MustyMackerel ago

Dont feel so good does it fuckers. You reap what you sow - GOD almighty. Nobody to blame but yourselves when you refuse to correct the crimes of your forefathers and honor their broken contracts. To break a contract is not conquest its criminal. Say so yourselves. Im so sick of your hypocritical bullshit you mimic niggers.

Wiserman ago

It is too hard describing who people are. Probably you might get labeled certain things.

dudelol ago

Yoke yourself with heathen

No thanks

Anomalia ago

Either way a genocide will happen...

Scablifter ago

Not much of a choice there is there? Sounds like the right wing version of the left wing "If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem"

Civil_Warrior ago

These dumb niggers don't realize we can shave their 1.5 billion nigger Muslims down to 50,000 We are currently showing undeserved restraint

I_am_GOAT ago

You smell like bacon. You have carefully monitored this site to work out what you can post to get points and attention to either collect information on users or drive clicks on your own external content. You fit right in with all the other "Big Players" here who do the same thing, but 1) were here first and 2) were less obvious about it. None of them give a shit about anything else and neither do you.

d3r ago

What do I do if I'm mostly Italian but I look white?

Wynterwhisper ago

Wait till social media goes down, then people will start waking up.

Someguy987 ago

Really? Because as a white guy living in Detroit I'm obviously not for the genocide of white people, and I'm definitely not a nazi, nor have I ever been called one, been discriminated against because of my race, or even had someone imply that I am racist.

TheKalergiFan ago

Unite the white race under what ideology?

YouAreASlave ago

No more jews ever.

TheKalergiFan ago

Ok that is acceptable

NoRoyalty ago

I don't know what you're concernfahgong ablut. We are united.

MockingDead ago

My twitter account was just suspended. For months my account was fine. I put Honkler as my image and the pinched me for out of context tweets.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

I guess even though I have some native American DNA, I still look white so..... color me a Nazi if you want. Not that I espouse all that they believed. But if you cross me I might still scalp you.

Terrentist ago

Fucking pathetic looking. All americanized, look like superhero comics. No European soul left, just kike product.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago


Zoldam ago

And the #1 thing is DON'T in-fight. If you are Irish don't say "well I'm not going to work with you if British are in there" (I could find an example for any other European country). Don't say "I'm Pagan, fuck those Christians!" both Paganism and Christianity have played a crucial part in shaping European culture as we know it, the greatest one on Earth prior to Marxism worming it's way in.

No more brother wars. Just with communism and world wars alone the kikes have had over 100 million whites killed off. We need to stop this, this is about survival.

NoRoyalty ago

Patriots need to stand with conservative Jews. PERIOD. Get behind me, satan.

Zoldam ago

If Jews actually COMPLETELY integrated and were COMPLETELY loyal to their host nation I would consider it, but they don't and do not. They don't even try. Fuck the kikes.

NoRoyalty ago

There is no question that dual-citizenship holders must not be permitted to hold office. The conservative Jews I am referring to are the common citizens who consistently vote "right", support US sovereignty and are just as disgusted with luciferianism as the rest of us. How we will accomplish this purge of Congress I don't know. But we must. I believe it is worth a 2nd Revolution for.

YouAreASlave ago

They vote right because it keeps the fresh goy meat flowing for Israel, you fucking kike.

NoRoyalty ago

You are a devil-worshipping leftist trying to divide patriots. As someone famous has observed, you will not succeed. But we are amused, so carry on.

YouAreASlave ago

Hit the showers with your false left-right dichotomy, jew faggot.

NoRoyalty ago

Death cimes unexpectedly, satanist.

IdoubtIt2 ago

It’s interesting you would call someone that speaks against the Jews a satanist. I don't think you understand jews. Jews have rejected Logos. As such, they seek chaos everywhere they go. This is why they have been kicked out of EVERY, yes E.V.E.R.Y. nation that has hosted them. It’s on Wikipedia for crying out loud, the most jewed place on the interwebs. How can they change this? They must accept Logos, meaning Jesus Christ, the word made flesh. There is no such thing as a “good” jew. Or they wouldn’t be Jewish. It’s not anti-Semitic to say that. It’s just truth. If you truly cared about “conservative” (and by that you mean Orthodox, otherwise, they aren’t conservative) then you would pray for their acceptance of the Christ and to stop their chaotic ways.

