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NPCGator ago

That @Crackrocknigga faggot troll is pushing the "Venezuela is really National Socialism and literally Hitler" ..BS

He's also one of the main characters pushing the "does isreal have nukes question will weed out ALL the glowniggers" BS.

There are lots of other ShareBlue/Media Matters trolls here doing the same shit though, I guess they think we're all idiots.

Crackrocknigga ago

Who's alt are you and can you disprove all the points i made?

First I was in league with sbbh and @clamhurt_legbeard did you change your mind?

NPCGator ago

I disproved your retarded "Venezuela is national socialism and literally Hitler" BS already since they're using the communist manifesto word for word, just because you keep saying it doesn't make true moron.

Why don't you fuck off back to where you came from faggot, you can "stand behind" your faggot boyfriend and do a reach around.

Crackrocknigga ago

Hey. Im waiting. Go through the points and disprove them. Go ahead i really am waiting

NPCGator ago

Look you retarded troll, I already proved you wrong in the other thread.

A) I could sit here all day giving you endless links to further prove you wrong and waste my time ...or,

B) I could just say "Now fuck off back to your hole troll"

B it is.

antiliberalsociety ago

Least we forget his ping spamming everyone who disagrees with him. Funny he didn't start till the DDoS concluded...

NPCGator ago

I saw that as well.