aaronC ago

We're not like those ignorant, bigoted, racist, uneducated conservatives! Also lets throw milkshakes at people we don't like when they are saying things we don't like!

boekanier ago

It's the stupid and intolerant left who does that.

CarthOSassy ago

Deplatforming worked against Tommy Robinson, though.

There's still work to be done against Twitter and Facebook interfering in foreign elections.

lord_nougat ago

I have to admit, I like how well it works!

newoldwave ago

So the best their political enemys can do is throw milk shakes at them?

Art1cBear ago

Wait until roping gets popular again.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Making it normal to assault politicians

How could this go wrong.

Art1cBear ago

Your username makes me praise St. Tarrant.

ShitPostMcGee ago

We will counter by making vanilla milkshakes a white nationalist symbol, your move left.

ZeZezinger ago

The masses show no sympathy for bullies, the dumbasses are only digging their own graves.

406hangman ago

Milkshake...acid- not a good trend to support. This is what the radical left does.....dumb

FightingTheDarkArts ago

It's a move by cowards that would press charges and sue you if you gave them what they deserved. Yet, if a pack of those hyenas hit an elderly man with a bike lock from behind or beat someone 8 to 1 then it's A-okay.

This will not garner anyone to their cause. It will not bring anyone new over. In fact, it will do just the opposite. Everyone out there who is not insane or a cowardly piece of shit will see it for what it is: provoking and hiding behind cops. The 'intelligencia' and tele-prompter readers just can't understand that because they've never been in a fight or had to work in a factory or on a farm all night until they could barely stand up. They have no idea how to relate to the audiences they're trying to reach.

Rabid_Robot ago

What a shock that CBC would side with the leftist scum! A leftist TV network paid for by the cucked Canadian taxpayers...

Acerphoon ago

It works for giving the victims more votes.

satisfyinghump ago

This may be a bit over board but just imagine if just once, in response to a politician getting a milkshake thrown at them, the thrower got shot, center of forehead. Just IMAGINE the response. Surrrrre, people would protest and even claim that they will be throwing a milkshake the next time a politician "deserves it"... but WHO would ACTUALLY BE THE FIRST to throw the next milkshake??? LMAO!!!!! no one!

JustSomeGuy49 ago

Their milkshake-soiled clothes brings all the voters to the polls

And they're like, our candidates are better than yours

Damn "alt-"right, we're better than yours

That should teach them, but their ratings have surged...

Fukkin kek

englishwebster ago

the CBC is populated by traitors to the state paid for with my tax dollars.

its infuriating

jkfaksj776 ago

who the fuck cares you are a shit alt.... probably @virge "the builder"

even tho all of virge accouncet was scrubbed clean with scp and ccp in intactct ...... annnnnn aw look the the other way goat.... @puttitout has killed voat

shit my sig......



@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to ORGANIZE downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

just another example, of the " builder" @kevdude lying


He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.


hes no even saying I c&p as another user... WHEN HE DOES THE SAME THING







and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

Here is more just one example of @kevdude shenanigans "the builder"


kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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EarthPerson ago

What a waste of a milkshake

PhilKDick ago

Check out "the law of unintended consequences." It works even better!

Gigglestick ago

Retardation* it’s a growing trend in modern cultures.

SerialChiller ago

Milkshaking (v): throwing a milkshake at the candidates who are likely to win the election, because your own ideology is so bankrupt that throwing a milkshake at them is the only thing you can do.

allahead ago

It's an obvious ploy by the capitalist Milkshake industry to sell more milkshakes. Don't fall for it comrades.

jewsbadnews ago

This starts happening in America and these faggots are going to get shot.

Witsend ago

It would be understandable if someone were to feel that their life were in danger if some lunatic were coming at them with something even as seemingly benign as a frozen drink. Split second decisions can save your life.

Acerphoon ago

Thing is, if there is acid in that drink and you wait too long, it can already be too late.

369693936 ago

Why do globalists confusing throwing milkshakes with making valid arguments?

lord_nougat ago

Why do globalists confusing?

But it do.

369693936 ago

Auto correct? Or maybe changed are to do at the last minute. Anyway Why do it confusing freezing milk throwing to the good guys dancing on the rootbeer floats?

Dark_Shroud ago

Because throwing a milkshake is still an act of violence.

So the authoritarian commies approve of the act.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey milkshakes are a defiant sign of white supremacism and privilege

WordCorrector ago

How can we steal milkshaking from them to turn it into a hate symbol on par with the OK hand sign? I remember something like the Milk Chug Challenge where white people recorded themselves cuffing milk and it was viewed as racist because other races have no adapted genetically to being able to digest cow milk.

buildingbetter ago

What will they think when conservatives return the favor? How do you deal with a bully?

