Nobody777 ago

The term 14 88 Is labelled a white supremacist term, The 14 words and HH for the 88 Heir Hitler narrative.

David Lane the inventor also had 88 precepts AKA How or what's needed to secure the future for white people ETC

A bloggers opinion I read is that the term 14 88 is because of the 14 words and the 88 precepts and the HH thing just developed, The meaning changed.

This rings a bell for me.

What's wrong with the 14 words? Nothing.

The problem is the most destructive brand name is NAZI and Hitler and since the 14 88 go hand in hand and in my view not the original meaning is what's causing the damage to some degree.

An idea if the 14 words are quoted make sure to also mention the existence of David Lanes 88 precepts too.

brknman ago

If it was said about black children, it wouldn't be uncomfortable to the general masses. Most would nod their heads in agreement. The only problem is that white people are far too effective when they take that to the extreme.

CeasarSalud ago

Because they know what it will take to ensure it because (((they))) can't just let white people be alone.

It's insecurity.

GlowWorm ago


Fahrvergnaked ago

I’ll tell you why it makes people uncomfortable. They know in their heart of hearts that to secure the existence of our people at this point will almost certainly require violence. They know that The assault on white people is so total, so malicious, and so effective, that mere self assertion will not suffice; indeed, it will arouse a magnified and even m purer version of the hithertofore thinly veiled hatred in our enemies. The approach of whites has always been to get along when possible, and the idea of what is coming is enough to try and get along for one more day.

Whites are embodying the words of king Theoden from LotR:

“I will not risk open war!”

“Open war is upon us, whether you would risk it or not.”

This fight is coming to us upon racial lines, and they will come for you whether you view them as enemies or not.

Save-Europe ago

Hail Victory!!

Tb0n3 ago

Because race doesn't matter.

bdmthrfkr ago

Because race doesn't matter.

It does to me.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For White Children.

We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For African Children.

We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For Asian Children.

We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For Polynesian Children.

We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For Aboriginal Children.

We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For Jewish Children.

Either you can have a problem with none of those sentences or all of them Jews.

bdmthrfkr ago

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Future in Hell

SecularPenguinist ago

There's estrogen in the water, BPA's in the plastic, and soy in fucking everything. (((They))) are deliberately weakening our men and it's working. We have a generation of gender confused faggots who are brought to tears by mean words. So thoroughly brainwashed by the indoctrination they've been subjected to since the age of 4, they believe they are responsible for the failure of every other race. Yes, racist against their own race. How in the fuck did we allow it to get this bad. It seemed to happen almost overnight. Looking back I now see the signs. The whole frog in a boiling pot of water thing. So now we've got a bunch of low IQ monkeys screaming at us for ruining their lives. If not for us they'd still be living in dung huts. Stupid niggers hadn't even invented the wheel when we began colonization. The fucking wheel.

bdmthrfkr ago

I would love to say that I saw this whole shit show happening before you did but that just didn't happen, I only noticed it about 4 years ago. Does that make us lose the race to save ourselves, our families and out peoples? No, it doesn't.

Whites have always been a minority on the face of this planet and always will be but we have also always known how to use a wheel. This is not a fight that we will lose.

spaceman84 ago

Consider the following

Men failed 100+ years ago by even entertaining the idea of women's suffrage. Women have been the downfall of many civilizations throughout human history. JD Unwin was right. And there's no putting the cat back in the bag. The barbarians will do it for us when we're dead.

SecularPenguinist ago

Great video. Hadn't seen that one. Probably because YouTube deleted it.

SecularPenguinist ago

When the Muslims take over the leftists are in for a rude awakening. Low IQ savages to be sure, but at least they understand the place of women and faggots.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

WE must secure the existence of our people and a future for Chechen children.

DanielR ago

"Oy Vey!" intensifies

ardvarcus ago

An even more telling question is, why would the words "It's OK to be white" trouble anyone, unless they were rabidly racist against white people?

bdmthrfkr ago

Because we are the enemy of everybody.

