Creggieb ago

Their results are the same. Unnsupportable societies that cannot make do within their own borders

Space_Sorcerer ago

People caring this much about economic-based ideology and framework is why National Socialism became a thing.

Because NatSocs don't care about the economy or the type of government or who gets what and how and why.

They cared, first and foremost, about the people. About the Volk.

I wish people on this website would understand this. It's not that hard of a concept at all, but no one seems to be able to grasp it.

Muh-Shugana ago

I'm five days late, but I feel your pain.

Space_Sorcerer ago

My nigga

Mustard_Monkey ago

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

Margaret Thatcher

Afterlife ago

Amazing, you’ve cracked the code. National Socialism is communism after all.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Vladimir Lenin did say Socialism leads to Communism.

Afterlife ago

It is apparent that you did not read the text of the image.

golgo91 ago

"Individuals can be killed if we decide it's for the good of society"

Hitler was a fucking nigger.

Space_Sorcerer ago

So you're anti-death penalty for pedophile cannibals, then?

wt1984yb ago

Well. Make another word to describe it then, because socialism has been stolen by the globalist kikes. No point arguing over a fucking word faggot

Phantom42 ago

National Volkism.

shakin_my_head ago

Yeah... sounds just like snowflake saying that true Socialism has never been tried. I'll stick with the old saying that I'm a Patriot.

Space_Sorcerer ago

Your concern about economic labels are why you're losing.

shakin_my_head ago

How so? Isn't labeling propoganda?

Space_Sorcerer ago

It's propaganda that doesn't matter.

Average Joe doesn't resonate with economics.

They respond to love and guidance.

Go read up on German history for good examples.

Or just look at the response to Trump's dog whistling.

Afterlife ago

I hope that your reading comprehension improves someday.

shakin_my_head ago

Me as well.

NPCGator ago

That @Crackrocknigga faggot troll is pushing the "Venezuela is really National Socialism and literally Hitler" ..BS

He's also one of the main characters pushing the "does isreal have nukes question will weed out ALL the glowniggers" BS.

There are lots of other ShareBlue/Media Matters trolls here doing the same shit though, I guess they think we're all idiots.

Crackrocknigga ago

Who's alt are you and can you disprove all the points i made?

First I was in league with sbbh and @clamhurt_legbeard did you change your mind?

NPCGator ago

I disproved your retarded "Venezuela is national socialism and literally Hitler" BS already since they're using the communist manifesto word for word, just because you keep saying it doesn't make true moron.

Why don't you fuck off back to where you came from faggot, you can "stand behind" your faggot boyfriend and do a reach around.

Crackrocknigga ago

Hey. Im waiting. Go through the points and disprove them. Go ahead i really am waiting

NPCGator ago

Look you retarded troll, I already proved you wrong in the other thread.

A) I could sit here all day giving you endless links to further prove you wrong and waste my time ...or,

B) I could just say "Now fuck off back to your hole troll"

B it is.

antiliberalsociety ago

Least we forget his ping spamming everyone who disagrees with him. Funny he didn't start till the DDoS concluded...

NPCGator ago

I saw that as well.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

NatSoc is a good form of government as long as you're not idolizing your race. Racial and ethnic pride are natural and God-given, (which is why the Liberal attempt to destroy them will fail), racial idolatry is still idolatry.

DerAngriff ago

Hitler said, "“You are a liberal. Every revolution is fundamentally racial. There are no social, political, or economic revolutions. Combat always opposes an inferior racial sub-stratum to a superior ruling race. When the superior race forgets this law, it loses the fight. All historical global revolutions, and I have studied many of them, are nothing other than racial combat."

So I wholeheartedly disagree.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Take care, Venerable Brethren, that above all, faith in God, the first and irreplaceable foundation of all religion, be preserved in Germany pure and unstained. The believer in God is not he who utters the name in his speech, but he for whom this sacred word stands for a true and worthy concept of the Divinity. Whoever identifies, by pantheistic confusion, God and the universe, by either lowering God to the dimensions of the world, or raising the world to the dimensions of God, is not a believer in God. Whoever follows that so-called pre-Christian Germanic conception of substituting a dark and impersonal destiny for the personal God, denies thereby the Wisdom and Providence of God who "Reacheth from end to end mightily, and ordereth all things sweetly" (Wisdom viii. 1). Neither is he a believer in God.

Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.

Beware, Venerable Brethren, of that growing abuse, in speech as in writing, of the name of God as though it were a meaningless label, to be affixed to any creation, more or less arbitrary, of human speculation. Use your influence on the Faithful, that they refuse to yield to this aberration. Our God is the Personal God, supernatural, omnipotent, infinitely perfect, one in the Trinity of Persons, tri-personal in the unity of divine essence, the Creator of all existence. Lord, King and ultimate Consummator of the history of the world, who will not, and cannot, tolerate a rival God by His side.

This God, this Sovereign Master, has issued commandments whose value is independent of time and space, country and race. As God's sun shines on every human face so His law knows neither privilege nor exception. Rulers and subjects, crowned and uncrowned, rich and poor are equally subject to His word. From the fullness of the Creators' right there naturally arises the fullness of His right to be obeyed by individuals and communities, whoever they are. This obedience permeates all branches of activity in which moral values claim harmony with the law of God, and pervades all integration of the ever-changing laws of man into the immutable laws of God.

None but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion; or attempt to lock within the frontiers of a single people, within the narrow limits of a single race, God, the Creator of the universe, King and Legislator of all nations before whose immensity they are "as a drop of a bucket" (Isaiah xI, 15).

- From Pope Pius XI's 1937 Encyclical Mit Brenneder Sorge, the only Papal encyclical ever to be written in German.

Phantom42 ago

Lol. Imagine caring about what a fucking Pope says. We've dealt with this already, guy. Martin Luther was right.

Moving on...

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Martin Luther was a womanizer and tool of royalty who wanted to seize Church property.

Also, that is an ad hominem and not addressing the issue.

Americana ago

George Washington belonged to no political party. His exact reasons for such as what we see today. A crony corporate welfare system. I supported Trump bigly in 2016. I still support him but I also know he is only a single man and is furthest thing from God. Obama governed with a pen and so is Trump. We would be hypocritical to say otherwise. That’s not how ANY for the people government is suppose to work.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Mhm, and True Capitalism is Environmentalism when we take seriously our dominion on this earth and treat is as our rightful garden. 🙄

Everything is anything I need it to be, without dilema or tragedy. When I speak, I offer the infinite to all at no cost, and they believe me, for hope is the essence of dreams, and dreams the essence of power, and power the essence of words.

Afterlife ago

Just how demoralized are you? Do you need life alert?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Just don't care for bootleg nationalism. Hitler got his ideas from Madison Grant, a Californian. He got his Eugenics ideas from, wait for it, California. He got his idea for socialized schools and public works from, you guess it, California. You don't need to waive the flag of an enemy nation, whether or not your alt-history says he was justified, when you live in America which was the ideal which Hitler strove toward.

Phantom42 ago

Oh no, Hitler learned from his literal fellow white people and applied it, and made it work really fucking well. Such a travesty. Man, that Hitler guy was a big faggot lol. Why not just be like Amurica with.... Oh, wait, America is now Weimar Germany Jr....

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Hitler fucked Eugenics so hard, everyone stopped doing it out of disgust. It was the source of California's golden age, and Hitler ruined it by wrapping it in psuedoscience and occult bullshit.

Phantom42 ago

Lol. Lot's of words to say nothing.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Hiter fucked good ideas for the rest of us.

DerAngriff ago

oh boy.

ForTheUltimate ago

and it was a lie.

antiliberalsociety ago

Tell me, if your version of history is the "right" one... Why then was Hitler able to ride around in an open air car, and our politicians need ballistic glass?

ForTheUltimate ago

because he was better at telling you what you want to hear, which is trash.

antiliberalsociety ago

You know surprisingly little about Germany with your jewed version of history. Our politicians tell us what we want to hear all the time. Yet they need high security detail. Hitler, the "devil incarnate" walked among the crowds with no fear of assassination. You say it's because he just talked a good game? Not the 6 Million jobs he created in 2 years? Not the most powerful economy in the world at the time? Not the superior military, technology, race of Germans he created?

