEN AT THESE PROTESTS

OP is probly the fucking kike here jfc

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

White women are angels thats why jews hate them

Truthsayer9000 ago

Truth, they want to drag them to their level. It sickening

muffalettadiver ago

This is a powerful image. Why did no one else help?

anticlutch ago

Because the vast majority of light skins you see in these riots are jews or light-skinned spics. Few Whites entertain this kikery.

FederalShill ago

glownigs were spamming this on 4cuck trying to start the real race war they want so badly, note that the crowd is still niggers and they arent finishing the job, also there were whites helping to beat him. DO NOT FALL FOR THE BAIT

anticlutch ago

only glownigs want a race war

No. Glownigs are anti racewar as jews are anti racewar.

That ends up with both sides against jews.

jews want the easily controlled [should be] slow boil to continue forever.

AskPutin ago

Why are white people supporting the blacks in the first place?

These whites will learn the hard way

Tacops777 ago

(((Kikes on reddit))) have activated the Karen plan bc woman aka white woman are resisting kiery so they need to be shitted on. Study d Karen narrative these fucking jews have put in place. Fucking gross.

drhitler ago

Woman still have quite a bit of power with their voice online and off but they dont want to give that power to white conservative women so they invented karen

anticlutch ago

Fewer than 10% of accounts make up for more than 90% of posts etc.

The more and more I read / look into this the more and more I think those are JIDF accounts and not actual human (White) women.

ArielQflip ago


CheeBooga ago

Its time to call niggers and jews what they are: TERRORISTS

Hand_of_Node ago

The video of him literally chasing people while waving his sword isn't going to work out in his favor. The combination of a sword and that level of stupidity gives the impression he's some kind of Weeaboo (a mostly derogatory slang term for a Western person who is obsessed with Japanese culture, especially anime, often regarding it as superior to all other cultures.)

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Well weabboo or not, either his actual culture or his representative, assumed cyurw/culture are both superior to black culture simply by virtue of the continued existence. American blacks possess no culture that isn't a literal example of a jew making a buck off of them.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

yayaya, talk about all those drugs and guns we gave you over some beats, and death to whitey, ya record that.

Thanks for the shekels.

AhmaudArbery ago

Why do we care about trump or trying to save this nation? why not just let it fall wouldnt it be easier that way?

steven_feelsperg ago

Easier for jews, sure.

boogaimmediately ago

This can't go unpunished

steven_feelsperg ago

Autists have video. ID and dox is their pastime.

Niggers are easily swayed with a bounty.

AhmaudArbery ago

They are already trying to justify it by saying he had a sword and try to hit someone with it.

Truthsayer9000 ago

He was trying to protect a store. Same thing roof koreans did.

boogaimmediately ago

They have ropes and trees in Dallas I hope they don't make it through the night

HiJoker ago

There's your future white man.

FederalShill ago

Im not gonna feel bad for this guy. This wasnt a white on black thing, there were a few whites around there who didnt get attack. That guy ran at the looters with a sword

anticlutch ago

Yes. That was retarded. But anon we're in different times. We're in times where every last White matters due to it being an actual race war starting.

InTheWideningGyre ago

Morally right, but still retarded. That said, I do have to admire that he was actually willing to do something. There's a difference between bravery and stupidity, but at least he didn't flee and put up BLM signs trying to beg the looters not to destroy his business.

VoatsNewfag ago

Including white police officers in the uk who arrest white people for tweets?

mattsixteen24 ago

Is the white man a protestor/rioter/looter are just an innocent bystander?

InTheWideningGyre ago

It is claimed that he was defending his business from looters. I can't confirm that for sure, but it's likely true.

BigTrucker ago

What is the back story here?

HillBoulder ago


petevoat ago

Hope he bounces back, poor fella.

DohBoy ago

Looks like he bounced a few times.

MrBateman ago

There were white dudes just bitching out and running

anticlutch ago

Yes. fellow white dudes.

InTheWideningGyre ago

Not all were fellows. There were a few race traitor cucks, too.

anticlutch ago

A few sure. Mostly jews though.

As many videos have and are pointing out with jews and their

muh fellow whites!!!


DaddyO ago

Dudes is an anti white slur

Tallest_Skil ago

the jew posts negativity about White women on voat...

They do?

SearchVoatBot ago

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NakedWarrior ago

Lives in Texas, doesn't own gun? If you are going to protect your business, you bring many friends and arm them all, with guns, then put a few on the roof and a few in the store (and bring lots of ammo) otherwise you going to get stomped.

cantaloupe6 ago

And not run into a crowd brandishing one's sword, with no skills whatever? No fun

burnthegoyimhaters ago

obvious larp gone wrong. A proper swordsman would have brought a gun.

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DexterM1776 ago

Dude is probably a liberal jap cartoon freak. Hence the sword. Probably thought he was a ninja

glenny ago

Just because he sat up doesn't mean he won't be dead in a few hours from a brain hemorrhage or internal bleeding. Every one of those apes should be arrested for attempted murder. The only reason they stopped beating him is because they thought he was dead. However, this guy will probably be charged with the hate crime of offending blacks by not allowing them to loot.

