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Conway2 ago

It's fun to laugh about but, to expect the government to follow it's own rules is really asking too much of the government.

The agents will just lie and face no punishment for breaking the law.

Crackrocknigga ago

Not necessarily. Violating an official top secret government order is a HUGE crime. If you prove they have done this, they lose their fat salary and pension. Ask them till your face goes blue and save it, they wont be able to red flag or put court cases on you

Conway2 ago

If a CIA agent can rape and pimp out a child to keep their cover, they can talk about israel.

Crackrocknigga ago

is there an official memo saying raping a child is a top secret, and comitting it is treason? i didnt know that

Conway2 ago

More likely that memo was cooked up to give agents an easy way to prove they aren't a fed. We are disseminating that information to the terrorists and what not. To think an agent would rather be executed or taken prisoner rather than talk about israeli nukes is well, Retarded.

To honestly expect the government to follow it's own rules is, delusional and shows a complete lack of knowledge of history.

Crackrocknigga ago

The classification bulletin's first known use was against former Los Alamos National Laboratory nuclear policy specialist James Doyle after he wrote the following sentence in an article titled "Why Eliminate Nuclear Weapons?" which had been security cleared by his employer and published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

"Nuclear weapons did not deter Egypt and Syria from attacking Israel in 1973, Argentina from attacking British territory in the 1982 Falklands War or Iraq from attacking Israel during the 1991 Gulf War."

After an unknown congressional staffer read the article and demanded a review, it was referred to classification officials for a second review. Doyle's pay was then cut, his home computer searched, and he was fired.


Conway2 ago

I'll tell you what.

You go right on believing you can blow a multi-million dollar fed operation by asking a question. And I will go on thinking you can't.


Crackrocknigga ago

That is your right as an american to have an opinion

antiliberalsociety ago

You aren't American

NPCGator ago

He's either a glownigger, MediaMatters/ShareBlue troll or just majorly retarded. He tried to make the argument that Venezuela is National Socialism and quote "literally Hitler".

antiliberalsociety ago

He was nobody before the DDoS

dirt_reynolds ago

Still is.