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argosciv ago


[1: comment 4/4]:

[33. wiki: Coca-Cola Amatil]:

Coca-Cola Amatil (CCA) is one of the largest bottlers of non-alcoholic ready-to-drink beverages in the Asia-Pacific region and one of the world's five major Coca-Cola bottlers. CCA operates in six countries – Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Samoa.

"Think mirror"

Amatil backwards: Litama

[34. wiki: Beileguet Litama]:

Beileguet Litama is a village and rural commune in Mauritania.

[35. wiki: Mauritania]:

Mauritania (/ˌmɒrɪˈteɪniə, ˌmɔːrɪ-/ (About this sound listen);[7] Arabic: موريتانيا‎ Mūrītānyā; Wolof: Gànnaar; Soninke: Murutaane; Pulaar: Moritani; French: Mauritanie), officially the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, is a country in Northwest Africa.[8][9][10] It is the eleventh largest country in Africa and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Western Sahara to the north and northwest, Algeria to the northeast, Mali to the east and southeast, and Senegal to the southwest.~

[33. [1: [34. wiki: Peoples Temple]]]:

In California



Some defections occurred,[48] most notably in 1973, when eight mostly young members, known as the "Gang of Eight", defected together.[49] Because the Gang of Eight were aware of sinister threats to potentially defecting members, they suspected Jones would send a search party to look for them.[49] Their fears proved correct: Jones employed multiple search parties, including one scanning highways from a rented airplane.[50] The Gang of Eight drove three trucks loaded with firearms toward Canada, avoiding watched U.S. Highway 101.[49] Because they feared taking firearms over the Canada–US border, the Gang of Eight traveled instead to the hills of Montana, where they wrote a long letter documenting their complaints.[50]

Former Temple member Jeannie Mills later wrote that Jones called 30 members to his home and forebodingly declared that, in light of the Gang of Eight defection, "in order to keep our apostolic socialism, we should all kill ourselves and leave a note saying that because of harassment, a socialist group cannot exist at this time."[51] Jones became furious, waving a pistol in his Planning Commission meeting while threatening potential defectors and referring to the Gang of Eight as "Trotskyite defectors" and "Coca-Cola revolutionaries".[52] While the Temple did not execute the suicide plan Jones described, it did conduct fake suicide rituals in the years that followed.[51]

Again, call me crazy, but, it seems as though we're looking at collusion between nefarious parties including Ottomans(and/or loyalists thereto), Scientology and NXIVM.

I firmly believe those 3 parties(and others) had a hand in the death of Dolores O'Riordan, though the purpose of her death is not immediately apparent.

It seems apparent that Michael Avenatti is playing a very active role within this network of corruption involving the above and other elements discussed in this entry and previous entries - keeping in mind also: Q posts 1752 - 1761...

I have no reason to suspect Paris Hilton of wrongdoing, moreover, I believe that she is being used/exploited.

The death of Muammar Gaddafi appears to be inherently connected to all of this and I feel that the pieces here begin to paint a clear picture as to who wanted him dead and why Hillary Clinton was so cheerful in her statement, "We came, we saw, he died"

I think a lot of what has been explored here, seems part of why there is such a push to constantly cast Russia in a negative light; to drum up Cold-War-esque paranoia and otherwise deflect attention away from the reality of the conflict and human-rights abuses in Eurasia and Africa & also to hinder economic and peace related processes in these regions.

I'll finish this entry up here at this point, with a bit of room left over for updates/additional info.


(space reserved)


Turisas - Rasputin (Live)

Turisas - End of an Empire (Lyrics)
