21695174? ago

I love our president

21691307? ago

TheDonald is a smart guy. I disagree with some on here that this is "proof" he's with the Zionists. In fact, it may be quite the opposite. I've been studying this since it was first hinted at. At first blush it looks bizarre. But maybe not. Remember POTUS plays the long game. This is not a casual move, nor it is an appeasement or caving in. I'm still not completely sure why he would do this, but I think we are over target with what one anon said, "Is it easier to declare war upon a nation or a religion." I remember decades ago when a Jew said to me, "The race is the religion and the religion is the race." I also had an old jew get angry with me when I compared racism against Asians to racism against Jews. The guy was incensed and said "You can't be racist against Jews, that isn't a race!"

So POTUS is up to something with this. He's pissing them off for a reason and getting them to show the world something. Not sure what, but I'm sure it will be clear shortly.

21688329? ago

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21686392? ago

I don’t understand how this is going to help stamp out the “boycott Israel” movements.

Are we not allowed to boycott nations, only religions?

21683505? ago

i thought we were free to boycott whoever we want.

21683920? ago

I hear you, but this is bigger than mere boycott....I believe this is a step towards naming israel a full-fledged Enemy, at which point we won’t be doing any business with them at all

21683424? ago

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21683415? ago

trying to link post from other thread ... says, “being Jewish or married to a Jew grants “citizenship” to Israel. If you try to stop someone fleeing to Israel they can claim religious persecution. This executive order would make them a citizen of Israel by international law so religious persecution could be skirted. No wonder they’re shitting their pants.” Something like that.

21683594? ago

I think you're on the right line of thinking. They claim minority/racial discrimination if it suits them on the one hand, and religious persecution for holding them responsible for their crimes on the other. If you define that they are one, rather than making them decide, then they lose that dimension of shapeshifting.

21683395? ago

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21683373? ago

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21683261? ago

How does this effect marriage and citizenship?

And then divorce?

Passports for everyone?

21682744? ago

LOL he is just not used to getting fucked in the ass like this is he

21683578? ago

Well, no, not by anyone outside his family...

21682678? ago

Bingo! If David Rothschild or any Rothschild is not happy, then it must be ok!! I'm sure we will understand the strategy soon enough. Very interesting step I would not of conceived of.

21682747? ago

He can defund all universities that allow BDS and pro palestinian groups.. Do i have to explain that pretty much is ALL communist letist faggots.

This is the first huge move against the jewish education system. Fucking IRONY for dayshere. Trump jews the jew.

21683229? ago

lmao, jews the jew. brilliant move!

21683074? ago

Dude...Please stop making this about POTUS and division...POTUS is the mouthpiece and frontman for our Military Intelligence. The true Patriots behind our movement. Not downplaying what POTUS is perfectly executing, but please see and appreciate the irony of the cast in this play to restore our Republic! The leverage exhumed against our enemies is vast, and equally vast the complexity of the cast of characters. Our MI has used their playbook against them, to perfection. And we must thank God daily for that! Trust the plan, goy!!! #WWG1WGA

21690688? ago

You almost had me...

21683149? ago

kek the ending. nice1

21682652? ago

Can Catholics become part of the Vatican nationality? Seriously I have a thing against a particular Bishop who gets a free pass to speak in front of the government and doesn't have to register as a foreign agent.

21682674? ago

obviously the Vatican is different because extremely few people actually live there, we should require the same deal with Mecca and Medina

21682679? ago

and Jerusalem.....

21682621? ago

Jews are all the children of Satan.

21682582? ago

well, if that fucker is saying it's not good, then it should absolutely be done.

21682528? ago

Orange kike just cant stop sucking jew dick.

21682755? ago

Too complicated for some people I see kek

21682521? ago

If Israel has noting to do with judiasm let's see them start taking them muzzies in

21682444? ago

Is it easier to declare war upon a nation or a race?

21682428? ago

JFC Trump.....really?

21682325? ago

Is Jew a race or religion?

Do you know the correct answer?

Can you defend said answer?

Nationality? LMFAO

More Trump dilution......move aside.

