split ago

that's just stupid

TheRealChairJew ago


Blue333 ago

You have to wonder how, and why, and when, he became the "monster' the media portrays him as now.

Let's look back. When he first ran in the Republican primaries he was painted as a buffoon...someone who had no chance. He was entertaining... sure....but to their minds he was hardly a threat. Then things started to get serious when he dominated in the primary...it was at that point the turncoats began to reveal themselves...the Romeys, the Ryans, etc. But Bernie was still in the race...(and need I remind you at this point Hillary was still largely despised by many young liberals)... Bernie was their man. But over time Bernie looked weak and frail...and old...and he was too much of an outsider - so he was bought and sold like a cheap whore. It was at this point the media pushed Hillary and exalted her to new heights. She became the anointed one. The "I'm with Her" campaign emerged as they grasped for female voters. And with this they knew they had to find an Achilles heal with Trump because he was booming...becoming more and more powerful. He knew how to work the media and penetrate their shields. So they aimed for what they thought would be their most powerful target - misogyny - because they knew they had to secure that female vote with Hillary (after all, that was what she was riding on). So they tried to dig up some ancient, irrelevant sh*t on Trump and milk it for all it was worth. Of course it didn't stick. The public saw through it.

But now he's in office and now the threat is real. They need to assassinate him...and I don't mean in the flesh...I mean his character. They've already thrown out the "racist" card. And the "xenophobic" card. The "homophobic" and "bigot" card. They're not really working. So the latest attempt is to try to paint him as incompetent. As not knowing how to lead. As inexperienced and unable to "control his cabinet." It's all bullsh*t.

I don't doubt they're trying to sabotage him from the inside. And I don't doubt they're trying every means necessary to take him down. You have to wonder - will it ever end? How will all this end?

Quite frankly I find it amazing. The level of hostility he's faced during his campaign, and now, while in office, is unprecedented.

split ago

Why do you bend over backwards to convince yourself that what he said might possibly be true? It's plainly a lie no matter how you look at it, like almost everything else that comes out of his mouth

eyeswim ago

LOL. Fantastic!

Kannibal ago

It is much more complicated than that, but RvD is a convenient template for common discussion

Jixijenga ago

Again, back to the bullshit with you. I knew it was pointless to even engage you because you cannot function like a fucking adult.

Heh, criticism? What criticism. Honestly. What criticism. You're not giving criticism.

You haven't actually put forth criticism of Trump, you just mention shit like impeachment which creates the illusion that there might actually be a reason for impeachment

You are the fucking moron who keeps bringing up impeachment! Not me.

You haven't "triggered" me,

Twenty days ago I suggested that, if it's necessary, it has to happen. It was a rather off-handed comment anyway, it wasn't even a central portion of my post. It was akin to saying, "yeah and fuck people who don't use their blinker!" in a conversation about drinking and driving.

Your response to this off-handed comment? You took it and you ran with it for twenty. Fucking. Days.

If "triggered" had a physical avatar you would be it right now.

Going through my posts I found three instances where I even typed the word "impeach" aside from posts I made in response to you saying I'm calling for impeachment. (PROTIP: I'm not)

  • The initial post 20 days ago where I didn't actually suggest he needed to be impeached.
  • A post about impeaching 9th Circuit judges, you know, those people who got in the way of the immigration ban you're mindlessly shilling for.
  • A post debunking an article calling for Trump to be impeached.

Literally every other instance has been in response to you, I don't normally type the word that often so it's quite easy to search for. Out of my comment mentions you dominate them and every time it's the same thing, "yah this Jixijenga wants to impeach Trump leftist globalist faggot shill!" Every time! It's like you can't fucking help yourself at this point, and when I point out how fucking wrong you are by quoting my own posts you fuck off until the next time you lose your marbles. You did the same thing when I pointed out why I was mad that Trump wasn't holding the Saudis to task, you retreated with your tail between your legs and didn't have shit to say about it. Not a goddamn peep. You forgot about that, didn't you? I haven't.

You do it every time because you clearly do not have the spine to admit you got caught balls deep in the family dog when you snuck over to fuck the preacher's daughter, and every goddamn time I hold you to task in a big final post just like this one.

Frankly, pal, you don't have any room to even comment on what's rational and you sure as shit don't have any ground to tell me to grow up. I'll see you the next time you throw a tantrum, because I'm done dealing with deceitful cocksuckers for today.

Kannibal ago

Use the same standards for both sides.

Got a problem with that?

Only it if makes you look bad.

Snow1 ago

Shill War! below, all over:


Ad Hominem

Personal Incredulity



eyeswim ago

LOL... fucking A!!

Snow1 ago

Black-And-White Fallacy

Personal Incredulity

Well Called Out Shill by Many

Jixijenga ago

Why is it even necessary to talk about it?

what exactly is your agenda here bringing it up so consistently?

There's no reason or need to bring it up as a talking point, you're doing this on purpose.

Quite literally my first response to you had a link to a reply to an article talking about impeachment. I didn't bring it up. Other people are talking about it.

You're trying to bring it up as if it's actually a concern.

I have consistently said it isn't because he hasn't done anything to warrant it.

You've never stated or explained why it might need to be done.

Get this! I don't have the ability to see into the future!


You just frame it like anyone who disagrees with you is a "god emperor" worshiping mindless pleb.

Really buddy? Really? This is not the first time you've gone on some autistic rampage dragging me all over this motherfucking site because I made you mad. My comment mentions? Most of them are by you and every one contains the word "impeach" and you're sure to call me a "leftist shill" in spite of me getting angry at you when you defended Trump's decision not to go after more Muslims. Yeah, some leftist. I'm surprised you haven't started spamming me with cuck porn too when you have your little episodes.

You put on your gleaming armor and charge off to defend Trump whenever I say anything even remotely critical of him and I suspiciously lose 10-30 CCP every time you show up. "God emperor" worshiping mindless pleb?

Well if the shoe fits.

However right now there's absolutely no reason to bring it up or discuss it and here you are posting several of your quotes over the past month bringing up impeachment.

Aside from the initial triggering you suffered and replying to a thread about somebody calling for Trump to be impeached nearly every other time I even wrote the word "impeached" has been in response to you.

The one time it wasn't was when I was talking about removing 9th Circuit judges.

I am not the one bringing it up or discussing it, you are.

Oh, and while we're on that subject; so what? We can talk about it. We should talk about it. I'm not going to tip-toe around your fucking feelings dude. Fuck off. You can scream and shower me in downvoats and quote me all across the site to get people in on your brigading posse, but you have destroyed any reason to be considerate toward you.

unlike Voat who would not make excuses for Trump if he fucked up.

Wrong. Flat-out wrong, and you're the evidence why that's wrong. We're here because you cannot handle criticism he slightest of Trump like a rational adult.

You show up even when I'm not critical of the fucking guy, you just show up and grunt about shills and leftists and then get mad when I don't want to play with you.

Here's a question for you: why is my comment mentions full of mentions by you? What possible fucking purpose could these posts have besides bullshit SJW-tier virtue signalling via made up bullshit that I have to smack down every time?

You do realize why you disgust me, right? I watched you squeal in another thread about that very fucking behavior and you do it to me whenever you're having a fit.

pztmp ago

The rouge elements in various intelligence agencies are afraid that their plan to subversively control the middle east will be exposed by Trump. They are wrong if they think that only Trump can expose them. Welcome to the information age! If they hurt Trump in any way, shape or form, there will be a backlash unlike anything that we can imagine.

Jixijenga ago

Oh? You mean where I said, "if he does something to deserve it I absolutely support impeaching him," and other similar comments?

Six days ago:

If he deserves impeachment, yes, I endorse it. I'm sorry this hurts your feelings (no I'm not lmao) but the president isn't some god-king and I don't worship him.

Nineteen days ago:

I just said flat out if it's necessary it's necessary.

lmao nice to know I made you so mad you're tagging me all over voat. How aren't you a SJW again?

Twenty days ago:

I'm not ashamed of a motherfucking thing, this needs to be known because if we elected a fucking Saudi shill to office it can't be ignored. Election's over with, if impeachment needs to happen it needs to happen.

Same thread, after the first InHysterics triggering:

Boo hoo hoo. Wahh cry me a fucking river I'm not in your faggot circlejerk club. If your man can't stand up to scrutiny then he's bad for America.

Not once have I called for his impeachment. I said if it is necessary then it needs to happen, because shitheads like you who can't go five minutes without ardently worshiping somebody would throw a fit.

Key word though. If.



If it's necessary.