PoliceICE ago

We —>>WILL <<—secure an existence for our people and a future for white children.

This is not negotiable

JohnnyCage90E ago

I thought it was "we MUST"

spaceman84 ago

Gotta put women back in the box first or it cannot happen. They are traitors in our midst, corrupting our children.

bdmthrfkr ago


Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Those words make me uncomfortable because they're so contrary to White reality. Then again, maybe I'm expecting way too much from "secure the existence of".

OuterSpaceIsCGI ago

Planet is a fake and gay concept

Sosacms ago

"white people get to exist too."

uab ago

The why is evo psych



Well said OP

Catfishbelly ago

Whites are the only ones who are playing this everything is fair and equal game by the rules, every other race shits all over us.

Camulos ago

It doesn't. But the kikes just hate it.

WhiteChickens ago

Getting rid of every nigger, the rest follows naturally.

Killeratlarge ago

That's not our purpose. I was put here to help people of all ethnicities and backgrounds succeed. Even if I have to suffer.

Haha just kidding. Fuck Niggers

oneinchterror ago

You son of a bitch, you had me for a moment there.

963189_137 ago

It makes me uncomfortable because it is BLAND and WEAK. If we are going to SECURE THE FUTURE then we should be the only race left alive. No one else should be left to endanger the future of White children. European Ethnoglobe ONLY.

Revelations2_9 ago

When did you convert to judaism?

963189_137 ago

Keep thinking you are going to play the exact same game over and over, passing the curse off to your children and that you are 'honoring God'.

antiliberalsociety ago

Oy Vey! Look how racially extreme Voat is! Won't (((somebody))) shut it down?

I see what you're doing here

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

If we do nothing, maybe they'll take pity on us before the end.

963189_137 ago

I am not nearly 'radical' enough for the European race to survive.

hello_reddit ago

manifest destiny is not extreme. it is the biological norm.

963189_137 ago

True. There was a time when we all believed that we were destined not to be the tail but the head of humanity. Too many subhumans crept in and devoured/destroyed our nations from within. It started iwth the jew and the nigger and has ended with the WHOLE WORLD (not a race that wasn't willing to take a pound of flesh of your future) coming in for their slice of the pie.

With the subhuman trash came corruption...we did not 'become corrupt' as much as we stewed in their corruption and lost our ability to understand the world we found ourselves in.

superspathi ago

I still don't know what white means. It seems to be an entirely arbitrary and fluid definition that seemingly encompasses an exceedingly diverse set of peoples. An Irishman and an Italian are both white? Those groupings seem pretty different to me, as well as being distinct from other kinds of whites like Finns or Poles.

Under this nebulous calculation where are Turks? Or Persians?

Your stock phrase about preserving your genetic heritage is excessively vague. What are you attempting to preserve exactly?

Octoclops ago

I still don't know what white means

This is only due to your own willfull ignorance. How about lightskinned caucasians from Europe? Is that precise enough for you? You know what, I don't care. You postmodern retards love to pretend "white people" is some vague, nebulous term but when it's time to pick a gated community to hide from the problems you've caused, suddenly it's not so hard huh? And I've never seen a nigger struggle to spot the white woman in the room.

an exceedingly diverse set of peoples

Yes, we are the most diverse, I'm glad you noticed.

An Irishman and an Italian are both white?

Yes. Duh.

where are Turks?

They are worse than niggers and not remotely white. Did ya know they aren't even from Turkey? It used to be called Anatolia.


A lot closer than Turks but no. Have you ever met one that claimed to be white anyway?

Your stock phrase about preserving your genetic heritage is excessively vague. What are you attempting to preserve exactly?

