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basedmangod2015 ago

any other high profile politicians with connects to epstein . i should know about? like i dk did any recent president maybe have his justice dept go really fucking easy on eptstein?

letsdothis3 ago

I hear you..

Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficked underage girls and Trump's Secretary of Labor covered it up, federal judge says

I posted this a few months ago:

Jeffrey Epstein's tunnels on Lolita Island and the US Virgin Islands Pizza Pi Girls

Oh, and Donald Trump used to privately dine with Epstein at his NY apartment. Some of the businessmen who dine with him at his home—they include newspaper publisher Mort Zuckerman, banker Louis Ranieri, Revlon chairman Ronald Perelman, real-estate tycoon Leon Black [Apollo Global], former Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold, Tom Pritzker (of Hyatt Hotels), and real-estate personality Donald Trump—sometimes seem not all that clear as to what he actually does to earn his millions. Certainly, you won’t find Epstein’s transactions written about on Bloomberg or talked about in the trading rooms. “The trading desks don’t seem to know him. It’s unusual for animals that big not to leave any footprints in the snow,” says a high-level investment manager.