DayOfThePillow ago

Just let them carry on until they up the game to a point that they'll regret it, hardly winning any favors with rational people doing this.

GoyimNose ago

Good optics would be wearing Jewish or Muslim attire and then sending them to prison for a hate crime

Pointyball ago

It works to prove to everyone that liberals are violent children who should not be in charge of anything. Congrats Farage.

Pipefag ago

Farage drank their milkshake. He drank it up!

notYOURfriend ago


Flour ago

Good reference

zak_the_mac ago

Political violence grows more and more acceptable to the left wing.

lord_nougat ago

Don't interrupt the ene,y while they make epic blunders!

Art1cBear ago

For someone that is pretty serious about their personal safety, carries everywhere and is pretty proficient with the pew pew. It's a dangerous game to make violence more acceptable. I am relying on words, voting and public discourse. Make violence against me a probability and I will enact the bush doctrine.

Shishamo ago

Yeah it's a calculated step-up game.

Adminstrater ago

I am just waiting for the "milkshake" with something a little extra in it. With the amount of acid attacks, I am unsure why it hasn't happened yet.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Acid shake won't work the milk will make it weaker

Adminstrater ago

I'm no scientist like our good friend the Mechanical Engineer, Bill Nye the Liar Guy... What if we go extremely basic? Isn't that just as corrosive?

Niggardly_Jew ago

Actually worse from what I hear.

Skins ago

I expect a piss-shake long before it progresses to acid-shake.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

I prefer ball bearing shakes.

Schism314 ago

May have already happened as far as we know. Who knows what was in the "milk"shakes.

Scrambles23 ago

It's just a bunch of dry runs. At some point someone is going to get acid or a grenade thrown in their face.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

The Jews threw fire bombs into the carriages of the Russian monarchs.

lord_nougat ago

They also murdered their defenseless children.

dellip_der_ ago

Especially when you have idiotic Liberals posting shit like this on social media.

uvulectomy ago

This bit stuck out when reading through the article:

"Happy City’s website features a biography of an employee named Ruth Townsley written in 2015, in which she describes herself as “programme manager of Happy City’s 12 month Innovate UK-funded project to develop an interactive tool which will enable policy makers to see the health benefits of improvements in wellbeing.”"

That seems to read as "I'm using a lot of words to say I get paid for doing fuck-all, but it looks good for HR retards."

LazyJello9 ago


I hope someone throws a milkshake and then gets instantly shot and killed lol.


slwsnowman40 ago

I think the leftist outrage is the intention.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

The problem is, we already know their tactics. It's often not harmless materials; or never stays that way. They'll put human excrement and who knows what else in these things before too long. It's not a far stretch to imagine bio-warfare will become a thing soon. A bullet in their face will be the only reasonable response to such threats.

Hebrew-Virus ago

...response to such threats.

Why wait for the threat?

LazyJello9 ago

A bullet has been the appropriate response for about 60 years now. You don't attack a malignant tumor with words.. you blast it with chemo or you cut it the fuck out. You remove that shit as quickly and completely as possible. Do nothing tactics arentgoing to help anyone.

369693936 ago

Sadly, you can't negotiate or compromise with those whose only intention is your demise.

LazyJello9 ago

hence why a gun is needed.

369693936 ago

LazyJello9 ago

that nigger wasnt dead and that young valuable "white" male just put himself in unnecessary risk.. there is no reason to go hand to hand with some subhuman.. would you shrink yourself down and fight a cockroach to the death if you found one in your kitchen? no. you'd just kill it cause lol why waste energy and take that risk for literally no tangible reward... its a dumb macho load of retardation that mutt americans try to use to rationalise their own inferiority complex towards niggers..

369693936 ago

Of course, but it's still important to know how to handle yourself in case you're surprised, or your gun is taken away by a group, etc.

LazyJello9 ago

Oh yes of course. Apologies if I misunderstood your comment.

Yes, learn to fight is good. But don't go overboard you really just need to 1. Be able to get hit and stay standing (lose a tooth, broken nose, black eye.. but you don't fall down) and 2. Fight with the intention of killing, not hurting but literally killing.

369693936 ago

Yes, thank you. Exactly. Harsh world we live in, where virtue is required for liberty but it's also the one thing that might guarantee one's extinction if such philosophy causes one to forget momentarily — at the wrong moment — that he's really a wolf.

Pepe_LeKek2017 ago

These faggots have nothing, and have resorted to hurling beverages at people. That'll show em. Fucking idiots.