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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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G0P2 ago

TexasVet ur an asshole

boekanier ago

Because right wing supporters are the majority. It's only the mass media, who want you to believe otherwise.

Schreiber ago

Except that the majority of these "right-wing supporters" also supports Israel.

irradiated_toaster ago

The right wing is the silent majority, you speak out and your life is over

Schreiber ago

Only in the orwellian dictatorship of the western world.

If you visit Beijing, Moscow, Tehran, etc you freely shout "there is only 2 genders" and no one going to charge you with a hate crime.

In the west, stating basic biology is a hate crime.

Doglegwarrior ago

Im kinda with you on that. Im talking about the christians their god is a mudslim gost fucker arab god named yahew.

DHmountainbiking ago

Definitely not Stolen Valor

DHmountainbiking ago

Jesus Christ that's a lot of drama. Anyone who is dumb enough to give their money away to some random stranger online deserves no sympathy for being gullible.

RoundWheel ago

If a social media platform is not completely dominated by right wing viewed then you have confirmation it is completely rigged and/or censored.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Pretty sure op is semite. Change my mind.

Doglegwarrior ago

Says mosses a fucking arab goat fucking mudslime piece of shit

Your worship the arab god yahwe you fucking moron admit that and we can go from there.

Workman ago

Marines are soldiers.

Wynterwhisper ago

Well, this is uncomfortable..

Lord_Kristopf ago

Indeed. He seems overdue to just get a new username and start over.

DesertFox33 ago

Says the person who knows not the history of HUAC

BushChuck ago

Yeah, that's the idiocy he is talking about.

BushChuck ago

Stolen valour piece of shit.

How have you not killed yourself yet?

TexasVet ago

I went through a lot of trouble to disprove the accusations of stolen valor. I have even linked this collage of pictures in a private message to you. What the fuck is wrong with you? This has my DD214 several pictures of me in uniform and even my current VA card. Why do you insist on lying about me after this definitive proof has been posted time and time again?

BushChuck ago

I can use GIMP too.

Fucking neck yourself, faggot.

TexasVet ago

Jesus you are an evil cunt aren't you?

BushChuck ago

This guy just called Jesus an evil cunt.

Not sure what his problem is.

Probable moloch worshiper.

antiliberalsociety ago

He does admit to being a devout atheist and he attacks Christianity just like (((they))) want

WolfShepherd ago

Where'd you plagiarise this one from?

TexasVet ago

The author's name is right there in the post. Are you blind?

DontBeRacist ago

Well, the existence of censored platforms is keeping SJW retards away. They have their own echo chambers that are cleansed of any dissent. In a place like this, things are too unpleasant for SJW snowflakes to try to push their bullshit with all the facts and disagreements they're going to run into. They are also outnumbered for it's like 10 against 1 or worse, which generally leaves you screwed in any situation.

slwsnowman40 ago

The truth is a powerful weapon.

jackofdiamonds ago

This is mostly a factor of how polarized society has become, combined with the fact that the left is currently in the position of power and influence in the media. It wasn't always this way. During the McCarthy era and for a long time it was conservatives trying to censor and stamp out liberals. Even into the 2000s with GWB's "You're either with me or you're with the terrorists" shit, we were still seeing chilling attempts to prevent dissent. In both eras, bastions of free speech ended up leaning left. Today, though, they don't just lean right. They become runaway trains to the far right, because liberals can't stand sharing a space with conservatives who aren't being censored by the admins of a given site. Take Voat, for example. There's nothing structural preventing a bunch of liberals from using the site, commenting, and voting. They're just a bunch of triggered faggots who need mommy and daddy to make the bad people go away before they are willing to participate.

BushChuck ago

gwb was a commie. reagan was a commie. They have all been commies since the Kennedy Coup.

Commies censor.

jackofdiamonds ago

What word are you saving for actual communists?

BushChuck ago

Jesus wept.

focus_cheese ago

Imagine if lefty fuckers didnt have any taxpayer money to draw from. Thered be like a fucking dozen of them in america left. Lol

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Because the non racists can somehow mostly post within moderation guidelines. Some people simply can't control themselves and need unmoderated sites.

bourbonexpert ago

It’s the same thing as Fox News and am y’all like beck and rush.