Read The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones.

NoRoyalty ago

Any person spreading the meme that all Jews or all hispanics or all blacks are evil, is the evil one. You will not succeed in your campaign of hate.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Did you even read his book to understand it or are you just triggered? And “not all” is not an argument. Of course “not all”. But the exception does not prove the rule. Statistics matter. Learn them, understand them, understand their limitations as well as what they can elucidate beyond what the human mind is able to colloquially observe. Your anecdotes and wishes are not reality. You, however, have merely proven that you too do not thing rationally. It hurts your feelings so you resort to emotional arguments, pleas and false superiority. Nothing in my post was hateful, just truth. Truth only hurts those unwilling to admit it’s validity.

NoRoyalty ago

Statistics do matter. But let's extrapolate your argument out and call for the annihilation of all leftists whom everybody knows are responsible for all the evil on the planet. Including of course Muslim and Jewish leftists. All leftists.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Now you’re resorting to hyperbole. You can’t even argue honestly. It’s all emotion, ad hominems and hyperbole. Ridiculous.

NoRoyalty ago

Raised your hyperbole. What's good for the goose...,,☢️

YouAreASlave ago

Talmud-humping kike inbred has the nerve to smear anyone with the satanist label given that you and your mudslime cousins both worship yahweh/lucifer.

NoRoyalty ago

Oooh...the satan worshipper is morally outraged. lol.

NosebergShekelman ago

You goytards should just lie down and die!! hahaha weaklings. shaloms, praise israel and heil Satan!

hedgefundhog ago

Hey let's tryst the English WCGW

Koyote210 ago

when you say whites, do you mean white skinned Hispanics? are Jews included too? what about albino Africans?

Dark_Shroud ago

white skinned Hispanics

Hispanic is not an ethnicity; Southern European is.

are Jews included too?

Jews are not "white," they have their own DNA markers.

what about albino Africans?

No, they're still sub-Saharan.

bibleisplagiarized ago

Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a racial identity. no, most hispanics would not be included, Spanish people, people FROM Spain, are. luckily most of them do not identify and outright abhor the "hispanic" label.

B-------D ago

Lets take back the PNW... It is mostly white anyway and a nice place.

FullSemiAutomatic ago


B-------D ago

Its hard to build here because of bullshit zoning and nonsense like that. That is THE issue out there beyond the usual liberal faggotry which is normal everywhere. The game is you just build in secret and dont tell them. It works out because there is pretty much no taxes if you do it that way. Break the rules or die.

WalnutMeat ago

Build in secret on land you purchase?

B-------D ago

thats how to do it.

Asashio ago

Too many don't even seem to want to survive. It's difficult to get past.

Crime goes up, rapes go up, quality of life goes down, wages stagnate. But no one wants to stand up for themselves.

I'm growing tired of standing alone.

DeadFox ago

You aren't alone brother

NoRoyalty ago

I believe certain states - those dominated by communists/luciferians - require French-styled Yellow Vest uprisings in their capitol cities. Of course, they will need to deal harshly with embedded provacateurs. Oregon, WA.. you know who you are. But that is their choice, obviously.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Too many don't even seem to want to survive. It's difficult to get past.

Then let them die. If they don't even have the will to survive, then do you really think they will make valuable contributions to the future of the race?

bibleisplagiarized ago

remember this, the only thing stopping us, people like you and i, from forming a coalition is the distance between us. you are not standing alone brother.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

A lot of people still have it pretty good so there's little impetus to overturn the apple cart. The sports are still on teevee and sexual "liberation" allows everyone to get their fix. For people who don't think beyond materialism and hedonism, the status quo is actually quite good.

And why should they care about the future? As long as they get theirs, that's all that matters. It's not like they will suffer any of the consequences of their choices... or so their deceived thinking goes.

ardvarcus ago

And why should they care about the future?

