WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I have a lot of info on the Jesters, from a Florida former congressional candidate. Gus Bilirakis is involved, a congress critter. His daddy was in the US House for 35 years! I will post a link to a dropbox here, with all of the docs and research on the Jesters that we have.


HighLevelInsider ago

You admitted to being an FBI agent who does not believe in pizzagate, and is trying to discredit us. You also threatened to kill me.

BerksResident ago

Sounds like something a "bon viviant" would be part of

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R) is a member of the 'jesters'. His daddy was In this congressional seat for 35 years!!! Then of course it went to Gus, who always appears mentally challenged. I'm not making fun. He attends jester meetings. (W. Central Fla seat)

adding the link with all the docs here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/84edi5joje0g9jd/AAC0tAd1tBvKp64jjN9Qw0Wba?dl=0

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

PS. There's hard core evidence in there about human trafficking, Jesters, and Gus....

equineluvr ago

Thanks for posting this. The Jesters are an important topic that needs to be addressed here.

Good video, but that guy is very naive and/or walking the line.

Shriners have been known for DECADES to sexually abuse the child patients in their hospitals.

Sorry, but "good works": and being "pillars of the community" does not negate the evil works they commit.

Listen to Sandy; she knows her stuff.

Also, remember that Freemasonry is a crypto Jewish organization.

HighLevelInsider ago

Also, remember that Freemasonry is a crypto Jewish organization.

They use the form of the mystery schools, including Caballah, but they don't know what any of it means:

"No one journeys now 'from the high place of Cabaon to the threshing floor of Oman the Yebusite,' nor has seen, 'his Master, clothed in blue and gold;' nor are apprentices and Fellow-crafts any longer paid at their respective Columns; nor is the Master's working tool the Tracing Board, nor does he use in his work 'Chalk, Charcoal, and an Earthen Vessel,' nor does the Apprentice, becoming a Fellow Craft, pass from the square to the compass; for the meanings of these phrases as symbols have long been lost."

-Albert Pike