Nowhere have I said that it is necessary. This is why you don't deserve respect or an argument, you stupid, shilling faggot.

sunshine702 ago

Normal Americans are tired of all the protests and violence. We want law and order and campaign promises fufilled while we go to work and care for our families. All this Antifa / airport protesting/day without an illegal makes normal Americans disgusted. Also the IC leaks - if I was caught at work trying to make my boss look bad I would surely be fired. You know if Obama had retired to North Carolina like he promised instead of directing all this crap with Soros in DC the Dems may have won again eventually. Now I don't see it for a long time.

FPH1 ago

Poll: Trump's approval rating at 39 percent

Maybe you need to get out of your right wing bubble.

VOATbacksDarthVader ago

Rummel posts nonstop all day. But still its Alternative Facts.

Not only is this completely false, and repeated frequently, but 3,000,000 more Americans support Hillary than Trump. You can support Trump, but try not to LIE.

FPH1 ago

That was awhile ago. Many more oppose Trump now that he has not drained the swamp, hired many Goldman Sachs people, not prosecuted Hillary, not sued the women claiming he sexually assaulted them, worked with Russia in efforts to remove sanctions, and now breaking his promises regarding Medicare and Medicaid. All lies. So many. Too many to list.

But blind supporters will not see it. Even when he is taking money out of their pockets.

Jixijenga ago

Hmm. Well I did make a rather lengthy post about the call to actually impeach Trump here.

Days ago too, and not once do I say in that wall of text, "Trump needs to be impeached." Not once. I did say the opposite, over and over and over.

So no, you're wrong once again.

RonaldMcShitlord ago


Some1son ago

The "incident" with the black lady? 45% of the American public does not understand sarcasm. He asked her to set up the meeting because he already tried and they don't return his calls. He talked of bad politics. What do you think would happen to the far left if the leaders of the black community started returning his calls and working with him to start solving inner city problems? If they allow Trump to start working harder than a black democrat president, how would that make them look? The thing about Trumps style of talking is that you can clip it all up into sound bites and make him look bad. But when you listen to everything hes saying it makes PERFECT sense. The media will talk for DAYS about 306 votes issue, it's just not important and the majority knows it! You have to understand the media is not there for you. They represent special interests ONLY and you should be very critical of everything you see on TV. Most importantly, if you do watch TV news, make sure you are balancing your info out with MULTIPLE credable online sources, dig for the truth it's out there and the best defense against fake news is knowledge but that takes work and people are busy. I would say either don't watch the news (recommended) or do some research online a little bit every week. Look, if I'm having a conversation with a family member and they blow a fact out of proportion to prove a point I may call them out on it, sure. But I would not throw it in their face over and over again and scream it out every media channel, trying and slander them. That is what the media does. Comparing the media to the president about facts, the media should be unbiased and let the people decide and be trusted with facts. All major media outlets are out to make money and they do that by causing shit out of nothing because that's what gets them money. The people are not stupid we don't need our opinions rammed down our throats like this, but that is what a business does. We live in a business world and we have to tolerate this, think of it as entertainment. It needs consumers to survive. There is a disgraceful amount of lies going on in the media, and I do enjoy talking about it when people bring it up, about how bad it has gotten. Welcome to Voat

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

go cry on reddit about being downvoted by the meanies at voat, you nigger loving faggot

trump is gonna maga and take a shit down the throats of liberals like you world wide

markrod420 ago

We really don't believe it. I elected trump. Because the media told me not to. Period.

GimmeTheUsual ago

ShillCeption -- "I specialize in a very advanced form of shilling...."

eyeswim ago

HILARIOUS!!! please elaborate on your ' very advanced form or shilling...' ?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Trump isn't perfect

only president in my lifetime to fulfill his campaign promises

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

fight me irl!

do your parents know their 12 year old "son" goes on sites like this?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what if i told you I'm gun metal grey, I'm an attack helicopter, I was born a helicopter, and I voted for harambe? we need to unite this country

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Telling some to shut up is a form of censorship isn't it?

jesus christ you people have a middle school level understanding of political discourse

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if being a successful business man, bestselling author, and president of the united states with a wonderful family means you are an idiot than you and most other people are at drooling retard levels of incompetance

Faustian ago

You're using the pledge of allegiance as your precedent?

Sure, but it'd still be unconstitutional.


Fuck no.

Then why abolish the EC? NM... I don't care..... keep livin' the dream, man.