There’s no where else for them to go.

blueblur ago

Hadn’t’ve. Not hadn’t of.

derram ago :


This has been an automated message.

syntaxaxe ago


But, this is a possibility worth considering - what if 99% of the people out there are just normies, sheepishly following the pied pipers who run public education / mass media / big tech? It might still turn out the same as now.

What if we nationalist far right-wingers are just 1% of the population, who could never have dominated massive places like Reddit and Facebook? Perhaps the free speech platforms are dominated by our views because we were all driven from mainstream platforms, and the small number of free speech platforms are the only place we can gather and express our ideas anymore.

We are certainly over-represented on places like Voat. But over-represented at what rate? It's hard to know. Given that much of the "right" that I encounter outside of Voat are just cuckservatives that would've been considered liberals 25 years ago, I often worry that we may be a small minority.

WolfShepherd ago

Reminder that Hitler only needed 10% support

Stats are showing that people like us already make up around 15% of the population.

Schreiber ago

Hitler has balls. He took action.

None of the so called nazis today have balls. The only actions Hitler wannabe today does is playing keyboard warrior anonymously online.

Downvoat me if you must, but the truth hurts.

madscientist3469 ago

Be wary of your own confirmation bias. Of course all censorship free platforms are dominated by the right, because all the popular controlled platforms are controlled by the left. The right gets pushed to different platforms while the left is perfectly content staying where they are. It's not that the right wins out over the left when there isn't censorship, it's just that we get echo chambers of like-minded people.

lordv1ldemort ago

OP, based upon factual review of other comments assertions, I do agree that without your authoritarian bullshit, the left would be entirely failing at socmed.

WatchListMe ago

Fuck OP he is obviously a huge faggot. Hope someone kicks the rest of his teeth in.

WordCorrector ago

Imagine if the internet suddenly became censorship free.

DietCokehead1 ago

Because we DESTROY Libtards with FACTS and LOGIC and Epic Memes, and we humiliate them in front of everyone!

Zoldam ago

Well it's also because right-wing people get pushed in to them creating an echo-chamber.

I could say something like "Niggers make up 13%, but commit 50%" here and nobody cares. On a non-echo-chamber site it would cause a forum war. I mean the stats are true, but leftists would argue some dumb shit as to why they got that way. Muh white oppression, muh economics in the ghettos, etc.

crazy_eyes ago

to which the counter would be the studies done on crime rates by economic status plus race which shows that even the wealthiest blacks commit more crime than the poorest white people

Civil_Warrior ago

genocide the jews NOW

An idea so damn good it's illegal to mention.

thighcastigate ago

100% true. That's why they went from block lists to getting us completely banned. The only way they can conceivably win is getting rid of the opposition

Doglegwarrior ago

Its not even right wing it is truthful logos views. It is common sense that has not been corrupted by jews faggots and or commie liberals. Don lemon in america called white males the most dangerous people in america. While black males rape and murder at insanly high rates not comparable to any nation in history if you consider it is a tiny minority doing the murdering and raping. Maybe the jews in russia where similar but for different reasons. Don lemon is correct in this regards if civil war 2.0 kicks off the absolute most dangerous being on the planet will be white males with families.

Mr_Quagmire ago

Hence all the censorship we've seen lately, coincidentally right in time for the 2020 election.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Texasvet what's your reply to anti-liberal society he seems to have the goods on you?

TexasVet ago

He has done this to me for over 2 years on here. I have rebutted / debunked him more times than I can count. What's the point anymore? Even when I point out his obvious lies or lack of evidence he never stops. If you really care then scroll my comment history and see what I have said in the past.

antiliberalsociety ago

Where's your proof that you debunked a single thing? It sure as shit isn't in your cry video.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Fair enough but what about the shots of your comment saying you're going to the FBI? Did you do that?

I've noticed it's more difficult to bury the hatchet in online discussion groups then it is in person.

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

They are actually the same faggot with multiple autism disorder

peacegnome ago

"Rational views"

If a viewpoint can't stand up to a discussion then it is a bad viewpoint. The "conservatives" are also guilty of this often.