What about not wanting to replaced/raped by Somalians is vague?

superspathi ago

You sure sound confident about Turks, but were you not aware that they routinely abducted and enslaved Christians from Europe for centuries, and incorporated those captured Europeans into their society? Janissaries. Check it out for yourself. There's a lot of Turks that look pretty white. And they're virtually indistinguishable from Greeks, and I presume you consider Greeks to be white. There's blond haired blue eyed Persians. I don't know, but I suspect they don't consider themselves white. I'm just saying, this concept of white is pretty vague. Vague enough that Jared Taylor says of Jews ,"They look pretty white to me".

A muslim from kosovo can look pretty white, but lumping them into a group with Norwegians doesn't seem to make any sense to me. These people have nothing in common but superficial physical similarity.

Octoclops ago

but were you not aware that they routinely abducted and enslaved Christians from Europe for centuries

I was. It's a great reason to keep Turks out of white nations.

There's a lot of Turks that look pretty white

Some dog breeds look a lot like wolves, would you rather leave your kids alone with a dog or a wolf?

So is your point here is that some people who probably aren't Turks look white, therefore Turks are white? By your logic all Americans are black. Does that mean Americans have the right to move to Africa, rape up the place and replace the native population?

There's blond haired blue eyed Persians

Maybe they are from other places.

I'm just saying, this concept of white is pretty vague. Vague enough that Jared Taylor says of Jews ,"They look pretty white to me"

If I mix red and yellow paint does that mean red is vague? If I say red, are you at all confused by what I mean? I doubt you do because you don't have political reasons to try and pretend the color red away.

Saying Jews look white is an oversimplification, Jews decide who is Jewish by matrilineal descent. That is not how DNA actually works so most of them are mutts. They are more like a cult than a race.

Race is more than "superficial physical similarity" but rather than get into that argument, how do you think people should form groups?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Exactly. This was stolen from a statement specific to a people and a culture. Changing it to a color (and not restricting it to a group possessing a coherent cultural grouping of thoughts and beliefs) reduces it to meaninglessness.

bdmthrfkr ago

KYS nigger.

superspathi ago

So sensitive. Like you have nigger fragility. A white man should be expected to be able to discuss ideas without shitting themselves.

Cockboy ago

Kill yourself jew.

webster_warrior ago

Those words make me uncomfortable because we are not doing it.

bdmthrfkr ago

I'm doing it. It sounds like you are doing it but are your friends doing it is the question.

Help them along and point out what a hellscape their children will have to endure if our countries are overrun. Have fun.

TimMasson1 ago

It wouldn't

bdmthrfkr ago

And it shouldn't, but ask a normie friend and see what they say. Really, I'm serious.

TimMasson1 ago

I will ask someone.

bdmthrfkr ago

Be gentile, these are our Brothers and Sisters and we need them; don't give them the 14 words all at one go, they will call you a Nazi (lol). Be careful, be constructive and for fucks sake be smart.

I doubt that I need to tell you these things I just thought it was a good idea to throw that out there.

MudsharkMarge ago

Doesnt make me uncomfortable. In fact I live by them.

bdmthrfkr ago

I also do.

Mittermeyer ago

What are your thoughts on the 88 precepts?

bdmthrfkr ago

Not a big fan of the concentration of power into the hands of a single or small group of people, too easy for the un-elected powerful to be bought off by an enemy power.

I like our system just fine and I am liking it a whole lot better now that the trash is being taken out.

Mittermeyer ago

Sounds like you never read them and are getting them confused with National Socialist Germany. I asked about the precepts which were coined by Lane, the same guy who coined the 14 words. You ought to actually read them at some point.

bdmthrfkr ago

meh, was just mentioning the 88 of the 1488. Love the 14 but until it is do or die will resist the 88.

TopTierCIAShill ago

Holy shit dude.

14/88 is the 14 words and 88 precepts.

You literally need to read them.

You fucking newfag.

Mittermeyer ago

The 88 of the 1488 is the 88 precepts. It was all coined by David Lane. You ought to actually learn the things you rally against. On /pol/ anons told newfags that it stood for HH as a joke. Seems clear you are a newfag judging by the fact you not only don't know what the 88 means, you also treat the 14 as some lolbertarian thing for you and your family and not your whole race.

bdmthrfkr ago

You mean this?