ForTheUltimate ago

You know surprisingly little about the USSR with your capitalist version of history. Many revered leaders who do not need high security detail still ran their nation into the ground. Stalin, the "devil incarnate" walked among the crowds with no fear of assassination. You say it's because he just Instilled fear? Not the 36 Million jobs he created in 2 years? Not the most powerful economy in the world at the time? Not the superior military, technology, empire of socialists he created?

The lower you assume my knowledge of your shitskin history, the weaker your knowledge seems.

antiliberalsociety ago

Your troll skillz are weak at best.

ForTheUltimate ago

yours too nagsoc

antiliberalsociety ago

Posting facts is hardly trolling. Good luck on future thread slides.


Instead of being radical individualists, we should respect both the individual and the collective.

TheKalergiFan ago

Bernie says the same thing, idiot

Afterlife ago

Wtf I love bernie now

NotHereForPizza ago

Look, we all know that nat soc would likely be effective in a homogenous society.

It's too bad Hitler was a pawn.

Havaara Agreement

DerAngriff ago

You know very little. Hitler wanted to rid Germany of the jew, expulsion as had happened close to a hundred times before, was the best option. Supporting their own place made sense (Madagascar which was a German colony until the end of WW I was considered also but since the Brits had already taken steps towards Israel, it seems logical to support this as well). The Havaara agreement is comparable to

Americans paying niggers to move to Liberia. A good deal for both. Shooting them in the street in 1933 was not an option, like shooting niggers in the streets of your cities isn't an option either. That doesn't make Hitler a pawn. He simply wanted a neat solution to get the jews out fast and supporting the zionist movement indirectly was one way.

NotHereForPizza ago

Who is Max Warburg?

DerAngriff ago

If you have something to say, say it, don't act like someone in the know, go watch x-files or something.

NotHereForPizza ago

You don't want to be taught, but you'll willingly teach without knowledge being asked for.

Afterlife ago

Perhaps, but gotcha's like this don't negate the spiritual restoration of the folk soul started by Hitler.

NotHereForPizza ago

You don't expect something like that wasn't just on purpose, but meticulously planned?

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Thank you for this! Make sure to drop by v/RidersoftheReich

Chiefpacman ago

If you think any form of socialism will work in America, you're wrong.

This isn't 1940 and we aren't all white hard working nationalist that love each other. Pretty much the opposite here.

And before you say, we will kill all other groups of people, at this point there's a higher chance they kill you off. Look at the socialist running for office in this country.

Afterlife ago

If you think any form of socialism will work in America, you're wrong.

Then you know nothing of what is actually being said here.

This isn't 1940 and we aren't all white hard working nationalist that love each other. Pretty much the opposite here.

You are sadly quite right. White America is shit tbh. I do believe this can change at the individual level. I have done it myself.

And before you say, we will kill all other groups of people, at this point there's a higher chance they kill you off. Look at the socialist running for office in this country.

There are some who advocate for this, but I am largely isolationist. I would rather see a peaceful separation and balkanization. If they want to attack us, then war it is. But we don't stand a chance if we don't do anything.

Chiefpacman ago

It just won't work in this society. It doesn't have to be forced.

Giving more control to the government is not the answer. Sure Hitler was nice, we dont know what his successors would have been like.

Our system was pretty nice in the beginning. It's just broken. It needs to be restarted but the planning was sound.

National socialism being successful anywhere in the US would have to come as a result of a giant schism. Like a civil war, for it to be successful it would have to be in an area unaffected by immigration and liberalism.

Afterlife ago

At least you see its utility in an ethnostate, which by the way is the only reasonable goal at this point. I understand this fear of political corruptibility, it is largely due to the active subversion of the Aryan will. Our peoples have operated just societies throughout history. NatSoc was the post industrial manifestation of this spirit.


That is not to say we didn’t have our share of struggles, or that natsoc is the one true answer to all problems. Just that natural law was upheld.

Nukethenarrative ago

Is this an actual quote? Someone didn't just slap this on a meme at some point and click "go"?

Afterlife ago


High_Sierra_Trail ago

You, are a true G. Whatever that means. Thanks!

anticlutch ago

Maybe I'm retarded but where on jewgle books do I download the book?

