This is a comment from YouTube user "GalacticPopulators" made on Titus Frost's video interview of the CPP hacker, mentioned in this thread:
"I'm just a random computer guy. I was following #pizzagate from fairly early in its discovery. I see people commenting here who are experiencing such a high level of cognitive dissonance that they can't believe this interview is real, suggest it is a LARP, etc. I can offer this unremarkable corroboration of Big Fish's story: .__ When I first encountered information online about Comet Pizza, I went to the "CPonline" website to look around. What I'll call the "front part" of the website was an unremarkable generic "this is our pizza restaurant," "here's a pix of me [Alifantis] cooking a pizza," etc. As I drilled down deeper, I happened upon a place which seemed to be unfinished. It was as if I fell into some directory where testing of chunks of website implementation code had been collected. I didn't download or examine the source code or anything, because I didn't really have any expectations; I wasn't researching or looking for anything in particular, because the whole #pizzagate concept was new to me. At tht time, I had yet to experience the disgusting cognitive dissonance and twilight nightmare shock of realizing that this was real, and these pedophiles were more-or-less openly raping and murdering children and sharing their experiences online with impunity. What normal person could imagine such a thing??? .__ I'm not sure how I "happened" into the section which contained pedo pix and vids. Unlike Big Fish, I did not work out a procedure which would get me through whatever gate CPonline had implemented to keep the non-pedos out. I kind of think access to the "back area" of the website was granted by some kind of clock or timeout procedure. It seemed to me at the time that I was just looking around, and after doing the same kind of poking at files and looking around for a while things, I found myself in a section where the downloadable files, pix, films, etc., were of children being abused. I still think this is part of the way they filter out the good people from the evil people: If you are interested enough in the softer stuff to hold your interest, then they advance you into the harder stuff. It was disgusting. I didn't burrow down very far, and I didn't download many of the files once I recognized what they were. It was just too disgusting and shocking. Since I wasn't looking for anything in particular, wasn't part of any investigation or even citizen's group, it didn't occur to me to try to record any of the screens. Also, once admitted to the "back section" past the pedo curtain, it was just what whomever random early pizzagate investigator had described, so it didn't occur to me that there would be a need to prove what was obviously there in front of my face in the future. .__ A few days later, when I noticed that none of the CP people had been arrested yet, I went back to investigate the "back room" of the Comet Pizza website. It was still there, but this time, the collection of downloadable files was much tamer. It was mostly weird paintings and artworks and stuff. There no longer seemed to be any concrete photos of children being abused in the collection of pix or file icons I could click on. A few days later, the "back room" of the CP website seemed to disappear entirely. At least, I didn't find any access to it anymore. .__ Has anyone investigated to see if, by some unlikely serendipity, Internet Archive, or The Wayback Machine, may have archived some of this disgusting materiel evidence? .__ I consider myself a computer sophisticate. I've been using computers and the internet since the mainframe and ARPAnet/bitnet days. And I was naive enough to kind of subconsciously believe that the online evidence in the "back room" of "CometPIzzaOnline" would continue to exist. What were we thinking??? Of course these criminals acted to protect themselves!!! The only method I would have known to record what was there would have been to have someone video my computer screen over my shoulder to show uncut continuity and context, etc. With me so naive, IMAGINE HOW INCOMPREHENSIBLE THE CYBER MEASURES AND COUNTER-MEASURES ENACTED BY THESE PEDO CRIMINALS must have been to some high school grad beat-cop who has worked his way up to being an investigator. Especially if he doesn't have time to just "hang out" on the website until it magically lets him see "behind the pedo curtain." Don't attribute to malice what can easily be explained by extreme ignorance and stupidity. .__ Add to this the, "I was a bully in high school so I became a cop," attitude of most police and FBI investigators, and you have a personality which prevents them asking for help or guidance to help find their way through the "cyber maze to the child porn" set up by the "pizzagators," and you have a recipe for mistrust and disaster. Augment this state of affairs by a >$100B illicit nonprofit fund used to influence people to prevent investigation of #pizzagate, and you end up with things like despicable excuse of a human being MeGyn Kellye commiserating with Alefantis in prime-time about how hard it must be for him for his trafficking, raping and murdering of children to be interrupted. I pray these criminal pedos are on the cusp of being locked-up in prison forever! .__ But, doubters – viewers suggesting this could be a LARP – NO!!! This is not a LARP or a joke. This is real. The CP website was distributing child rape and torture porn online. And the law enforcement agencies have apparently morphed into co-conspirators and supporters of crime. As hard as it is for a normal person with a normal background to imagine, this has somehow become the real USA in which we now live."
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Reddit_traitor ago
This sounds like a larp. If i found cp on their servers I'd screen shot proof call that shit in asap.
ridleychozo ago
And where would you legally post that proof for all to see? Are you sure you've thought this through?
Reddit_traitor ago
I would not post it any were I'd submit it as evidence. If i was to post it online I'd post stuff that would not get me in trouble.
therealkrispy ago
What you want to do if you find something like this is go to a public library, use a proxy, make a throwaway Voat account, acquire CCP, post it on here and leave, going down a convoluted path to get home. That is, if you value your own life, but still want to help the cause and expose these freaks. You do it in that order. Don't make the account in advance. Oh, and either leave your phone at home or wrap it in tinfoil until it goes right to voicemail when you call yourself.