Particularly since most of them don't have children and can't stay in a relationship for more than a few months at a time. It's easy to say "fuck the future" when you have no children.

Soyboy69 ago

sexual "liberation" allows everyone to get their fix.

Nope, only women and the top 10 percent of men. everyone else is stuck with their hand.

woodtile ago

The weak should fear the strong.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

well, with all the pornography out there that's one of the "fixes".

vladtep ago

Most people I know their lives are shit.

They're just cowards or they have no moral backbone whatsoever.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

One way or another, it all comes down to lack of virtue.

DeadFox ago

There is literally 0 proof gab is owned by Jews.

lordbastiat ago

And yet, you call for the abandonment of the swastika

Oh no, the poor swastika, literally the greatest secret weapon at our disposal that's why we keep on winning right?

YouAreASlave ago

Great work exposing these subversive kike faggots who keep trying to white-ant the basic tenets of anyone intent on seeing them toppled.

Haywood_Jablomeme ago

Its always telling when the top comment calls OP out. Either they defend themselves or they do the cuckkike thing and never reply. Isnt that right, OP? Best damage control is to pretend you never saw anything oy vey!

zxcvzxcv ago

Thanks for bringing truth to the discussion.

satisfyinghump ago

If I had to brainstorm why a user who's post history is mostly anti-white themed, I'd say this post is either for easy points OR... more sinisterly, for the harvesting of usernames that respond with pro-White messages.

antiliberalsociety ago


Tubesbestnoob ago

WTF man, a non-night mode screen shot. Gay!

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

if communism WAS the only way for the white race to survive (its obviously the opposite of survival in reality, but in a hypothetical situation) then i would support it too. the fact that you are trying to twist what he said into saying that he 'supports communism' is making my jewdar go off the charts.

antiliberalsociety ago

Defeatists were kicked out of the NSDAP, and for good reason.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

If being in a certain political camp is more important to you then the fucking preservation of the white race then you are undoubtedly a kike.

antiliberalsociety ago

Did you forget under communism you give up your guns, property, freedom of speech, freedom to protest, and become genocided as a result? All the things he claims to fight for - he's willing to accept.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

and become genocided as a result?

There is no point in arguing this further with you. You apparently literally do not have the intelligence to understand what a hypothetical is.

antiliberalsociety ago

Ad hominem

Typical reddifag response. 20 Million white Christians were murdered in the Holodomor. Why the fuck would you even be hypothetical about accepting communism?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Why you would be hypothetical is not relevant, and by the way, that's not an ad hominem. You literally don't understand what a hypothetical is and you are refusing to back down, even though I get the feeling you know that you fucked up. You are just too stubborn to admit that you are wrong. The hypothetical is that communism is the only way for whites to survive. The mechanics of how that works is irrelevant to the hypothetical. You say that even if the hypothetical were true, you would not support communism.

Therefore, you think political ideology is more important than the preservation of the white race.

antiliberalsociety ago

That isn't hypothetical it's defeatist. Trying to drum up a word blockade won't change this fact. Inability to prove your point thus attacking one's character is ad hominem. You think it's political ideology? This is some typical jewery mental gymnastics. Fascism and National Socialism are the only systems that can kick communism, and you're saying by associating with them is to sacrafice the white race? GTFO Schlomo.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

That isn't hypothetical it's defeatist

Yes it is hypothetical you fucking retard. How much lead was in the water supply when you were growing up? Did you have a b12 deficiency during your childhood? Trying to drum up a blockade of autism doesn't change that fact.

antiliberalsociety ago

resorts to even more ad hominem


Agrianian_Javelineer ago

This isn't defeatism, you fucking unaware boomer fag.

antiliberalsociety ago

Oh look at that trigger

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Seems to me like @texasvet is open minded and really really wants the white race to be preserved. Hes right you know and understandably frustrated. "kill all niggers" is about as far as my solution goes so to hearing out differing viewpoints to our issue of not existing is refreshing.

  • Abandonment of swastika point is more semantic than anything as he promotes the adoption of the black sun to which i agree.

  • Supports Communism? He literally says he hates communism and is exaggerating for clarification.

