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MercurysBall2 ago

Speaking of LORD HAGUE:

Former Minister says Thatcher aide was paedophile who preyed on boys' home - and Hague should have known

A former Tory Minister last night made incendiary claims that one of Margaret Thatcher’s closest aides was implicated in one of the most harrowing child abuse scandals of recent times.

Rod Richards, a former Conservative MP and ex-leader of the Welsh Tories, made the shocking allegation that he had seen evidence linking Sir Peter Morrison to the North Wales children’s homes case, in which up to 650 children in 40 homes were sexually, physically and emotionally abused over 20 years.

Mr Richards also linked a second leading Tory grandee – now dead – to the scandals at homes including Bryn Estyn and Bryn Alyn Hall, both near Wrexham.

He said official documents had identified the pair as frequent, unexplained visitors to the care homes.

Mr Richards – who helped establish the inquiry that unearthed the scale of the abuse – said bluntly: ‘What I do know is that Morrison was a paedophile. And the reason I know that is because of the North Wales child abuse scandal.’

He added that William Hague, who was Welsh Secretary at the time of the inquiry, ‘should have seen the evidence about Morrison’.

Morrison was Lady Thatcher’s parliamentary private secretary and deputy chairman of the Conservative Party.

MercurysBall2 ago

Downward Bound:

Hard on the heels of Randy Andy, abseiling down the Shard in aid of Outward Bound, came William Hague's former private secretary, now wife, Ffion Hague nee Jenkins, OB's deputy chair, from deepest mid-Wales, Jolly Jenkins to her friends.

Outward Bound and Jimmy Savile Connected by @flyingcuttlefish

kestrel9 ago gives details of Phoenix's story about his abuse as a child at Outbound Ullswater Camp and the murder of a girl named Clare (that he witnessed).

In short, the British Crown, historically, has retained its power, globally, through a network of child-abuse facilities. Each time one is uncovered. All the evidence surrounding the camp is promptly 'lost' by Crown employees, or key participants eliminated.

By controlling the law-enforcement agencies of their territories, the British Royal Family can continue its criminal activities indefinitely. Notably, the system has been designed so that law does not apply to the Monarch. The Monarch is above the law, and law-enforcement swears allegiance to The Monarch, and not to the people.

The same system of exemption for the leader, operates in other large criminal organizations which modelled themselves on this Monarchical power system.

**Trigger warning regarding the video included at the end of article :(

What happened when Phoenix tried to report his account to the UK police. @clickclone thanks for pointing this out. Phoenix's story is in the article video, he talks about his attempt to report it, but the video tells what he would have told the police had they been interested in actually investigating the murder of Clare and the systemic child torture rape happening at the Elite British school/Outward Bound.


MercurysBall2 ago

Corrupt banks, the royal family and their 'wildlife' charities which appear to be fronts for all sorts of things..

Ship Seized In Record $1.3 Billion Cocaine Bust Belongs To JPMorgan. Could they be trafficking in other things?

A few weeks ago we reported that around $1 billion worth of cocaine (15,500 kilos) was seized from a container ship at a Philadelphia port after having stopped in Colombia, Chile, Peru, Panama and the Bahamas (subsequently it turned out that it was a record $1.3 billion, or 18,000 kilos worth).

Today we learn that the vessel, the MSC Gayane, is owned by JP Morgan, and has been seized by US authorities according to the Wall Street Journal. The Gayane is the world's second-largest container ship - operated by Switzerland-based Mediterranean Shipping Co, MSC.

..Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) has pledged to combat illegal wildlife trafficking after signing the Buckingham Palace Declaration at a ceremony in London with HRH Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge.