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Jixijenga ago

Ho boy, here we go:

A president of the United States, on the official POTUS Twitter feed, assails a department store for dropping his daughter’s merchandise.

Not a reason.

On the same day, the Pentagon is looking to rent space in the Trump Tower.

They have a perfectly valid reason for doing this, so this doesn't count either. Though I do think a blind trust was necessary in regards to his business.

Trump’s son travels to Uganda to make a Trump business deal.

Completely irrelevant, not acting on behalf of the White House, etc. Not a reason.

And, of course, foreign diplomats will stay at the Trump Hotel.

I'm sure some will stay at Hilton and Marriott hotels too.

The phony legalisms Trump has said he used to “separate” himself from his businesses – though he still owns them and his sons are running them – will be cited to make this all acceptable. Horsefeathers. No ethical expert could say with a straight face that this is not a classic conflict of interest.

Wholeheartedly agree, but even if he was in direct control of his business nothing listed so far would have been evidence of corruption. His recent attempt to restrict immigration? Well, the argument is there that companies with Trump hotels weren't included and it has some weight. I'd say the fact that he campaigned on the idea that Obama, and the Democrats at large, were terribly policy makers also casts the official reasoning, "it was Obama's list," into doubt as well. Saudi Arabia, without a doubt, has done more to finance and sponsor terrorism against the USA than Syria.

This still really isn't a reason to impeach Trump, just a reason not to vote for him in 2020.

In any time except our post-factual era, no office holder, much less the president, could get away with any one of the dozens of dazzlingly illegal things Trump has already done. They would forfeit office immediately.

Trump ran against Clinton. I really don't need to say anything more on that, do I?

insulted allied world leaders, issued illegal and badly written orders, impugned a “so-called” judge appointed by his own party, and appointed the least-qualified cabinet ever

This has more weight to it, and if there was a case to impeach the guy this would be a good place to start. It's not enough though and by itself it is absolutely not a reason. I don't sit down and pig out on oregano flakes and claim I'm eating Italian, so don't put general dumbassery up as damning evidence.

Trump appointed a big-oil executive with close ties to Russia.

Questionable judgement, of course! Not really a reason to impeach Trump though.

Trump appointed a former Goldman Sachs exec who got rich foreclosing on homeowners.

Being a slimy liar has, apparently, been par for the course in regards to people who make it to the oval office. This is without a doubt shitty of Trump to do, but is it enough to impeach the guy? No.

The national security advisor lasted 24 days.

He resigned. Trump didn't defend him, he didn't try to cover it up, so it absolutely is not a reason to impeach Trump.

many hoped that Trump would “grow up” into the job – that he couldn’t possibly be as bad as some thought. Well, it’s gone the other way. The bully has become a more entitled bully.

Absolutely a reason not to vote for the orange hamplanet but not a reason to impeach him.

We now have a president who has no concept of separation of powers, or why we have three branches of government. If he knew anything about the Constitution, he would know the framers envisioned just the situation we have now – a would-be dictator.

I'm sorry, but what has he done that actually bumped against any of this? Not understanding things isn't new, the last Republican we had in the big chair was probably retarded and Obama was an effeminate fool with his head in the clouds.

Until he does something wrong there isn't grounds to impeach him.

I said that the Republicans would defend the indefensible, and their talking point would be “a father supporting his daughter.”

It was. Actually it appears Nordstrom's stock is going up in response to the tweet so clearly there hasn't been any super secret strikes against the company. Out of anything that could possibly be brought up, this is without a doubt the most petty.

But even Chaffetz had to choke when Kellyanne Conway urged people to buy Ivanka Trump’s shoes.

(endorsing something while acting as a government official is different than angrily shitposting on twitter, learn the difference)

So yeah.

We're how many days in and people are jumping the gun?

I'm sorry, lifelong Republican Mark P. Painter, this lifelong libertarian-leaning centrist just isn't seeing it.