newoldwave ago

Got to get the kids into public school for their communist brainwashing.

goatboy ago

It’s an act of War and global extinction.

Paprika_Jones ago

Harvard can suck my nuts.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Bullshit; he's worried that left wingers can't indoctrinate the kids with their vile propaganda!

neuschwabia ago

Better yet a ban on Harvard "law professors", toxic, pointless and pedantic.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Hillary didn't have someone write a book entitled, It Takes a Village, for nothing.

CalibanFresco ago

Communism considers the family unit to be the root of society's evils. It's no wonder they hate the family so much and want everything to be handled by the state, or 'community'.

GenderPronoun ago

It's dangerous to send kids to university nowadays as well.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Dangerous to whom?

LurkedForever ago


Cade_Connelly_13 ago

It ain't dangerous but homeschooling for everyone is not sustainable when both parents need to work to pay the bills.

Also not every parent CAN homeschool even if they love their kid to pieces.

Lokester ago

Always have to check if it's Babylon Bee. Nope <sigh>. FTW.

phw ago

Jobs should be done by whomever has the most incentive to do the job well. If you love your children more than the government does, homeschool them. If you don't, send them to public school.

Leveraction ago

Or the kid might just read the constitution/bill of rights.

Cat-hax ago

It's dangerous to listen to Harvard law professors

veteran88 ago

Fuck the entire (((ivy league.)))

They have been a joke ever since they have been systemically excluding whites.

They are over hyped because of who owns the media.

Blue333 ago

She's right - bring them under control of the State!!! We don't need families! They're dangerous! They're indoctrinating! You must indoctrinate your children with the State's values instead!

Mr_big ago

(((Harvard professor))) is scared of whites being de-programmed

tastywhitemeat ago

If ever three words could indicate that what someone has to say is totally worthless, those words would be

Harvard law professor

Helena73 ago

This is true of about 5% of population. Its called weeding out the gene pool. It sucks I know.

You know what happens when you feed wild animals? You get pidgeons, racoons, rats, canada geese. Pidgeons are doves that became parasitic. When you remove natural selection mechanisms you start selecting for bad behaviors.

We either have to neuter some people or let nature sort it out.

Leftist always criticize conservatives for being anti-science, but really marxism is a total rejection of evolution. The welfare state is a denial of darwin.

CheeBooga ago

Most people use school as a babysitter. We should not be allowing a state that hates us to indoctrinate or kids. People are realizing this. The gov is completely worthless.

noob_tube ago

They're not worthless. They're very effective at the genocide of whites.

HappyMealBullshit ago

So basically the state owns your child?

Tell me this isnt fucking soviet communism 2.0

noob_tube ago

It's not anything new. If CPS can take your children, they're not "your" children.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Yeah and if i can arrest you for murdering someone, youre not technically a free man. A truly free man can do whatever he wants.

There have to be some limits on behavior for society to exist.

LiamOdinThomas ago

Regular parent calls for the torture and death of a Harvard Law professor, saying its dangerous to open his fukn mouth and could get fukd up 24/7.

DeathThroesofVoat ago

Authors Harvard bio page,

Part of some Wasserstein law group. Family of that group is obviously Jewish.

I used to think everyone here was over the top with the jew stuff. But you really can't make this stuff up. Unfucking believable.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Harvard law professor.... Surely he's african?

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

Every child is accidentally being home schooled to some degree right now. With this plandemic, the kikes accidentally subverted their original plan and they’re in damage control now

Shotinthedark ago

Let us expose your children to niggers or else your a bigot

Berichonbegone ago


SithEmpire ago

Grug grew up in cave with old Grug, but now long-nose tribe wants to take new Grug.

lovehate123 ago

Was training for work a few weeks, took me a few hours to turn 2 people border white nationalist. thats all it takes to break the Cycle of self hate.

RoBatten ago

Happens most often when someone has to do extra work because someone else is slacking off because muh diversity but getting paid the same money as me . . .

Xax ago

Children are much safer being indoctrinated on why they were born the wrong sex. Get them back in school.


Alemary ago

Sounds like the Elites are feeling threatened.

American-Patriot ago

It's more dangerous leaving them with Commie teachers! Your just another brick in my head!

vastrightwing ago

Yes, this is fascinating now as children aren't allowed to be in school as parents are now home schooling their children. This is a real problem as the LGBT agenda is not being taught at home, jewish parables are not taught, black "history" is forgotten, common core is not being taught, etc.

