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Mumbleberry ago

Add fake gofundme appeals from POG's

TexasVet ago

Fuck you. Stop your fucking lies. I was infantry not POG. There was not one god damned thing fake about that gofundme. You have no proof just lies and baseless accusations.

Mumbleberry ago

Bullshit, you didn't even know what a POG was.


kneo24 ago

It looks like Voat died at some point between your post and now. I never got your ping.

TexasVet ago

Because when I was in the military we called them REMFs. Rear echelon mother fuckers. This POG phrase was unheard of in the 80s when I was in. Not to mention that it is 100% irrelevant if I was a front line soldier or some mechanic back in the rear. Anyone that serves in the military is a veteran. So whats your fucking point? Leave me the fuck alone you communist faggot.

Mumbleberry ago

U mad? GTFO then

TexasVet ago

I am not going anywhere. Of course I am mad you idiot. one man has slandered and defamed me for months now and now you stupid motherfuckers are jumping on his bandwagon too. For what? All because I bought a rifle with EXTRA money given to me. As long as I used the amount I asked for for what it was intended then the extra money was mine to do with as I saw fit. There is nothing you can do or say to change that fact. I am a military veteran that was blessed by the good nature of people that did not even know me. For a little while my cup ranneth over. Why does this make you hate me? Do you hate yourself too?

Leave .... me ... alone.

Mumbleberry ago

No, you lying sack of taco nigger shit

TexasVet ago

You have no proof that I lied. Zero proof. Fuck your baseless accusations. You are attacking me without any possible way of knowing whether or not the gofundme was fraudulent. You are doing EXACTLY what the democrats did to judge Kavanaugh. All accusations. No proof. Solely to destroy a man you for some reason have decided you dont like.

You are fucking evil.

Mumbleberry ago

Hail Ctuhlhu motherfucker. May he feast upon your mewling spawn.