Fungilli ago

If a viewpoint can't stand up to a discussion then it is a bad viewpoint

The only real way to get people to realize how much the media is manipulating them is to get them to realize this. The mistake people make is going straight to "the holocaust never happened", which is a hard-coded intellectual shutdown in 90% of the population. You might as well be pressing the off button. But if you simply get them to understand that silencing people is only ever done to prevent lies from surfacing, they'll inevitably start doubting the big lies when they notice just how frequently and violently certain topics are expunged from public debate.

Schreiber ago

This is why even pragerU is a good gateway to redpill people.

You gotta start somewhere.

Schreiber ago

This is why even pragerU is a good gateway to redpill people.

peacegnome ago

yeah, i fucked this one up with a family member who i thought was at least a little open. "well, the holocaust is a good example of something that is a little fishy".... didn't go well.

C_Corax ago

Sup conman!

Rabid_Robot ago

The problem with Communists and Socialists is that they believe that they can somehow force people to think the way they do. Unfortunately for them, opinions can't be forced and once a person embraces common sense, left-wing political thought tends to disappear. If the people currently embracing abortion, pushing for "equal pay" or against "discrimination" actually bothered to look at the statistics or do a slight amount of research on the matter or on the consequences of any of their policies, they'd be quiet. As such, the only way a person can become a Communist is by severing all connection to their ability to think.

Diggernicks ago

You're not flooding my country with fatherless niglets you fucktarded Christ cucks.

Pointyball ago

The leaders know that communism and socialism is a scam. The scam is to offer free shit to people called Socialism to get them to go along and not question what happens when the money runs out. Communist totalitarianism is the inevitability as by the time the money does run out, the "Socialist" leaders have consolidated enough power to overwhelm the will of the people. Then the apparatus of the state becomes the continued suppression of the people. Every Socialist/Communist activist thinks they will be a leader in the new society. They refuse to believe the reality that once the new leaders take over, they will be the first ones lined up and shot.

Rabid_Robot ago

Considering the ones who are pushing for Communism are generally weak, stupid, ugly and lazy, it makes a lot of sense that they would be the first ones the government would dispose of. Everyone has a right to live so long as he is useful and there is little use for a weak, stupid, ugly and lazy man.

Pcpoet09 ago

those vying to head it all up believe they will be in charge and those that realize that they don't have the ability to be in charge think if they just support the right group they will be privileged and the bulk think free stuff I need free stuff and walk to the slaughter.

Civil_Warrior ago

I keep mentioning that to these morons.

To which they often reply But if people could see..and they will see.. that it can work so it will work.

Mmmm circular nigger logic.

Schreiber ago

Yeah, no.

Most people would come to the conclusion that there's no reason to work hard if they earn the same as the lazy cunts. Communism is contrary to human nature, it can never work.

Civil_Warrior ago

There are so many more reasons why communism and socialism always fail into a bloody carnage of desperation.

fictional economies, Black markets, bribes, saboteurs, decadence, degeneracy, etc..

The more communist/socialist you go, the bigger the inevitable massacre.

Schreiber ago

Pretty much. That's why it annoys me so much when I see retarded libertarians who think that communism can work in an ethnostate.

Civil_Warrior ago

And pro jew.

Never forget..the job isn't done yet.

Schreiber ago

It's pro jew outside of Israel.

But like all "wars" there's always collateral damage.

Leftist values seeping to jewish children in Israel is bad for them too.

Civil_Warrior ago

They send those children to america to dershowitz their communities. Big nosed terrorist cells.

Schreiber ago

Yeah, the jews are clever and cunning.

If only whites are more clever and less naive.

Doglegwarrior ago

Chrisrians need to look at this and realize the same thing. In on your side and i love your morals and values a million times more then the jews liberals and muslims but im agnostic with a strong belief their is something up there a creator but i dont think his name is yahew and i dont think he talked to a bunch kf goat fucking arab jews to reveal his great plan by sending his jew son down to die for sins i had nothing to do with its like saying all whites are responsible for black slavery and black issues no no im fucking not and i was not born a sinner no humans are you need an example look at the japanese no christ no chritianity almost zero murder and rape.

