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23212238? ago

Ok, so a little perspective here. And a kickass theory.

Biotech is one of the hottest investment areas right now - has been for the last decade or so, maybe longer. The potential gains for investing in biotech are HUGE. It's logical that various labs will have received funding from private investors - that's how they operate until they float on the stock market (if they do). That and grants. So it's not unusual for someone like Epstein to invest in biotech.

Also, given the level of power and influence he had, my guess is that he was included in some sweet ass deals. Now THAT could be the really interesting bit.

Someone needs to go over these investments and see the timeline of who invested when. Epstein's investments are likely to be close in date to the person who tipped him off; maybe in the same deal. The question isn't so much 'what did Epstein invest in?' it's 'who was Epstein investing WITH,'