21682375? ago

Jews are vampires. Trump is playing them like a fiddle.

Godbless the Don. To hell with the jews.

21682484? ago

Trailer loads of US cash into Israel DAILY.

Who is getting played?

21682524? ago

Money isnt going to save you, vampire.

21682314? ago

Send jews back to THEIR NATION

21682573? ago

EXACTLY. This is a perfect set up to relocated these post WWII parasites. Trump is making Israel safe and secure so we wont need concentration camps.., just a few airplanes.

21682605? ago

Likely could be...

21682672? ago

He is VERY intentional with his steps dealing with jews and Israel. Every other president in my lifetime just glazes or glosses over anything related.. lets them hide in plain sight. Trump calls them out, deals in the open with "their issues" and clearly he has an agenda to accomplish.

21682694? ago

Yeah, if I were a dirty jew in the US I would be looking for a way out regardless of what the voat and board nazis say...

21682775? ago

Their time is over. They know it. Which is why all establishment leftist kikes are unified against Trump. He is our Hitler, just without the death association and with plenty of kike armor to protect himself from accusations of antisemitism.

21700697? ago

That is what I see... This executive order is a massive statement. Dangerous as fuck for Jews who will be deported to their nation of Israel that they are all so proud of. Kek.

21682283? ago

This is a two edged sword. Excellent. Watch communist cabal jews kvetch and bitch like they are being dragged to the ovens.

Ask why they want to have their cake and eat it too?

21682827? ago

including Trump's son in law?

21682864? ago

Jewing the jew. Stephen Miller the "nazi" jew is a problem too I see?

21682298? ago

Why isn’t Trump making boycotting Christianity illegal? Why are the Jews so special?

21682362? ago

Because they are tares and God is going to remove them from this world. They are special pieces of shit.

21682358? ago

Because Christians arent pathetic faggot kikes that need protecting. The left's own "anti-semitism" is their achilles heel. Trump can paint the Jew into a corner by appearing to support the state of Israel.

This path leads to all jews being able to be deported to their perfectly safe and protected middle easter enclave. Get them the fuck out of America and back to their fucking homeland.

21682727? ago

21682787? ago

Israel last becomes sweeter and sweeter each day. I did NAZI this coming I have to admit. Im fucking ecstatic over here!

21682242? ago

MIGA! Don’t forget next years tribute payments Americucks! I love my free college, healthcare and monthly stipend for my apartment on the Mediterranean. KIG! Israel 🇮🇱 FIRST. TRUMP2020

21682591? ago

rabbi, you have tiny cocks to suck!

21682386? ago

^^^ muh joo shill

21682384? ago

Nice try, kike.

21682413? ago

Looks like we have more 1st amendment rights than Americans in America! HAHAHAHA

21682239? ago

But don't they give a genetic test before you can become an Israeli citizen?

If I changed my religion does my dna change too?

21682303? ago

No and to be recognized as being a Jew by faith you have to go through the Sanhedrin religious courts and be approved by Orthodox Jews and they would use Talmudic Law.

21682170? ago


21682814? ago

Bad for jewish subversion of OUR country by forcing the association to THEIRS. Plus it absolutrley will be a huge problem for funding for leftist universities that are brainwashing our kids right now. This is incredibly hard for them to defend against WHY they NEED to keep their pro palestinian socalist communist groups on campus when they will be legally defined as hate groups.

It is a shot to the heart of the growing zoomer communist movement.

21682126? ago

Annnnndddd, I’m not voting for him again.

21682410? ago



21682330? ago

Michael Obama huh? Maybe Killary if we are lucky?

21682268? ago

Everyone else is.....but hey, if you're a Rothschild fan then you never MAGAd

21682276? ago

I’m America First. Not Israel first. Why is trump stomping on the first amendment?

21682445? ago

HAHA. Who are you voting for faggot?

21682475? ago

Trump I guess. I hate to be cuckolded by Israel, but better then Dems I guess.