DerAngriff ago

Yeah I would love to have this as a pdf, I searched bu no success so far

TheMoonMoth ago

I havent seen people saying that, maybe they do. I think its pointless to discuss labels like that anyways. I have often thought the national socialists had a lot in common with communists, I don't get why or even if hitler hated it, I mean yes there were jews there but what else was so bad? The real enemy is international capitalists in my view atleast.. Caring for the downtrodden of you race and people is extremely important and not to be neglected.

Tyrodragon ago

Hitler's quote seems to describe capitalism, rather than socialism.

Even -- "...holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community," fits the capitalist ideal.

Make no mistake, capitalism is NOT cronyism. Rather, think of it consisting of mom-and-pop businesses. Think of the locally owned corner store. Capitalism is not Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and GE. All of these are government funded.

Socialism is when government provide welfare for corporations and are treated as a protected "person". A great example is Big Pharma and government. Government has provided Big Pharma immunity against lawsuits for the damage their drugs do to so many Americans. Did you know the biggest killer of Americans are pharmaceutical drugs? You cannot file a lawsuit against them. Instead, your claim will be arbitrated and compensation is set based on precedent of adverse effects on the product used. The money comes out of a compensation trust set up by Congress that is funded by American taxpayers.

Socialism is a revolving door between corporate and political Administrative life. The FDA is a great example of this.

Phantom42 ago

NatSoc is an adaptable ideology. That was kind of the point. Even naming it "National Socialism" hints at the idea that it isn't really left, right, or center. It's outside the box. It is an ideology that can adapt to a given nation's situation, and does not hold strictly to one economic doctrine or another. Makes sense really, put it into Battlefield tactics.

One army, let's say blue-uniformed white flag wavers, is ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that a Grand Battleplan of great intricacy is the ONLY way to fight their enemies. So they stick to it.

Then, another army, green/brown uniformed men that have a fetish for red stars, they are six gorillion percent convinced that a doctrine of Mass Assaults is the way to victory.

Then, you have a Third Option. A Third Opinion. A Third Rei-... Umm... Third Right. Gray in uniform, and recently reformed after a devastating conflict, these men decide to adapt to their loss, look for outside the box solutions as to why they lost and how it can be turned around, and ultimately break free of "traditions" in warfare and create something totally new and devastating that nobody saw coming. They take ideas from superior fire doctrines, extensive planning doctrines, mass assault doctrines, trench warfare doctrines, and then look at new technologies like the PANZERKAMPFWAGEN(!!!!) and think of how they can improve on them.

And then they kick some ass until the whole world gets pissed because the Goblins of the Deep hold all the banks and threaten to fuck everyone up if something isn't done.

And so they did.

And the Goblins liked it.


And... Yeah. That's the end of my analogy. Bottom line, National Socialism was an ideology that was adaptable, and was rooted strictly adhered to one thing: The benefit of the nation's people first.

olinneserpona ago

Make no mistake, capitalism is NOT cronyism. Rather, think of it consisting of mom-and-pop businesses. Think of the locally owned corner store.

These things existed long before capitalism. This is what you want capitalism to be because it is uncomfortable to admit something you've believed in for so long is not what it seems. What you are describing here is free enterprise.

Capitalism absolutely is Amazon and Google. Capitalism is the idea of using capital(monetary and human) to create profits, nothing more and nothing less. We are seeing today how capitalism does not give two fucks about people, culture and nations. In fact, these thing stand in the way of its goal. The fact that these companies lobby for regulation and laws which favor them has nothing to with capitalism, and calling this cronyism does not change the fundamentals of capitalism, which is to seek profit above all else.

Socialism is when government provide welfare for corporations and are treated as a protected "person"

No it isn't. You have given this state/condition the name 'socialism', but that does not not make it socialism.

You have a 100% Americanized view of the situation and unfortunately its impossible to understand this without a more European view. The first step is to realize the term 'socialism' is meaningless without a clear definition since it comes in may variants, for example right wing and left wing. In America it always refers to form of Communism.

Muh-Shugana ago

I think the thing that confuses most folks is that family run generational businesses existed looooong before the word capitalism ever existed.

You're right though that people think that cronyism and capitalism is the same thing, But I think its an easy mistake to make due to my first point.

