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virge ago

Got into a fight with me using his age-old lame assed tactics of lie and manipulate, then proceeded to take an idea I posted and pretend he thought of it first and then made this very post presenting the outright lie that he thought of it first and I was arguing against it.

Literally embodied the meme THE JEW CREIS OUT IN PAIN AS IT STRIKES YOU.

You be the judge.

Normie-Vision ago

Got into a fight with me using his age-old lame assed tactics of lie and manipulate

you are already lying about about me... what this day two? builder?

You be the judge.

but you are a builder, not a user who had their history to keep it secret... but managed to retain your internet points magically

and i guarantee you current submissions were all voat manipulated from @puttitout or the goon squad noone... I MEAN NO ONE other that putt gets that many upvotes.

Its really a slap to the face of ever user here


virge ago

and i guarantee you current submissions were all voat manipulated from @puttitout or the goon squad noone... I MEAN NO ONE other that putt gets that many upvotes.

You are hilarious.

Jewish_Shill, jkfaksj776, jklsjas8347895, Normie-Vision, kjhasd758756, Sadiq_Khan