In fact, children are temporarily free of the lies, half truths and tyranny they face every day at school.

The teachers and establishment should be worried, I'm thinking a great number of parents are home schooling. I had a long talk with my neighbor about this very thing and encouraged him to keep home schooling his children after the event.

The real danger is children aren't going to be brain crippled and won't require decades to undo the brainwashing they received in the indoctrination camps they euphemistically refer to as schools. The bell curve will shift to the right as white students accelerate normal learning. White parents will be shocked at how fast their children learn and what a crappy job the state did. This is destroying the establishment.

RoBatten ago

how fast their children learn and what a crappy job the state did

Learn at your own pace, not at the pace of the stupidest kids in class.

And no more cock-garglers playing dress up trying to recruit babies into their degeneracy.

No one is teaching them to step aside for any skin color darker than their own. Leave them their place after you pass by them, don't stop and wait behind them.

Helena73 ago

Educators (got I hate that word — “My partner and I are educators...”, ugh) are some of the stupidest people in this country. When I meet a public school teacher I assume I’m talking to a moron.

AnotherGrayman ago

Any adult in modern times who decides they want to spent all their time around other people's kids....

Automatically suspect.

Either they're weird and want to be close to kids, or they're a dumbass and want to feel smarter than most of the humanoids around them, or they're a weak-spirited authoritarian who wants power over little people, or they're an asshole who wants to exploit the gap in experience between themselves and children in order to intentionally mislead them for political gain.

Fuck public school teachers.

IsaacJan ago

There are state taught communists forcing communist propaganda on kids in school every day unsupervised.

Helena73 ago

They’re just a bunch of karens who want a fat steady pay check and are loathe to think for themselves. Generally, a few pedos too. Always suspicious of dudes in that line of work.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Punch that cunt in his facepussy

jingler ago

Did that to a POS feminist bitch teacher once growing up. Made the cunt cry and quit.

Helena73 ago

Ha! Yes I think you summed up my feelings quite nicely.

vastrightwing ago

That's not a bet. It's a sure thing.

literallyyourmom ago

Harvard is the dangerous one. We should shutter Harvard's doors immediately. Sellouts.

ArielQflip ago takes a village....

kevo7777 ago

These people are subhuman.

Boyakasha ago

This reeks of long nose tribe.

DeathThroesofVoat ago

Check out the law group she's affiliated with

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Check out the law group she's affiliated with

She looks like a fairly typical Insula-dominant/Amygdala-submissive shitlib lunatic.

Doubtless descended from Unitardian, Quaker, Wesleyan, Jesuitical or similar stock [possibly some Lutheran in there].

Those are the monsters who finished the destruction of [what had been] Our Nation back in 1861-1865.

waucka ago

Hard to say for sure.

whatisbestinlife ago

wide mouth. crooked eyes. hides ear shape. yep. just an anglojew

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Oy vey! Not sending your children to a leftist indoctrination camp every single day is anti-semitic!

jingler ago

Kikes want you to send your precious white child to their kibbutz, er I mean school.

SPAMsammich111 ago


Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Bartholet's interest in regulating home education is more than academic, by the way. She's heading up a June summit at Harvard to discuss regulating homeschooling. Featured speakers, according to an article at the Home School Legal Defense Association, include a who's who of anti-homeschooling zealots.

Time and place.

JimSoddell ago

It's at Harvard. The exact location is a secret, the list of people attending is a secret, and it is by invitation only. They have a set of experts in child abuse and they are meeting to create a national movement to ban homeschooling based on "science", using rare cases of abuse to justify it, and ignoring that public school students are more abused and homeschooling students have vastly higher academic achievement than public school students.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

shnozz check in aisle 5

Eleutheria ago

Cleanup in Aisle 5. The person with the shnozz turned to run the other way, and knocked two shelves of product over.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Lol, these people are so desperate.

kevo7777 ago

They aren't desperate. They are very much capable of carrying out this threat like they did in Germanistan.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Germany's education system is federally implemented. It's a bit easier to control than 50 states and vast local districts.

AnotherGrayman ago

Germanistan? Oh man, stealing this.

Qfan2020 ago

This is just another example of how the left/deep state twist reality so they have the power. It infuriates me because this highly educated professor and probably highly respected, makes an illogical argument. It goes against common sense! Nothing is ever perfect but as sited in this article, home schoolers do better in every category. The damn Deep state needs a stake threw their hearts because their lies are poison.

