Will you stupid fucks stop with your Freemason, boogie man, bullshit? The biggest jew hater in the US, Henry Ford, was a Freemason. (universalfreemasonry.org)
submitted 4.7 years ago by El_Syd
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anticlutch 4.7 years ago
As I said in (((blumen4alles))) thread on the topic;
Freemasonry, like Catholicism, was a White man's club that got taken over by kikes. AS THEY ALL HAVE.
voatusernamevoat 4.7 years ago
got taken over
Oh boy. A controlled oppo cuck said something!
Nostra aetate - "the first in Catholic HISTORY to focus on the relationship that Catholics have with jews" - vatican 2
Pierce is a nigger-tier IQ, anti-White, race cuck of controlled oppposition.
One simple fact of history proves him and (((you))) wrong.
Don-Keyhote 4.7 years ago
Catholicism literally means Paul the Jew's universalist version of Christ the Jew's club, for the goy victim. It could not be more straightforward. You're the cuck bitch here https://voat.co/v/politics/3847924/24058561
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anticlutch ago
As I said in (((blumen4alles))) thread on the topic;
Freemasonry, like Catholicism, was a White man's club that got taken over by kikes. AS THEY ALL HAVE.
voatusernamevoat ago
anticlutch ago
Oh boy. A controlled oppo cuck said something!
Nostra aetate - "the first in Catholic HISTORY to focus on the relationship that Catholics have with jews" - vatican 2
Pierce is a nigger-tier IQ, anti-White, race cuck of controlled oppposition.
One simple fact of history proves him and (((you))) wrong.
Don-Keyhote ago
Catholicism literally means Paul the Jew's universalist version of Christ the Jew's club, for the goy victim. It could not be more straightforward. You're the cuck bitch here https://voat.co/v/politics/3847924/24058561