ChiCom ago

Thought leaders used to say what they mean. Imagine 50 years from now we go back to being honest and straight forward and showing Obama quotes to argue what he really thought? You would literally have to invert them.

anticlutch ago

Take this too.

randomfuckingidiot ago

"Salon bolshevists" to the modern "champagne socialists"

String them up.

7e62ce85 ago

Pretty sure we say it is rooted in collectivism, not communism.

However, I also confuse all the socialists and collectivists with each other as they all want my money at gun point so I forgive you.

Prepackaged ago

I think you mean Centralized Authority rather than Collectivism. Collectivism is a communist term.

Both are very bad systems, imo.

Afterlife ago

I'm not referring to you ancaps saying it's collectivist. There have been more than a few uninformed goats who keep touting that NatSoc is ultimately communist in origin, i.e. marxian.

As for whether or not it is collectivist, it shares elements but holds important distinctions. It is a balance between the two, just as all virtue is balanced between two extremes. It is the elevation of the individual who best serves his nation. In this way, you gain power and property, but owe a debt to your people to use it--not solely but ultimately--it for the nation's benefit.

7e62ce85 ago

but owe a debt to your people to use it--not solely but ultimately--it for the nation's benefit.

You understand that this is a slippery slope easily leading to abuse yes?

Afterlife ago

Conceptually I can see why you would say that, given what's on the menu of today's world. Abuse is an action rooted in the created necessity of selfish desire for any indulgence you become addicted to. Without the decadence and moral decay that inhabit (((modernity))), the incentive for abuse is minimized.

7e62ce85 ago

You do you, but I will believe in Santa before honest perfectly reliable politicians.

Thogiker ago

"perfectly reliable politicians"

That's why they shouldn't be career politicians but rather men of action. As we saw in national socialist Germany.

Afterlife ago

I will believe in Santa before honest perfectly reliable politicians.

That would be a good first step, I suggest the Poetic Edda.

7e62ce85 ago

So I need to believe in fairy tales AND honest politicians? Ahhhh ok you're retarded. Best of luck to you though little wigger.

Afterlife ago

Your failure to understand the incorruptible nature of the supreme archetypes will be your downfall. Godspeed.

hello_reddit ago


what is that? like living in a society? are you referencing 'civilization'? should babies be ripped from the womb at conception so as not to be collective with the mother, the family unit cast aside, and all military organizations disbanded?

7e62ce85 ago

Any ideology which puts the group above the individual in most or all cases even when not strictly necessary.

Individualism does not mean you can hurt others nor does it preclude voluntary organizations.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Let me know when "voluntary organizations" create the greatness of Rome.

7e62ce85 ago

Let me know when "voluntary organizations" create the greatness of Rome.

... really?

  1. Roman Republic didn't use conscription.
  2. Tax rate was at 1% to 3% during WAR.
  3. They had yearly elections and due to above tax rate the government pretty much only handled basic infrastructure, law and order.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Go live in your AnCap Utopia of Mogadishu you deluded fucking lolbert. You are a hypocritical ideologue until then.

Humans are innately tribal. We need fascism as a species, or we fractally devolve into warring factions, babel-tier idiocracy and Weimar-tier degeneracy.

7e62ce85 ago

Go live in your AnCap Utopia of Mogadishu

Most African nations have high tax and import rates as well as dictators. Not very ancap at all.

Humans are innately tribal.

True, but socialism is still shit and will get your tribe killed.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Most African nations have high tax and import rates as well as dictators. Not very ancap at all.

lol. It's almost as if something will always fill the power vacuum void. Might makes right.

"True Anarcho-Capitalism just hasn't been tried!"

National Socialism, or even Hoppean AnCap is not shit, and protects your tribe.

It's about who controls the state.

Kike 5th columns, or the volk.

mrpaliza ago

Thanks !!

anticlutch ago

It's not rooted in collectivism. Collectivism is a lolberg ideal. It's qkike jewish shit.

National Socialism is rooted specifically in race. See my pic here

7e62ce85 ago

Racism is a subset of tribalism which is a subset of collectivism which is a super-set of all socialist as well as imperialist ideologies.

Look if you don't WANT to be called socialists or fail like them why not just call yourselves National Capitalists and pursue that ideology?

Phantom42 ago


You've been outed, now shut the fuck up.

