antiliberalsociety ago

All your shit is stolen from reddit & gofraudme

TexasVet ago

Awww look my little shadow is back. Oh I missed you my little shnookums. Tell us, how does it feel to be obsessed with someone? I wouldn't know because I am too much of a man to let someone else take over my life like you have with me. You know where I went today? I went to the range and shot a bunch of rounds through that snazzy rifle I got. Shoots like a charm too. Wish you coulda been there. Really I do.

antiliberalsociety ago

Once you're convicted of a crime, no more gun permits. Can you pay restitution? Your trailer tells me not so much

oscarsnpc ago

4 Everyone is equal.

Mumbleberry ago

Add fake gofundme appeals from POG's

TexasVet ago

Fuck you. Stop your fucking lies. I was infantry not POG. There was not one god damned thing fake about that gofundme. You have no proof just lies and baseless accusations.

HST ago

Lol so did you delete all the proof or what? Because it would be based off of your account's post history alone at this point whether you bought guns with the money you were getting from the gofundme

TexasVet ago

Guns??? Where the fuck you coming up with a plural for that? Stop your baseless accusations you know nothing about. Who the fuck are you? Why are you even attacking me? Fuck off.

In order for the gofundme to have been fraudulent in the first place proof would have to be shown that I was not broke at the time it took place. I was broke and in dire need at the time. There is nothing you can do or say to change that. All of this bullshit being thrown at me on here is because a couple of months after the gofundme I had found a job, so I used a portion of the EXTRA money to buy one rifle. I say extra money because even though I put a 500 dollar goal on the gofundme, people kept giving me more and more money even after I went back onto reddit and here to let them know I was ok and they could stop. The entire gofundme happened in about 48 hours time. As long as I used at least the first 500 dollars for food and shelter then anything else I did with the money is my business. I did nothing wrong. Stop trying to tear me down. I am a good person.

RonBennington ago

Why not put the EXTRA money towards the following months food and shelter? You bought a gun after begging for money? You sound like a piece of shit.

TexasVet ago

Fuck you. There was almost 4000 dollars more than what I originally asked for. I did not buy the rifle until later. Until after I had found a job and was not struggling anymore. I also gave some of the money to another veteran that was in need, but nobody cares about that. All they know is that they want to attack somebody to make themselves feel better.

You can all kiss my ass. I did nothing wrong. As a matter of fact I am gonna go to the range and shoot that rifle today just because I fucking can.

kneo24 ago

Why is that your story keeps changing? You're including more contextual information people have been asking for, and instead of giving that information to the people who have kept pointing it out, you ignore them and tell someone else completely new to the whole thing.

@Crensch @antiliberalsociety

TexasVet ago

I have no less than 5 faggot motherfuckers attacking me now. I can't keep up with all the bullshit baseless accusations being thrown at me. All you faggots jumping on the antiliberalsociety wagon. Get a fucking life. All of you.

antiliberalsociety ago

Maybe if you.....

Paid back your donors you fraud

It just might stop. You have a YouTube channel and gab, use it to address the issue, or drown yourself in the creek out back.

kneo24 ago

I've also taken note you just admitted to being to dumb to follow multiple conversation chains on Voat.

kneo24 ago

Furthermore, you still refuse to answer any basic question posed to you. Your excuses are essentially bullshit. You could have cleared this up a long time ago. You didn't. You didn't do shit to clear it up. All you've done is ignore any accusation, only to respond to it to a completely different person about it. You know, how you given all of this information to @antiliberalsociety in the first place, we all could have initially weighed the information carefully. It has taken you months to get all of this out. Months. Why should anyone believe you at this point?

kneo24 ago

How's the closet treating you? You seem to love accusing others of being homosexual. Are you projecting something onto us?

Mumbleberry ago

Bullshit, you didn't even know what a POG was.


kneo24 ago

It looks like Voat died at some point between your post and now. I never got your ping.

TexasVet ago

Because when I was in the military we called them REMFs. Rear echelon mother fuckers. This POG phrase was unheard of in the 80s when I was in. Not to mention that it is 100% irrelevant if I was a front line soldier or some mechanic back in the rear. Anyone that serves in the military is a veteran. So whats your fucking point? Leave me the fuck alone you communist faggot.

Mumbleberry ago

U mad? GTFO then

TexasVet ago

I am not going anywhere. Of course I am mad you idiot. one man has slandered and defamed me for months now and now you stupid motherfuckers are jumping on his bandwagon too. For what? All because I bought a rifle with EXTRA money given to me. As long as I used the amount I asked for for what it was intended then the extra money was mine to do with as I saw fit. There is nothing you can do or say to change that fact. I am a military veteran that was blessed by the good nature of people that did not even know me. For a little while my cup ranneth over. Why does this make you hate me? Do you hate yourself too?

Leave .... me ... alone.

Mumbleberry ago

No, you lying sack of taco nigger shit

TexasVet ago

You have no proof that I lied. Zero proof. Fuck your baseless accusations. You are attacking me without any possible way of knowing whether or not the gofundme was fraudulent. You are doing EXACTLY what the democrats did to judge Kavanaugh. All accusations. No proof. Solely to destroy a man you for some reason have decided you dont like.

You are fucking evil.

Mumbleberry ago

Hail Ctuhlhu motherfucker. May he feast upon your mewling spawn.