Faustian ago

Are you a potato?




democracy is unconstitutional

This is interesting. We are not, have never been, a true Republic and we are not a true democracy; we're a hybrid. Stating a republic form of government doesn't necessarily negate democracy, *they're not antithetical and *they're not mutually exclusive either. Could we be more democratic, absolutely. Should we be?

p0ssum ago

Why would I want to do that? It's like talking to 12-year olds on here anyhow, so I figured I'd make it authentic.

Rummel ago

What 12 year old is interested in politics? Do you often talk to 12 year olds with political opinions?

p0ssum ago

Present company included?

Rummel ago

Hmm, why are you talking to 12 year olds on the Internet, considering you're almost 50?

p0ssum ago

I always try to help stupid children, it's the right thing to do.

Rummel ago

So do you volunteer and donate to charities for children?

Or do you just like talking to little kids on the Internet?

p0ssum ago

So do you volunteer and donate to charities for children?

And soup kitchens, and teach internet to senior citizens and under privileged children. Anything else you'd like to know? As I said, I like to help children.

Rummel ago

Yeah, and I have a toilet made out of solid gold

GiantMeteor2016 ago

As long as we are gerrymandering districts nobody is "authentically" elected.

Rummel ago

I travel around PA and Ohio a lot. The insane amount of Trump signs Ive seen during election season says gerrymandering has nothing to do with it.

GiantMeteor2016 ago

I live and travel all over GA, I've seen maybe 5 signs, and Trump won the state by 73%. Signs don't mean shit.

GiantMeteor2016 ago

Yeah great evidence you got there

split ago

Even asserting he had the biggest GOP EC victory since Reagan is a lie

armday2day ago

It doesn't do much good saying it here

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you'd be surprised

MinorLeakage ago


I pointed out that you're trying to censor him

Are you Sanegoat or something? I'll tell anyone I want, anything I want. Thanks. You kids and your fascination with "Trump" and "censorship" always brings a smile to my face.

MinorLeakage ago

I'm male, I was born male

Funniest shit I read all day

MinorLeakage ago

I talk tough on the internet? Like that time I tried to challenge someone to fight, on the internet? Not sure if this is your first rodeo kid, but we can do this all day if you like.

Faustian ago

You claimed the proposition of 'democratically elected representatives' violates Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution. It does not, hence the pic. Now you claim that the Electoral College is unconstitutional but for the fact that the Constitution explicitly creates the Electoral College, which was established to ensure the sovereignty of each state, to ensure each state is duly represented in general elections. EC was later refined in the 12th Amendment. If this safeguard did not exist, midwest states fall to the mercy of more industrialized, heavily populated states.

p0ssum ago

Grow up.

Might be a little late for that, Im almost 50 ....

Kannibal ago

we'll need to see his birth certificate, just to be sure, y'know, just in case.



Seriously, if you are this bent out of shape after not even one month, how are you going to cope with 4 years of this shit?

Rummel ago

I'll get by

p0ssum ago

I was matching childish insults with more childish behavior ... see how that works?

MinorLeakage ago

How many rupees do they pay you a day? You should ask for a raise. Your English seems better than some others.

Faustian ago

is unconstitutional


The electoral college exists so that states with the highest populations, such as NY and CA, don't get to decide elections on their own, leaving midwest states at their mercy.

MinorLeakage ago

I'm thoroughly concerned about your opinion. No one gives a shit about this website's potential or your tears.

EllenPaosEgo ago

not agreeing with someone is censorship

When Soros sends his shills he is not sending his best

MinorLeakage ago

It's downright funny. I assume most of them are poor children from India, etc, being paid a few pennies a day to post. Which explains their tenuous grasp on the English language.

BlackGrapeDrank ago


TRUMP! "Very fake news". Amazing. Best press conference EVER.


GimmeTheUsual ago

Watching Trump cockslap all the fucking uppity reporters in there was fucking awesome. He totally OWNED the CNN and BBC dudes, not to mention the slap-down for the beanie-wearing token jew reporter... lol, that was classic.

MinorLeakage ago

Looks like it's time for you to make another new account friend. Lol.

Some1son ago

Nice account by the way, did you watch the whole speech or just clips? When you listen to what he's talking about in the context in which he says it, it sounds like how normal people talk. Anyone can make a speech and have it clipped into something that sounds bad. The press is a circus and the people see through it. Trump is doing everything he can to create jobs and the people know this. Even the things you sited in your quote make you look stupid. You can't bring him down, shill.

