harmlessgryphon ago

A good friend told me about a great-aunt that was from the Russian side of his family. She came here in the 1960s on a visa (they're not sure how she got it...) and they took her to Woolworth's. He said she cried over the amount and colors of yarn you could buy, and immediately filed for political asylum. Left everyone and everything back in the Soviet Union.

Just a discount department store's yarn. I can't even imagine what it was like under the communist system.

Bryntyr ago

The truth is communism is a failure, because it keeps the massive state authoritarianism. Marxism is basically a demand for people to own their own businesses. that in itself is not wrong nor is it evil. The era of the family farm and tradesman is what marx thought was the peak of liberty and living, and he was not wrong. It was when his low IQ followers got ahold of his philosophy, went "yeah, but instead IM the king!" and didn't understand what he was on about, that is where we get communism from.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Maybe they sell shelves?

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

Still probably more registers open than WalMart.

HeavyBrain ago

Lefty interpretation of the pic: people have so much money that they just buy the store empty faster than it can be restocked.

WhiteWolfSS ago

Wow, communism looks amazing. Look at that, you can walk all over that store without running into herds of niggers or fat old women blocking the aisles. I wouldn't feel like I want to shotgun people in the back of the head every time I went grocery shopping. Maybe I should rethink my anti-communism stance. Wait, where the fuck is all of the food?

1person10voats ago

Registers, registers everywhere, and not a thing to buy. Why did they build 32+ checkout counters? Too much oil money? Did the police make everyone shop at the same time every month?

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Niggerfaggot OP is posting out of context pictures. There's clearly a lot of stock in the back. Maybe they're getting ready for the grand opening of the store.

Chrysostom ago

It could be worse.

Anson ago

Lol one downvote means there's one butthurt communist mad that you're calling them out so directly

Buff_Awesome ago

Look at it this way: they wanted to get rid of capitalism, and now they have. Success!

lorlipone ago

It's perfect - That sign says "An Achievement of the Bolivarian Revolution"

fluhthreeex ago

-ever existed alone without destructive Jewish influence.

con77 ago

No waiting in line!

bdmthrfkr ago

I think that those are some hair products over on the right... you can skip the line and go home to make your children's hair look nice before they starve to death.

Communism is a plague, my mother-in-law (who lived under it most of her life) has some choice words about it when ever the subject comes up. She redpilled my boys harder than I ever could have.

con77 ago

I worked with two fine looking women from Belarus. They were astounded at American leftists.

bdmthrfkr ago

Those ladies weren't there when it started but they learned about (how the kikes take over a country) from their parents. They see the beginnings of what happened to their countries in the one place that they thought would be safe and it probably rattled them (Eastern Euro women are the hottest btw).

con77 ago

They were 21 in 2001 and fine as hell.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Communism is a specific late-stage in the revolution. It literally has never been tried because the precursor socialist stages have failed or have been disrupted.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Communism will never work because we're not bugs with no free will. People are assholes who will take advantage of any given situation. Which is why capitalism is so great. Put human nature to work bruh

eulogyjones ago

Having zero grasp of economics and human nature tends to be fairly disruptive.

bdmthrfkr ago

Are you literally retarded or are you just larping?

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Neither. I'm being pedantic and accurate

smokratez ago

LIterally a pedo chapo trap house faggot. lol

klobos ago

No you're just being a nigger faggot. But not the good kind.

Jiggggg ago

But not the good kind


Crackrocknigga ago

Did you goyim know Venezuela financial crisis was engineered by a jewess appointed to fuck the economy in response to Hugo's revolution?

Did you know that trump wanting to "give them freedom" coincided with Russia buying their oil in a specially designed crypto?

Did you know the opposition trump supports wants to denstionalize their oil so that multinationals can trade it in USD?

Why do you continue to believe ((MSM and Trump)) are telling the story? Oh, because venezuela is actually national socialist, and their existence is literally Hitler.

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NPCGator ago

because venezuela is actually national socialist

Put the crack pipe down and step away.

Crackrocknigga ago

They are socialist on behalf of a national racial identity. Prove me wrong

antiliberalsociety ago

Prove yourself right, faggot.

NPCGator ago

Racial identity doesn't make them National Socialists dumbass, their socialism is basically communism, National Socialism is the mirror image of what's happening there. The government (Maduro) in Venezuela is using the communist manifesto as their play book, prove me wrong ShareBlue troll.


bdmthrfkr ago

Crack is bad for you. Also you are completely wrong about why there is no food on the store shelves.

Maybe this magic charm will help you with your addiction https://imgoat.com/uploads/40f6969d52/158045.png

Crackrocknigga ago

Can you dispute any of those facts ? Provide evidence

bdmthrfkr ago


Crackrocknigga ago

Alright then.

Can you tell me how many nukes Israel has please,?

anticlutch ago

These pictures depress the fuck out of me. In addition to the;


I'm terrified of the not so distant future.