  • Okay the gab thing is really gay and niggerish

  • You're misunderstanding his desire to emphasis the importance of preserving our race above all other items.

Overall hes gay but not a kike.

antiliberalsociety ago

Abandoning the one thing kikes fear

Why can't you adopt it and retain the swastika? Why does it have to be abandoned?

Hates communism

He had to edit that in because he was getting downvoted. He wasn't exaggerating shit

Let me show you how he preserves his white race:

He practices nothing of what he preaches.

TheAntiZealot ago

@JesusIsLord @Jesus_Is_Lord

[](you call for the abandonment of the swastika)

antiliberalsociety ago

You did that backwards

TheAntiZealot ago

Haha, thanks.

antiliberalsociety ago

Abandoning the one thing kikes fear

Why can't you adopt it and retain the swastika? Why does it have to be abandoned?

Hates communism

He had to edit that in because he was getting downvoted. He wasn't exaggerating shit

Let me show you how he preserves his white race:

He practices nothing of what he preaches.

TexasVet ago

Its all just so exhausting. I have literally years of nothing but pro white content across many platforms. Yet for some reason even the most obvious of smear tactics are mindlessly upvoted because they smell blood. Instead of clicking my name and scrolling through my submissions they instead jump on the "He's a cryptokike!" bandwagon. If anything is going to defeat us it is stuff like this. As tiresome as it all is I will never give up though. Even though my back may be full of daggers I will fight for the white race until I drop dead. Either from the spears of our enemy or the daggers from my own people. See you in Valhalla you nigger faggots.

bibleisplagiarized ago

if anything Antiliberalsociety's behavior is more concerning. there are plenty of obvious shills here to point out, why does he focus so vehemently on you? perhaps he sees you as easy picking since you revealed your own name, thus giving him free reign (in his mind) to completely doxx you.

antiliberalsociety ago

1.1 days

Sean recruited the sapling army militia again. Kekkest of keks.

bibleisplagiarized ago

ah the favorite attack. unfortunately this account is clean, my intentions are clear by my name. i am antichristian. i won't hide that from you. try another route. maybe call me a jew to make it official.

antiliberalsociety ago

So you have no idea who he is, yet take his side? Point out exactly who this "many" is, Mr. "this account is clean because 1.1 days old"

bibleisplagiarized ago

look at the rest of this thread and see the "many" you slippery kike.

antiliberalsociety ago

This isn't plebbit or gab, faggot. You have to prove your shit here. There's no modsquad to ban your opposition on this site.

bibleisplagiarized ago

use your eyes. people are all over this thread asking you to stop being such a wipe. frankly i don't give enough of a damn to prove it beyond that point, it isn't a thesis you spastic fuck.

antiliberalsociety ago

Each and every "one" happens to be a sapling account. Gee willikers I wonder why?

bibleisplagiarized ago

you think yourself way more important than you are. At this point I have forgotten what you are even going on about. Continue if you must. You might do well to chill on the obsessive behavior, it could be used to bait you very easily.

antiliberalsociety ago


still has yet to prove a single point made

TexasVet ago

I swear to God, that motherfucker has got to be working for the JIDF. There is no other logical explanation anymore.

antiliberalsociety ago

Funny how you keep running away from this

Truth fears no investigation, faggot.

TexasVet ago

I have invited you to come on skype many times. Lets record our conversation for all to hear. You can ask me questions until you are blue in the face. You are the coward not me.

Nosferatjew ago

Unnecessary, you already made a video in which you admitted to fraud. Case closed.

antiliberalsociety ago

I ask you questions already, you refuse to answer. So first you threaten Putt to give up my IP, and now you're jewing your way into identifying me via Skype... Oh em gee I wonder what your intent is...

antiliberalsociety ago

Post some evidence then, faggot.

antiliberalsociety ago

Post some evidence then, faggot.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Keep up the good work ignore the morons.

antiliberalsociety ago

ignoring facts

Ignore yourself while you're at it

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Facts? You presented your (retarded) viewpoint on the guy and i countered. You have a rebuttal faggot?

antiliberalsociety ago

Go debunk my links one by one, then you may present a counter

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I already did you dumb fucking groid.

antiliberalsociety ago

Show me.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Holy shit you are retarded.

antiliberalsociety ago

Holy shit you can't show me. I'm fucking shocked...

