DonKeyhote ago

Im antimuslim but pro marrying off girls, because they exist to procreate. And proving a family isnt Jewish, which a photograph does NOT, means nothing because jews are who benefit and i do mean collectively.

Whites ended barbarism and slavery fyi, some potent killing force introducing sanitation and human rights to savages. You fucking ingrate faggot.

angry_mob ago

you're a sick mysoginist fcuk

DonKeyhote ago

My bad, they exist to work through their productive years, the womb is just to let you know when you're roughly halfway through life when it stops bleeding, much like an alarm clock

You crybaby little retard

angry_mob ago

ah ... true to form!

DarkMath ago

"which a photograph does NOT"

You're correct. A photograph isn't hard evidence of one's lineage but it's certainly worth at least something. Every last Jew I've ever met from my college roommate Freshman year to my brother in law and thousands in between have all looked "Jewish". It's uncanny in fact. If you think Carl von Rothschild looks "Jewish" then I'd like to talk to you about the Brooklyn Bridge.

And then there's the date the Illuminati was founded: 1776, a mere 3 years after the Jesuits were forced to go underground, ding ding ding, kind of like Jews have done historically in Europe?

Then there's old Carl not kissing the Pope's foot. Odd no?

Then there's the deliberate subterfuge. Whatever the truth about the Rothschilds is you can't deny it's covered in a thousand lies.


P.S. "Whites ended barbarism and slavery fyi"

No they didn't. CHARLEMAGNE ENDED PAGAN BARBARISM IN EUROPE. Who did Charlemagne work for?

Taylan ago

DAMNING EVIDENCE; Video Footage Of Jewish Ritual Sodomizing A New Born Baby.

This is how we wake up the Normies to the very Jewish Pizzagate. This is how we cause a revolution & reclaim our freedoms.

500 shares on FB already. I'm just gettin' warmed up. I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased, corrupt temple down on your head. It's gonna be biblical.

DarkMath ago

"to the very Jewish Pizzagate. "

Why don't you get a real job? Shilling for very American child rapists and organ harvesters like Hillary Clinton and the Podesta Perverts will rot your soul.

You better hope there is no God.


Taylan ago

"You better hope there is no God"

God would never approve of breaking a child's mind. Did you listen to the cry's?

I think your statement applies more to you than me.

DarkMath ago

Do you have trouble reading? Hillary Clinton and the Podesta Perverts aren't Jewish.

Get it? Do you need me to break out the Crayons?


DonutofShame ago

Is this because in Islam, Muslims are taught to hate Jews and he's trying to protect his religion from criticism since old moe had a child bride at 6 and consummated at 9?

DarkMath ago

"because in Islam"

I don't think @DeanKeyhote is a Muslim. Are you a Muslim DeanKeyhote?

DonutofShame ago

DanKeyhote, DawnKeyhote and DonKeyhote all commented with antisemitics comments in my post concerning Islam and the Islamic child sex grooming gangs in the UK that are linked to politicians there.

MrsPeacock ago

The resemblance is quite striking!