My TDEE is over 3k, 5 days a week where I go to the gym I eat in excess of 3500 calories a day. 90% of my calories are from a cow or chicken.

This is not too far away from happening in the US and it does terrify me.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

A coolapse needs to happen. No power for at least ten years, no gas, no food. It would do America a lot of good.

hang_em_high ago

I need to start becoming a better hunter. Those guys will be alright.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Goyim only jews are allowed to hunt

anticlutch ago

Like. Are you going to hunt the most dangerous game?

stbelmont ago

Talk to the people selling animal products at the farmers market and "joke" that you appreciate their food so much that if things ever go to hell you're available as a hired gun to help defend their farm in exchange for food and a place to sleep. If things get bad enough they'll remember you and you'll probably get a job offer.

deathsquad ago

I've actually talked to my local butcher about this very thing. Luckily the communist insanity is limited to city degenerates but if it does reach the rural areas there are thousands of us willing to defend our food supply.

bdmthrfkr ago

Just think of giant roaches as land lobster goy.

BurqaFart ago

Water incects. Yum.

Gringojones ago

People used to think of lobsters as bugs.

Rellik88 ago

Well they are both in invertebrates.

Heer_me_roar ago

I’ve always thought Tarantulas might be good because they’re real closely related to blue crabs

Gringojones ago

Plenty of people eat them.

NarrativeControl ago

"An achievement of the Bolivarian revolution" reads the sign. Bolivarian refers to Simón Bolivar. Copypasta:

Simón Bolívar — Lautaro Lodge; Cadiz, Spain; 1803

South American liberator and political leader Simón Bolívar led the great struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire. Initiated in 1803 at Masonic Lodge “Lautaro” in Cadiz, Spain, he served as president of both Columbia and Peru.

In April 1824, Bolívar recieved the 33rd degree of Inspector General Honorary, the highest position in Freemasons.

While his revolutionary ideals seem at odds with the peace-keeping mission of the Masons, many scholars believe Bolívars decision to free Venezuela sprouted in Masonic meetings. There, he met his peers, José de San Martín and Mariano Moreno, among other South American pro-independence notables.

Aren't masons connected to the Jews? I'm not really knowledgeable in the Jew-Masonic relationship.

stbelmont ago

I'm not knowledgeable about this either, but I did hear in a recent video https://youtu.be/5Cl4KkLbTfs (and I already knew this first part) the Jews want their Sanhedrin to be the new World's Supreme Court (ultimately so they can behead those who worship Jesus under rabbi-made up Noahide Laws), and the Masonic Temple for it has already been built in Jerusalem.

bdmthrfkr ago

I also am not an expert on Masonic connections to the kikes myself but since the entire country turned into a communist shithole where just about everybody is starving to death then I think that a jew-Masonic connection can easily be implied.

pby1000 ago

The food is so good, it flies off the shelves.

bdmthrfkr ago

Short story about the communist system: in the early 90's new Western products were showing up on store shelves in former Soviet block countries and us expats would get exited when something good became available. A buddy of mine back then got really exited that his favorite breakfast cereal was available so he bought 2 boxes.

A week later he went back to the store and there were zero boxes on the shelf and he was a bit pissed, he went straight to the manager and asked why they didn't have his favorite cereal anymore? The manager said that it was selling too well and they couldn't keep it in stock so they just stopped selling that product.

And there you have it.

Tallest_Skil ago

it was selling too well and they couldn't keep it in stock so they just stopped selling that product.


Steelerfish ago

Because it wasn’t fair/ acceptable that some could get the product and others could not get it. That is called a luxury item because of the demand. The producers should either make more, or they should step aside and let those in charge appoint someone who will produce the allotted amount deemed necessary.

Come on people, learn from history....

The best way to produce more food when needed is to nationalize private farming and appoint who, when , and what crop can be grown where . Planned farming is the future. It worked great for Lenin, Stalin, Chairman Mao, Castro, Mugabe, Etc....

HeavyBrain ago

And thats the thing with centralised planning you cant just produce more.

bdmthrfkr ago

Another short story (just for you): 2 British diplomats were walking around downtown in the 80s when they saw a long line so they jumped in it (you always jumped into long lines back then, there might be something at the end of it).

After 3 hours they got to the front and were rewarded with 2 bananas. The really sad part was that they were rather happy.

HeavyBrain ago

Yeah I remember stending in line with my mom to get bred, god how I hated this as a kid.

Back then you had nothing but also no diversity, now you have tonns (of mostly carp) and diversity running the few good things.

Choose: Aids or cancer.

pby1000 ago

It weirdly makes sense. Lol.

Which country?

thatguyiam ago

Sounds like Gypsymania

bdmthrfkr ago

Nope, that's two countries over to the left.

thatguyiam ago

U want some?

bdmthrfkr ago


thatguyiam ago

Ok. Im sending u a convoy of 1000 tigani. Sandu Ciorba is gonna be the convoy leader.