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RemoteViewer1 ago

5 D chess ,. Sec of Labor gets smoked now ,. 1 less deepstate kid fucking faggot around

OmarComin ago

Surely all the Q LARPers who believe there is a sex dungeon under a DC pizza parlor will be outraged at Trump's Labor Secretary covering up actual sex trafficking, right? Or at least about Trump supporter and Patriots owners Robert Kraft fucking sex slaves? Right...?

HitlersMomWasAJew ago

That's cause Trump is a shabbos goy.

He already married his daughter off to start a Jew bloodline.

We are just watching a show.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey we need to keep the jewish/israeli connections hidden.

Anonochex ago

Promote distractions to destroy credibility of truthers; like flat earth theory and Mandela effect.

NoBS ago

This would be headline news if Justice had Blind Rule of Law.

I see you Deep State and fuck you very much.

The_boz_man_cometh ago

Only the best people -DJT

celestial-skylord ago

Well technically sex trafficking would be kind of labor.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Anyone notice that the dirty jew Dirshowitz name is always left out of this debacle.

flapjack_charlie ago

Mueller's name was left out too.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Yea, i noticed that. Would this have even happened, or would it be in the news if it wasn't for Acosta having a position for Trump? Always politics with these fools.

flapjack_charlie ago

I really dont know. I still cant figure out what the factions are or how many even. It certainly is t left vs right, that's for sure.

Steinmacher ago

consider: would this judge have made the same decision if Trump's Sec of Labor wasn't involved? Did Trump elevate this guy just to make him a target?

judge's decision is rather soft, gives Epstein and co another out - puts victims in jeopardy of the same lack-of-justice that he purports to be ruling about.

Astroqualia ago

You're a fucking idiot, you dont give someone more power if you want them to fall. People with more power get caught less, if Trump was going according (((to the plan))) as you're implying, qtard, the benefit would be most effective on someone with less power. Unhinge the cognitive dissonance before you shitpost further.

Steinmacher ago

take it easy girl... no need to get stressed.

Astroqualia ago

But do you have an argument? Do you really think giving someone more power that ties you into being in bed with him a good move for Trump if he was going to bust him?

Steinmacher ago

wait and see... I only said "consider"

Pwning4Ever ago

The only way the deep state will go after their own is to take down Trump.

derram ago :

None | Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficked Underage Girls and Trump’s Secretary of Labor Illegally Covered It Up, Federal Judge Says

'Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficked underage girls and President Donald Trump’s Secretary of Labor illegally helped to cover it up, a federal judge ruled on Thursday. '

' A U.S. Department of Justice probe into possible wrongdoing by federal prosecutors is ongoing. '

'No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”Marra’s ruling provides 15 days for the government and Epstein’s victims to settle on a resolution. '

'The sealed agreement could potentially name other influential people from Epstein’s expansive network of elite friends. '

'Terrific guy,” Trump told New York magazine in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. '

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whiskeybent ago

More fake and gay news from the came old fake and gay posters