Zoltanismysecretname ago

Lifetouch....hmmm... That's the same name of the folks that take school photos and class pictures. I wonder.....

Godwillwin ago

Yes. My kids all have little ID cards that say smilesafe so if they ever go missing, we will have that picture for authorities to post (child's info is next to the pic on the card)

Zoltanismysecretname ago

I am just picturing in my head the possibility of a "catalogue" type situation where people with access can make selections that fit criteria.... It is terrifying!!!! And I don't even have children!

fogdryer ago

Yes it is

srayzie ago

If I remember correctly, they are also involved with storing babies umbilical cord blood. Parents sometimes choose that in case the child someday ends up needing it because of some illness.

My friend was here last week. She whipped out a DNA test and told her twins to swipe their mouths. You should have seen my face 😮 They look exactly alike, but she wanted to confirm that they were identical. There is no way I'd send my kids DNA out.

The Illuminati is involved in all of these types of things. So many people have no clue.

Godwillwin ago

My daughter's friend who had cancer gave her DNA at Saint Jude children's hospital for a pharmacogenetic study called GK4. Do you think saint Jude's is nefarious?

carmencita ago

Very interesting post for you to check out @Godwillwin

Jem777 ago

This should get a flair. Pulling on this thread will break the damn.

Jem777 ago

There is a massive network of pedo-Satanists in St, Louis .... pizza places are involved. He is @wolftrail7272

This researcher above has done incredible work . Not sure if he can post. It would be great if he could provide some keys words. Question yelled Obama in Missouri in Missouri @what is your favorite pizza"

He laughed as if an inside joke had just happened.

He yelled back a (pizza place involved in pedo)

carmencita ago

Yes, it is Pi Pizza. I also think that Imo's is involved in this whole mess. They are a huge chain.

carmencita ago

Meet the Newest Board Member: RWB Charlie Wiegert was appointed to the Grand Line on September 27, 2016 by MW Richard Smith. He is probably a real charmer. Masonic Lodge Member

carmencita ago

You did a Bang Up Job @fogdryer Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Upvoat4U

Jem777 ago

They already have the chip ready and probably have used it. I believe they want to Microchip everyone.

carmencita ago

Yes, and on this site they list the up coming dates they have planned to appear at Coldwell Bank and others to Chip our children. The scumbags.

srayzie ago

I've read this before. Can you believe that?!

carmencita ago

Something that has entered my mind after hearing of the Chips, is about the Wall people want built. If we are chipped, the wall will be a great way to keep US in, not only them out. This has been worrying me almost every night at bedtime.

fogdryer ago

The wall won't keep you in

It's the chip

carmencita ago

You mean because once it is in us, they will always know where we are? How can we stop this, or is it already too late?

Godwillwin ago

It's not too late because we haven't been chipped yet. They have my kids' fingerprints though for their lunch program at school. It's a private school, so maybe it's safe?? I doubt it though

carmencita ago

We can hope and we can pray. I just had a few words with the Lord.

Godwillwin ago

Carmencita, what do you think of this? I was going to call it BS, but when you post on 4chan you are automatically assigned digits st the top of your post. Look at his digits. He knew he would get those digits before he hit submit/start a new thread. How did he know. I have to admit, I'm scared. I've read about the rapture and the 3 days of darkness since I was young. I used to followed all the visionaries in medjugorie. I don't want to live through the rapture and 3 days of darkness. I don't want anything at my windows. Tell me I'm crazy and this guy is crazy and I'm just being spooked


carmencita ago

I believe it will be proved wrong. There are many who wish to frighten us. The eclipse is half over. I think very hard prayers will push against this power if it is at all true. Have faith and pray hard all day and tonight. I will too. Peace.

Godwillwin ago

Yes! Calling on Him ALL



carmencita ago

I am getting a little impatient with him. He has put us in quite a fix throwing that devil out of heaven and unleashing him on us. He owes us some help. HELLO? Are You Up There?

Godwillwin ago

Also, we had Hillary tweet that guy saying what goes around comet's around Covfefe

Has anyone ever REALLY figured out what covfefe means?

Godwillwin ago

I agree. I keep telling my husband that, and he says have faith have faith. I flat out told him I was mad at God a few weeks ago. He said you can be mad all you want but keep the faith. So I am, but it's been a rough 11 months! Even being on vacation etc this year, these children were always on my mind. Always! I feel like I wasn't fully present at anything this year.

Now I hanging some hope on assange's info being handed over to the President. Every week I hang hope on something else. I have to even though the past wgat I thought would be "saving graces" were sort of duds. I guess all the duds are still SOMETHING and they expose a little more truth every time.