7e62ce85 ago

I'm not using the term negatively. I don't mind racism or racially based thinking and in some cases it has scientific merit. I'm just using the term here as referring to race based ideology.

Muh-Shugana ago

Thanks for revealing yourself as someone who thinks race doesn't matter!

Too many folks don't know that about you.

7e62ce85 ago

I do think race matters, but not to the extent much of voat does. I don't think race invalidates the laws of economics. I don't think racial trends invalidate the laws of genetics and evolution.

Your idea of a perfect and homogeneous "white" people that can have 2 children per married couple forever AND make socialism work is plain unscientific and completely unrealistic.

Muh-Shugana ago

I don't want 2 children per married couple, I want large extended families.

Why do you keep insisting that you know what I want?

7e62ce85 ago

Just saying all your stupid cartoons have 1 man, 1 woman, 1 daughter and 1 son.

Muh-Shugana ago

I make cartoons? Got any links?

Muh-Shugana ago

Oh yeah those ones. Those are stupid cartoons I agree, and are completely subversive despite their seemingly happy appearance, similar to the even older artworks made waaaay back in the day in america where they used beautiful women with lights shining behind them holding laurel leaves, to encourage abolishing slavery and giving women the vote.

Complete bullshit, four kids minimum, and preferably MUCH more.

anticlutch ago

I'm fine with being called as a socialist. That isn't the issue. You're being pedantic because you have no argument.

You were replying to the OP who said;


Then stated that it [National Socialism] is rooted on collectivism. Which it absolutely, 100%, is not. It's rooted in race.

The way you post is extremely jewish.


Also, who said anything at all about racism? I didn't. The OP didn't. Yet (((you))) start your post with just that.

7e62ce85 ago

You are okay with taxing individuals and forcing them to war under penalty of DEATH as decided by a dictator "for the sake of the collective" which is "the race". You wish this central dictator to hold final say in the operation of properties and companies again for the sake of the group/race. You are a collectivist.

I am only accurately describing what you are. You take offense, because like Jews taking offense at being called Jews, you are offensive.

anticlutch ago

No. What (((you're))) doing is posting like the jew (((you))) are.

Nothing I said leads to what (((you))) replied with. Nothing at all.

None of what (((you))) said are even realities under national socialist rule.

Hitler for example, didn't go to war. He was FORCED into war by jews. This is well documented and (((your))) shitty attempts to D&C are quite obvious.

7e62ce85 ago

Hitler for example, didn't go to war. He was FORCED into war by jews


He declared war on the USA himself. He invaded the Soviet Union which could at the least have been delayed. He invaded Poland when he could have done other things.

Muh-Shugana ago

So hitler shot any german who didn't want to pay his taxes? Weird! Even the most extreme propaganda only tells me that he had minorities turned into lampshades, not that he slaughtered any of his own kind that didn't go along with his wishes, in fact from what I read it was him that followed the direction of his own people and NOT the other way around.

It was almost as if he was being dictated to, by the german people!

But please, keep throwing insults around! That'll prove your point stronger!

Phantom42 ago

Point to add: The German people cried for Germany to use "Strategic" bombing on the Brits, because the Brits did it to them first.

Goebbels comes out and asks if this is what they want, what they truly want of Germany.

A resounding yes filled the chambers.

And so, the bombing of Britain began, crippling the UK and the RAF.

7e62ce85 ago

So hitler shot any german who didn't want to pay his taxes?

Try not paying your taxes. See how it works first hand.

As to executions I believe more than 50 thousand men were executed for desertion during WW2 and they had conscription.

(Conscription is a word that means "forced".. I know words are hard)

It was almost as if he was being dictated to, by the german people!

That doesn't even make sense.

Muh-Shugana ago

Try not paying your taxes. See how it works first hand.

We live in Nazi germany?

As to executions I believe more than 50 thousand men were executed for desertion during WW2 and they had conscription.

Well lets see, the soviets conscripted people so they could use them as chaff to conquer all of europe with(and shot any who wouldn't go), the US conscripted people so they could HELP the soviets do exactly that(also shooting anyone who would get on the boats), and the nazis conscripted people in order to try and hold off the first two in the hopes of preventing all germans from being exterminated by them, as was their stated goal at the time based on the propaganda back then about the 'war-mongering hun-like germans who must be genocided for peace on earth!' and shot anyone who didn't want to protect his own homeland.

