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goatsandbros ago

"But it’s also important that children grow up exposed to community values, social values, democratic values, ideas about nondiscrimination and tolerance of other people’s viewpoints."

Tl;dr: They're afraid of losing Jew communism's grip on children.

BentAxel ago

NO. Jews are afraid of losing government funding on schools.

Spending per student.

Alabama $9,236

Alaska $17,510

Arizona $7,613

Arkansas $9,846

California $11,495

Colorado $9,575

Connecticut $18,958

Delaware $14,713

District of Columbia $19,159

You see where Im going.

Leveraction ago

And don't forget the teachers mafia union have a stranglehold on ANYONE who does not support them.

neuschwabia ago

The unions pay to get their democrat lap dogs elected to force more taxes on the already over burdened slaves.

Will the slaves smart up, not likely.

BentAxel ago

Absolutely, I was just illustrating the MASSIVE amount of funds schools draw. Note those numbers are Per Student. How many kids are in any given school? 300? Adds up quickly.

lacrimamosa ago

Is there literally no one in the audience who can raise their hand and ask, "what group is, on average, more likely to contribute to society: home schooled kids or public school kids?" And if the answer is, "home schooled kids are less likely to end up in jail, and more likely to pay taxes" then what the actual fuck are you even talking about??

JimSoddell ago

Homeschoolers have vastly higher achievement than public school students. That's regardless of how much money the parents spend on it, how much time they spend on it, and even the level of education of the parents. Not only that but on average black homeschooling students rank in the 80th percentile of achievement whereas black public schooling students rank in the 20th percentile of achievement. The only thing that reduces homeschooling achievement is if the parent doing the homeschooling has an education degree. That causes the homeschooling student's achievement to be lower.

neuschwabia ago

But I am an Edu-Mc-Ated, I have a traitors certificate, er Teachers certificate.

lacrimamosa ago

The only thing that reduces homeschooling achievement is if the parent doing the homeschooling has an education degree.

That's fucking hilarious. Please tell me you have the source for that handy.

Kungflu_Master ago

He doesn't. I have a degree in education and have been homeschooling for 12 years. My kids always test in the 90%.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

That's fucking hilarious. Please tell me you have the source for that handy.


undemocratic ago

(((Democratic values)))

RoBatten ago

(Nothing about reading, writing, and 'rithmetic in her formula, it ought to be noted.)

In other words, she knows that homeschooled children are being taught to think for themselves, and she won't stand for it.

dassaer ago

"In other words, she knows that homeschooled children are being taught to think for themselves, and she won't stand for it."

Well she should do us all a favor and 'sit the fck back down then' ....

canbot ago

Home schooled children outscore state schooled children on all metrics. They literally need to hide the performance difference to argue against homeschooling.

heywoodnj ago

From its wiki: Elizabeth Bartholet is the[[[ Morris Wasserstein]]] Public Interest Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.

jew or not, one of their creatures for sure.


jingler ago

Fucking KIKES and their jewdicial system of just-us! DOJ = department of juden

Draco777 ago

Has there be anyone from Harvard that was not a insufferable bleeding heart statist in the last 30 years?

MasonxMace ago


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TabascoTabasco ago

Oh so only one groups opinion and no one elses?

Gee that sounds very "democratic". Multiculturalism and NOTHING else.

Hitler would be proud of that kind of thought control.

MrDarkWater ago

You gotta leave voat, bro. You aren't welcome

lion4liberty ago

Cus Hitler was all into multiculturalism right?

TabascoTabasco ago

Nah he was just into telling people what to think....

Leveraction ago

Public school much?

lion4liberty ago

He was more in to teaching his people to love their own and to want what is best for their people. The irony is that you were taught to think that way of him. But keep up the mustache man bad meme.

TabascoTabasco ago

He was more in to teaching his people to love their own and to want what is best for their people. The irony is that you were taught to think that way of him

wow, the delusion is great in this one!

He was more in to teaching his people to love their own and to want what is best for their people

Bombing other countries

Militarily invaded other countries

Murdering/killing civilians

That is so American..... I can see why you like hitler.

The irony is that you were taught to think that way of him

LOL. Yeah. I was "taught" to think he was an utter cunt.

See above.


Story time.

I live in Europe.

I had a German girlfriend. Her Grandfather was SS, not through choice (apparently). Anyway, he got caught by the Russians, and survived. Her family did not have anything good to say about Shitler.

I had a French girlfriend.

I met her Grandfather. I was told specifically NOT to mention the war.

He had been French resistance and had been captured by the Germans. Talking about the war made him cry!

An old friend of mine, her father as caught by the Russians trying to escape Czechoslovakia (hijacking a plane out). The Russians gave him two years in a Uranium mine. Basically a life sentence.


America has been fucking with European countries elections since WWII. Look where that got us. Dumbfuck.

And you say:

He was more in to teaching his people to love their own and to want what is best for their people.

Then the cocoksucker should have stayed home!

lion4liberty ago

War is hell but living under jewish rule is worse. Your stories are shit appeals to emotion. Get bent nigger faggot.

TabascoTabasco ago

War is hell but living under jewish rule is worse.

You should know.

Stories are just that.

But they don't endear me to Shitler who started a war for no reason and got MILLIONS of good white people killed.

lion4liberty ago

He had a reason, he was trying to protect ethnic germans and those ruled by jewish interests wanted the war and kept it going when he wanted to end it. Stalin would have invaded Europe regardless though and those millions would have been under threat anyways. The jews wanted war and would have had it one way or another.

TabascoTabasco ago

He had a reason

Fuck off.

Stalin would have invaded Europe

Gee and here would you have that information from?

Americun history?

Apart from Chasing Shitler out. How many countries has Russia EVER invaded? Say compared with England and Americuh?

I do believe not long ago you would have been called an "apologist'.

The jews wanted war and would have had it one way or another.

Hmmm.. Funny you should say that....

lion4liberty ago

Fuck off back to reddit please nigger faggot.

mleczko ago

Hitler was into loving and reserving his people, what is your agenda?

lion4liberty ago

The same as his.

BoomerHater1488er ago

You realize that Hitler was the good guy in WWII, yeah?

TabascoTabasco ago

Oh the dickhead that got MILLIONS of white people killed?

For what?

So the jews could end up running Americuh?

The Americans have been fucking with European elections since WWII and look where that got us.

Fuck you and the the Germans you rode in on

BoomerHater1488er ago

You're retarded. That's like saying Americans started the War on Terror when it was our Jew occupied Government that did it.

TabascoTabasco ago

That's like saying Americans started the War on Terror when it was our Jew occupied Government that did it.


American jews

American government

American troops

American bombs

American propaganda

And it is me that is retarded. Glad we cleared that up

BoomerHater1488er ago

American jews

There is no such thing as an American Jew, or an African American, or a Mexican American. A Nation is its Blood, not its Soil. DeJavious UggoBuggo and Javier Salvidar are no more American than Mohamed al Naseem is Swedish. Likewise, Moshe Shekelstein isn't European no matter where he was born.

Mustard_Monkey ago
