WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Hoover and Bush in the US set the Rings up locally and today they have grown everywhere, and infected every institution we have surrounding children and the law. Police, judges, CPS all involved. And let us not forget the military. Prescott Bush put this together through Operation Paperclip when he imported than Nazi scientists at the height of World War II. Most were mind War scientists. Less than 1/3 we're rocket scientists.

hojuruku ago

@DeanKeyote - @Darkmath you are both being fucken morons flipping out at each other.



Dark Math's post is making hitler look good you moron. You two idiots don't have to flip out at eachother. Idiots both of you. I wash my hands of this saga.


No seriously I have seen many documentaries about the perversion that was the Weirmar republic. Let me find some... I'll be back with the links later.

Now remember I have exposed the Jewish Board of Deputies running http://twitter.com/nodiscrm which is NORMALIZING PEDOPHILIA AND SUING EVEN MY DAD FOR DISRESPECTING STATE MEDIA PRAISED BABY ANAL RAPIST GAY MARRIAGE ACTIVISTS: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702 https://www.quora.com/Who-would-you-trust-alone-with-your-kids-Obama-or-Trump/answer/Luke-McKee-1

... Now surely you can find the videos I speak of talking about how pedophilia wasn't frowned upon in Germany before hitler did the clean up too. I don't know why you two are flipping out at eachother.

@DarkMath did a pro-hitler piece covering this. ZIEG HAIL!

Also the word homosexual was coined in Germany by a boy rape victim and open pedophile. If anyone refutes this, I'll dig up my research. Please do :)

DanKeyhote ago

He is a kikeshill baiting us to associate us with the troll obviously. His sole purpose here is to disinform like his JEW BUTTBUDDY WEBB. I have t flipped out either, like when he says the white race is a cancer for the last 2000 years

hojuruku ago


I detected he would try and bait ppl to flip out and then call for mod bans. I made him fire too early by talking about others I came across a decade ago who attempted to murder me in china and said you are not worth it as you haven't tired to do harm against me yet - but if you had like the only guy named in this video you'd have both of your arms broken like he got.

I had to pull a few favors to get a gay judges arms broken for trying to get the PSB in China to kill me. Since they have tried to set me up overseas a few times, but I've always been a few steps ahead of the Democrats / Leftist pedo operatives who are after me.


2 months later - only person named in the video... BOOM!


Anyway he tried to accuse me of threatening him saying he deserves the same. I said don't cross that line DarkMath it's not wise. I don't work alone when I take down pedophiles in Asia. Tammy Lynne-Charles knows what I mean.

hojuruku ago

Did he say anti-white racist content? ooh link to these comments and archive.is them. I do anti-fag myself but if you say like that anyone will flip if they are not a leftist pussy whipped cuck beta male.

DarkMath ago

"DarkMath did a pro-hitler piece covering this. ZIEG HAIL!"

Actually I didn't. I just did a post about Lustmord Theater and how David Hawkins of Abel Danger thinks Anthony Blunt, Victor Rothschild and Guy Burgess maybe have introduced the idea to MI6 and the company that would later become Serco.

BashJewishSkulls ago

Can someone please dox this jew DarkMath so we can hunt this diot jew retard down and smash its jew faggot pedo skull open, along with the rest of its jew dog shit family?>

DarkMath ago

Donkey you don't want me doxed because the minute you know who I am the FBI will arrest you.

Or at least that's what the said the last time you threatened to kill me. You don't know who I am so they can't do anything.

But in case you're wondering it is against the law to threaten to kill someone.


equineluvr ago

"Homosexuals and Transgenders were openly celebrated as they should be because one does not choose their sexual orientation."

There is ZERO supportive evidence of this ^>

It FIGURES that a HOMO FAGGIT like you would be espousing this bullshit, LMAO!!

DarkMath ago

So you chose to be heterosexual? No wonder you're so miserable.


BashJewishSkulls ago

It was easy to tell you're a jewish faggot pedo. Thanks for confessing it finally. I really hope someone pours gasoline over your jewish faggot head and sets you on fire. And I hope they post the video so that all can see how a piece of jew criminal faggot dog shit ends.

DarkMath ago

Donkey it's not my fault white women don't want to fuck you.

BashJewishSkulls ago

Pig, it is your fault that you are an inbred jewish piece of shit that will get a bullet in its dog shit faggot face soon. Your entire family of inbred faggot jew dog shit will be lined up and killed. I will kick the teeth out of your disgusting jew pig snout.

DarkMath ago

Donkey you're repeating yourself. I got the message the first time.


DeanKeyhote ago

Why would i suddenly make an alt to say violent shit you libelous prick? Is it not clear i prefer to use my devastating verbal abilities my jewish blood bestows

DarkMath ago

Lol. You're Jewish now?!

You're either drunk or high. It's all good brother. I was once in your shoes living as a slave to drugs and alcohol. If you ever get the urge to get sober let me know.

DeanKeyhote ago

I notice you cant respond to any points raised. Not that i had any hopes.

DarkMath ago

I don't debate drunk people. Sorry. Ping me sometime tomorrow.

DeanKeyhote ago

LOL you flee from confrontation even when i supposedly have a handicap. Jews

DarkMath ago

Handicap? It's the opposite. I've never won an argument with a drunk person and this time would have been no different.

DanKeyhote ago

Everything there after "argument" is redundant

DarkMath ago

Exactly my point.


DanKeyhote ago

Highly convenient this dude is around for you to bait us with a thread about Jews, thereby lumping us together. You think youre coy you fuckin loser?

DarkMath ago

I'm sick of explaining to people the Rothschild's aren't really Jewish.

Donkey you're the guy who is so intellectually lazy you fell for 90 year old German Propaganda.

