conspiracyprincess ago

PLEASE SOMEONE EXPLAIN: so this is a photo from the gathering he attended before he died ?? If this is so don't you think it's odd how he is the only one in the center surrounded by his comrades ?

cantsleepawink ago

That picture of Seth Rich in the bar was taken in 2015.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

So is it Awan behind Trey Gowdy in the hearings?

DonutofShame ago

I've been studying the video at

and comparing to the pictures

And it very much seems like it is the same person with a different haircut and facial hair. The nose seems the same as the awan2.jpg picture. The ears appear the same. The eyes look the same. The eyebrows look different from different angles (which I noticed on pause when he looks down). In certain spots you can see the indentation on his forhead and his hairlines and beard lines match pretty well. His mouth also looks the same.

Delorean77 ago

Where's the footage of that guy being apprehended at Dulles International Airport ?..... nobody had a camera ... ?.... How about a mug shot..... ?

10000-20000 ago

I'm sorry! I was only regurgitating previous info

dickface888 ago

They look nothing alike, it's like when people tried saying the bearded drag queen drenched in blood was Alefantis.

conspiracyprincess ago

I think because some have been so red pulled recently there's this wave of hysteria as if anything is everything. It's good to question things even within this community. I'll tell ya tho, that DRAG queen was definitely not alefantis. Too porky 🐷

VieBleu ago

Miss Summercamp is the drag name of that person, an employee at CPP

Ohsoedgy ago

Or when people swear that fatherhood video is Podesta. There's just not enough proof to make that claim.

islandofdelight ago

the fatherhood video is Podesta. I know this from a source who knows, not speculation, guessing or larping. These are LEAKS. Deep down people know it's him. Just like they know he and Tony took Madeleine McCann.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Well, until you have verifiable proof, I'm sorry, but it is in fact, speculation.

angry_mob ago

i thought it was alefantis but that was before i had really taken a good look at him. when someone pointed out that was not him, it thought oh ok, maybe you're right.

Blacksmith21 ago

I thought the same as well. And then it became some "settled fact". Pretty minute detail, but it is heartening to think that there are some of us out there that will call out the truth in the face of groupthink.

LDIP ago

The bearded drag queen drenched in blood.. what the fuck??

DonutofShame ago

There's also a metal object in the background that some say is the cages. JimmyComet comments: "Sex"

VieBleu ago

Unfortunately every bar and restaurant owner can explain having such cages as they are commonly used to lock up top shelf liquor and other bar/restaurant assets.

DonutofShame ago

Right, and it may have nothing to do with this whole situation.

VieBleu ago

Primarily because of that survivor painting showing children locked in cages, I have to believe this happens whether we can prove it or not.

truthseekertx ago

lol. Yeah that was ridiculous

mooteensy ago

The title you used for your post about Awan brother and Seth Rich may have played a part in the disinformation. Not trying to point fingers, but it was highly upvoated and some people could have interpreted the title wrong or didn't do their homework.

truthseekertx ago

People must've drew their own conclusions. My intent of the initial post was to discuss two separate and new pieces of information from the Alicia Powe article. I hadn't even made that connection that Awan could have possibly attended the IT party, being as how they are connected to DNC in some way, until someone mentioned that in the comments.

I think it was more due to the fact that Powe used the picture at the bar with his friends, right above the section talking about the IT party, and after having talked about Awan. And the pic at the bar was posted near the day of his death. So people prolly just assumed that was the IT party. A post on reddit with the pic Powe used, starting being passed around that had been calling Seths friend Awan, just cuz the guy was dark skinned with a beard. That is what started circulating. Either way, just trying to make the point my intent was simply to share new info, not to stir up disinfo.

GoodGodKirk ago

a shill post? we were having ops happen here this weekend on voat.

*thanks for posting this, it was driving me crazy since i couldn't see the resemblance.

Shillaxe ago

Maybe an "IT" pizza party , ya know "hot dogs" with "walnut sauce" kinda thing 😉

ThePuppetShow ago

I haven't seen this one yet.. Good info though, if it's floating around. It's amazing people don't check for themselves before they share bs.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Amazing indeed. And sad. It's a huge problem in any research community. People just take shot and regurgitate it everywhere without bothering to verify for themselves. Glad to hear someone else feels the same. +1

truthseekertx ago

Blew up on twitter. Several youtube videos already were made on it too lol.

10000-20000 ago

I agree that it is not imran. but the picture you have up for imran is his brother.

truthseekertx ago

Haha....really? I thought that was the pic Webb was showing for Imran. Do you have a pic of Imran then, so I can update my post?

10000-20000 ago if you scroll almost to the bottom there is a picture. not really used to this phone yet or I would just save the picture. oh and btw, Webb is controlled opposition. most likely mossad

truthseekertx ago

I think your mistaken. The picture you gave is of Imran Awan, but a completely different Imran Awan. The one you sent works in the UK and is a senior lecturer and is a contributor to The Guardian. Check it out.

10000-20000 ago

I have found this through some more internet searches

and I don't think it is of the person you have posted

truthseekertx ago

But then even Tucker and Fox news use the pic I posted, when talking about Imran...

I'd like to think they actually checked to make sure the man pictured is the right Awan, before broadcasting it around. Guess I gotta look a little more into it.

10000-20000 ago

i have been looking for a while now and i cant seem to find the voat thread i thought I saw the other day. well, sorry for the confusion. and while I like tucker, I don't have any reason to trust what the Murdoch's want to air. thegatewaypundit article I linked has a different picture of supposedly imran, but I guess we will have to wait for his trial to see.

10000-20000 ago

ya know what, I was a little worried that it was a different one. there was a thread yesterday that had all of this discussed and had proper info. if I can find it I will ping you to let you know. sorry about that

truthseekertx ago

no worries.

10000-20000 ago

here is thread from a few days ago saying that picture is of a bid, Imran's brother. ://

DonKeyhote ago