MinorLeakage ago

Make me. (6 day old account faggot)

Faustian ago

I realize we are a republic that democratically elects our representatives, and we have a general for our POTUS. What's your point?

NotAnIdiot ago

The promises he's fulfilled are not sustainable.

Didn't say they were, and that's not the point.

He's going to fail at almost all of them except TPP.

That sounds more like an opinion than a fact.

What promises is he upholding?

Well, the huge one is draining the swamp as he calls it. He's placing limitations on lobbyists. He's working on cutting funding to sanctuary cities. Building pipelines and cutting regulations. Keep in mind it's been a month. If you don't think he's doing a lot you're holding unrealistically high expectations.

cointelpro_shill ago

DAE think rummy is putting his own macaroni pictures on the fridge, if you know what i mean

Rummel ago

I'm half Italian and this is very offensive

GimmeTheUsual ago

If you think Italians are offensive now, just wait until summer!


cointelpro_shill ago

lasagna is offensive

p0ssum ago

So cooperating and getting along with Russia is a bad thing in your eyes. Ok.

No, Im saying sucking on Putins cock is a fucking problem. He seems to swoon over Putin, he seems to be in LOVE with Putin. That's a bad thing. Again, Putin is not our friend. Can we work with them, possibly, but it needs to be done very carefully. It doesn't appear to me that Trump is careful about anything ....

Been one month.

You're the one that tried to use it as an accomplishment, I was just pointing out ain't NOTHING been accomplished yet.

Maybe, but not at the rate you're going.

Oh poor, poor me, it would be sooo cool to be as cool as YOU guys!

Faustian ago

A coup destabilizes our country, delegitimizes us as a superpower, and, most importantly, undermines our democracy. I can't believe there are Americans who are comfortable with this path. So many sheltered assholes that don't look to all of the countries who have had a coup d'etat in our lifetime and the turmoil those people still face as a direct result of such an upheaval. If Hill had gotten elected there would be a similar call to arms from the right. POTUS is having a difficult transition. Media is pouncing on every misstep, couple that with internal disarray, millions of Americans who do not want him in office, and our democracy may soon find itself in a crisis.

During the presser yesterday, POTUS inadvertently gave merit to all those leaks media is covering. Even before that, POTUS tweeted, "The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!" This to every other nation in the world is a sign of weakness, and we've made a lot of enemies over the last two centuries.

Dear intelligence community, if you're reading, don't fuck with our democracy. It's the one thing that unites us. Thanks.

p0ssum ago

It's been one month. Muslim ban temporarily shot down by federal court – new orders + Supreme Court nomination will tilt ban in favor of Trump. Criticizing Trump for a federal court opposing him is ridiculous – blame the court, not Trump.

Oh fuck no, that's ENTIRELY Trumps ball of wax. He wrote a clearly unconstitutional EO and thought he was king. It doesn't work that way, he tried to abuse the system and he got bitch slapped for it. Now, with their guidance, he should be able to write a correct EO and everything will be cool, but that bullshit he tried the first time around ain't gonna fly. It was a loser from the start, and they knew it.

Said Syria was a mistake. Wants to get along with Russia. Wants to protect Mexican borders. Wants to protect American jobs and has taken actions on it.

Syria was a mistake, duh. He wants to get butt fucked by Putin as far as I can tell. Putin is not our friend and never has been. Hasn't done shit on the border and the wall is nothing more than a waste of tax payer money. It's not like they can't climb or tunnel under a wall, they do it now. As far as jobs, most everything he's mentioned was already planned during the previous administration. We'll have to see how his protectionist policies play out.

I retract my former insult as you being beyond autarded would be a compliment.

You guys are sooo smart, maybe one day, I can be like you!

phenomenaldouche ago

He wrote a clearly unconstitutional EO and thought he was king.

Just about every legal expert disagrees with you on this, outside of the loony activist ninth court of appeals.

It doesn't work that way, he tried to abuse the system and he got bitch slapped for it.

lolwut--are you actually retarded? If the existing court decision really needed to be overturned he would take the decision to the supreme court and win on the merits, but that's not even required. He'll rescind the EO and release a new re-written one that will do away with the 9th circuit's whining (lol at their decision not even referencing the law that gives the executive branch the power to restrict immigration, a power that Obama used on multiple occasions).

p0ssum ago

Just about every legal expert disagrees with you on this, outside of the loony activist ninth court of appeals.