21682608? ago

Trump is jewing the jew. Watch the jews openly hate this. There is a reason. If they have a Nation officially.... we have somewhere to send them. Hitler got into a bind because he couldnt get rid of these fucks. No one wanted them. We arent making this mistake.

21682119? ago

I love it when POTUS pisses off the swamp rats


21682108? ago

This can’t be real. Please tell me this isn’t real.

21682401? ago

It is real.


21682103? ago

as long as it pisses these scumbags off, potus must be right.

21683933? ago

As long as they are a nation, they can be blocked from entering the USA. Can't block based on religion (think: Muslim), but can based on country (think: Sudan).

21682417? ago

They are a specific BLOODLINE. Jews are an entirely different race (canaanites/children of satan/the closest thing to actual aliens you will see) and this helps remove their ability to SHAPESHIFT.

They take a dna test to return to israel and live off reparations do they not???

Gas em all

21683227? ago

Yes, what Trump is doing is creating a division line so they cannot scream "religious persecution!"

21682617? ago

Exactly. This is a HUGE step in NAMING the jew. You have to identify them.

21682355? ago

Don knows what he is doing.

(((They))) are proper fucked.

21683291? ago

His daughter sucks cock of the Jew.

21683328? ago

Keep running that beak, mamzer. The end for your kind is more horrible than anyone can imagine. Enjoy.

21682593? ago

good and proper, i'd say

21683123? ago

Fanciful indeed!!

21682488? ago

Is it easier to declare war upon a nation or a religion?

21682536? ago

You know darn well we aren't going to declare war on Judaism.

21682641? ago

Is it easier to declare war on Judaism as a religion? Or a NATION that was proven to be engaged in political treason and espionage. Think Mossad, think Schiff, think Israel is last. This is a plan. I cant believe some arent seeing this for what it is.

21683797? ago

Perhaps Trump is participating in the death cult prophecy. Give the kikes in Israel an excuse to use the Samson Option.

21682903? ago

Exactly...DR should have kept his mouth shut...If ppl can't see this for the huge tell it is, they aren't paying attention. Give them Jerusalem, give them the Golam Heights, give them Israel, and finally, give them their autonomy....The wheels are turning, and Israel will have what they asked for way, way back in the early 40s and before...Strings will be cut...

21683715? ago

Ironic that they way to finally defeat them is to give them everything they have been whining about for the past decades. Thus robbing them of the only real card they ever had to play: The victim card.

21682953? ago

If its one thing jews cant do.. its shut the fuck up. It IS their true weakness. They ALWAYS brag about their pathetic plans as if they have the moral high ground so it emboldens them to tell on themselves. We can quietly watch and let them color themselves blue in front of the entire country.

21682516? ago

Good point!

21682324? ago

Thought this was an America First movement. Not Israel First

21682366? ago

You were told wrong, this is a human race first movement.

21683353? ago

This Reddit shit has to go.

21683497? ago

No, you have to go... go on now, back to your own sub-verse.

21687053? ago

And which is that?

21682843? ago

I am a Q supporter but you underestimate the jewish globalist threat as a whole. Thankfully our president knows exactly now to negotiate this minefield and find the win in an almost impossible war.

21682517? ago

Jews aren't human. They are demons.

21682530? ago

No, you are the demon here.

21683358? ago

You're an idiot.

21682623? ago

I don't make free porn or charge high interst or create suffering or suck the blood from baby dicks

21682825? ago

Yes you do.

Think mirror

21682507? ago

it is a squash rothschilds and their minions first movement.

as long as these subhumans whining ALL kinda people have a reason to celebrate.

remeber the words from his historic speech:

"this is not simply another 4-year-election. this is a crossroads in the history of OUR CIVILIZATION.."

it´s about the civilization as a whole!

always worth a re-watch though :)


21682424? ago

And jews are not human.

21682442? ago

LOL! I guess you failed at 6th grade biology?

GTFO dumb ass. You are embarrassing us patriots here.

21682464? ago

Jews arent patriots.

GUARDS. Direct this goblin to the gas chamber immediately!

21683072? ago

“Fellow patriots, amitrite?”

21682302? ago


21682098? ago

What would this fake Jew know?