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Well, you dismantled the ever-living fuck out of this cryptokike. Good job.

Fucking kikes.

bibleisplagiarized ago

you sound a hell of a lot like OP's sock.

antiliberalsociety ago

Take your plebbit terms back to that shithole from which you came.

bibleisplagiarized ago

What the fuck would you prefer I call it? An alt? A puppet? An account that is used to decieve users into believing many people agree with your bullshit? Frankly, I have never used Reddit. Love the standard attack though. I'm sure it works great on the lesser goblins.

antiliberalsociety ago


AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago


Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Alright (((AllLibsAreEvilDemons)))

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Have you seen my borderline egregious comments about how evil kikes are?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Yet you act exactly like one... which means either you are either the classic self hating jew (who really just hates the entire world, including himself) or you have some kike blood you don't know about.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I act like a Jew because I want to exterminate every single last one of them?


Agrianian_Javelineer ago

You attempt (and fail) to use the kike art of mental gymnastics and intentionally misrepresent what your opponents say. Kikery 101

antiliberalsociety ago

Right back at ya

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I didn't misrepresent anything. Anyone who flirts with communism is a fucking idiot. Period.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

So to you, its better to be a bunch of niggers and beaners than for the world to be 100% white communists... you are a true kike

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

No. Because Communism is fucking retarded and would kill the white race anyways, you stupid fucking dumbass.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

I hope you understand what a hypothetical is now

antiliberalsociety ago

I bet that works for whites saying they would kill all niggers on a college campus, can't be hate speech if hypothetical amirite?

bibleisplagiarized ago

1 i too prefer the black sun just because of it's origins and connection to the white race, though, abandonment of the swastika would be a bad idea as it was chosen for a purpose.

2 strange conjecture, i can agree, but i'll give it a pass as i sorta see his point, as hollow as it is.

3 sketchy as fuck promoting gab

4 i too shit all over christianity whenever i get the chance, as a pagan nationalist this is my primary reason for getting downvoated here. keep in mind some of us stick to the roots of our ancestors and don't buy into the desert god's bullshit.

my opinion on texasvet? probably a scumbag. JIDF? maybe, but i'd be a lot quicker to call out others as such.

TheDeacon ago

Our roots are not Pagan, though I understand why you think that. Before we came out of the Caucasus with our Paganism however we were Israel captive in Northern Assyria. Captive as divine punishment for our degeneration into Paganism, but soon to be delivered and made into Christian Europe. The reason our Pagan ancestors mass converted is because they were returning to the truth that was written in their hearts. They saw in Christ the fullness of what they had seen glimpses of in Thor. When you read the Bible you are reading the history of the white race, the race of Adam. The Jew's greatest trick was to steal our identity, in their lust for our birthright, just as the Scriptures say. But Paganism is not the answer, the answer is to obey our Father. Thor is the type, Christ is the archetype.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Our roots are not Pagan, though I understand why you think that.

yes they are, what fucking nonsense are you regurgitating

TheDeacon ago

If you can trace our (European) people past the Caucasus you will find that no, our roots are not Pagan. Paganism does not stand on its own, it is a product of truth once possesed in full fragmenting and being lost over time.

bibleisplagiarized ago

paganism doesn't mean worshipping every god, Thor is God. Zeus is God. Ra is God. the kikes god, is not god. christ is a lie, a hollow promise, a thoughtform. do not try to convince me of the genuinity of the kiked scriptures, the people of Amalek did not come from YHVH. Adamu was a slave. not a free man.

TheDeacon ago

"Thor is God. Zeus is God. Ra is God. the kikes god, is not god". Exactly brother. This is why our ancestors converted. Here is where the jews have tricked you; They have convinced you that when you are reading the bible you are reading about them and their god. This is not true and this is not what our ancestors believed. The word "jew" was not even in the bible until the 1800s and the modern jew did not even identify himself as Hebraic or Semitic until around the same time. When you read about "Israelites and Hebrews" in the bible you are not reading about the jews. You are reading about our white ancestors. Our Adamic ancestors were indeed servant sons of the most High before Adam's fall, which is why all those gods you listed exist in their mythology and are so similar; they came from the same ancestral knowledge. What you don't realize is that in your hatred of the jew's god you are in fact acting as a Christian (do not confuse this with modern judeochristian) without knowing it. Our Pagan ancestors were not converted by judeochristianity because it did not exist. They were not converted by what calls itself Christian today. They were converted by the proper exposition of Thor, Zeus and Ra. The fullness of the types. Below is the sort of thing that converted them.

*"The synagogue is worse than a brothel…it is the den of scoundrels and the repair of wild beasts…the temple of demons devoted to idolatrous cults…the refuge of brigands and dabauchees, and the cavern of devils. It is a criminal assembly of Jews…a place of meeting for the assassins of Christ… a house worse than a drinking shop…a den of thieves, a house of ill fame, a dwelling of iniquity, the refuge of devils, a gulf and a abyss of perdition."…"I would say the same things about their souls… As for me, I hate the synagogue…I hate the Jews for the same reason." **John Chrysostom (344-407 A.D.) *One of the "greatest" of church fathers; known as "The Golden Mouthed."

bibleisplagiarized ago

i do not subscribe to christian doctrine, i do not recognize the Nazarene as the messiah of white man. this, along with my knowledge of the Old Gods, makes me a non-christian by definition. plenty of sects hate the jews, not just certain christian sects.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

3 sketchy as fuck promoting gab

its just naivety.

antiliberalsociety ago

owned by kikes, gabbai is a yid term

bibleisplagiarized ago

perhaps. i try not to attribute to evil what may just be ignorance. as the saying goes.

meglomaniac ago

Communism and national socialism are very similar, not a huge leap that he supports communism.

Just like a real nazi, happy to shoot a commie.

antiliberalsociety ago

Thank you for this, it's beautifully done. I have this speech in v/GeorgeLincolnRockwel but it's audio only. The video adds a great illustration.

Dark_Shroud ago

I didn't make it, but it is a good piece of work to get people thinking.

I'm not full blown NatSoc, but I can work with them.

meglomaniac ago

Honestly, watched the whole thing.

Race, Race, Race, evolution, race, race, communism bad, race, more race.

Political ideas, the policies that would be implimented, differences between communism/NSDAP, etc were all missing.

Please, the next time that you want to contribute, try to post something more then really just some propaganda flick trying to convince me that white is right.

Dark_Shroud ago

One key point you glossed over is under American National Socialism you keep your earnings and the productivity of your time & money. They're not taken as they are under Communism.

meglomaniac ago

I never said they were exactly the same, they are totally different but IMHO in the authoritarian triad with communism and socialism.

you keep your earnings and the productivity of your time & money.

Unless the state specifically wants them, and can seize them at will.

Hitler specifically said that he supports free enterprise/capitalism but the state is supreme and can take your business.

antiliberalsociety ago


Oh, believe me he covers all those topics. v/GeorgeLincolnRockwel

The pinned post has his 1965 speech in Texas, literally everything you're looking for in that one speech.

That is, unless you lied and didn't actually watch fuck all of it...

meglomaniac ago

Watched the whole thing and ill watch the 1995 speech too, but I at my core believe in freedom, and citizens under NSDAP are certainly not free.

antiliberalsociety ago

1995? Are you sure you watched it?

meglomaniac ago

Sorry, I missread.

I haven't watched it yet, been working.

I watched the first video you linked.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

They are the complete anthithesis of eachother. Communism is founded upon the idea that wealth and its equal distribution is the only good in the world. It is a currency-centric philosophy, which is not surprising since it was made by kikes.