No, they don't, and it was also enjoined in Virgina. Here is some information from a previous post to allow you to educate yourself a bit(because you are badly misinformed):


If the existing court decision really needed to be overturned he would take the decision to the supreme court and win on the merits, but that's not even required.

No, he wouldn't, SCOTUS wouldn't even take this case, I gaurantee it. It's a loser for the reasons mentioned in the post above.

He'll rescind the EO and release a new re-written one

Which is what he should have done in the first place, rather than trying to play chicken with the judiciary. In the meantime, he's left us in SUCH PERIL. According to his own words. So instead of actually protecting us, by rescinding the current EO and re-writing it, he's going to spend another weekend at Mar-a-lago first(his 3rd weekend ouf of 4) and leave us in SUCH PERIL until next week. It almost makes you think we aren't in terrible peril and he's just trying to push a political agenda by grandstanding on National Security ....

p0ssum ago

They said both unelectable, and unfit. Don't twist. "Hillary was going to win in a landslide election."

Show me ONE article where they call him unelectable.

Knocked down TPP, commitment to wall, Muslim ban, repeal of Obamacare. You are beyond autarded.

He pulled out of TPP, nothing has been done on a wall, muslim ban immediately show down by courts, Not a thing with Obamacare has been done except maybe(and Im not even sure of this), the penalty for NOT having insurance has been removed.

Just because he might have gotten a few things done, doesn't mean he's fit to serve. Nothing above changes the fact that the man is a danger to both the country and the world in general. The man was talking about nuclear fucking war during a press conference to introduce his labor secretary. The man is unstable at best.

wesofx ago

The reason his fist ban failed was due to fowel-play by a lefty court. We'll see about the wall, I'm confident it will get through. Lots of people want the wall. Illegal immigration is my #1 issue.

p0ssum ago

they said trump was unelectable – our fuhrer will do great things. count on it.

No, they said he was unfit, and nothing he's done since he's been in office has changed that point of view.

wesofx ago

  1. He is banning the Muslims.
  2. He is building the wall.
  3. He will be reelected.

ArsCortica ago


Calgacus ago

How much shill would a Hill shill shill if a Hill shill could shill Hill??

SithEmpire ago

The same as the amount of wood Chuck Norris would chuck if he could (all of it)

p0ssum ago

Truly truly edgy. Not karma-whory at all.

Snow1 ago


Ad Hominem

Tu Quoque

Rummel ago

Karma? Are we on reddit?

I don't care about Internet points, I do care about getting my point across. This is where the fervent Patriots come when they get kicked off of reddit for being one notch to the right of Karl Marx. I speak with sincerity and I get up voted. I knew Trump was going to be president in 2015, while you kept telling us all to eat shit and give up because Clinton would win.

Fuck you, you're a sore, sore loser @p0ssum

I'd like to belive that we at voat had a hand in getting Trump elected.

And by the way folks, don't downvote @p0ssum 's comment above to oblivion, you might as well upvote him to the top and make an example out of the sore losers here. Check out his comment history to see some of the most disgraceful and laughable prognostications you'll ever read. It shows that he has no fucking idea what middle America meant in 2016, look at my comment history and you'll see that I completely understand the middle American strife.

p0ssum ago

look at my comment history and you'll see that I completely understand the middle American strife.



Tea_I_Am ago

He won based on his own talent, name recognition, personality. He, himself, found a tone and message that resonated with voters. He didn't surround himself with anyone who propelled him to victory. It was his own.

So how does that translate into "will he listen to his team"? Sessions, Bannon, Miller, Conway, Mnuchkin, Flynn. What vision do they have to accomplish all of these things?

ZYX321 ago

So brave. Who are you talking to here?

Rummel ago

Everyone who has eyes to read

Tea_I_Am ago

Which sets him up for failure. The ego problem is not just his. See the cover of Time. See every Kellyanne Conway interview. See whatever that bald twit was spouting out last weekend. This isn't something that can be band aided over. It's going to destroy his chances of doing any of the good that I believe he genuinely wants to do.

Why? Because he has real life, difficult choices to make. Infrastructure, military, walls, healthcare, tax cuts, all cost money. He can't deficit spend us to bankruptcy. Reality has to be accounted for. But his ego won't allow it. He thinks he can just will all of these things not only to get done but also to pay for themselves. No. Doesn't work that way.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Which sets him up for failure.

it's like you people honestly live in a different reality

FuckYouReddit- ago

Well then you must be racist.....or something......