"The issue is, do we think that parents should have 24/7, essentially authoritarian control over their children from ages zero to 18?" she asks. "I think that’s dangerous,” she answers. “I think it’s always dangerous to put powerful people in charge of the powerless, and to give the powerful ones total authority.”

JimSoddell ago

Parents have authoritarian control over their kids from 0 to 18 because as their legal guardians that is what they are legally required to do. The parent-child relationship is an authoritarian one, the parent is the authority and makes the decisions and is responsible for the outcomes. It always has been this way in human society and is natural.

Unnatural authority would be something like that which a public school teacher has over a student.

jbo5112 ago

The Harvard Magazine "expert" seems to think we're a democratic society. They're either too dumb to understand or too evil to admit that we're a constitutional republic. Pick one. They're Harvard alumni. Playing ignorant is not an option.

IsaacJan ago

We’re a communist oligarchy with a theater show, you bluepilled dip.

Jaegerjaques ago

Classic pilpul, crying about supposed parents' authoritarian control of children while arguing for authoritarian state control of children. Couldn't have made a more Jewish argument.

goatsandbros ago

"But it’s also important that children grow up exposed to community values, social values, democratic values, ideas about nondiscrimination and tolerance of other people’s viewpoints."

Tl;dr: They're afraid of losing Jew communism's grip on children.

BentAxel ago

NO. Jews are afraid of losing government funding on schools.

Spending per student.

Alabama $9,236

Alaska $17,510

Arizona $7,613

Arkansas $9,846

California $11,495

Colorado $9,575

Connecticut $18,958

Delaware $14,713

District of Columbia $19,159

You see where Im going.

Leveraction ago

And don't forget the teachers mafia union have a stranglehold on ANYONE who does not support them.

neuschwabia ago

The unions pay to get their democrat lap dogs elected to force more taxes on the already over burdened slaves.

Will the slaves smart up, not likely.

BentAxel ago

Absolutely, I was just illustrating the MASSIVE amount of funds schools draw. Note those numbers are Per Student. How many kids are in any given school? 300? Adds up quickly.

lacrimamosa ago

Is there literally no one in the audience who can raise their hand and ask, "what group is, on average, more likely to contribute to society: home schooled kids or public school kids?" And if the answer is, "home schooled kids are less likely to end up in jail, and more likely to pay taxes" then what the actual fuck are you even talking about??

JimSoddell ago

Homeschoolers have vastly higher achievement than public school students. That's regardless of how much money the parents spend on it, how much time they spend on it, and even the level of education of the parents. Not only that but on average black homeschooling students rank in the 80th percentile of achievement whereas black public schooling students rank in the 20th percentile of achievement. The only thing that reduces homeschooling achievement is if the parent doing the homeschooling has an education degree. That causes the homeschooling student's achievement to be lower.

neuschwabia ago

But I am an Edu-Mc-Ated, I have a traitors certificate, er Teachers certificate.

lacrimamosa ago

The only thing that reduces homeschooling achievement is if the parent doing the homeschooling has an education degree.

That's fucking hilarious. Please tell me you have the source for that handy.

Kungflu_Master ago

He doesn't. I have a degree in education and have been homeschooling for 12 years. My kids always test in the 90%.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

That's fucking hilarious. Please tell me you have the source for that handy.


undemocratic ago

(((Democratic values)))

RoBatten ago

(Nothing about reading, writing, and 'rithmetic in her formula, it ought to be noted.)

In other words, she knows that homeschooled children are being taught to think for themselves, and she won't stand for it.

dassaer ago

"In other words, she knows that homeschooled children are being taught to think for themselves, and she won't stand for it."

Well she should do us all a favor and 'sit the fck back down then' ....

canbot ago

Home schooled children outscore state schooled children on all metrics. They literally need to hide the performance difference to argue against homeschooling.

heywoodnj ago

From its wiki: Elizabeth Bartholet is the[[[ Morris Wasserstein]]] Public Interest Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.

jew or not, one of their creatures for sure.


jingler ago

Fucking KIKES and their jewdicial system of just-us! DOJ = department of juden

Draco777 ago

Has there be anyone from Harvard that was not a insufferable bleeding heart statist in the last 30 years?

MasonxMace ago


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TabascoTabasco ago

Oh so only one groups opinion and no one elses?

Gee that sounds very "democratic". Multiculturalism and NOTHING else.

Hitler would be proud of that kind of thought control.

