ar151488 ago

Also be aware of misinformation designed to make you look bad. Always fact check before you share.

WickedVocalist ago

There are a few people who seem to be getting large 1099 or payroll payments for things everyone else has to do for $20-25 an hour with no OT.

We want to know why.

2impendingdoom ago

For complete coverage of the Awan's check out The Daily Caller website, which produced the original source material.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I'm glad this is having attention brought to it but i always wonder what is being said right now that i dont know anything about that i ALSO wont see because of some shilling going on. Censorship through distraction

Edit: Look at that. A downvoat haha shills gonna shill.

NonsenseAbounds ago

Geez, I leave for a few days and all shit has hit the fan. What is this with Awan Brothers? Is there a summary I can see somewhere?

UglyTruth ago

TLDR; Evidence of fraud and possible blackmail by Congress IT staffers, massive opportunity for espionage, connection to propaganda for war with Iraq.

NonsenseAbounds ago

Ok, thank you very much for the summary and video. Shit is cray

monkeytoe101 ago

This and the ongoing DNC case are the two BIGGEST stories MSM is not covering.

Shiggz ago

Dio we have someone with backend access that can expose known shills? Shouting shareblue shill and brocksucker does some good. But tracking their patterns and which vpns they use would be better.

WickedVocalist ago

Shiggz 2 points (+3|-1) 4 hours ago

Dio we have someone with backend access that can expose known shills? Shouting shareblue shill and brocksucker does some good. But tracking their patterns and which vpns they use would be better.

permalink save source reply report 

@st_r or @brocksucker probably doesn't wanna be your patsy, bro. Stop trying to entrap people.

Shiggz ago

Id love one post a day on daily shill strategy.

New_years_day ago

This is so fucking shady, it makes my ex-girlfriend look like sunshine

kestrel9 ago

Just saw it this morning, great video with a lot info that can used in posts.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Ok the shills are in full force today

....proceeds to shill.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Ow, so reason. Such smart. Can you open a can of spam with your face?

Rummel ago

Yes, face, feet, phantom arm

If there's a can of spam, consider it open, come hell or high water

Rummel ago

I shill for the red white and blue

Red for the color of Seth Rich's blood after he was murdered

White for the color of Seth Rich's skin

Blue for the color of blood Seth Rich had when it was still in his body

Octoclops ago

Deoxygenated blood isn't actually blue just so you know.

TrumpCucked ago

(((Seth rich))) is probably living in israel you fuck Tard!

He faked his death! He is a jew!

jbnunez ago

I have really noticed a huge amount of shills today.

ShowMeThePunny ago

Just went to and the story is no where to be found.

Awful-Falafel ago

They had a segment on it this morning I think.

Rummel ago

Fox News sucks like the rest of dinosaur media

8Ball ago

So that's why they didn't take their rioting and protesting to the next level to start a civil war and instigate martial law. They had everything to gain. Or their thinking was that they had to lose something (the presidency) to gain something (senate votes, hate speech legislation, control of the media, etc). We were going to hang. And it's frightening how no MSM outlet gave it much coverage.

Rummel ago

Start here. Start posting more news and info related to this scandal. We obviously very obviously have struck nerves with the shills when we bring up Seth Rich, and that murder is related to this scandal.

Seth Rich was the leaker, Awan's brother was with him the night he was murdered.

Dead serious, this is your homework for today. Flood v/politics with the Awan Brothers and the pile of cooked ramen scandal

10000-20000 ago

stop fucking spreading that fake shit that there was an Awan at the party.

I know all brown people look the same, but that dude was a long time friend of seths.

Obama_BinLadin ago

Brownie alert!

Kool4Kek ago

Debbie first to speak about Seth death Then Hillary at anti-gun rally...

Cat-hax ago

There was an anti gun rally I don't know about not wth

kestrel9 ago

I agree about the importance of keeping attention on the Awan/DWS/DNC scandal, but I haven't seen proof that an Awan brother was with Seth Rich the night he died. Has that been shown to be true beyond a doubt?