Way to long for newfags like me to go through, honk honk is far more easy to digest and understand.

bdmthrfkr ago

just want to further point out that you openly said you will resist stuff such as "Truth does not fear investigation" and "Tyrannies cannot be ended without the use of force" due to sheer ignorance of the subject matter.

uhh, never said that please kys shill.

spaceman84 ago

I like our system just fine and I am liking it a whole lot better now that the trash is being taken out.

Zion Don is taking the trash out? Since when? There are 35-50 million spics, many "natural born citizens" in the US and their birthrate is much higher than the white birthrate.

MudsharkMarge ago

There needs to be education for other whites who have no idea whats going on.

bdmthrfkr ago

Tell your friends, it's the least that you can do.


"Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth."


MudsharkMarge ago

shout it out!

T101genisys ago

There is literally nothing wrong or evil about this statement. But to a stinking, evil race of desert rats that want our kind exterminated, it is.

You see now how the devil's children have tricked you.

bdmthrfkr ago

They didn't trick me, they didn't trick you but they did trick our Brothers and Sisters.

This is the fight that we must fight, and we will be persecuted for it but at the end of the day we must win. The alternative is our complete and total destruction and I don't think any of us want that.

ardvarcus ago

The only thing preventing a total victory and dominance of white Christians over all other peoples of the Earth is a failure of will. We could throw off the burden of non-whites at any moment we choose ... but the Jew brainwashing has made us indecisive and uncertain about our heritage, our right to thrive and excel, the superiority of our race and our way of life. That's why they've attacked our religion so relentlessly -- religion is a source of moral strength for a people. When you know what's right, without needing to question or second guess yourself, you act immediately and powerfully. White people no longer know what is right. That is the primary thing the Jews have stolen from us, as a people.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Speaking of tricks, what is the trick we need to figure out to cause our brothers to rise up from their pits of despair and inaction? Even Earl Turner was saddened and disappointed by their pathetic and passive acceptance of oppression.

saxonheretic ago

The trick is to destroy their comfortable lives. The reason our brothers and sisters accept all this tyranny is because they can retreat to their temperature controlled homes, switch on netflix and sip on a beer. Shutting off the outside world. Things will only change when there is no power and no food on the shelves.

MinstrelBoy ago

Because "white" is a bullshit concept and there is no 1 single definition for it. Your white may not be my white. Its just dumb and they want you to be divided along these lines.

bdmthrfkr ago

Fuck you nigger.

KLDB ago

14 is my favourite number.

Maroonsaint ago

When did you learn to masterbate? I think o figured it out at around 11 or 12 early puberty I guess. I remeber jerkin off for the longest time and nothin came out. Then one day. It did. It was yellow. It scared me and suddenly I didn’t want to do it anymore in that moment. LOL. I remeber the older kids showin each other how much jozz they shot out. One of those kids worked for the church for a while. The other one overdosed. Then my friend fucked my girlfriend. Then I contemplated murdering him but I still had hope at that age. I remeber being at Halloween haunted house waiting to leave so I could go jerk off. Cause by then I discovered it was fun. I was keeping count at that point and already losing count. Then some nigger kid with dreads called me a mommas boy so I punched him in the face. I punched him in the face a second time when he tried to cheap shot me. I remember we were playing basketball. I didn’t even know he punched me. It felt like somebody gently fondled the back of my head and I was like wtf was that. All his nigger friends tried to intimidate me as they ran backwards. HUH ok. Then I got in school suspended. Then I met a kid who was there for locking another kid in a closet. This was 6th grade and it was hilarious. Was an alright kid. One of those people you think is an asshole from a distance. Me n my friends almost robbed his house in highscool but we didn’t do it which is good I guess. He got heavy into drugs like we got heavy into drugs. I remember him showin me a video on his phone in high school of Him beating the fuck out of some kid. Stomping on his face and telling him to get up. It was like a 30 minute video. I wonder where he is now. Hold on I’m gonna facebook. Ahh there he is at Mardi Gras. Thought he would have od by now. Maybe he’s clean idk him anymore. I used to hang out with this asian kid in biology who sold x. These to guys would buy x from him everyday and take it at school everyday. They both disappeared. They gotta be dead now. I think they dropped out and ran to live in New Orleans. That Asian kid taught me a lot about street stuff. Later through him I got a job offer to run drugs for some asians gangs. We’ll bail you out of jail, get you a lawyer. Ok but then the best lawyer isn’t going to be able to save me from pounds of shit in the trunk. I thought he was full of shit till me n my other friend met for a job offer in a suite in a casino. They opened every dresser drawer and just pounds and pounds of weed. Like holy shit. Me n my friend looked at each other thinking a mutual thought. We should rob these guys. Only two of em. Couple of passed out whores in bed. That would have been a terrible idea. Ended up partying with them. Then I ended up selling Oxy and rocsy to this guys connections. He ended up getting hooked himself. He seemed upset when I told him I was calling it quits. What you want from me dude I ain’t tryin to go to prison