Rabid_Robot ago

With the Japanese, it's all about honour and they do everything in their power to avoid dishonouring themselves by committing crimes or simply by being unfaithful. It's a very conservative society which means that they are stellar people in public but also insanely progressive where it counts in the bedroom. I'd rather that than the opposite.

Granite_Pill ago

A freak in the sheets and a samurai on the streets.

Doglegwarrior ago

Wow another normal human on voat. I normaly get attacked and the lie about their sucide ratesnwhen white male christiams are killing them selves at an insanly high rate compared to japanese.

newfiestalkfunny ago

Man, please use punctuation. That was hell to read.

Doglegwarrior ago

Im not gonna get to mad you didnt troll and attack me personaly. Sorry my grammer and spelling suck but it is a great way to spot trolls and kikes. Hopefully you understood my point. If you have a specific problem with my point i will try to address that.

Have a good day keep up the good fight. The fight against ZOG.

trseeker ago

12 years of state run "education" is industrialized indoctrination.

Rabid_Robot ago

Speaking as a teacher, I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, as nice as my colleagues can be, most of them are leftists though I'm no longer anywhere near the hardcore ones anymore.

Schreiber ago

I mean I'm pretty sure there's no other way other than government punishing people who openly states left-wing political thought.

Right wing authoritarianism seems to be the only thing that can fix the western world.

slwsnowman40 ago

More than 12, almost 20 if you include daycare and college. Learning to share is the first lessons taught on communist indoctrination.

Wonder_Boy ago

Tbh, half of the "learning to share" thing is also just exhausted parents who want to commit child murder if they hear "mine! Mine!" just one more time.

Schreiber ago

Public school itself, though, is fundamentally communist.

Only an American trailer trash who never been outside of the US would think that.

Because every capitalist and authoritarian right government on earth has public school program.

slwsnowman40 ago

The smart parents by multiple and do their best to ensure they are the same. Then there's less fighting over who's using what so long as one isn't running a monopoly on said items. You just redirect the one that was slighted on a mission to find one of the others.

Wonder_Boy ago

Children lay waste to your calculated plans.

slwsnowman40 ago

Nope, they've gotten used to it.

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

but but you forgot about college for everyone. you racist !

billyvvinz ago


daskapitalist ago

Your power level is over 9000.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

Voat has a loooong memory. kek

DesertFox33 ago

Well done

VapidGopher ago

Do you if he’s actually a vet or if he’s one of those stolen valor guys? If an actual vet any idea how to find if he was honorably or dishonorably discharged?

antiliberalsociety ago

He doxxed himself and then cries about being doxxed. See a post from a year ago 4/3/18 that he deleted 3/30/19 trying to hide the fact he did it himself

VapidGopher ago

Thanks for this. I genuinely feel bad for this guy. He’s lost it. I have so much respect for our military and veterans, it sucks seeing vets act like this. I hope the guy finds the help he needs.

Itsdone63 ago

Oh, so he's retarded. Seems he's the type that's trying to make money off the ideology. I wonder if he's selling some type of nootropic supplement.

DayOfThePillow ago

How the fuck could you even show your face around here again after this???? Destroyed is a understatement!

antiliberalsociety ago

Delusions of grandeur

IsaacJan ago

Holy shit

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Fucking rekt

160065002 ago


matthew-- ago

Wow. It just gets worse the more you read into it. TexasVet is a fucking fraud.

Stay on his case @antiliberalsociety!

SonofSuebi ago

I'm thinking you need a new target.

antiliberalsociety ago

2 months

I'm thinking you need a new alt

SonofSuebi ago

Imagine if people like you geared your efforts toward something real.

SonofSuebi ago

For what?

realmonster ago

holy fucking shit. fucking destroyed

cosMICjester ago

I don't know what's more disconcerting the fact u found out all the info about this schmuck or that u gave some bozo dough over the internet. I don't get the Go fund me nonsense I'll never give a stranger a shekel.

GhostCow ago

At least he can spell "you"

sguevar ago

mic drop!..... kkkkshhhh.... wasted.

SonofSuebi ago

Fuck. Kys cringe nigger

sguevar ago

LMAO sure w/e you say.

SonofSuebi ago

Draw a bath