We had swordfishes revealations. we had vault 7. We had Flynn jr tweet. We had wiener's laptop contents being handed over to state Dept by FBI recently. We had the Seth Rich PI going forward- which we still don't really know if Seth knew about pizzagate- but the panda thing makes me wonder. We have the Awan brothers and dws fiasco. We have the death of the Haiti guy in Florida and those 2 other guys and that lawyer Elizabeth Beck crying about organ harvesting and Mayo Clinic. We have Cornell and Chester's deaths. And now we have that senator that had a 3 hour meeting with Assange. He's saying the public will be informed of what assange revealed by the end of the week. But I'm worried it will only be proof of not Russia and won't really blow open pedogate investigation. So all those above things have kept me hanging on like a monkey from branch to branch. I wonder how long we will be swinging from branch to branch?

I've been wondering, where is James alefantis? I wish we had someone in the paparazzi on our side. I feel like we could connect some dots if someone was tailing him and podesta 24/7. We could piece some things together knowing their day to day whereabouts over the past 11 months. Huma abedin's too.

carmencita ago

I am on trip now and hard to get wifi. If they prove it is not Russians then it will prove it was a leaker. That will put an end to their dog and pony show. I still think something big will break. A big clue is in the HTG post a few days ago.

fogdryer ago

Yep total control

The NWO We have trump to hold them back but it is done. Been in the works for like 40 50 years

The country debt is too high. If we had less stealing from the politicians we would not be in this mess. If we had an active citizen we would have stopped the stealing Only the NWO is willing to absorb our debt Only four countries left........ Look st Greece .....

carmencita ago

Well, I believe that BO set that up, about Greece I mean. This is bad news indeed. I am hoping for a miracle.

fogdryer ago

Too late Gonna be a requirement for fed gov employees

The babies will be chipped at birth or done by pediatrician with the vaccines Then the push if you want welfare, food stamps etc Homeless will be chipped Then us. Volunteer first than mandatory

carmencita ago

That scares the H out of me. So then Trump is in on this? We had such hopes.

fogdryer ago

never put your hopes in the government lol only going to get disappointed

no one is supposed to save us, just lead

carmencita ago

I m leaving on a trip See my message here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2068440

carmencita ago

We will have to do that ourselves. I am hoping for some luck and bad strokes for them. And hard work on our part.

fogdryer ago

Yes and no

carmencita ago

DarkMath is having rough time. Jew haters are ganging up on him really bad and one wants to beat him up. He just pinged Vindicator and MF https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2070065

srayzie ago

That chip is the mark of the beast! Christians aren't going to accept it.

carmencita ago

Maybe not, but some may be forced. Why do you think Fox Conn is building large huge centers and so is Amazon and hiring thousands? They will demand you to be chipped to keep your job. I believe other large companies will demand same. We have a lot of low income people and before you know it. There may be forced chips or jail. We have Community Policing with armor now and the MS 13 number over 16K and more. I hope you are right, but they have planned this already. Right now they are manufacturing all this fear and they will already get others to volunteer of their own free will. Scary Times.

Jem777 ago

This is when you can really talk to your friend d and family. Refuse the chip. Do not go to locations that have this.


fogdryer ago

Ah ha People want work right Pick your poison

carmencita ago

I wonder if they are in all the states yet? They must be. I see you pinged the Wolf. I will ping @mooteensy

srayzie ago

I know. This stuff scares me so bad. Out of all these years, what the Bible describes as the end times is happening right before our eyes. We are witnessing it. The end is near. I hope the rapture comes first.

Godwillwin ago

And the virgin will have the moon at her feet and sun in her womb with a crown of 12 stars in September 23rd. My daughter says this happens every 7,000 years, so this is the first time since Jesus came that this is happening. I'm not sure if she's right about that part, However

fogdryer ago

I feel the anxiety and fear Family and friends call me drama queen

srayzie ago

Oh I know how that feels

carmencita ago

I hope we get the rapture and they get the rupture!

srayzie ago

Lol me too

2impendingdoom ago

i think its @Godwillwin

I bet they want to chip adults too if they can. Crazy shit we are living through.

fogdryer ago

It's the NWO

fogdryer ago

The gov wants yo begin chipping employees. Mandatory Later down the road it will be us And of course the babies

SoldierofLight ago

It's a nightmare coming true unless a whole lot more people wake up and get as pissed off about this plan as we are.

Godwillwin ago

Based on the election, is it safe to say it's looking like about half of the country knows what is going on and a good bit more may be clueless but once they are aware they will be "woke" too

carmencita ago

This greatly worries me. These are indeed frightening times. How will it all end? IDK. I will have to ping him.