My advice is get a European History degree and then we'll talk. You sound like Joseph Goebbels right now. It's hysterical. I can't take you seriously.

Free your mind and your ass will follow.


DeanKeyhote ago

Weimar sexuality is one of the things that brought Hitler to power because it was a JEWISH phenomenon just as pornography is here and the white slave trade is in Russia. You obviously tried to imply the opposite with your title because you are a despicable kikeshill LIAR.

But your shill handbook instructs you to repeat THE GLIBBEST of retorts to sway the lurkers and women --in this case a link no one will follow meant to imply that I was once checkmated and fled. But as always i respond with JEWISH sources such as the JewishEncyclopedia.com which says its a Jewish family, so we are left wondering how you could end up defending Jews even when THEY dont think they need it. http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/12909-rothschild

DarkMath ago

Well that went from 100 to 0 real quick. A minute ago you wanted to kill me and my extended family.

Now you're debating Weimar sexuality. Are you high right now?

DeanKeyhote ago

Fuck you. Yes.

SterlingJB ago


BashJewishSkulls ago

I hope a nigger takes a lead pipe and smashes your jewish face in with it.

DarkMath ago

Donkey I'm not Jewish remember. My sister is Jewish.

Just so I'm clear do you want to kill her too?

BashJewishSkulls ago

I want to put a chain around your sister's filthy jew neck, kick her in the face, smash every tooth out of her pig snout, and shoot that piece of shit in the head and kill it to make sure it never breeds again or spreads its disgusting inbred jew diseases to humans. You and your family are stupid, retarded trash that's way past its sell-by date. You will be exterminated like the stupid garbage that you are.

Shillaxe ago

And how many people have you killed before.

DarkMath ago

Ok. Good to know. I'll now add her towns police department in the list of people to notify if and when I get doxed.

And also since she's Jewish I'll let some Mossad people know. They have no reason to protect me but got only knows what they might have in store for you.


SmashJewishSnouts ago

I already doxed you, bitch. One false move out of you and your name and address will be made publish and your jew family dies.

DarkMath ago

Go for it. Publish it all you want I don't give a shit.

BashJewishSkulls ago

You are a stupid, inbred, retarded jew faggot, and I want to put a bullet in your skull at point-blank range.

fogdryer ago

Why do you talk like that He did not attack you. No reason to be so nasty. Nothing personal was said. We all don't have to agree just respect one another

DarkMath ago

Got it. Just pray I don't get doxed.

Have you ever served time in prison?

SmashJewishSnouts ago

I already doxed you faggot. Have you ever served time at the end of a rope, jew faggot?

DarkMath ago

Who am I?

SterlingJB ago

You're good dick meth (sorry, couldnt help it). Only God can doxx us now, or at least this douche sure isn't

DarkMath ago

"You're good dick meth"

Lol. I love it. You made my day. I'm serious and not being sarcastic. That made me laugh.


SterlingJB ago

Thank Donkey. He's a raging chauvinist/bigot, but he's sometimes hilarious while doing it.

Shillaxe ago

I wouldn't be surprised if he's typing from a prison

SmashJewishSnouts ago

I wouldn't be surprised if you volunteer to suck nigger cock at your local prison, because you are an inbred mentally jew homosexual that needs to be put to death.

Shillaxe ago

And your an intellectual giant , from the stone age, PLEASE take a creative writing class so we don't have to read the same 20 words ad infinitum ; "kike, nigger, fag..."

JewsArePedoGarbage ago

I really hope your jew butt buddy David Hawkins gets his jew skull smashed open too. That would be two dead jews, and that's a good thing. The only thing better is 2 million dead jews, and I think you, DarkMath, and your family of inbred jew pedo homosexual dog shit would be a GREAT place to start!

seekingpeace ago

David Hawkins is British. Now go away you bore.

DarkMath ago

You want to kill me?

KillLotsOfJews ago

Not just you, but your entire family of inbred subhuman fake "jewish" dog shit - male, female, young and old. I want to kill every single one of them, and you too. I might take your sister as a slave for while though, before I bash her disgusting pig face in with a tire iron.

DarkMath ago

Interesting. So you would like to kill me but you're so afraid of me you had to create a throw away account to tell me.

That means you're a coward and a whiny little bitch.

Hhhhmmm, that would mean you're Donkey!


BashJewishSkulls ago

lol, why would i be afraid of a scrawny little jew faggot pedo like you? The only reason I'm using a new account is because your fellow jew cocksucking pedo dog shit banned all my other ones, you stupid fucking faggot. Why don't you go buy a gun and blow your jew faggot inbred freak head open and save us the trouble?

DarkMath ago

Donkey do you actually want to kill me for real or does your SEIU shill script tell you to say that?

@Vindicator @Millennial_Falcon

BashJewishSkulls ago

Pig I will smash your jew face in. I will take your disgusting ugly freak sister as a slave and I will burn her alive for entertainment. I will smash your grandmother's commie freak face in with a pick-axe.

Shillaxe ago

So your a sadist , likely a pedo sadist with women's underwear on & lipstick smeared all over your face as you play with your cats entrails.

DarkMath ago

Got it. What would will the SEIU do when they find out what you're doing here.

JewsArePedoGarbage ago

I think it's far more likely to have come from the only religion on earth that openly condones the homosexual rape of small children, called Judaism. It's the religion your father practiced on you on your third birthday, which is why you grew up to be an inbred, half-retarded, and 100% transparent jew faggot shill, and I hope someone takes a lead pipe and smashes you across your jew faggot skull with it soon.

"Rab makes nine years the minimum; but if one committed sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is incurred. Samuel makes three the minimum."

  • The Talmud, the "holy book" of DarkMath's Dad