The universal good in NatSoc is the race and the nation. Blood and Soil. NatSoc is based on concepts that exist in the physical world, and it has physical, realistic goals, while communism is based on arbitrary, intangible concepts.

meglomaniac ago

While I agree that NSDAP/Fascism is a 3rd option, all 3 involve heavily socialized industries, a focus on the community/state, and managed economies, especially NSDAP in regards to a full scale military gear up.

antiliberalsociety ago

National Socialism is pro private property, communism is the opposite. Where there are no property rights, there are no human rights.

meglomaniac ago

"the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual. But the State should retain control; every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State; it is his duty not to misuse his possessions to the detriment of the State or the interests of his fellow countrymen. That is the overriding point. The Third Reich will always retain the right to control property owners." - Adolf Hitler

antiliberalsociety ago

You're falling for disinfo. They grew the best economy in the world, in two years Hitler created 6 million jobs. "A fair day's work for a fair day's pay". If that were true how were private companies allowed to flourish? He knew people needed to be rewarded with good pay and affordable property. He had a thriving economy when the world was stuck in a depression.

What he seized control of was their economy, he freed them from the stranglehold of Jewish owned banks and abolished interest slavery. They hated him for this, and started a worldwide boycott of German goods. Because, guess who controlled the majority of media worldwide, and still do to this day?

Anyone who challenges their agenda gets absolutely blasted with propaganda. "It's not who you are, it's who people think you are." JFK

This goes good or bad. Bill Clinton hangs out with a Billionaire convicted pedophile as was documented on flight logs as a passenger on his plane (former secret service nicknamed the Lolita Express) traveling to his private island. Media silent.

Creepy Joe Biden molesting kids on national TV. Media silent.

Bill Cosby says black people should speak the King's English. "DRUGGED and RAPED women!" Media silent on the people surrounding him that said nothing, or ignored victims pleas for investigation.

Hillary Rodham was a criminal defense attorney that defended rapists. Her tactic attacked the victims accusing them of being promiscuous - media silent on hypocrisy.

It's an amazing power to wield.

He wasn't for a Marxian type of socialism. He wasn't about killing jews. He wasn't about dominating the world. These were all propaganda lies to support the war and destroy the biggest threat to Jewish banking and control.

Hitler's declaration of war on the US states it's only because the US is actively taking part of the war already with Lend Lease, and US ships sinking German U-Boats.

David Irving discovered there's no documents proving Hitler killed Jews, in fact he protected them when they were attacked

meglomaniac ago

You're falling for disinfo.

Look at your post and tell me that YOU'RE not falling for propaganda from the natsec on this site.

I posted a direct reply and facts/evidence regarding socialistic practices of the NSDAP.

You responded with a bunch of blather about how the jews were against nazi, and how their actions were totally justified because of actions of others.

None of that was what i was talking about. You just ignored everything I wrote, and wrote a 1 sentence reply and then went on a fucking bullshit useless rant.

If that were true how were private companies allowed to flourish? He knew people needed to be rewarded with good pay and affordable property. He had a thriving economy when the world was stuck in a depression.

You need to actually read the quote by hitler. He was saying that he supports private enterprise as long as it is subservient completely to the state, and works to benefit the people. He nationalized heavy industry for the war effort, and seized the means of production from the rich capitalists to do so.

Also, arguing that he destroyed interest "because of the jew power" doesn't invalidate the point that it is a core socialist tenant, to remove the exploitation of capital.

Maybe you can actually talk about some of the policies, economic actions, and other things about what were actually talking about

Rather then just pointing at the jews and going "THEY DID IT"

And this is coming from someone who talks about the JQ.

antiliberalsociety ago

Look at your post and tell me that YOU'RE not falling for propaganda from the natsec on this site.

member for 5 months

Ahh yes, but of course...

meglomaniac ago

Nice of you to immediately dismiss my comments and statements written at length because of how long i've been on a site.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

Open and shut case.

Teeder ago

Cue the Alt-White articles

Being ago

This smells like fear mongering to get the goy to act out so that it can be demonized. What we really need to do is come together as a people and become great again...

bibleisplagiarized ago

yes, let's all vote to fix the problem.

the fact is eventually your pussyfooting will not work, and we will have to take action regardless of what the enemy tries to do to stop us.