MudsharkMarge ago

Wow, you think you know a guy! haha, you dont have to tell us about beating off. Just for the record. lol

Maroonsaint ago

I used to do it on camera for strangers. I was way too young. I wonder if that’s recorded anywhere. Many a stranger watched me in aol instant message chatrooms

KLDB ago

I'm guessing it took you half a second to write this all and that you might be this way because your drug habits started in grade 6.

Maroonsaint ago

They started at age 12. 13? Whenever I entered high school. I forget do you turn 13 in 9th grade. I had a girlfriend who’s brother smoked weed and I wanted to try it. Turns out it’s fun. For drunk and high for the first time on my friends birthdays sept 22. I only remeber that because I had 3 best friends with birthdays all on the same day. Then one day I was taking a shower and opened the medicine cabinet and wouldn’t you know it. A whole bottle of lortabs. My friends dad had got his finger chopped off somehow. He didn’t trust his sons other friend. So he put them at our house. That was my childhood friend. We did gay stuff as children out of curiosity cause it feels good when you get your dick sucked. But I don’t count that stuff. It was way before puberty. His sister was so goddamn sexy. One time we went creeper and watched through her window while her boyfriend felt her up. Not so weird for me. Weird for my friend but then again we were so young we didn’t know what we were doing. The guy feeling her up was using her to get back at his girlfriend. I heard he shot up a club in Mexico but I don’t believe that story. One time we got high and went to Applebee’s. He said it’s on him. We were so stoned so he said y’all ready to go? We got up and left. Turns out he didn’t pay. So dine and dash. My friends parents got a divorce. It was weird seeing my childhood friend try to hide the fact it was fuckin with him. He said he knew they were done when his dad started sleeping on the couch. I stopped talking to him around this time. He ended up getting heavy into drugs around this time as well.

KLDB ago

both of your parents worked?

Maroonsaint ago

Yes. My dad made good money and my mom was a teacher. I remeber when she brought me to a parent teacher conference and I drew a picture of a butt on the chalkboard then drew an arrow to it with the word mom on the other end. She brought me home and shoved a bar of soap in my mouth. Soap tastes spicy

maaaxheadroom ago

Jaesus maroonsaint, you never struck me as sentimental before.

Maroonsaint ago

Iv been thinking back over my life a lot lately

KLDB ago

Sure does. I know a lot of latchkey kids that turned out like you and the ones you grew up with. I think getting mothers into jobs was to severely cripple white kids childhood.

kingdomhearts123 ago

i don't think it's aggressive enough.

bdmthrfkr ago

There is the 88 that goes after it. Will that do?

kingdomhearts123 ago

eeh... modeling future solutions based on activities and personalities from 1940's is not a good idea. Hitler was a transportation monkey anyway.

TopTierCIAShill ago

88 is for the 88 precepts.