GoyimNose ago

Don't be mad at apes for acting like apes, be mad at those who set the apes free

The_Moistiest_Jew ago

Arrested? Every nigger needs to be rounded up and hanged. The time for anything less has passed.

boogaimmediately ago

Arrested? I'm pretty sure they have ropes and trees in Dallas

ReAwakened ago

This is a trick. Why are they letting niggers rampage? Everyone in America's insurance is going to go up to cover this. Jews win.

Dr_Tyrone_Watermelon ago

exactly, our rates will go up whether our cities and states were affected or not.

anoncastillo ago

Every one of those apes should be LYNCHED.

LegitimatePen ago

This guy survives a vicious beating and Mr.Floyd can't even survive being leaned on. Stay healthy people. Hopefully this guy continues living. FUCK THE KIKES THAT DID THIS

oneinchterror ago

That's what happens when you eat your stash in a panic as soon as the cops show up. The nig died of a heart attack/OD.

boogaimmediately ago

Kill the kikes that did this

oneinchterror ago

And keep in mind: THEY ALL DID THIS

BoyBlue ago

They worked together...maybe they were friends. Hey, if you can't lean on your friends....

shillaccount3344 ago

hopefully next time he has gun and security/friends to protect his business.

cantaloupe6 ago

Roof Koreans did it right

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Don't bring a sword to a niggerfight.

anticlutch ago

Note the only one giving aid is a WHITE WOMAN - this is why the jew posts negativity about White women on voat...

This is why I call it out. This is why the downvotes by many of you that are hopefully now realizing just how right I am in my incessant behavior which is intentionally annoying am right.

A wise anon that is not me said;

Some of the monkeys appear to understand that trying to murder a white man might not be in their best interests.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Don-Keyhote ago

LMFAO how would this one pic prove anything anyway you desperate kike


olinneserpona ago

Keep up the good fight calling it out. Criticizing women is one thing, but anyone saying white women are worthless, disgusting, traitor etc is nothing but a kike or a fed sowing division.

anticlutch ago

Thank you for being one of the few that can distinguish between criticizing A White woman who does something stupid versus using ONE White woman's folly as reason to hate on them all.

olinneserpona ago

Likewise brother.

Shotinthedark ago

The down votes are kind of telling.

anticlutch ago

Of course there are downvotes.

Voat is mostly jewish accounts.

My submission of the documentary "The Lobby" about (((AIPIC))) got like -1 vote.

VoatsNewfag ago

Voat is mostly jewish accounts.

Karen, not everyone who disagrees with your schizophrenic worldview is a jew.

RockmanRaiden ago

He needs to get over himself. 2 downvotes and all of a sudden everyone is a kike.

Shotinthedark ago

Exactly what a kike would say!

SumerBreeze ago

jews are by blood predisposed to having schizophrenia

spaceman84 ago

That purple haired bimbo, despite being white, likely showed up with the niggers and most likely has taken miles of nigger dick.

Not that I care that retarded faggot showed up with a sword and no close quarters combat experience and got stomped by a mob like the stupid larping retard he is.

steven_feelsperg ago

this is why the jew posts negativity about White women on voat

Can't resist, can you?

spaceman84 ago

Ok cuck jeep wimoktnu

cantaloupe6 ago

That was so foolish.

VoatsNewfag ago

If I show you an image of a black family father and businessman, will you then be willing to believe that all the people who complain about niggers are paid shills?

Isn't that exactly the kind of emotional manipulation the media pulls?

anticlutch ago

Exceptions prove the rule cuck.

VoatsNewfag ago

If I show you of a moslem providing first aid, will you the love Islam?

Are you actually that retarded?

Mind_Games ago

You're simply fooling yourself. Grandstanding and appealing to an instance is pathetic.

Niggers as a whole are what's the message when someone says the word niggers on here.

Nigger refers to an individual.

It's almost like you're trying to project stupidity in hopes that someone buys your bullshit.

Get back to the temple Rabbi, its Saturday.

VoatsNewfag ago

If you're trying to argue that we should discuss statistics instead of extrapolating from cherry picked images, then we are in full agreement.

Also the people who complain about women usually don't complain about them not being helpful (after all most nurses are women), but about them supporting political correctness, voting for hillary because she is a woman etc.

This is just another form of manipulation.

Mind_Games ago

"Cherry picked images" ?

The statistics clearly show that black males 14-30 commit 60% of ALL VIOLENT crimes in the nation.

Extrapolate that out globally and the stats don't look much different..

I've not read much on here that complains about women. Most are simply expressing the facts that

the traditional women were much happier. Most deny themselves this right of happiness and that the

scum of the earth jews subvert these women's views as girls and confuse them into chasing false happiness.

I've been here 3 years and that's the resonating belief. Also, 3rd wave "feminism" is simply partisan politics with a gender attached to it and it absoltuely DID cause girls 18-35 to vote overwhelmingly for that slimy turd (clinton)

Yes, your bullshit is absolutely a bad attempt at manipulation.

You claim to want to extrapolate data yet bring none to the conversation, only whines and cries about how

unfair guys treat women. Save your fucking white knighting stupid. No one is fucking you for that.

Women see pussies and appeasers as pathetic and you'll never get one if you continue your current course.

VoatsNewfag ago

Have you ever looket at voting patterns in europe?

And aren't we in agreement that arguments should be based on statistics, not individual stories?