Being ago

I didn't say shit about voting. But I am positively sure that overt violence will do us no good. At the very least blackball anyone having anything to do with the abrahamic religions. Call out the stupidity and dominate and humiliate them when they attack. I understand where you are coming from though; the first thing that comes to mind is violence I suppose... but what does that get you? This isn't the 1400's The media is controlled by the enemy and you will be hunted and put down like stray dogs by your own people who feed on the media like an infant to it's mothers tit.

vladtep ago

Yes, if we vote, they will finally listen and leave us alone. lol

Zoldam ago

The Earth is completely explored now, we can't settle in a new place like pilgrims if we want are own land, the only way to get it is by force, or take it back.

Wynterwhisper ago

Actually mostly the coast is settled. If you go in a plane next time look out the window and notice the vast acreage of undeveloped land. We don't tend to pay attention to the little inconsistencies in these things. And there are swaths of land that haven't been explored fully. I question just how large our planet is.

Zoldam ago

I guess I should of worded it better, it's owned by someone. If white people made a new nation in the mid-west we would hear "knock knock... it's the United States"

RustyEquipment ago

Also. His plans means destroying the precious nature we still have left. Just so we can compromise. Hahah.

Wynterwhisper ago

I seriously wonder at times what would life be like if the Confederates won.

Zoldam ago

Not that much better tbh, the bankers backed both sides. France and the UK almost joined the war on the side of the Confederacy, if not for Russia threatening to side with the Union if they did.

Wynterwhisper ago

Who benefits by the South losing? There must be a reason why ((they)) didn't want independent states as opposed to a United States.

Zoldam ago

South victory is a victory for their commerce and money control, north victory is a victory for their consolidation of power. It was win win for them.

Wynterwhisper ago

Thanks for the reply. I could have inherited Arlington if Lee won. Lol

Shortest_Skill ago

Fellow whites, we must never agree, we must never encourage, we must do nothing. I'm Jewish.

NoRoyalty ago

You try to divide patriots. You are the enemy.

Shortest_Skill ago

Reminder that I can only multiply.

NoRoyalty ago

We are legion.

bibleisplagiarized ago

don't forget: we must never take action for fear of repercussions against our cushy lives.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

When the NSDAP took power, its biggest obstacle was providing leadership to the extremely fragmented and disorganized right. If they did not do that, the communists surely would have taken control of Germany.

A clear example of the peril that discord within the right represents is that of the Russian Civil War: Even though the Whites were better trained, had foreign support, and had most of the population behind them, they lost the civil war because they never had strong leadership to unite them.

Maltherian1 ago

The problem is we think for ourselves and question everything. It will take a true leader to unite us.

bibleisplagiarized ago

Soviet strength at peak numbers 5,427,273

White's strength at peak numbers 2400000

remember, a lot of those on the sides of the whites were simply peasants and women, while many of the men were trained, they were highly outnumbered by the reds.

i agree, the right wing has not had a good leader for a very long time. pretenders and moderates.

zxcvzxcv ago

"The best of the goyim must be killed." -Jews.

...I wonder why the whites have not had a good leader since the jews took over?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

They had the bulk of the Imperial Army and navy, and don't underestimate how much foreign support they had.

The Reds wern't as poorly trained as people think though. But there were other factions in the war, like the black armies and the green armies, who didn't fight the Whites but they did fight the reds. Also, far more Ukrainians fought against the reds than for them

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, we’ll die.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Defeatists are enemy propagandists.

vladtep ago

Everyone argues against you while everything you say comes true before their very eyes.

It's as if arguing with you can somehow stop it from happening.

It's pretty funny.

Shortest_Skill ago

Reminder that we will die!

FullSemiAutomatic ago

That's the thing about life; none of us gets out of this alive.

The question is, how will you live?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

A short period of violence giving way to a longer, quieter agrarian lifestyle.

FullSemiAutomatic ago

Like ripping off a bandage.

vladtep ago

Ultimately submitting or dying alone in a blaze of glory because no one will help me.

FullSemiAutomatic ago

The tide is rising, my friend.

When the time comes, I'll be honored to stand at your side.