Two were for offensive purposes, one was for defensive.

Am I expected to believe those are the same thing?

I don't believe in equality of concepts. There is absolutely a difference between them, and thus zero hypocrisy.

Shooting a man because he won't kill innocents for you is absolutely different from shooting a man who wants to let the killers in to slaughter the innocents, as the soviets and U.S military very much did, what with more germans dying after the war then during.

7e62ce85 ago

We live in Nazi germany?

There are only so many ways to collect taxes. It usually involves paperwork, prisons and guns.

Two were for offensive purposes, one was for defensive.

Hitler attacked the Soviets and declared war on the USA himself.

If he had finished off the belligerent UK and France instead that probably would have been the end of it.

Going into Poland to save Danzig can perhaps be excused although evacuating the Germans there or even sacrificing them would probably have been better given what later happened because of the invasion of Poland.

anticlutch ago

Are (((you))) really trying to imply that all of the above "bad" things such as taxes aren't also in place under jewish communist rule?

Are (((you))) really that stupid?

I know jews have incredibly low IQs, but come the fuck on Ari. Try harder.

7e62ce85 ago

Are (((you))) really trying to imply that all of the above "bad" things such as taxes aren't also in place under jewish communist rule?

More ideologies exist than communism and Nazism.

anticlutch ago

This thread isn't about those. This thread is specifically about national socialism and socialism/communism. Read the title jew.

Blocked for obvious jewry, attempting AGAIN to move the goal posts, change the context etc. etc. etc.

hello_reddit ago

nationalism and capitalism are antithetical to each other. a nation is a group of people with shared blood; inherently "collectivist". capitalism is an idea that was created to absolve jewish antisocial behavior in regards to economics

7e62ce85 ago

capitalism is an idea that was created to absolve jewish antisocial behavior in regards to economics

"Omg I sold all my ancestor's property for booze and consumer loans... those damn Jews!"

nationalism and capitalism are antithetical to each other.

The fuck was the USA 1900 or the Roman Republic ~130BC?

Muh-Shugana ago

jews don't lie

jews don't poison wells

jews don't disguise themselves as whites infront of other whites in order to instigate wars between them so they can pick through the remains

jews don't sell at a loss to drive other companies out of business

it's all your fault ya dumb goy!

Please! Keep up the self-indictment!

7e62ce85 ago

jews don't lie

jews don't poison wells

jews don't disguise themselves as whites infront of other whites in order to instigate wars between them so they can pick through the remains

Those have nothing to do with capitalism though.. or even money... and I never said Jews are innocent, but conflating Jews with ALL monetary matters and economy is supremely retarded.

jews don't sell at a loss to drive other companies out of business

  1. That is likely to lose you a lot of money and is difficult to pull off.
  2. A well run business should be able to weather such a storm.
  3. Whites and other races can and do price/advertising wars too.

anticlutch ago

Nationalism is collectivist, absolutely. Although capitalism as an idea is not inherently jewish. Capitalism - currently - in practice is. When jewish nepotism and corporate welfare are subsidized by the state. Though that isn't capitalism, that's communism. Not sure how people are confused about this. The US isn't and hasn't been a capitalist structured economy for well over a century.

hello_reddit ago

Capitalism, like anarchy, can only exist on paper. Once it is put into practice it becomes something else the instant anybody does anything. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Capitalism is the cake that has not been touched - but that’s not why you bake a cake.

anticlutch ago

To the former (capitalism) certainly in a multi-ethnic, (((diverse))) group. Yes.

In a national socialist group things work EXTREMELY differently.

The comparison is bunk as the contexts compared are so incredibly different that it's like the hams implying fat and muscle weigh the same by saying;

1 pound of fat weighs the same as 1 pound of muscle!!!! HAHAHAH GOTCHA

It's dishonest. The US is not a capitalist society/economy, nor is it a nationalist society/economy, nor is it a national socialist society/economy. The US is a communist society, a socialist economy, and a corporate welfare (communist) controlled government.

