argosciv ago

You ready for more synchronicity?

I shit you not, just a few hours ago(October 3rd 2017, time of writing ~11:30pm - fucking malicious attacks) I was discussing the Vegas shooting and the broader connections, with a very close friend... he, in jest, said, "What happens in vegas, stays in vegas", my friend is very much like me and has a different way of having obtained similar knowledge/abilities, he is not always sure why he says what he says but he has proven vital at times & always delivers abstractly(I will reveal no more).

Further conversations in the last couple of hours, having pointed out to him, a particular Marilyn Manson video/movie combo - including a certain PRESLEY connection, led to an upcoming thread... Part 4 inbound.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @GothamGirl @VictorSteinerDavion

cantsleepawink ago

As I was saying to someone yesterday, the download of information (for some of us) is quite intense at the moment.

carmencita ago

YES There is a movie I can't remember now Something about The Teenage Movie (I can't access anything right now) and in it Jaimie Pressly plays a character named Priscilla which was the name of Elvis's first wife. I am having very serious problems on voat. Very Serious. If I can I will send you a PM. Yes, I am having the Malicious Attacks as well.