Tea_I_Am ago

Okay. He won. Nobody cares how many electoral votes he won by. But he had to lie about his margin of victory. Nobody cares about Hillary anymore - she deservedly lost and should never be heard from again. But Trump had to bring her up when talking about Russia. Trump can't get over himself and his winning. That was 2016. This is 2017. Someone needs to tell him to get over himself and do some good. He's sabotaging himself. Don't blame the media, or Clinton, or Shumer, or Russia, or anyone. The buck has stopped. Take it up and stand or fall on your own accomplishments.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Trump can't get over himself and his winning.

the next 8 years are going to be hard for you

Tea_I_Am ago

I'm doing just great. And will continue to do so. You waiting for the benefit of the Trump administration to come to you? Gonna be a long never.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he's kicking out illegals already and the economy is looking up it's already better

phenomenaldouche ago

Nobody cares about Hillary anymore - she deservedly lost and should never be heard from again. But Trump had to bring her up when talking about Russia.

Except that he was talking about her idiotic Russian reset button days as Secretary of State, not making some campaign jab. Our foreign policy was fully retarded during the Obama/Clinton years and Trump is not going to make the same mistakes.

NotAnIdiot ago

Someone needs to tell him to get over himself and do some good.

I'm pretty sure he's fulfilled quite a few of his campaign promises. He's not just sitting there bitching about Hillary.

Rummel ago

Exactly 42 times

vacvape ago

Iz the sero significant?

Rummel ago

They paint out Trump to be a hateful venomous person, but the hate that I've seen is ALL coming from these 1 dimensional concern troll shills.

And do you ever notice they always directly aim their seering hatred at Trump? Never seems to be aimed towards Paul Ryan or someone who actually deserves to be ran out of town

To conclude, fuck you shills, we elected Trump, impeachment will never happen, and let's be real here, you don't want Trump impeached, you are wishing for an assassination. Which will be the next level of hysteria after realizing impeachment isn't viable.

Poot_McGarvey ago

49% Now trust Trump

39% Trust Legacy Media

BTFO Greasy David Brock Shills!

vacvape ago

ALL coming from these 1 dimensional concern troll shills.

You can just say CNN you know

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol no. it's so much more than that.

anyway @rummel YOU may try to say this bullshit everyday on voat, but if you attempted to speak outside the controlled narrative, you'd be silenced and character assassinated.

good luck,


Poot_McGarvey ago

Is that a threat?

People are waking up. I see it more and more every day.

GimmeTheUsual ago

Libtards love grasping at straws. To a libtard, its all about subjective "fairness", where to a conservative its about morality/values.

So they'll scream "unfair" and go "REEEEEEEE" until they get what they want.... but... I don't see yet-another-woman-march producing results, do you?

Its like they're totally out of ideas.... its fucking hilarious.

Magaman ago

I've noticed that the left's tactics of labeling people they don't agree with as racists has lost any effects so they have moved on now to calling people out as nazis.

Blue333 ago

Lol - yes they have to keep upping the anti. But what's worse than a Nazi? Because that'll soon lose its shine too...hmmm....

GimmeTheUsual ago

Atomic Nazis From The Moon

split ago

Nah. I got plenty of hatred for Paul Ryan too. I don't want Trump assassinated, I want him hospitalized so he can get the psychiatric care he needs. Nobody keeps repeating lies that much in the face of zero evidence unless he's got serious mental problems.

Watch the clip from yesterday's ridiculous presser where the reporter said "why should anyone believe you about anything if you're willing to come out here and repeat that lie about the electoral college?" His answer was "that's the number I was given." Not "I may have misspoken" or "my bad, that number is incorrect, then." This man's ego won't let him absorb and retain information that runs counter to his own supremacy. It's a fatal flaw straight out of Shakespeare and it will be his undoing.

Snow1 ago

This Shill has been Well Called Out by many.

split ago

People with different, and frankly more informed opinions than you aren't shills. I'm a well educated patriot and watching my country rot from the inside because of you arrogant deluded fuckers fills me with rage. Why don't you read some goddamn books. You'll find your opinions about everything change for the better


Your name fits you well, fucking shill. Only submitting to politics and barely any upvoting any other stuff. Hardly contributing

split ago

Politics interests me. What's it to you

MinorLeakage ago

This user has upvoted 10 and downvoted 0 submissions

He`s saying you've contribute nothing to this site in 1.2 years, and you can keep your bullshit to yourself.