88 meaning heil hitler is you falling for CIA deception.

How does it feel to be duped by the CIA's low IQ tricks?

spaceman84 ago

We're not going to be allowed to genocide all the spics here. Our own people won't tolerate the guilt they'll feel.


MAYBE they'll let us evict them.


And you could do better. There isn't a man alive worthy carrying a cup of water for Hitler.

kingdomhearts123 ago


the body of work which surrounds him, AKA his "legend", has been in complete control of jewish interests since his death.

I could argue that you have no fucking clue who the man is or what he did. Because you're playing fun optimism games regarding jewish programming and your own awareness of what hitler "is".

So yea... you wouldn't design a tank with blueprints from 1945.

you gonna build some camps then? gonna transport those pesky jews? They should have a homeland right? That will fix the whole criminality thing right? Geography prevents crime i think right?



kingdomhearts123 ago

roger that

Shadowlight ago

Amen brother

bdmthrfkr ago

It is what it is.

KLDB ago

Amen like the god?

Shadowlight ago

Sure why not

KLDB ago

haha. :)

antiliberalsociety ago

Because @TexasVet ruined it with his commie subverse

maaaxheadroom ago


antiliberalsociety ago

v/GoFraudMe has it all.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

It makes Qtards tremble with fear and they start shouting about how "we're all the same they're trying to divide us by race, religion"


rabbisucksbabycock ago

patriots have no colors my fellow goyim

VoatContainmentGuard ago

If it ain't white it ain't right.

TradMan ago

The qoomers have come along nicely, most have learned.

Good for them.

oneinchterror ago


I beg to differ

TradMan ago

Do you have qrv blocked?

oneinchterror ago

Yes, but only on desktop. I still see them when browsing Voatify on my phone, so I'll drop in every once in a while (like today) just to argue.

TradMan ago

It's just as annoying, but they've finally taken the nazi pill.

tempuser1 ago

The hardcore ones are either here, 4chan, or 8chan - they know.

The less hardcore are on the_donald or twitter - both of which are accelerating.

TradMan ago

I love it !

smokratez ago


An extra special faggot.

VoatContainmentGuard ago


oneinchterror ago

It's just smokratez being a schizo faggot again.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'm so over it. I don't care. I'm going to delete this account too

TheGrandMaster ago

Im with you, voat drama is gay. We need real world action

bdmthrfkr ago

I don't care about other people, I care about my Family. You should do the same thing.

philmchawk ago

That attitude is why you have lost for the last 100 years.

rebel_1812 ago

Loyalty should spread from yourself, to your family, to your community then to your nation (nations used to me comprised of one race). This is naturally tribalism. If you only care about your family you live in or have a shitty experience with your community. I don't blame you, the boomers destroy many of the community ties that previous generations had. They destroyed people going to church which gave you a community. They destroyed old boys clubs which gave men a community to belong to. They ruined movies, bars and other areas people used to congregate. We need to bring these things back to help start a strong Caucasian community.

bdmthrfkr ago

Replace boomers with jews and you have a valid point.

BaBs88 ago

You dumb faggot. Go reread the 14 words. You obviously didnt understand. They mean ALL white children. You fucking loser.

oneinchterror ago

Seriously. OP is a dumb fucking faggot. All of his comments are some kinda passive aggressive, selfish lolbertarian nonsense.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Our ≠ ALL

And btw... › education › references › hate-symbols › not-equal

Some white supremacists have adopted the mathematical sign "≠" (Not Equal or Not Equal To) as a white supremacist symbol.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I also care about community, the place where I & my children have to fucking live. Niggers and jews aren't welcome

sbt2160p ago

Community is meant to be like an extended family, populated with people sharing common culture and heritage. I think that’s what the OP’s meaning of the word “Family” is about.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Yeah but how many people actually stop and help people in their community? Last summer I noticed an old lady's front porch was rotty and unsafe so I went to a lumber mill and got some wood and ripped off her front porch and built a new one with stairs AND a ramp. One time I noticed that a poor families driveway was muddy AF and I ordered them a load of gravel. They shoveled it all and fixed their driveway. I help my community because I can. I don't want shit in return. Too many people don't do this.

bdmthrfkr ago

Israel. pic related

We will make it happen.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

we haven't done anything yet. Its all talk. Israel's border walls and immigration laws are tight

KLDB ago

well... I care about the whole world... so there...

