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letsdothis3 ago

Looking up National Institute of Mental Health on Voat:


NIMH mentioned in body of main post... then comment:

Do you know where Global Education models are being created? Racine, Wisconsin.

Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health

The Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health Initiative was led by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the Global Alliance for Chronic Disease in partnership with the Wellcome Trust, the McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

A Pizzagate Special Report Pt 1: Jan Irving Of GnosticMedia Attempted To Cultivate A Relationship With Nora Maccoby and Kept It From The Research Community by @ASolo

Psychologist Dr. Henry Alexander Murray (May 13, 1893 – June 23, 1988) of Harvard University was the CIA’s preeminent elder statesman. During World War II, he left Harvard as the director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic to join the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as a lieutenant colonel. For Allied Forces, particular America and Britain, Dr. Murray developed special psychological assessment tests to recruit and select secret agents. He joined with the Schools and Training Branch of the OSS to write an entire book about the recruitment of special agents called Assessment of Men. The title was later changed to Selection of Personnel for Clandestine Operations: Assessment of Men.

Murray was indeed a Cold War warrior—not, perhaps, as prominent a player as some, but a player nonetheless. He received steady funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, which had served as cover for his trip with Cantril to the Soviet Union for the CIA in 1958, and from the National Institute of Mental Health, also known to be a covert funding conduit.

carmencita ago

OMG What a bit of news. Fancy Kidman just "accidentally" dying after being charged with horrid abuse by Fiona B. NIMH. How frightening.

ASolo ago

This forum keeps revolving around in circles because all of the connections have already been vetted out, it just hasn't caught fire like many thought it would because it is a much bigger beast than most could imagine and it it is just smoldering in denial and disbelief for most. Keep up the good work LDT3 I admire your tenacity for this place.


This forum keeps revolving around in circles

You're right, but the circles are getting tighter and tighter each time. We are approaching the great abyss.

We're gonna have to hold hands for this.

TrustTheTruth ago

Racine is The ROOT and Model for Global Education Reform.

Why are they pushing mental health programs and "Parent University" in Racine?

Where is Abbott?

What has happened with Big Ten Universities?

What has happened with Ivy League Universities?

What is the Prairie School in Racine?

What is the Prairie School in Chicago?

What is it next to?

What has happened with public schools in comparison?

What do Google, Facebook, and other "Social Policing" platforms represent?

What is Bright Horizons? What is Higher Expectations? What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild's real name?

What is SnapTrends? What is Palantir? What is PRISM? What is Cellebrite?

What is the Clinton's Model for Community Policing?

Racine, Wisconsin

What is The Deal Trump made for the 8th Wonder of the World?

Racine, Wisconsin

What is the Model for 5G+ AI, Smart Cities and Resilient Communities?

Racine, Wisconsin

What is the Model for Labor Reform, Second Chance Programs and Prison Labor Reform?

Racine, Wisconsin

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

letsdothis3 ago

Re Dr. Kidman

So I found this rabbit hole the other day. I have been debating on posting because it is pretty heavy. I think I am going to and I don't think it will cause trouble the links have pencil colour drawings with description, not pictures. Be forewarned is extremely hard to digest and triggering.

This blog follows the abuse survival story of a lady from down under. She names many names involved in mk ultra slave and pedofile rings. Very high up names.

All the talk of the Clinton foundation and involvement with the Aussie government, pine gap, etc. made me feel like it is important to spread. I hope I am not wrong, be fore warned it is explicit and it is pretty bad, enter at your own risk.

Once you get through her picture drawings, supporting her memories, there are many other links to follow leading back to Dr. Martin Orne. Who was one of the heads of original mk ultra programs and spread them to Australia. (And Canada but that's another story)

He was also involved with many high profile court cases such as Patty Hearst. He headed a movement, also, that discredited "false memories of abuse".

So he helped create mk ultra. Then he went on to discredit survivors of ritual abuse who tried to come forward. He pioneered hypnosis techniques then accused abuse survivors of creating false memories under hypnosis. The false memory society also was pro pedophillia.

Dr. Martin Orne trained Dr. Anthony Kidman in Australia. Dr. Kidman is named in the above blogs in this women's stories.

All the info is in the links from the blog. If you cannot stomach looking through the woman's story you can just look at other links. I hope I am ok to post.

carmencita ago

I read that woman's report a while back. I would not be able to now. Horrid. Absolutely horrid. If Kidman was a pupil of Orne's we can only imagine what he was capable of. Nicole must have had some Childhood. Supposedly he tied that woman to a chair when she was a girl and sexually abused her while Nicole watched with a smirk. Nothing like passing on family traditions to your Children.