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antiliberalsociety ago

@TexasVet not a bad idea, you could say you suffer from that mental anguish you were whining about and pay for that lawyer

bman0321 ago

You know, I'm starting to get the feeling @TexasVet might not be a vet. This might be a case of stolen Valor. If he is a vet, he's definitely a POG!

TexasVet ago

What is a POG? And yes I am ex-military. I already went through the trouble of linking no less than a dozen pictures of me in uniform on this very site. Scroll my submissions. You'll see.

SearchVoatBot ago

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larryhuston ago

A POG is what REMF's are called now. A Non-grunt.

bman0321 ago

POG is a Marine Corps term for personnel other than a grunt. There's two types of Marines, Grunts and pogs. I see you're an infantryman. Your definitely not a pog. I apologize.

It's absurd you army fags get a hand grenade medal.

As a fellow grunt, I'll offer some advice. Put your thick skin back on. I know you got hazed some as a boot, since your DD214 looks much older than mine and you were in before they cracked down on hazing. You didn't desert so obviously you handled it. If someone shows up at your house, fucking kill them, otherwise ignore online bullshit, PTSD or not. Which I'm not judging or making any accusation, we both know cats with and without it.

kneo24 ago

No, what you did was post pictures of someone. We can hardly tell if that's you or not.

TexasVet ago

It is no secret that my name is Sean Sweat. You can clearly see my name on the DD214. It is not my fault that I am old now and look different. These pictures are of me.

kneo24 ago

You mean the same Sean Sweat who scammed people in a gofundme? Who begs for money on different platforms with a slightly different story, while bragging about buying guns?

Unless you've aged so horribly that one can't recognize you, you should hold some of the same features that you held when you were younger. The fact is, you always have an excuse.


TexasVet ago

Fuck you it was not a scam. I was actually in dire need at the time of the gofundme. The ONLY reason that some faggots on here are trying to defame me is because after I got back on my feet and had a job I used some of the left over money to buy a rifle. Suck my motherfucking dick you communist little faggot.

antiliberalsociety ago

Then why is your gofraudme still active when you said you shut it down?

TexasVet ago

Enough with your fucking lies. The gofundme has not seen a single penny after the initial 48 hours that it was started. There is literally no point in shutting it down now. It is dead. You do not know when I was trimming trees or working offshore. So stop trying to act like you know shit. If the gofundme was fraudulent then you would have to show that I was not broke at the time of the gofundme but you cannot. Your crusade to defame me with your baseless accusations has gone on for many months. Why? Because I eventually used a portion of the gofundme money to buy a rifle? It is not my fault that those good people gave me so much more than the goal amount of the gofundme, but the point is that they GAVE it to me not you. So fuck off with your lies and accusations. Show proof or get lost. You are exactly like the liberals you claim to be against. Accuse accuse accuse who cares if there is any proof. Just keep accusing until you ruin a good man. You are an evil little faggot.

antiliberalsociety ago

It's funny watching you squirm. You call me a liar based on the information you fucking provided.

You say its my crusade against you yet why are others all saying the same fucking thing?

By the way, did you even contact the FBI? You did claim they are currupt afterall

TexasVet ago

The only reason Technip says 2010 to present is because I did not update it the profile when I left the company. That is not proof. The only reason other people are saying the same thing you are saying is because you have been saying this shit for many months. Besides since when does more than one person making an accusation count as proof. You dense motherfucker. Again I posit the question... why do you even fucking care. You are obsessed with me because I bought a rifle. Don't you have anything better to do. This is all so trivial. You know what makes a lot more fucking sense? You are trying to defame me because you are a Jew. You are pissed off because you know literally 1000s of people have been redpilled by me and you are trying to ruin me because of it. You are not anti liberal at all. What you are is a JIDF faggot trying to ruin the reputation of a white man fighting back against the Jews.

kneo24 ago

why do you even fucking care.

It's a good question, but one that has an obvious answer. People like you thrive on getting power to steer narratives to their own liking. You could be a kike, you could just be a narcissistic batshit insane person. It doesn't matter. You lie to gain influence and that in of itself is enough. It's worse if you're really a Jew though.

You know what makes a lot more fucking sense? You are trying to defame me because you are a Jew.

Again, your stories don't match up and you won't even begin to address that.

The only reason Technip says 2010 to present is because I did not update the profile when I left the company. I never use Linkedin anyway.

I find this hard to believe. You seem to enjoy being active on social media, even to the point of promoting yourself where you can. If you were so jobless, why wouldn't you use social media to try and gain a job? It wouldn't take you long to update it and it's another opportunity to network.

white man

It really makes me wonder if you're a (((white man))).


TexasVet ago

Who the fuck are you? I am not about to start answering questions from some other loser too. Fuck off you faggot.

kneo24 ago

Well that seals it for me. You're definitely a (((white man))). All I've done is point out inconsistencies that others have pointed out, ones that you've refused to answer. Your non response just further makes you look hook nosed.

TexasVet ago

Fuck you faggot

kneo24 ago

"The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you!"

You must be one of them low IQ Jew's from Israel. You can barely form any thoughts above the response level of "muh dick" like some nigger.

Crensch ago

Read a lot of your recent comments - impressive argumentation.

TexasVet ago

Blah blah blah. I don't have time for useless distractions like you. I am busy trying to save my race. Ha! I'm a Jew. God you're so brilliant. I stand in utter awe of your deductive prowess. Hahahahaa.

antiliberalsociety ago

You WILL have time when the detective comes knocking though. It's going to be a bit harder to deflect, project, and ignore questions from him. You've been through this before haven't you...

kneo24 ago

Blah blah blah. I don't have time for useless distractions like you.

And you lie yet again. If you believed this was a useless distraction and didn't have time for it, you wouldn't put forth the effort to respond.

I am busy trying to save my race.

Yes, we know you want to save your (((race))).

Ha! I'm a Jew. God you're so brilliant. I stand in utter awe of your deductive prowess. Hahahahaa.

If you don't want to be called a Jew, you don't act like one.

Hand_of_Node ago

That guy's stories just don't add up. I doubt he's a jew though. I don't do "social media", but from what I read here, along with his responses, strikes me as more of a drug addict or something. I get the impression he's trying to become a presence on social media, or gain power for some reason. It's very strange, especially combined with begging for money on the internet... He could "help the white race" by taking his weird act and disappearing.

As far as being a vet goes, who isn't a vet? You just had to be in the military.

As for begging on the internet goes, you lose ALL credibility when you do that. Doesn't matter if you're a scammer or not.

Verdict: Drugs, mental issues, or both.

antiliberalsociety ago

Why did you neglect to update it? Isn't that fraudulent? If anyone is the jew it's the one defrauding people for money. Look at you panic.

TexasVet ago

Its just a fucking linked in profile. How the fuck is it fraud unless you try to use it to apply for a job? For fucks sake you desperate little worm just fuck off already.

antiliberalsociety ago

It shows you lied. Oh look at that last part

Says right on the gofundme site.

BTW do you sometimes use the alias Sean Sweet? I'm seeing some criminal history using several aliases including your name.

Hand_of_Node ago

I think you're onto something. His stories and evasions are covering up something weird. I suspect drugs and/or mental issues, but who knows? One thing is for sure, begging for money on the internet (whether scam or loser) is not exactly a characteristic of a person out "saving the white race".

TexasVet ago

Blah blah fuckin blah. You're so obsessed with me. How does it feel to have such little meaning in your life that you would do all of this for so long over one rifle. You are about as worthless of a person as I can bring myself to imagine a person being. What a loser.

antiliberalsociety ago

You..... Failed to answer. Doesn't look good for you.

kneo24 ago

Really? If it's not a scam, why did your story change? First it was, "can't work, need food, have medical bills" to "just needing food bro!", while you were working and discussing your work. The only person defaming you here is yourself due to your inconsistencies in your story.

Telling me to suck your dick while calling me a communist faggot is a bit ironic, isn't it? Could you project any harder here?

truthwoke33 ago

Remember collective help is bad unless we're all pitching in money for him and then collective help is good. Duh.