UglyTruth ago

Evidence of Awan blackmail & fraud, connection to propaganda for Iraq war.

Haldelos ago

What need would an IT guy have to be sitting directly behind gowdy at a hearing like that?

SturdyGal ago

Does not look like the photos I have seen of arrested Awan Pic But does not mean this isn't significant.

SecondAmendment ago

Does anyone know how the hell Awag got seated right over Trey's shoulder? This is sketchy AF. I'd love to know who picked their seats.

UglyTruth ago

Alex Jones isn't as isolated case, there is a lot of video of that effect happening with reporters & political figures.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

This freak you know is singing like a canary! Debbie Whaaaa Schultz is soo distraught, I think Awan gave her more than just info. Pretty sure the Evil Pedo freak put the kinks in her hair also!

seekingpeace ago

Are you sure that is the right guy? Or is this a case of all Asians look alike?

UglyTruth ago

It's not like anyone can just walk in and stand where he was. I'd bet dollars to donuts that there's nobody else who looks like him who had the means to be there in the first place.

dassaer ago

"dollars to donuts"

TrishaUK ago

The 'demon eyes' thing reminds me of Killary on many occasions. - Another time when James Comey is testifying in Congress, there are threats from behind Jason Chaffetz reminding him to keep his mouth shut! In fact both men behind Chaffetz show the signs of 'Silence and Death' - (At 40seconds) EXPOSED Proof FBI Director Comey Threatened With The Masonic Oath Of Silence For Hillary's Crimes - All of these people are just plain evil and cover eachothers backs!! ps.New link for video now working!!

10013454? ago

Video not available:( I watched that one live, too, and it was obvious to me that comey's life and family were threatened judging by his body language, tone, and careful word choices.

TrishaUK ago

What the heck? I actually watched that video again before I posted it 2 days ago, they are even removing that, which has been available for years on the internet? These demons are covering their tracks all over the internet. So sad! Its like we are doing their job for them when we share the 'proof' of corruption because they just then delete it. I dont know how to save a youtube video :(

10038569? ago

That scrubbing action really creates a solid impression of their guilt

Truthplease5 ago

is there any record of the people present during the questioning in question - if it was public?

Shillaxe ago

Id love to know who else works in that IT department.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Sing you dirty fuck, sing.

carlofusilier ago

LOL this guys fucking face. Could he make it any more obvious? Go to jaaiiillll.

fartyshorts ago

That's not Imran Awan...

carlofusilier ago

Looks like him to me. Worst case scenario, its not him, but we are talking about him anyway. Even if it is, its not like this is any sort of proof we can use.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

That face had me LOLing, how fucking possessed / evil can one guy look

FuriousYT ago

There's Awan in the back raising his eyebrow and giving the Frankenstare, sitting in the corridors of power, right out in the open, probably working for the CIA to blackmail Congress, being used by DWS to corrupt the primary, and possibly even involved directly in the murder of Seth Rich, not to mention links to Pizzagate. Un-believable. You can't make this stuff up...

retreaux ago

That's not Awan

10013430? ago

Who is it? Is there a nametag or a roster for this hearing? I watched it live on amicus and I remember thinking how bizarre his facial expressions were.

retreaux ago

Not sure but definitely bizarre. Comparing pics between the two shows them to be completely different looking guys. Just dark.

10038579? ago

There has to be a roll call or a sign in sheet!

traymcmoran ago

That Trey sure is a moran. Look at him sitting there with an Awan right behind him. Hahahah Trey is dumber than dirt. Trey looks like a dueling banjos hillbilly moran. What a dope, he doesn't even have a clue.

HillBoulder ago

Welcome to voat moran. You will soon find out voat is designed to burn shills like your 21 minute old account to the ground.

TrishaUK ago

He/she/it @traymcmoran does not even know how to troll/shill, 1st post and we spot him/her/it immediately. I think 'moran' is the right description! Oh well, I guess payment will be on the way from either way!! What an idiot. Makes our job easier not having to work out if they are troll/shills hahahaha

HillBoulder ago

Something wrong with that thing shoot it quick!

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. (edited) I'll check it out

DonKeyhote ago

I'm not posting directly at you. In fact youre a chick and partly the reason Millennial_Fagot and Vindikiker can get away with deleting my shit.

Kids blood on all your hands for your vanity and refusing to see the obvious.

blipblipbeep ago

Kids blood on all your hands for your vanity and refusing to see the obvious.

Just remember your shit stain... I own your last breath DonKeyhote.

You're pathetic.

cantsleepawink ago

and partly the reason Millennial_Fagot and Vindikiker can get away with deleting my shit.

How so?

DonKeyhote ago

Because women are fooled by "nice guy" shills and would never consider certain conlcusions no matter how clear the evidence because they're empathetic and don't want to hurt feelings.

Example, just today DickMeth said "let'd say Jews at 2% are doing 10% of the PG, we focus on the 90% so we are really helping not you"

They drop these illogical bullshit lines for YOURS AND LURKERS BENEFIT, and haven't been laughed out of here.

BIGLY17 ago

Terribly put w/ the generalities but overall point isn't completely offbase. My take is this is not necessarily only or even mainly women...there are plenty of shill cucks to go around as well.

I don't know your story Keyhote - seen you on here for months/yrs+ (fuck if I even know how long I've been lurking) but haven't given a shit...still don't. However, most jew assertions you make are on point despite your tendency to SCREAM type them.

DonKeyhote ago

Man fuck you. I talk how i likes.

cantsleepawink ago

I'm aware of the 'good cop, bad cop' routines.

DonKeyhote ago

No, you're not aware of shit, bitch. You couldn't deduce whether its 2 a.m. or 2 p.m.

That's the entire problem with the VANITY on display here. "He's a shill, I can see right through it like omg so obvz"

Just take messages and facts for what they are not WHO YOU THINK SAYS THEM Jesus christ

cantsleepawink ago

That's what I try to do dear. Time for your meds.

FuriousYT ago

"The Art of Friendship" [spiral]


DonKeyhote ago

I got some stuff on Jeh and his dentist wife, do you? Does that vid go into eb5s and is that visa program relevant to the awans? Could be a good angle since Hillary was involved

cantsleepawink ago

Jeh and his dentist wife...Nope, I don't have anything.

Video does not go into eb5s..the visa program might be related though. Think I heard someone mention it in relation to the Awans a little while back.