VoatContainmentGuard ago

fuck'em all. Whites and white nations only.

KLDB ago

so glowy!

Cockboy ago

Shut up faggot.

KLDB ago

Go hump your photo of the great soy boy hitler.

Cockboy ago

Go hump your life size Benjamin Netenyahu blowup doll, kike.

KLDB ago

HAHAHA like the ones hitler invented?

well... I care about the whole world... so there...

I was only mocking @VoatContainmentGuard because he sounded like a virtue signaling lefty... "like omg I care about my family and so much more."

aaaand I have no jewish blood.


Otefax ago

I thought Q was aligned with white supremacy? Apologies for my misunderstanding, am just new and trying to get my bearings. Thanks.

smokratez ago

Q sub is redpilled on white genocide. Ignore the mossad faggots who claim otherwise.

Cockboy ago

This guy is a qtard who goes around the site posting outside of his containment zone that anyone who isnt a massive cucked faggot like himself is an incel or a kike.




smokratez ago

biggest fantasy of jew faggots is that all straight white men become faggots like them

oneinchterror ago

Can confirm. Smokratez is one of the biggest faggots on this website.

oneinchterror ago

He also told me that only filthy atheists are dumb enough to believe the sun is real.


" white supremacy "

bdmthrfkr ago

This is what Q posted, take it for what it is.

Tallest_Skil ago

One of the earliest Q-LARP posts (and the most prominent of Q-LARP’s brainwashing slogans) explicitly champions civic nationalism. Nothing, whatsoever, that Q-LARP says has been in support of whites.

oneinchterror ago

Exactly. If anything, (((Q))) has been explicitly Zionist, and at least implicitly anti-White.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Q is Mossad. The movement was designed to keep whites from organizing and to keep them calm.

smokratez ago

So have you organized?

MrDarkWater ago

Hah. Q critics hate that question

oneinchterror ago

No we don't. Many of us have organized, and it doesn't address the assertion being made whatsoever; it's just a deflection for your bullshit fantasy LARP.

MrDarkWater ago

Not in the way in which you say q is pacifying boomers. The qanon crowd is the biggest secret society right now. And it's never see getting closer to the truth: That Hitler did nothing wrong except not exterminate all the jews.

Otefax ago

Keep whites calm by inciting false hope?

Hyst ago

Not only that, but it keeps them occupied. They're chasing after a trail of breadcrumbs left behind by someone leading them in circles. They thrive off cryptic messages.

I mean fuck, I've tried to ask them questions in a really polite way because I did genuinely want to understand what it was all about. They're just as bad as SJWs though in my eyes. They either refuse to explain or give proof, often citing that you need to look into it yourself to understand-- but I mean, they could at least give a quick run down, some tidbits for you to focus on when looking through the ridiculously large amount of "information" they have within their community.

The whole "Trust the plan" thing isn't a joke either. It's often regurgitated. You know what I don't trust? Things that require blind faith. I don't trust that. If their plan requires me to blindly believe in their plan, why the hell should I trust it?

Beyond that, there are a myriad of claims they've made over the past year that simply never came true. I remember during Christmas last year they were all convinced that there were several high level military tribunals taking place, resulting in executions of high profile leftist politicians. They seriously believed this. If you bring it up now though, they'll pretend they never believed it. It's just crazy NPC bullshit.