To claim otherwise is a lie.

hello_reddit ago

the point that i was making is that all of these pristine ideas like capitalism, libertarianism, free market, and even free speech and the second amendment, cannot exist iin reality. they are suggestions at most. saying "i believe in capitalism" is like saying "i believe in sunshine and rainbows and perfect eternal peace for all creatures of the world".

to say america isn't real capitalism is the same as saying the soviet union wasn't real communism. communism specifically is actually the other side of the coin with capitalism. it is trying to convince people that if they flap their wings hard enough they won't fall to the ground. flying like a bird is nice but it should remain an ideal rather than the default assumption of how we should plan to go about things.

anticlutch ago

the point that i was making is that all of these pristine ideas like capitalism, libertarianism, free market, and even free speech and the second amendment, cannot exist iin reality.

I understand that and I fully disagree.

All of the above work fine in an ethnically pure nation.

to say america isn't real capitalism is the same as saying the soviet union wasn't real communism.

False equivalence. America hasn't been a capitalist nation since at the very latest the federal reserve's creation.

Trippertje ago

If he wasn't an atheist what exactly was he? After reading his books it's still very unclear what he believed in other than that god is nature.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Pagan-ey Christian-ey

Christianity with more battle axe and Odin

Phantom42 ago

See my reply above. It was Christianity, without a doubt, but also a healthy "hey guys, remember, your ancestors, your environment, it's yours. Take care of it, cherish it." thing on the side.

There's literally nothing wrong or anti-Christian about that. I enjoy nature, I appreciate the work of my ancestors, I am grateful for the things they built, directly or not, and above all God allowed us to be around to do such things. Nature was made by the Boss in the sky. Genetics, Boss in the sky. Everything, Boss in the sky.

I fail to see how God could be angered if we love him, our family, our race, our nature, and our nation. I believe he'd be proud of us, embracing his creation and helping to keep it good, and maybe even make it better than he initially thought of. The dude gave us Free Will, I'm sure we've surprised him more than once. In good ways and bad, of course.

Phantom42 ago

Started as a Catholic, went to church and walked under an arch that contained what?

A swastika...

Gradually, he moved away from Catholicism and likely became non-denominational, which is fine. I don't recall God ever saying you had to have one. He'd remark on his faith in God in speeches, but generally he kept his faith to himself and didn't loudly proclaim it from the rooftops. Oddly enough, this is more in line with Christian doctrine than not. It's like how a man waa chastised for praying with his head down and walking along rather than stopping and singing praises in the middle of a crowd.

Indeed, Hitler had certain influences one may describe as "pagan". I simply see it as embracing one's history. Nothing wrong with that. You can love your history, your people, your past, and still move forward into a new era and be a Christian. The Jewish people are rootless, what better way to fight a rootless group than embrace yours? And we all know these bastards killed Christ and spite him every step of the way, so really, what Hitler had was a mix if German "Rootfulness" and Christianity. This morphed into Positive Christianity. Lutheranism, and appreciation of your own people, put into one.

I fail to see anything wrong with that.

randomfuckingidiot ago

We're getting the band back together niggerfaggot

Prepackaged ago

Roman Catholic, which is one of the reasons that the Vatican helped Nazis escape Germany after the war. Admittedly Hitler had his problems with some members of the sect but he generally only acted against the lay members rather than the priests.

randomfuckingidiot ago

I just want to read the old books in their library

The old ones

Afterlife ago

what exactly was he?

The answer to this is very elusive. For what he believed himself, I think he started out a Christian and slowly transformed into what he ultimately tapped into. That is to say that he tapped into the animistic roots of old Pagan tradition via awakening of the Aryan collective unconscious. This inspired a number of thinkers in the vein of Esotericism, Mysticism, and Traditionalism (Miguel Surrano, Savitri Devi, Evola).

Much of what followed was reconceptualization of Indo-European Hindu Tradition based on the alternative history of ancient civilizations such as the Atlantis and Hyperborea. So the revelation of "Tradition" as it is and always has been is more or less the product of the era. Most of this was redirected into the mainstream "New Age" religions, which are fully subverted and no better than anything the jews take and commoditize.

randomfuckingidiot ago

"Whites are descendants of Atlantis"

entire country dies

Flak over target etc

Afterlife ago

Welcome to the Kali Yuga ¯\(ツ)

SolomonPapermaster ago

Probably Agnostic.