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Jixijenga ago

This is about a religion that aims for world dominance.

Ignoring the rest of your post to focus on just this.

Saudi Arabia is the fucking enemy here. They're the #1 enemy in that fight, banning flights from Iran is fucking retarded if you're going to gloss over the one country that has been a thorn in our side since the 1950's. They fuck with us whenever they can, they finance terrorism, including the deadliest terror attack ever committed on US soil, they ruin our plans overseas, they have actively tried to destroy American companies by tanking oil prices, they've tried to destroy our economy consistently since the 1970's and all the while they infiltrate our government by corrupting weak traitors.

Do you remember when the families of 9/11 victims tried to sue Saudi Arabia? I do. It didn't go so well because the shitheads in the D.C. swamp didn't want the Saudis to get upset. Obama didn't want the Saudis to get upset. Hillary Clinton's campaign was heavily financed by Saudi money.

Oh, and Trump has business ties to Saudi Arabia too. Actually I think (digging for a source is hard) he was introduced to prince Al-Waheed Bin Talal back in the mid 2000's by his old buddy Bill Clinton. Funny! That same prince who suddenly wasn't Donald's friend when Hillary was running but when she lost he did another flip and is now buddies with Trump again.

I'm not ashamed of a motherfucking thing, this needs to be known because if we elected a fucking Saudi shill to office it can't be ignored. Election's over with, if impeachment needs to happen it needs to happen.

NeedPolyGF ago

And the Saudis are in cahoots with the Zionists.

Jixijenga ago

I'd say they have similar ambitions, the rest of us are just pawns to them. Both are enemies of America.