I've actually spent a decent amount of time trying to understand it but yeah, feels like a damn cult. That's why I always call them qultists.

oneinchterror ago

I tried asking one of them politely just yesterday to elaborate on something they were saying, and they immediately responded by insulting me, and then quoting all of my subsequent comments back to me when I pleaded further for them to be serious and comport themselves like an adult. It was pure immature childish nonsense. What's worse is that it was likely a grown man in his 50's or 60's behaving like that. Yeah, those people are beyond hope.

Nomowo ago

Q predicted this

Tallest_Skil ago

Exactly. “Sit back, relax, and let daddy government magically arrest itself. You don’t have to lift a finger. Trust the Plan™, goyim. It will all be taken care of for you.”

bdmthrfkr ago

Day of the rope was announced yesterday, quiver in fear kike.

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. No, it wasn’t.
  2. You replied to the wrong person.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Because people that aren't White and living in White lands feel uncomfortable and get upset very quickly because they're embarrassed at how inferior they are as visitors that don't belong.

rebel_1812 ago

No they are invaders that hate us. It requires stronger language.

DanielR ago

the scum know they will be burned out, so they try to delay as much as possible

bdmthrfkr ago

If they feel embarrassed of having to live up to our standards it means nothing to me, and neither should it mean anything to you.

downton-stabby ago

I think it's simpler than that. We are tribal. They are in a foreign land and anything that isn't theirs is an affront to them. We are the enemy or at the very least we are ones with more than them and they deserve it. If we were gone, they'd be fighting among themselves like they always do. Common enemy.

kammmmak ago

Low IQ individuals often are very possessive and will have the mindset of gimme dat gimme dis. Like infantiles.

bdmthrfkr ago

I love it when people shake off the shackles that have been thrown over our eyes and see the world for the place that it actually is.

Reality is a bitch but it's the only game in town.

newoldwave ago

Sounds legit to me

bdmthrfkr ago

It's just basic survival strategy, and beyond that what really is there?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Joy, satisfaction, peace? But first, the work.

deathsquad ago

Because of who said it, obviously. I have dropped this phrase into casual conversation with family and it has never elicited discomfort because it is common sense. The fact that it came from someone who plunged the continent into war, enslaved whites while lavishing praise on islam, makes a mockery of it.

But any criticism of the manlet vegan childless eunuch on voat doesn't ever go down too well

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

"Hitler plunged Europe into war" except for the part where the allies declared war first and refused his 3 peace offers.

"Praised Islam" he pointed out it was stronger than Christianity since it was less likely to be subverted by Jews, he wasn't entirely wrong. Plus Islam is right about women, queers, and Zionism.

"Get beaten up in Europe" ain't no Western European faggot gonna touch me, Eastern Europeans would agree with me, except Russians who might beat me up.

bdmthrfkr ago

We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For White Children

Is this not clear to you faggot?

Fenrir-1488 ago

Hitler never said it, retard

Maroonsaint ago

I would love to use this line but I don’t have children. Ehhh I’m about to visit some family in Colorado. Anybody live in Colorado aprings? Want to meet up. No. I already know. Nobody’s gonna meet up. Not even me. But that’s where I’ll be. I’ll take the rental car. And go find a bar to get thrown out of

bdmthrfkr ago

Have sex incel.

Maroonsaint ago

You in Colorado Springs?

bdmthrfkr ago

Pedo central? If I was there you would have seen me on the news.

Maroonsaint ago

Colorado Springs is pedo central? Hm. I didn’t know that. Come meet me I’ll touch your dick

bdmthrfkr ago

I'm too old for you freak, maybe you should look behind the hidden wall.

Maroonsaint ago

How old are you

KLDB ago


tokui ago

Tyrones wants to know your location.

bdmthrfkr ago

Let them want, I am a meme warrior that needs no permanent location.

Ideas are very powerful and when enough people are on the same page the Founding Fathers' prime directive will come into effect. Tyrone will have a fun time when his EBT card stops working.

Heathcliff ago

Years of conditioning

bdmthrfkr ago

Break you conditioning and survive, or perish and bring your family with you.

These are literally your choices.