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xenoPsychologist ago

thats how the nigs treat morality. some people understand things are wrong and have no desire to do such things. nigs have no humanity and maybe a law coupled with threat of punishment will delay their subhuman behavior a little.

virge ago

How interesting you always show up with the same crowd of people to shape things.

xenoPsychologist ago

or not? i see a post and read it, then perhaps give my two cents on it. its not my doing that you guys all make your drama public, in v/whatever. its not like my statement is inaccurate.

virge ago

its not like my statement is inaccurate.

But your statement is inaccurate.

Laws against killing people are literally the only thing stopping them from killing each other. Dumbass..

xenoPsychologist ago

no. killing people being wrong is what stops people. laws are what stop spearchucking ooga boogas. not for long, usually.

i have never had the impulse to kill a person. im not a monster.

virge ago

no. killing people being wrong is what stops people.

Now you're just being ridiculous and living in some Liberal Reddit fantasy land. People kill people all the time. People in the Military murder people every day, all over the world. You're either naive or stupid if you think otherwise - probably both.

Humans killing other humans is human nature. Literally the only thing preventing that are laws. Dumbass.

i have never had the impulse to kill a person. im not a monster.

Yes you have. It's completely natural to wish to harm others who harm you and if you are trying to say you've never been hurt enough to consider killing someone else you're completely full of shit. You're just a liar and a hypocrite.

You literally kill people every time you buy a fucking Starbucks soy latte, you're just oblivious of the way the world works and live in some sheltered fantasy land and I cannot help but hope some day you look back on this with regret when you realize it.

xenoPsychologist ago

People in the Military

warfare isnt murder. youre living in a leftist fantasy where everyone else is a corrupt nig nog just like you. simply not reality, bruh.

It's completely natural to wish to harm others who harm

from zero to murder is the only option, huh? and also, no. no, i havent. but you wouldnt know about that. some of us are people, not POCs. we arent all violent subhuman animals.

You're just a liar and a hypocrite. sounds like projection to me, Honeybuns.

You literally kill people every time you buy a fucking Starbucks soy latte

projection intensifies.

hope some day you look back on this with regret

you.. hope i regret not being a needlessly violent niggly-bear?

bix nood, muhfugga!

virge ago

from zero to murder is the only option, huh?

Dumb motherfucker, I've had 10 Dial Indicator accounts chasing me around and pinging me and 20+ other users who do nothing but intentionally lie while spam pinging me as well. Go fuck yourself, you'd react the same way when an entire community of ShariaBlue faggots (which you are one of, I think) try to brigade to ruin a community.

Good luck, see you on the ban list at some point in the future I bet. I'll come back and edit this post to drink a beer in your fuckin absence. You're garbage.

Here is just the last day of Dial_Indicator following me around like a retarded puppy: Jewish_Shill, jkfaksj776, jklsjas8347895, Normie-Vision, kjhasd758756

xenoPsychologist ago

I've had 10 Dial Indicator accounts chasing me around and pinging me and 20+ other users who do nothing but intentionally lie while spam pinging me as well

they sound so antisemitic.

you'd react the same way

you wouldnt know.

an entire community of ShariaBlue faggots

i know sharejew is around, ruining peoples good time. its why we have people rightfully fighting them, and others getting caught in the crossfire. but that opinion right there says a lot.

which you are one of, I think

no, i just call it like i see it. i had a valid point about the nig behavior.

see you on the ban list

only if this place becomes reddit.

You're garbage

man, that projection.

Dial_Indicator following me around

that sounds so hard. the struggle is real. its like anudda shoah, it is.