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Reddit_traitor ago

This sounds like a larp. If i found cp on their servers I'd screen shot proof call that shit in asap.

dooob ago

First comment

Ok so let me start with this i am not saying you wrote this for "clicks", "views" or "money" but I'm also not seeing any evidence? A pseudonymous interview. A corrections officer arrrsted for child porn. A car thief in some bushes... like they say; extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and I'm not seeing it here

Titus responds (Titus was the one who broke the story)

Lolz, as I explained multiple times and anyone who reports child porn knows, you cannot put the evidence on the internet, you can't even look at more than three photos to confirm the rest is child porn. All you can do is after seeing 3 images, call the police, tell them where it is, and tell them to investigate. After that it is a POLICE MATTER! If you have questions call and ask the DC Police for the evidence and see what they tell you.

Yep, smells like fuckery.

edit: important question: did the hacker show the proofs to Titus or is Titus believing the hacker based on his words only?

ridleychozo ago

And where would you legally post that proof for all to see? Are you sure you've thought this through?

Reddit_traitor ago

I would not post it any were I'd submit it as evidence. If i was to post it online I'd post stuff that would not get me in trouble.

therealkrispy ago

What you want to do if you find something like this is go to a public library, use a proxy, make a throwaway Voat account, acquire CCP, post it on here and leave, going down a convoluted path to get home. That is, if you value your own life, but still want to help the cause and expose these freaks. You do it in that order. Don't make the account in advance. Oh, and either leave your phone at home or wrap it in tinfoil until it goes right to voicemail when you call yourself.