MrDarkWater ago

You gotta leave voat, bro. You aren't welcome

lion4liberty ago

Cus Hitler was all into multiculturalism right?

TabascoTabasco ago

Nah he was just into telling people what to think....

Leveraction ago

Public school much?

lion4liberty ago

He was more in to teaching his people to love their own and to want what is best for their people. The irony is that you were taught to think that way of him. But keep up the mustache man bad meme.

TabascoTabasco ago

He was more in to teaching his people to love their own and to want what is best for their people. The irony is that you were taught to think that way of him

wow, the delusion is great in this one!

He was more in to teaching his people to love their own and to want what is best for their people

Bombing other countries

Militarily invaded other countries

Murdering/killing civilians

That is so American..... I can see why you like hitler.

The irony is that you were taught to think that way of him

LOL. Yeah. I was "taught" to think he was an utter cunt.

See above.


Story time.

I live in Europe.

I had a German girlfriend. Her Grandfather was SS, not through choice (apparently). Anyway, he got caught by the Russians, and survived. Her family did not have anything good to say about Shitler.

I had a French girlfriend.

I met her Grandfather. I was told specifically NOT to mention the war.

He had been French resistance and had been captured by the Germans. Talking about the war made him cry!

An old friend of mine, her father as caught by the Russians trying to escape Czechoslovakia (hijacking a plane out). The Russians gave him two years in a Uranium mine. Basically a life sentence.


America has been fucking with European countries elections since WWII. Look where that got us. Dumbfuck.

And you say:

He was more in to teaching his people to love their own and to want what is best for their people.

Then the cocoksucker should have stayed home!

lion4liberty ago

War is hell but living under jewish rule is worse. Your stories are shit appeals to emotion. Get bent nigger faggot.

TabascoTabasco ago

War is hell but living under jewish rule is worse.

You should know.

Stories are just that.

But they don't endear me to Shitler who started a war for no reason and got MILLIONS of good white people killed.

lion4liberty ago

He had a reason, he was trying to protect ethnic germans and those ruled by jewish interests wanted the war and kept it going when he wanted to end it. Stalin would have invaded Europe regardless though and those millions would have been under threat anyways. The jews wanted war and would have had it one way or another.

TabascoTabasco ago

He had a reason

Fuck off.

Stalin would have invaded Europe

Gee and here would you have that information from?

Americun history?

Apart from Chasing Shitler out. How many countries has Russia EVER invaded? Say compared with England and Americuh?

I do believe not long ago you would have been called an "apologist'.

The jews wanted war and would have had it one way or another.

Hmmm.. Funny you should say that....

lion4liberty ago

Fuck off back to reddit please nigger faggot.

mleczko ago

Hitler was into loving and reserving his people, what is your agenda?

lion4liberty ago

The same as his.

BoomerHater1488er ago

You realize that Hitler was the good guy in WWII, yeah?

TabascoTabasco ago

Oh the dickhead that got MILLIONS of white people killed?

For what?

So the jews could end up running Americuh?

The Americans have been fucking with European elections since WWII and look where that got us.

Fuck you and the the Germans you rode in on

BoomerHater1488er ago

You're retarded. That's like saying Americans started the War on Terror when it was our Jew occupied Government that did it.

TabascoTabasco ago

That's like saying Americans started the War on Terror when it was our Jew occupied Government that did it.


American jews

American government

American troops

American bombs

American propaganda

And it is me that is retarded. Glad we cleared that up

BoomerHater1488er ago

American jews

There is no such thing as an American Jew, or an African American, or a Mexican American. A Nation is its Blood, not its Soil. DeJavious UggoBuggo and Javier Salvidar are no more American than Mohamed al Naseem is Swedish. Likewise, Moshe Shekelstein isn't European no matter where he was born.

Mustard_Monkey ago


SumerBreeze ago

he just wants to fuck your daughters, stop persecuting him!

WhiteMan ago

Law expert? Give me a break. At least if it was a philosophy expert or whatever...maybe. but no.

Kungflu_Master ago

Yes, their credentials are questionable. Parents right to educate their children by the method of their choosing has already been heard by the Supreme Court. Wisconsin v. Yoder

jingler ago

Why are ALL the subversive kikes in law??

WhiteMan ago

That is where the power to subvert lies.

RoBatten ago

philosophy expert

One of my "betters" telling me how I should feel and act . . .

WhiteMan ago

Exactly. No thanks..

earlymac ago

And the original article turned the comment section off after they realized they weren't getting the response they expected. Experts, smh.